Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Who Won HoH Last Night?

The latest results are in for this week’s Big Brother 17 eviction and with another player gone it was time for two other players to step up and take control. This pair of Houseguests will be working overnight on their nominations to be ready for Friday morning’s announcement of their decisions.

Julie Chen hosts the Big Brother HoH comp
Julie Chen hosts the Big Brother HoH comp – Source: CBS

It was a 90’s themed HoH competition where we watched as the Fly Girls imposters jumped around and then HGs had to recall aspects of the performance. It was beyond bizarre and I’m still not sure why it happened or what was going on. Who ate Big Brother’s budget this year?

Big Brother 17 – Week 4 Heads of Household:

After just 3 short rounds the comp was over and our new HoHs this week are: Liz Nolan & Shelli Poole.

Yes, the same people are back in charge this week for the third straight round of events. Sigh. Big Brother lives off the power shifts and we’re not getting them. We’ll need some internal struggles from the controlling alliance if there’s going to be hope of a surprise here. Luckily from what we’re hearing tonight on the Feeds the paranoia might be taking over Vanessa and giving us the drama we want.

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  1. Hands down THE stupidest HoH competition in the history of the show. I was embarrassed for Big Brother watching it.

    • They always put the true/false or A/B competitions, but they couldn’t use a memory competition on past BB events because of the twins. It was silly, but it was fair, which is more important.

      • Oh I know that. But they could have done something actually Big Brother related, like showing them a before/after picture of things in the house, or pictures of competitions and then having them spot the differences immediately after showing them the pictures.

        But memorizing 90’s dance choreography?

      • They will probably have to figure something else out for the comp where you have to get closest to what day each event was if liz or julia are still there.

  2. Well CBS and BB USA.. you have officially done it.. 17 years..17 faithful years I have paid for the feeds but I’m officially done.. way too stupid for me. Your so-called “twists” are nothing that hasn’t been done before.. what these HG need is some serious booze action to get all liquored up and start something.. I’m just done with this childish behavior.

    • Personally I find this season to be much more entertaining than the last two seasons. Although there may be no one nearly as likable as Donny, Nicole, or Zach nor as perfect as the great players of the past like Dan, Dr.Will or Derrick, they are just so scattered over the place that the season has become very unpredictable. You probably beg to differ, but there were nine people lie competing for HoH that weren’t part of the sixth sense. So unless the group of Lizia, Austin, Vanessa and Chelli can win power with two becoming HoH each week, houseguests on the other side like James, Jackie, Meg, and Jason will eventually have a more than fair opportunity to grab one of the HoH seats next week. Personally, I enjoy the group dynamic of the sixth sense much better than the other side, although I do find James very likable and Jason to be somewhat interesting. I just cannot find a reason to enjoy Meg, who just comes off as spoiled and loud to me. The point is, power will come to shift and alliances will fracture, you’ll have someone to root for and someone to hate-my favorite is Julia if anyone is wondering-and at this point the only person one could predict as having a fair chance at winning is John. With an unpredictable, entertaining season with a cast of *mostly* strong personalities, I can’t find a reason to pinpoint the blame on the twists. On the contrary, I think the BotB could actually be working this season.

  3. Yeah I thought the competition was totally bizarre. As it was happening I couldn’t believe that this is what they came up with.

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