The new Big Brother 18 Battle Back will finally arrive this week after a long anticipated wait for the season’s twist that’s jumping ahead of the more typical returning Juror by bringing back one of the season’s first five evictees.
Since the twist was announced several weeks ago the season’s evictees to date have likely been sequestered away and safe from details of what’s been going on in the house. But now they’re close to busting out and we’ll see how it all goes down this Friday with a special 8/7c Big Brother episode on CBS.
Right now we’ve got Glenn Garcia, Jozea Flores, Victor Arroyo, and Bronte D’Acquisto lined up for the Battle Back arena. Those four evictees will be joined by either Tiffany Rousso, Da’Vonne Rogers, or Natalie Negrotti, but right now it looks like Tiffany is the most likely candidate.
Houseguests were warned by Big Brother they’d be put on lockdown early and doing it on a Tuesday is seriously early. I suspect there’s something going on with Battle Back in this elaborate set up, but we don’t know much of what’s going on. We don’t even know if the competitions have yet to begin.
It’s entirely possible the first three “battles” will be held in advance of Thursday’s eviction then the winner of those will face off against this week’s eliminated HG sometime that night or the next morning. Considering if they wait until Thursday night’s HoH comp to start all of these they’ll have to first clean up from the show’s comp then do four battles then clean that up and get ready for the Roadkill comp on Friday afternoon. That’s a lot of things to take care of in such a short time.
While it’d be interesting to see the final round of the Battle Back involved in this week’s HoH comp, like a parallel competition similar to BB15’s, we know that probably won’t happen because CBS is going to air a separate episode on Friday featuring all four competitions. Doing anything with it in Thursday’s show would reveal too much.
Friday night at 8/7c on CBS we’ll get a (likely prerecorded) show that delivers all the comps back to back with the returning HG revealed at the end of the show. Since Big Brother episodes are generally way behind the Feeds’ we don’t know how they’ll handle potential spoilers. If we get to watch Feeds on Friday before the show then we’ll know who is back in the house. With that in mind I’m expecting Feeds to be down at some point after Thursday’s live show until the end of the Friday night special episode. But in case we get them early, download our Big Brother App for spoiler notifications.
Don’t get too bummed over extended down Feeds though. Last week the Feeds were out for nearly nine hours on Friday due to nominations, Roadkill comp, Roadkill nomination DR visits, and Roadkill nomination ceremony so it’s not like we’ll be missing that much more with this event.
Update: CBS has now confirmed what I speculated above. Feeds will be down “for longer than usual later this week,” says CBS. We’ll have to wait and see when things stop. I’ve got my fingers crossed that we’ll still get some post-eviction Feeds before things go out for the Battle Back comps.
As for how the winner will be reintroduced to the game we’ll have to wait and see. I wouldn’t be surprised for the returnee to get one round of safety, so maybe he or she will show up after the nominations, but maybe not and we’ll get a revolving door situation with that HG right back out the door next round.
So who do you want back in the game? We’ve set up our poll below and want to hear your thoughts. Then get ready to join us for Friday night’s episode when we’ll be live recapping the spoilers and results at 8PM ET right here on the site!
Seeing how few votes Jozea has seriously made my day :P
His dad just voted for him
Can you imagine being sequestered with that? Listening to his mouth?
That’d be Glenn—an ex-cop no less. I fully expect a smackdown from Glenn—that alone should make him AFP, even if he doesn’t make it back on the show.
I hope Glenn wins
Ya Dog Gone right, now there was a true player.
I don’t even want to imagine. But wouldn’t they be sequestered separately so they can’t tell each other stuff?
That’s my thought.
I was thinking the same thing. Wouldn’t it be cool though, if they allowed the evictee to spill the beans? Not likely, but man that would be awesome.
Anyone else kinda want to see Jozea back. Not because I like him as a person, but because I think it would be entertaining to watch. I mean c’mon, when he “knew” Paulie had won Roadkill because he “reads faces”? That was gold.
No. NO. NO!
No way, no how, not, never, negative, uh uh.
Personally I don’t feel that way but I was surprised more people weren’t feeling that way and voting for him. If nothing else he was certainly entertaining.
If Glenn makes this comeback…
I say Glenn because he didn’t even get a chance to start… IMO
Plus no matter what (or where their personal game’s are @ the moment) the whole entire house will form mutiny in getting the “Battle Back” person evicted. With Glenn not really being on a side in the beginning.. He could be used to tip the scales or that one extra vote needed this/next week…
Depend who is coming back. This year, in BB Canada, they brought back one HG before jury and she ended up in F2.
I could see where if Glenn come back, he wouldn’t be very threatening, and they would let him hang around while they are taking care of the big threat. Plus remember, nobody voted Glenn out.
Oh god, I hated that twist. Absolutely hated it. It wasn’t even the fact that she got the chance to come back. It was that she got to come back with information she wouldn’t have known otherwise, and blow up people’s games. Mitch honestly probably would’ve won that season were it not for that idiotic twist. Stopped watching that season of BBCanada after production pulled that crap.
Yea, it’s true that Mitch got screwed by that twist.
He was on Nicole’s team (with her, Corey & Tiffany) but prior to that, he was with Paul and them to get out the vets.
I hope it’s Bronte. Love Bronte.
She was growing on me as well. I’d be okay if she came back. But, I feel for Glenn and hope he comes back. It all depends on the comp. they decide to use.
I don’t need to hear about Glenn’s daughter 24/7. I wish people could be more like James, and just have a daughter, and not constantly talk abut them.
True, that’s very annoying. Especially for people without kids.
How did we hear about Glenn’s daughter 24/7. He was in the house 5 min
His intro package.
James is more worried about Gnat and not about the game or his daughter.
Oh I hope it’s not Bronte
I second you on this, no way for Bronte!
Nah, the annoying voice + plus the comments she made about James, I was fine with her leaving and now I’m fine with her staying out.
If Glenn comes back, they’ll probably all go….”Who’s that guy?”
Mini Me all grown up!
He’s been sitting in a room for a month and a half, and they might just ask them to juggle a ball, whoever drops them first is out. He could be gone in 15 secs. lol
If he has been sitting alone in a room for weeks, he might be pretty good at juggling balls by now.
In more ways than one.
Too funny
You’re fun!
Awwww, thanks! I like to be expressive lol
My guess is that the 4th battle will be live. Hence the returning HG will go in on Friday night after the HoH comp and the nominations, which will give the returning HG, one week of safety.
My guess a week later.
That’s what I think will happen. :)
I assumed they were doing battle somewhere the same week they were evicted, with the loser going home at that time. Am I misunderstanding by thinking you are saying that they are waiting until they were all together and doing all of the battles back to back?
To be frank, nobody really knows for sure, not even Matthew.
That would be smart to do. That way no leaks or spoiler’s to who went home and who still has a chance.
Make’s sense about the spoilers. But if they did them all back to back, it wouldn’t be fair for it to be a physical comp. Glen could possibly be competing in as many as 4 comps in a row. I’m sure they wouldn’t do that. We’ll find out soon.
It would indeed make a lot more sense that they had the battle on every week.
The should have, but than it would basically be Redemption Room, I mean Island, from Survivor.
That’s exactly what I said, when they announce it.
I just wonder where the had the competition? Could be the Road kill camper… That way the can roll right up to the hotel ?
Plenty of space somewhere on the CBS studio campus.
4 comps in a row could also help glenn if it’s the same comp.
That’s a nice optimistic thought. :)
There are comps that you get better at over time. See: comp where you pull the ball up the wall on a bar with two strings.
I don’t think they’ve played that yet this season right? I know Frank won it his season and had to play every round (Quack Pack For Life lol)
See, that’s what I thought they were doing. Something in the way Julie first spoke of it gave me that impression.
Because of something that I either read or was said, and it very well might have been Julie, That is what I have thought all along. I guess we’ll find out Fri.
I thought the same. As they got evicted they battled it out and loser went home.
If they sent them home it could be leaked. IMO they kept them in separate hotels.
In one episode Julie did say each week the evicted house guest will battle the previous house guest, the looser goes home and the next house guest wait for the next evictee. Eg. Glen and Jozea will battle, whoever wins battle Victor, whoever wins battle with Bronte and whoever is evicted this week battle with who is there. So this week person is a 50/50.
Thanks, Bev. That all sounds very familiar. You must have that DVR’d or either have a really great memory.:)
You are welcome. Just memory, what we will be seeing will probably not be live, as each week one evictee goes home if they looses to their opponent; thats what Julie had said, unless production changes. Right now there should be just one person awaiting this weeks evictee.
With the houselockdown as of Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. PT, I believe they’re doing the Battle Back comps with the four evictees. This week’s evictee will get to return to the house to battle it out again? This week’s returnee will get to come back in and have immunity that week and won’t be selected to play in the Veto comp? Hate being in the dark on this twist since I’ll be away when it’s revealed and won’t find out til Sunday evening.
You can’t watch anything on your phone? Sorry, Joni. I’d make fast friends with the neighbor.
It’s hubby’s phone and it’s too full to put another app on it. I’ll find a way to see if I can add the app again on my Kindle Fire since it updated recently! I’ve got gobs of room on that.
Whoever comes will be interesting. Josea rubbed people the wrong way real quick real fast. He will see the revolving door. Victor could be scooped up for a number vote on either side but will his game play keep him in a little longer. Bronte she is just a number for one side of the house or the other. If she comes back, I look for her to score a comp even maybe HOH then we will see someone from Paulie’s side go u in a heart beat. This week’s evictee, we don’t know yet but either one could could potentially be force to be hell to live with. Glenn the one evictee that has no alliance and is a number for whichever team or alliance he teams up with. Mu guess is that Paulie’s side will dismiss him but Frank will be there for him.
Glenn was against the vets in the short time he was there. A lot has changed since then.
Yes but I am sure most have either forgotten or didn’t know he was against the vets. Strategy, Glenn.
I hope they use a random type comp to determine the outcome. I don’t like it when production sticks their fat little fingers into the game play.
no, random type comp requires no skill
Yes, but if it’s physical that tells me production wants Victor or Jozea back in the house. If it’s memory or anything to do with intelligence then production is tipping the scale in Bronte’s direction. I don’t know how they would help Glenn get back in because I know little about him, non physical for sure though.
He came close to beat Corey in that last comp of the 1st week. And that was physical.
Good point.
Corey, Lol is a joke!
I think they already had the comps in mind before people started getting eliminated
I am actually surprised to see that Jozea has people who want him back in the house…to be honest, I am fine with anyone getting a second chance except for him ~ his ego is way too big for me to endure any longer…
Maybe it’s people that don’t want him to come home.
Or people that really believe he is a messiah. LOL
Oh, Hosanna! There are always a few weirdos that will drink the koolaid.
You people are going to hell.
Cam your little nipples! :D
Well OK, but I’d rather someone else do it. No fun to palm your own little nipples.
You’re hilarious!
I don’t get it either, but he would make some good feeds. That would be the only reason I would want to see him back, and he would get voted right back out quick enough. No one wants to suffer through his Messiah complex again.
I don’t remember anyone that’s come back getting safety except way back on Marcellas season (don’t remember the season) Amy had safety the first week.
It’s a new twist.
Could be. All I know is I’m glad it’s on 3 nights in a row.
I can’t remember in Redemption island on Survivor, if the returning player had a week of safety.
No they didn’t.
Not too fast LG..You forgot David, he was given 2 weeks safety.
Haha I forgot.
I want Natalie gone this week and for Victor to replace her in the house (return). With Victor, Tiffany & Davonne all in the house together, it should be a lot of fun for the feeders!!!
LOL, that would be fun to watch.
Natalie will be the perfect person to keep until the end. She will not win BB and except for James if he is not in the final, may not get any votes.
No, she is another Victoria, she doesn’t even play the game and she doesn’t realize she is on BB, she is a snooze. I want people who are going to get in the game, not do high kicks, she’s cute and all, but no.
The HG told Derrick and Cody that Victoria would have gotten their votes if she would have been in the finals. Bitter HG choose the worst player.
Either way, couldn’t stand Victoria and Nat, like I said, boring.
Damn right you are, just look at seasons three and four. Three especially.
Boobs are awesome but they are not that awesome. If she refuses to play the game then she has no business being in that house.
She said last night she hasn’t had a boob job *eyeroll and wants to get another boob job to make them bigger. Oy! She didn’t say another, because she doesn’t want to admit they are fake, ha, girl….we do have eyes and they are FAKE!
Google her name and cheerleader. You will see the before pic.
That stuff doesn’t matter to me. I just think she won’t add drama to the house/not fight to compete. I would be ok with Bridgette going, too (don’t care for her) but since she is so devoted to Frank and willing to get blooded for him, I would be ok with her going after Natalie.
It doesn’t matter to me either, just snarking on it.
They’d be much nicer if they weren’t bought and paid for.
Agreed :)
Depends on the boobs, darling….
Jk, just had to go there.
Yep! ;)
lol. I’m not into her fakes, I just meant because she is a floater that doesn’t have a chance to win. If the two best players stay at the end it will be for a better show and make it more interesting, but as a player I think is best to choose who they could beat.
The only thing is Victor would run over there w/his best friend Paul.
EXACTLY! Lol. That was why I didn’t want him returning (or if he did, to send him right back out) but now – I’m down with spicing things up – Let him come back and rejoin with “ur boy”, Paul (kidding)! Between Frank & Paulie fighting over Tiff & Da, and Paul seeing an opportunity (perhaps) with his boy, Victor – I think that would be very interesting!!!!! Ha ha
Big Meetch more like Big Beetch!
Come on flip the house already!
I’m so excited!
I want to see Glenn come back because he never got to play the game and I do believe that it would be really interesting to see how he would interface with the rest of the house. I already know the other players and I was bored of them all.
I agree. I want him for the same reason. He wasn’t voted out by any of the HG.
I’d like to see him come back too, we really don’t know his game play or least I don’t, didn’t watch him at all and it would be something different to add to the house dynamic.
I hope whoever comes back do not hook up w/Paulie! I can not take another person that join the walking dead.
I totally agree. With Glenn being an ex cop it would be interesting to see how well he reads people.
Well there’s no way he’d read people better than Jozea – and he’s always right, remember?
Add one more vote for Glenn.
I’d be thrilled if Glenn came back.
Me too!
I’d love to see Glenn come back too. He tried to tell his team the first row of the puzzle was wrong. They didn’t listen to him and because of that error, he got booted from the show.
I really hope Tiff gets evicted and comes back on Friday with a week of safety… people are gonna be so annoyed and I’m gonna be so entertained!
I like the show cause of the HOT girls, but Da Vonne, by far the HOTTEST.
Yeah, uh… not.
I only want week fours evicted to return if it is Tiff. If tiff is still in the house, I would like to see Glenn.
Matt, not sure if this has been addressed and I think I know the answer. But with someone coming back in, does this push jury back a week?
At first I thought it might be a one on one competition each week for the battle back. With the winner competing with the next evicted houseguest and then the last one standing would go back in the house. Now I’m almost certain it will simply be a single competition among the 5 evictees all at once. One comp and one winner gets to go back in the house.
So Glenn had 4 weeks to rest and prepare and this last house guest will have a couple of hours if that.
I hope Glenn since he didn’t really get a chance to play the game.
Day played bad inher last season and this season she is playing another terrible game.
This season is for sure a season of very week females.