Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Week 9 Veto Competition Results

Big Brother spoilers reveal who won the Power of Veto this week as the two nominees find themselves on a crash course for Thursday night’s eviction show if they didn’t get themselves out of trouble.

Big Brother 17 Power of Veto medallion
Big Brother 17 Power of Veto medallion – Source: CBS

With the way plans had shifted if the nominees didn’t win the power themselves then no one else was going to help them. Find out who won the PoV and what that could mean for this week of Big Brother.

Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Week 9 Veto Competition Results:

  • Vanessa won the Power of Veto!

This was the face morph challenge and required individual performances which is why it took nearly five hours. When Feeds finally returned Vanessa was already declaring she wasn’t going to use it and she was very upset that Meg didn’t congratulate her or give her a hug. Vanessa thought it was unacceptable for Meg to be crying after the comp.

Houseguests playing in today’s comp included Austin (HoH), John & Steve (noms) along with Julia, Meg, and Vanessa.

This was a late day competition as the evening rolled around likely due to overheating concerns for the Zingot. Yep, the Zingbot was back and we’re likely to hear lots of retellings of what he had to say.

Not long before the comp we had just heard from Liz and Austin debating whether or not Steve or John was the real concern for them this week as they watched the two working together more closely. This was going to be a critical comp for both of the nominees.

What do you think of the PoV Comp results? What will happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be coming up on Monday afternoon and we’ll post spoilers when they happen.

Turn on your Live Feeds and enjoy the drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.



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    • The only good thing about her not going home this week is that when she does get the boot…and she will….she won’t be coming back.

      • She’ll for sure get her ticket if she winds up in F4 with the Austwins. Well, that would involve the Austwins using common sense, which I’m not sure they have.

        If Vanessa wins, it won’t prove how good she is, it’ll show how bad this year’s HGs are.

      • That would require common sense, and I doubt there’s enough there to go around. Liz and Austin are a lost cause as long as they’re in the house together since they don’t spend enough time thinking with their heads and only come up for air to eat. Julia has common sense, but certainly not enough to share three ways. None of these recruited HGs have the killer instinct it takes to win this game. Derrick played Season 16 quietly, methodically and with the prize in mind. Vanessa’s playing with the prize in mind, but she’s a dirty, nasty, manipulating whiny brat, and that’s why very few people like her.

      • yes austin biggest loser, afraid of blood, if jame win next week or vanessa she gonna do it,or jame put them upp

      • If balls are brains I would agree. Meg, Jackie and James could have gotten her out but they were too stupid to do it.

        Meg is about to lose her next close friend in the game and we will have to hear her cry one more time about why this happens to her. Maybe she will figure out its because she is stupid.

      • I’m not counting on her getting the boot unless Becky or Jackie comes back and wins. Shelli will rejoin her if she wins and get what’s left of the one side before they start on their own alliance members.

      • The only way I see Jackie or Becky coming back is if production rigs the comp for either one to win.

    • I just hope that Johnny Mac either finds a way for them to vote Steve out, or gets back in.

  1. Austin must be over the moon. The results couldn’t have gone better for him.

    Will be sad to see either John or Steve go, though. Hopefully whoever wins their way back into the game this Thursday can finally throw a monkey wrench into Vanessa and the Austwins.

    EDIT: Then again, they’re all questioning about Meg now, as she’s crying and Vanessa noted that she didn’t hug her after the comp.

    • I’m sad for John but if he threw this comp while competing against Vanessa and gets booted, he’s got it coming.

      • I’m a fan of hers. Hate her all you like but the woman’s still there. Her days might be numbered now what with the Austwins voting block and a returning player coming back but the fact she’s STILL there is very impressive.

      • Impressive, yes, but like you said, her days are numbered and, quite frankly, I’m over her paranoia. So ready to move on.

      • I don’t think they’re numbered. They had their chance for the last few weeks and nobody would do it. She’ll probably win HOH now and be safe again. You watch she’s going to go to the end and win.

      • I’m like one of Vanessa’s biggest fan on this bigbrothernetwork board. The woman is smart whether these haters on here like it or not. She knows how to manipulate people and situations in her favor. GO VANESSA! WIN IT!

      • Eh, she’s definitely good at getting in people’s heads and if that’s what takes her to the end, so be it and good for her.

        However, this is not some master game strategy she’s had and the others are just puppets on her strings. She’s just lucky to be playing in a season full of sheep who are too scared to do anything but will believe anything she tells them.

        And she’s a total fool if she believes going to the F4 with the Austwins is a good idea. Unless she wins two HoHs straight (which she could do) Austin will blast her for Liz (and by extension Julia) and Liz/Julia will do the same, though for each other, not necessarily Austin.

      • It’s not possible to win 2 HoHs straight. The outgoing HoH doesn’t play in the next HoH comp. It’s only possible for someone to alternate winning HoH and PoV to keep themselves safe.

        I think I remember a couple of seasons ago there was someone left in the house that was down to playing alone. They won either HoH and/or POV a few weeks in a row, before they were finally evicted. (BB historians, please help me out on who and which season!)

      • You can win 2 HoHs in a row if you the HoH for the final 4, and then you are eligible to compete for the final HoH competition when it’s down to 3.

      • I can not stand her at all. However, I will give credit where credit where credit is due. She is only there because the HG’s refuse to get her out, why is still a mystery to us. The only smart thing she has done was to align herself with the Austin and the twins. Those three must not understand there is a $500 thousand pay out at the end of the season otherwise they would vote her out as well.. I do see Vanessa as the future winner of BB17 though.

      • ‘Smart’ isn’t the best word (although she is that) – a better word might be ‘experienced’. She’s a $3 million + poker player, and you don’t get that way overnight. The newbies they cast in this year’s BB social experiment never stood a chance against her.

      • I agree. She is playing this game so smart…not laying around in bed all day and waiting for everyone else to do their dirty work like James and Meg.

      • It’s not all that difficult to manipulate the Austwins! hahahaha. I don’t hate Vanessa. I just don’t like the bullying she does to get them to do her bidding. That’s all.

      • You are exactly right, Joni. It would be just as easily accomplished without the bullying tactics. It’s obviously part of Vanessa’s nature and a very negative character trait which should never be rewarded.

      • She’ll get her own Reality Show out of this I’ll bet. The way that people have either loved her or hated her? She’s polarizing. She’ll get her own show on some cable network then come back for an All-Stars and get evicted in the first two weeks. Everyone wins! (Unless she somehow miraculously pulls a “Rachel.”)

      • Frankie isn’t an attractive woman who claims to have a girlfriend. Plus he doesn’t need a show. Doesn’t he have like 30m YouTube fans? (Sarcasm)

      • Van is about as attractive as Frankie is handsome (gagging as I typed that.) Frankie also has the benefit of a famous sister. He’s in the entertainment business. All of that and it’s still not working. No one is going to offer Van a show. Did you see how wooden she was doing a commercial? It was laughable.

      • Frankie’s show bombed and so would any show Vanessa tried. She may have won money at poker, but she is a loser.

      • I have to wonder what the BB producers were thinking when they were sure Frankie would be an audience favorite and a big star after BB.
        The same with Vanessa, middle America just can’t relate to her and find her gameplay appalling.
        It seems everyone is able to connect with JMac though even if he’s not the best player this season.

      • Very few people that I have seen, dislike JMac. I was so hoping he would get his act together and be more strategic. I was just reading on Jokers that he was upset with James and Meg because of how they turned on Becky. He has allowed Clay/Shelli and now this to affect his game. It’s all personal to him. I couldn’t play without it becoming a little personal, but to think logically and strategically, you’ve got to be able to put it aside for a while. I’m not sure is capable of that, and that speaks volumes to his character IMO.

      • Definitely K, JMac is just too decent to do well at BB. If he survives this week there’s still hope that someone will drag him to the end once the SS alliance has to turn on each other.
        Have you read the new article that’s up? Vanessa must have taken one of her crazy pills because she’s seeing plots against her everywhere.

      • OMGosh, if that’s what causes it, it’s about to get much worse, because she was just complaining about her pill being 3 hours late. A minute later, DR calls for her. It might get epic! lol

      • Oh Mylanta! She’s going to take her pill now so fasten your seatbelts, no telling what will happen next.

      • I have 8 pages of Jokers Updates to catch up on but today is going to be full of drama methinks.

      • Do a YouTube search for: Vanessa Rousso Off Tour: The Bonus Cut I’m fairly confident she’ll get a show out of this if she wants it. We’re somewhat obsessive about the show so we see the ugly stuff. The average straight male viewer will hear “hot lesbian poker player DJ with a hot girlfriend” and will check it out. It probably won’t do big numbers and might crash and burn first season, but I’ll bet she’ll be given the opp.

      • I don’t think she is a smart as the rest of the house is stupid. What has Vanessa been right about in this game? Every theory she had has been wrong.

      • How can one be a fan of hers? She is really annoying, thinking that she can tell everyone what to do. She’s only there because everyone is too chicken sh!t to get her out.

      • That’s exactly why I’m a fan. So many people (internet fans) seem to despise her and somehow she still manages to avoid eviction. I don’t have the feeds so I’m sure I’d probably feel exactly the same way you do if I did. (I’m assuming you have the feeds or watch BBAD or something because the TV Show edits haven’t shown any bad stuff.) But I don’t have them so I’m a fan because if she’s 1/10th as bad as commenters post about and she’s still managed to stay?, That’s incredibly impressive to me.

      • My oh my. ADHD medicine is what Van takes. call methamphetamine “adderol” and suddenly it is legal.

      • I said the same exact thing yesterday. He was an IDIOT to throw the last few comps. If he is sent out it is of his own doing. And….they will be losing their lapdog. The kid would literally do anything they asked him to do…and for what….to be stabbed in the back.

      • He is too trustworthy. You have to remember he doesn’t see what the viewers see actually going on.

      • That is an interesting point – losing their lapdog. There won’t be anyone left willing to sit as a pawn week after week, and nobody left to throw competitions for the remaining HGs. Heaven forbid now they will actually each have to start playing the game under their own power. I see a potential slaughterhouse coming – but an interesting one.

      • It would be impossible to know if he threw it or not. Even if he says that he did, he may be trying to safe face. “Van did the comp in just over 2 minutes. Julia in 4 minutes and 40 seconds. Austin & John only got to the 2nd one.” according to hamsters watch. So, it looks like each competitor was stopped when they went over a previous competitor’s time.

        I think I remember that the fastest time last year was over 5 minutes. 2 minutes for that comp would be really hard to beat.

    • How many times now has she whined someone didn’t hug her? She’d hate me. I dislike hugging anyone but immediate family or a close friend.

      • Twice that I know of, that time with Shelli and now Meg. Probably more, but I try not too pay too much attention to Vanessa whenever she’s whining.

      • Lavendar it seems like you and I have liked similar people in the past based on your comments, I guess not this year… who is your fav?

      • Well I’ve changed my mind every other week because they are all so stupid. I like JMac because he’s the underdog but I think he’s giving up. I feel bad for him because he’s too trustworthy. Now I want Vanessa to win HOH and go after the Austwins. They walk around like they own the house. Who do you like?

      • My fav since the beginning has been Vanessa. I don’t think it would be smart for her to go after the Austwins at this point. They all need to get rid of the stragglers first. I have never liked JMac because he has annoyed me so much. I feel Vanessa has been playing a perfect game and is very deserving to win the game. I would like to see Vanessa, Steve, Austwins f5. And Vanessa & Steve f2. Vanessa gets every vote.

      • I wouldn’t call Van’s game “perfect” so much as A. She’s been lucky and B. Her fellow competition just aren’t good players.

        It’s hard to see her progress as anything more than situational for this season. Put her in another season and it’s hard to see that level of meltdown and paranoia going far.

      • Lucky? No way. She has outplayed the house and is very deserving. In other seasons, I see the same thing happening. If she could have played these people any better, idk how it would be possible..

      • She’s been lucky in the sense that she got an easy house to play against. Put her in the house with the likes of Dan Gheesling, Mike Boogie, Derrick Levasseur and even Rachel Reilly and I think we’d see a completely different game. Viewers would end the season exhausted instead of turning off BBAD because the most exciting thing going on is watching HGs throwing aluminum foil wads into pots and pans.

      • Why would anyone want a strong alliance of 3 in there? Break up that alliance and even the playing field. These players are probably the most idiotic of any season. Throwing comps, not wanting to make big moves to get out strong players, etc. The only one who HAS made a big move was James when he put up Clay and Shelli. And since then, he’s done NOTHING. It’s becoming a snooze fest.

      • People have different opinions about not going after the Austwins yet but I think they’re all in over their heads now because of that approach. I know Julia and Liz talk about sacrificing Austin when the time comes but up until then they’re a solid triple vote block. I think whomever it is would be smart to try and chip away at them now because either way, they have a two vote team. Austin and Liz or Liz and Julia. Seems like Liz is the one to target. The fact that the Twins are still there when they’re in such a tight alliance with a third is amazing.

      • BTW! what’s with Austin cooking dinner, and constantly digging for gold? just how big does he wants his nose to get? lol…

      • There is no going to be any major moves yet. That is for sure. Becky has a chance to come back and that would be good this coming week if she wins the right to come back and win HOH. Then, she can go after Vanessa and Austin. If she fails, whoever it is even Shelli or Jackie then, it is over for them as they get evicted the week they came in. The only plus is there are less and less bodies left in the Big Brother House. After John goes, it is just James, Meg, Austin, Liz, Julia, Vanessa and Steve. I will be rooting for Becky until she gets eliminated. Then, Steve and Vanessa, as they have atleast, played the game. The rest can go after each other and gettting evicted is no consequence at this point—-they are all useless and deserve to lose!

      • I like Jmac cause I think he is a decent guy and an honest person, he is smart but has given up. I think production has to much input in the game and how things turn out. I have watch BB from the first season and have generally agreed with the outcomes until this season. This season has been difficult to watch.

      • I just DVR BBAD and fast fwd past the twins and Vanessa. Makes for a really short show when all they focus on is them lol.

      • The twins own the rights to whining in the house. They do it all day every day. It’s sooooooooooo freaking annoying.

      • Oh hell no. I would eat a bullet if I had to hear them in person on a daily basis. You can tell their parents completely spoiled them. I feel sorry for whoever marries them. Austin has no shot at being with Liz outside of the house. Even if she was really into him Julia would put a stop to it.

      • LOL. You do that quite well. They have a gift for adding syllables to names (especially Jamesah) and words. That incessant whining grates on my nerves. I end up fast forwarding past any parts of BBAD with the twins or Vanessa and her bug eyed conspiracy theories (lies) and crying.

      • I hear ya. I mean I think it could kill brain cells if you had to listen to it for too long lol.

      • If what Julia said about their parents is true, they would put an end to it, too. Liz still lives with them.

      • Right??? They haven’t been targeted this WHOLE ENTIRE GAME but they hate everyone besides themselves and occasionally Austin. I don’t freaking get it

      • Just the thought of being in the same room with a FAKE lying dog faced sociopath like her, makes me wanna wretch, much less having to go that extra mile and a half and physically touch her with a HUG, I would have to scrub by entire body with bleach…

      • If I had a dollar for every person that has said that week after week, I would have as much money as Vanessa has won.

      • Are you talking about the 4.5 million dollars in poker winnings or the zero she’s won this game? She won’t win this when the whole jury house hates her… no votes are coming her way.

      • John will absolutely vote for Steve in that scenario – they’ve been working together on and off, or have you not been watching?

      • I have the feeds. I still think he would vote for her but worst case Steve would get 1 vote to win.

      • I know it’s all relative to each group but in a world where Rachel Reilly can win I think HGs vote honestly after they’ve cooled a bit and look at things logically.

      • This is true. It all depends on how many bridges were burned and how much you pissed someone off. You could be the best BB player in the world, but if the jury absolutely hates you, you’re not gonna win over a well-liked HG.

      • If Rachel Reilly won that means her jury was immune to “hatred” votes. I think people are better than we assume when it comes to giving the title to the person who earned it. (Or maybe I just REALLY disliked Rachel Reilly.)

      • Plus, they always send in someone to “talk” to the jurors when it’s down to 3 HGs. I’ve noticed that the person talking tries to persuade the HGs into talking about who played the best game. They get a group mentality going.

      • Nope. And I know nothing about poker. This season has just been so lackluster she seems to be the only one actually playing. (I don’t watch the feeds either. I’m sure if I did I might feel differently.)

      • This is precisely what happened to Dan Gheesling in BB14. He played one of the best games yet lost to Ian Terry because he’d simply pissed off all the jury to get there. Ian was better loved. In fact, I’ve always been curious if Ian won because he played a better game or because nobody wanted to watch Dan win it all. I’m betting the latter.

      • Ian Terry outplayed Dan Gheesling although, he is one very good player. No way, Dan Gheesling would have won it! Ian won HOH and POV when he needed to and that is why he won! He is low key like Steve this season.

      • The only reason Dan didn’t win is because the jury had already agreed not to vote for him since he’d already won before.

      • I don’t know… she not only burned a lot of bridges but she sorta set them on fire. Not too many gracious losers in this world.

      • I have to agree with you this time killer_kel. That bunch won’t won over vanessa. Their chance was when Becky was trying to do it. Too late.

      • Over Meg, who she would probably bring to the end because she has done absolutely nothing? Yup.

      • They had Aaryn and Gina Marie who both made racial slurs. If they did not do so, Gina Marie would have won it as she made the move to finally, evict Amanda from the game!

      • Hey I’m taking it one step at a time. At least she’s not going home this week. :)

      • If she ever gets evicted, so be it! She played a GREAT game and she gave the winner a run for her/his money. KUDOS VANESSA!

      • I think she has a plan to break up the Twins and the Wrestler. I bet it will be brilliant

      • Considering the way Vanessa has played so far, the odds are stacked in her favor to win Big Brother this season. After they get rid of Johnny Mac and whoever comes back, say Becky, then, James then, it will be a Vanessa, Steve vs. Austin, Liz, Julia with Meg just there for her vote and a Final 2 option. So, Vanessa’s alliance would have won except for Shelli and Clay who got evicted. That is to be expected as collateral damage but, their alliance pretty much would have been loyal from beginning to end and picked off the other clueless house guests one by one. Becky is the only one of the stragglers who had a complete picture of the alliance and its members. There are still those who believe that Vanessa is by her lonesome and has no alliance. lol

    • Here, here! This is so great! She won it even when she didn’t need to, Peace out Johnny boy!

    • No, this is good. she has won, now she is showing she is not only a capable liar, but a gamer. which many have forgotten, this reminder can be her undoing. I like it.

      • Yeah I’m sure they are really mad that she won seeing as how the group was all planning on throwing it to her…

      • Exactly, they all see it and one more comp and she is going to jury, I am actually just waiting for the jury member to return, knowing she won’t be apart of it. :)

      • Umm I was being sarcastic. Austin and the twins wanted her to win this veto. She isn’t going anywhere.

      • I am just glad, she can’t come back if she left already, because she leaves after this week, she ain’t coming back and I’m going to wait for that and savor it, because the current jury knows they don’t stand a chance against her later on and they will convince the house to send her packing, regardless of who comes back.

      • I don’t think they would be gunning for Vanessa at that point and one of the 3 is Meg?? So 2 really.

      • I like the way you think Duran. I’m more excited for the jury comp, than the actual house competitions haha and I want V gone too, just knowing she can’t come back, is very sweet.

      • Right? I can’t wait for next week. when they will actually have to start playing and know they can’t come back. I know if one of the twins wins this season, it will look bad on how they were the only twins allowed to play. either way, drama and I love it.

    • Yeah….it’ll be in your face when she goes to jury and can’t come back LOLOLOLOL.

      • Oh yeah, that is something I am looking forward to. I actually think V has a decent game going on, but she is too emotional and its only a matter of time.

    • Just because she is running circles around the rest of the house doesn’t mean she deserves to win. She is a despicable person, and no one would be her friend outside the house. I don’t hate her and she will win this game, but I won’t applaud how shebhas played this game.

  2. Steve just said it was both Zingbot AND the Face Morph comp. Good to know what was taking so long.

  3. Poor Meg – embarrassed of her performance. I am sure Zingbot zinged her about her comp performances. I guess it doesn’t matter if Vanessa won since she was likely not going this week anyway.

    • Meg is killin’ it… no enemies and she’s sort of a ghost going undetected in this game. Meg is everyone’s friend!

      • Yeah, she could win, but it wouldn’t be deserved. Floating is not deserving of the win. If she wins, it’ll be like Jordan’s season. Jordan won, but she was a floater throughout the whole game, only winning like 2 or 3 comps the whole time.

      • Why is floating not deserving of a win? It is a strategy. It may not be a viewers favorite strategy, but I’m for any strategy that gets a player to the end. This game is 1/2 social, 1/4 big plays and 1/4 comps. So, why is it more important for the winner to be the big play gamer or more comps gamer, rather than the best social gamer?

        ETA: I forgot to add in the luck factor!

      • No, she is not going to win but, it is an easy $50,000 for doing nothing on Big Brother.

      • Yeah as Victoria showed, you do not have to be a comp beast. Everyone likes Meg, which means she may go far but leave before final 2 though – people might think she can win.

    • I actually find her mad adorable. but I hope she can survive til the end. I’d take her over V and this coming from someone who understands strategy, something about Vanessa just doesn’t feel right, I just don’t like someone playing for 500k who doesn’t really need it.

      • If you really think Meg deserves to win over Vanessa, I don’t think you should have the right to post. Seriously.

      • No I get what you mean, strategically thinking. as opposed to favoring someones personality. but still, Meg seems more down to earth, and V doesn’t actually need the money, I am pulling for anyone not Vanessa, regardless of game perception.

      • I know many don’t like Van, but you have to admit how amazing it would be when she finally goes away.

      • I agree – Vanessa would deserve it in my opinion. Juries can vote for different reasons though. It’s possible they would buy Meg’s only argument – everyone liked her so much she had a good social game.

      • It’s not even about winning competitions. Dr. Will didn’t win a single competition. But Meg didn’t manipulate or strategize. Unless she is trying to make herself seem so weak that everyone wants to take her to the final 2 and that’s her strategy.

      • Why? Meg has played a great social game. No one is concerned with her staying. She’s been used as a black widow over and over. She may be lousy at comps, but so what. She is well loved by the HGs and that is keeping her in the game.

        PS Everyone, except those posting advertisements, threats against other posters, and those using blatant anti-social language (swearing, slurs, etc.), has a right to post. Seriously.

      • No one who has used bullying tactics to get them where they are, NEVER DESERVES to even be considered a winner. Seriously.

      • I agree with you, except that I suspect Van really needs the big money. It’s been years since she won either really big or consistently. Her house has been on the market for over a year. She split from her husband quite a while before he passed away, so I doubt she got anything from his estate. She was living high on the hog for years. That probably didn’t stop after the money stopped flowing in. I think it’s safe to assume that her debt level is pretty high by now.

    • It mattered to Van because if JMac won it, he’d take himself off and either A would have to renom Van, James or Meg. Now he won’t have to if Van decides to keep the noms the same, which she will and most will vote out JMac. If JMac goes, I don’t think he’ll even try to win a way back in…he wants to go to the jury house because he’s just tired of all the mind games those left in the house play.

  4. I was hoping JMac or Steve could pull out a win, although whoever goes could come back. neither 1 has played particularly strong games though. JMac is a fun goofball but does he deserve to win just for that? Steve has wised up lately but he needs to get a whole lot better and quickly.

    • I will not be surprised if they convinced Jmac to throw it.

      I like the kid but his laugh drives me nuts. His laugh sounds like Beavis and Butthead.

      • His yelling drove me crazy for weeks. I won’t be surprised either and if so then he deserves to go. I got tired of that as his strategy after he did it once or twice.

      • ….and yet he continued to throw comps over and over and over. Who else will they get to throw comps… one. He is their one and only lackey.

  5. Ok they are targeting Lil Stevie now … well that’s good, sorry for him but as long as it’s not Vampire Dentist!!

    • I think we can expect another week like Clay and Shelli – constant changing of targets right up until it’s time to cast the vote.

      • It’s basically whoever Vanessa wants gone. So it will be the person who doesn’t suck her a$$ as she sees fit. Or the one who makes her the most paranoid.

    • I doubt they’ll campaign against each other so it’s very likely Steve gets evicted because the nit wit girls think they can beat Johnny Mac at everything all of a sudden.

    • I know Vanessa winning this veto, just gives Austin more time to think about who he actually wants gone. I can’t wait til they have to start picking themselves off. only reason why I haven’t tuned this season out so far. ;)

      • Austin ..”think” … now that’d be a first! Too much tattoo ink must have made his IQ and nuts shrivel up!

      • He’s been thinking with the wrong head all season. All of his brains have been below the belt.

      • According to Jokers(3:10 AM), Liz reached into Austin’s underwear. Just think, Liz was playing handball with those shiveled nuts. Hope she wasn’t sipping on any ink-poisoned “sea man”.
        I’ve reached an all-time low. :(

  6. Yes Van! Now use veto to take John off, and get into Austin’s ears and convince him to put up James! That way even if Jackie or Becky is back, they won’t have the number to do anything.

    Here’s hoping Shelli returns and teams up with Van to take on the Austwins!

    • As nice as that sounds it’s so not happening. Vanessa won’t use it and they’re actually considering evicting Steve now instead of Johnny Mac.

      • Vanessa might use it. They change their minds every two minutes on who they want gone.

      • I really wish she would but now she’s convincing Austwins that Steve, Johnny Mac & the Goblins are working together and that’s why they wanted her out. Smh… Only reason she’d use it now is to BD James but that’s still unlikely since Johnny Mac & Steve are already up. Honestly what I really wish for is a reset of this week before the jury member comes back to make it more interesting. I would die of happiness!!!

    • YEAH! I love the way you think! I would absolutely love it if Vanessa and Shelli were the final 2. That would be awesome.
      James does need to go, despite his hilariousness (he’s fun to watch).
      The biggest threats to Vanessa’s game are the Goblins and Liz and Austin. (Julia’s not a threat.)

    • That would be nice if they save Johnny Mac although, if Vanessa uses her POV, it may be to save Steve as he is her snitch. She should take Steve off and she should pressure Austin to put up James. Then, vote out James and send him to the jury house.

  7. How is anyone able to walk around the house with Vanessa’s big head filling it up? Lol! Ugh I hate how she thinks she walks on water.

  8. So on the side news … Madam Judas is one month late on her monthly period while Van Van is having her second period of the month … Oh mylanta even her period is that good!

  9. BB just did Lil Stevie’s hometown visit and early on they did Vampire Dentist’s. I wonder what the reason of doing their hometown visits instead of other HGs’? Well … somehow I think both of them could survive this eviction.

    • JMac has been so popular I understand them choosing him and Steve had so much stuff posted about him being “weird” and either Autistic or “off” that maybe they felt the audience would appreciate learning a bit about them both.

      • You wrote my exact thoughts regarding Steve possibly having Autism. As someone who’s worked with Autistic residents in a group home setting before, I do see potential signs. Regardless, Steve has been … interesting … to watch.

      • Who knows with Steve. He’s acted like someone in the early stages of schizophrenia from time to time as well. He seems soooo much more comfortable with himself now than he did at the beginning of the season.

  10. Please educate me if I’m wrong here but it seems like JohnnyMac should be seriously working Vanessa to stoke her paranoia. About the person being evicted next week (Week 10) not having the ability to re-enter the game. Might be a smart play to try and buy a rescue this week with the thoughts of having a “future friend” in the Jury as opposed to one who might come back in and mark you for eviction for not saving them. – Right or wrong there? (Would that work on her or not, Live Feeders?)

      • Might that approach work on her, Cyril? Or would it just be perceived as a “vicious, yelly attack!!!”

      • Of course it will. There’s a lot of things he can do. Right now the options are open. Twins are debating if it’s Steve or Jmac. He need to start talking games.

      • Hey LG. I saw them talking in the room. Was Van trying to engage a convo with Jmac? It’s obvious he doesn’t like her that much.Right?…he has to play the game. lol

      • I only caught part of it. She’s trying to find out from JMac and Steve if she was a backdoor plan. She’s freaking out because Meg was crying. She thinks she was crying because Vanessa won POV. You know paranoid Vanessa again. JMac says he’s been on the block so much he feels dead.

      • Oh I missed that. Looks like I’m gonna sleep late tonight. A lot of game talking in the house…and Vanessa’s paranoia?..don’t wanna miss that. lol

  11. So Van Van’s paranoia’s just got started, even after she won the PoV … go Van go … go Van go … blow it up … thru the roof!!! Everyone says ehhhh-ohhhhh …. (I am fake DJ-ing!!!)

  12. Just when you thought this show couldn’t get any worse! So sick of this BS. Big Brother better do something quick because I can’t stand this shiiii. Just give Vanessa the damn money and be done with it!

    Hope they “rewind” this week on Thursday night, but I doubt it. They’ll probably do it right before Vanessa is about to be evicted and save her nasty azz.

    • Right? It’s like when they kept trying to get rid of Audrey but worst bece she’s still around… Idk who’s worst, Christine, Vanessa, or Frankie ugh

      • Frankie was #2 on my “Worst Ever” list (no one will ever be able to unseat Rachel Reilly as #1 for me) but when he pulled off a victory in the Football game comp that Caleb refused to help with, that earned him some credit. (This post made me grin. Well done!)

      • They were never really trying to get rid of Audrey though…I really believe had she not gone off the mental deep end, she’d still be there today.

      • I mean when Becky, James, Jacki, and the other outsiders tried to get rid of her, just like the same people tried to get rid of Vanessa

    • Wouldn’t that be sweet. If they can save Rachel like they did, then let’s do it for my girl Vanessa!

    • You must really love Vanessa to have your username in her honor. I’m sure she would be flattered.
      I just find it funny that so many people say that it’s obvious Vanessa is going to win.
      I’m one of her biggest fans on here, and I’m not assuming that it’s a done deal. I’m not so sure that she will win, though I hope that such is the case. She’s a good player.

  13. Vanessa is very good at manipulating people, I mean she’s still there but Frankie and Christine were also very unlikable and every week they didn’t go home I thought for sure they would make it to the end but they didn’t so I have hope Vanessa will follow in their footsteps

    • I would agree on that. the house will actually be fun and less manic, once she goes to jury. I’ll miss her fits, but I won’t miss her. lol omg such a bitchy thing to say.

    • As long as Vanessa is causing drama, she will not go home. Production doesn’t have much of a show without her. Notice how people go into the DR and when they come out, somehow the targets are magically switched. BB didn’t realize they picked dumb people who would be so obvious about their interference.

  14. You know … the amount of thrash the annoying twins have been throwing about Vampire Dentist, when they get out of the house and realize that he’s the fan favorite and they are simply thrash … well, karma does go around!

  15. Big brother really needs to change the rules of the game. I’m so sick of people like Meg and Victoria acting like this a summer vacation and not do a damn THING. BB should have an incentive to win HOH, like the winner would have immunity the following week. They should also allow everyone to play veto as well to avoid all the back-dooring BS. Bring people that actually want to play the game!! Meg is throwing comps left and right.. She only tried to win the last veto because she didn’t want Becky to come off the block, risking a renom with herself or James by Liz

    • Come on now! She’s been trying! She did won a BoB with Jason. Only one person can win the HoH and the PoV.

      • See, that’s what bothers me so much about Meg…she is either really terrible at competitions or she is not trying because of her knee. I do not like her competition wise, and her social game is horrible. Yet she will be handed 50k because everyone wants to take a horrible player to guarantee themselves 500k.

      • Meg ate the floor and banged her head pretty good in the last HOH comp. She’s trying…. she just sucks at everything besides her social game. Hopefully they’ll be a HOH comp where it involves something requiring all luck and absolutely no physical/mental skill. Go Goblins Go!

      • So you want someone with no physical or mental skill to be awarded an HOH? How does that make any sense?

      • Remember the HOH comp where they were just slinging a ball towards #’s on the floor? It was all pure luck. Those are the only ones where Meg has a shot in winning.

      • She doesn’t deserve to win if her only chance is dumb luck. I can’t stand the random HOHs like that. It’s too important of a position to leave it to chance.

      • I dunno… this isn’t poker or chess. There’s a lot of luck to survive in this game.

      • I am not so sure, you have to use your head a lot in big brother. Luck will not keep you off the block. Luck will not change peoples votes. Sure you can get lucky in some veto and HOH competitions…but I cannot think of many. A lot require you to either use your body or your brain, where luck would not be a deciding factor you know.

      • Austin won this week and he didn’t have the balls to knock out Vanessa… even with the knowledge that Vanessa planned to BD him in the past.

      • That has nothing to do with anything. Just because you don’t like the result doesn’t mean they should swing the game to an “underdog” like Meg who isn’t good at anything. As much as I don’t like Vanessa, I respect that she’s found ways to survive. That’s the entire point of the game! Like with Sarah from BBCanada, I don’t understand why people root for the contestants that seem to be the worst at everything and aren’t strong strategically.

      • You can respect Vanessa all you want for surviving but Meg has just coasted through half of the contestants… without any blood on her hands and without winning a single comp. That’s mad game right there!

      • No. That’s taking a nap, pretending it’s summer camp, and being in a position where every houseguest wants to take you to the end because no one would ever vote for you. She’s Victoria 2.0

      • I was being sarcastic but honestly I’d rather be in Meg’s shoes than Vanessa’s. Of course all that can change w/ the HOH comp next week. Who knows? Maybe Meg is playing everyone and the true beast will come out soon. ;)

      • I just hope she starts doing something. Vanessa is annoying but it’s at least fun to watch her bounce off the walls. Meg feeds are just… bleh.

      • I love Vanessa the person and poker player. I just don’t like her inside the BB house. Her paranoia bugs the crap out of me. The only time she wasn’t paranoid in this game is when she was on the block w/ Shelli.

      • Then you’re forgetting the first 24 hours she spent in bed crying her eyes out and complaining that no one came to comfort her for the first 7 hours.

      • Both are to be respected, one more so than the other. That is an accomplishment to coast through the game week after week without having to worry about anything, but it’s not really ‘playing the game.’
        Vanessa is playing the game, all the while being seen as a huge threat to the others.
        If the final 2 were down to Meg and Vanessa, it’s a no-brainer that Vanessa would deserve the win more simply because she really played the game. Now whether people will be mature enough to vote for her even though they’ve felt that they’ve been wronged by her…that is the question.

      • yup! and those competitions are pathetic! playing a game, playing it hard but then you lose and go home because some dumbass ends up winning HOH only on luck! I would be embarrassed if I was in the house & was winning nothing whatsoever even though I was giving it a 100% but then I won with ONLY LUCK! just like what happened on jeff and jordan season when it was down to the two of them playing a game of ONLY LUCK & Jeff gave it to her! I wouldn’t be proud and celebrating that’s for sure! and I would be super pissed off if I was in this game and ended up going home because someone who never ever won anything won on a game of chance! I don’t understand the logic behind these types of competitions!
        and for the record, I do like Meg as a person but she is terrible at not only competitions but also gameplay in general.

      • The only thing we should expect from production is that the comps are gender neutral, that they remove obvious physical advantages that would favor the guys. OTEV comp was gender neutral. Ready-Set-Go was not (women did not stand a chance in that comp). As for sweet, lovable Meg, she just doesn’t have the mental or physical capacity to compete with any of the HG’s.

      • very true! I don’t like the challenges that are based on luck and luck only!!! Stooooopid! I do not understand the logic behind those type of competitions!

      • Shakes up the game. The mental comps favor the brains and physical ones favor the brawn. Luck comps – everybody has a shot. Power can shift. :)

      • yeah, I don’t think she is throwing anything! I think she is just absolutely useless. kind of like how I would be if I was on Big Brother LOL
        however, aside from not being able to win competitions lol I would be still playing the game as hard as I could! Yes, I would enjoy the vacation but $500,000 would get me a lot more vacations lol I do like Meg’s personality but, she doesn’t deserve to be final 2.
        even Austin is a fool, he’s just happy he made it to jury with Liz!

      • Survivor isn’t any different. It’s why Will ended up in the F3 this year. It just makes sense from a strategic standpoint to take someone who’s not going to get any votes.

    • Lay off of Meg. Like everyone has said, I believe she is really trying. She’s not physically strong enough to win physical competitions. I don’t think she’s treating it like a summer vacation. Sometimes, things just don’t go in her favor to where she can ‘play’ the game.
      She is a floater, but I don’t necessarily believe it’s her fault.

    • I have been saying this since week two! nice to see I’m not the only one! Aside from Vanessa, clay, Shellie & a little bit of play from Austin and the twins! so, pretty much the original Alliance……. The rest of the house has been treating it like summer camp! They all SAT back and watched their friends leave and only when Jason went home did they start to figure it all out! “oh right! We are playing big brother!! That means we should have an alliance and we should probably go out after the other people in the house who seem to be playing the game!!” James seems to only play the game when he is HOH! Jackie, Becky, meg, Jason and so on just sat back & laid around in the grey room! oh, and as for Austin he just wanted to make it to jury with Liz! This season has been so predictable, and only up until recently good some of the players oops I mean campers start to play the game, sort of!
      as far as personalities go, I do really like Johnny Mac because he is super funny, but he has or had zero gameplay! Meg is sweet but come on! Play the game already!
      I think big brother really needs to step up the game next year / season and find stronger more competitive people!
      & Big Brother has me completely confused because didn’t Julie say on premier night that there will be a twist every week so to expect the unexpected!? And what that lasted 3 weeks?! I haven’t seen any twist since then aside from one of the four jurors can make it back in the game!
      Big Brother Canada has been way better! Especially this season. they had crazy stuff happening all the time! And to be honest with you, some of their twists did not seem fair to me at all but at least they stuck to their word! sorry for the long reply lol I have a bad habit of doing this!

    • I think that Meg is playing the best game she can. If you get into the house and find that others are better than you are at comps, you have to find another way to stay in the game. She attached herself to an alliance and has made herself well loved by laughing at herself being the butt of most jokes. So far it’s worked for her.

      • She was a minute behind Steve:winning on the comic comp. Shelli was like 7 minutes behind, I think. That was pretty close.

  16. Meg is pushing for Lil Stevie’s eviction … well well well … I might luv this Grandma Meg again!!!

  17. I have to say … if Vampire Dentist is safe again this week (Lil Stevie or someone else gets evicted) it means he dodges the bullet twice in the row, that’s one more than Van Van ever did!

  18. Mission #894 Vanessa wants to know if she is the back door plan. .Crazy.interrogations lol

  19. Vanessa will not use the Veto. Hope that they send Steve into the Jury… and Becky wins to return to the game. It would be perfect.

  20. Now the talk switches to targeting Vampire Dentist … Good Lord! I feel like pulling out my bible and slap them with it!

  21. YES! YES! YES! NOW Vanessa’s for sure safe! I’m ecstatic for her! This is fantastic. Now she just has to keep winning Vetoes. I had such a feeling that she was going to get it! Way to go Vanessa!
    She’s crazy but I’m loving every bit of her!

      • absolutely! I will not be silenced at all! I don’t know about you but I have had a lot of personal attacks on my character because I am team Vanessa and I defend her actions for the most part! It’s actually quite funny, and totally hypocritical when people put me down for liking Vanessa! At least she’s playing the game, maybe a little bit too hard lol but who cares!

      • Some of these people on here are just ignorant…pure and simple. I’ve also had people make fun of me for liking Vanessa! I argue right back with them (though name-calling is not my game). It’s kind of awesome that she has so many people who either love her or hate her. She’s polarizing. One thing is clear, though: Vanessa is being talked about, more than any other house-guest this season. She has that going for her. I want her to win! Good luck, Vanessa!

      • Do you really, honestly believe that calling other users of this forum “ignorant” is a good “game move” for you?

        Do you seriously not see the hypocrisy?

      • I’m not a hypocrite. I don’t believe calling someone ignorant is the same as name-calling. People on here are ignorant to the fact that there are going to be some people who love Vanessa. Pure and simple.

      • Well it is hypocrisy, and “pure and simple” (stupid phrase) it is a reflection on why you like Vanessa so much. She’s a bully. Just because commenters disagree with you does not make them ignorant.

      • Again, she’s not a bully. You should look that word up. It’s far more serious than what you people see Vanessa as. It’s not her fault if people are afraid to directly target her. That’s their fault, not Vanessa’s.

        You’re ignorant. Pure and simple. I will not back down. Vanessa is still the best player in this game…win or lose…no one deserves it more than her. Whether that will happen or not remains to be seen. But until then…GO VANESSA!

      • Don’t call me ignorant, you are the one calling people names. I don’t need to look it up the word bully, I know it when I see it, and when I read it. “Pure and simple” I have been on this board for years and the rules are no naming calling. “Pure and simple” read the rules, they are “pure and simple” for you to read.

      • To me calling someone ignorant is not name-calling. But whatever…no use in beating a dead horse…
        VANESSA FTW!

      • I think people are fully aware that every single HG has fans. Those that can’t stand Van, like me, have a hard time understanding how anyone could root for someone with as many personality flaws as Van. It’s not ignorance, so much as being dumbfounded.

      • She’s playing a game So wouldn’t her flaws as you see them be game playing flaws. I doubt you have any idea about her personality.

      • Her level of paranoia and self-absorption are not game play. The bullying can be argued either way, but I suspect that since she’s so full of herself, it’s real, too. Everything that I read about her from before she started playing BB backs that up, too.

      • It’s almost as annoying as hearing Vanessa talk on the feeds isn’t it? All the novels aren’t necessary.

    • I like Vanessa, I think that she is playing a good game. Also her paranoia is making the feeds interesting. I don’t understand the Vanessa hate tbh.

      • It’s for the exact same reason that people couldn’t stand Frankie last season. Self-absorbed, whiners that bully other HGs are unlikeable by the majority.

      • Both Vanessa and Frankie are self absorbed but I haven’t seen either one of them bully a houseguest.

      • Yeah, everyone keeps calling her a bully/
        She’s not a bully whatsoever!
        Do you guys even know what bullying is?
        Bullies cause some people to commit suicide.
        Vanessa is not a bully.

      • I feel like that word gets abused in today’s society. Most people will just throw that word around whenever they feel like it instead of looking at the facts. The last person to get bullied imo was Elissa in S15 by Amanda. Other than that we haven’t seen anyone get bullied.

  22. Who is Vanessa , the queen of the world . She’s upset meg was crying. They should have gotten rid of her two weeks ago.Someone besides for James , grow a pair and get her out next chance.

  23. I can not STAND Vanessa in this game. Yet I think I dislike Austin and the twins a bit more. The things that come out of their mouths are just too stupid to be true.
    The only reason to continue watching the show is to see how Vanessa is able to pick them all off one by one.

    • I’ll be surprised if Van can make it past the Austwins, esp. in a F4 scenario. If she does win, it’ll be a testament to how bad this year’s HGs were.

      • Depending on who comes back from jury, she could very well have a shot. These houseguests are desperate for a leader it seems like. So Vanessa is leading them off a cliff.

        She may act like she loves the Austwins, but she knows they are in her way.

  24. Austin actually entertaining the idea that Vanessa is “number four” in his make believe “alliance” (they ALL are just using him and when it comes time to throw him UTB they will cackle while they do so… he will be blindsided because he actually thinks Liz and Julia like him) will be his downfall.

    He also has gone egomaniacal straight to his own head and thinks he is a TV star with a career waiting for him outside of the house after BB ends.

    Fat chance, bud. He is in for a serious set of reality checks in quick succession. It will be more than just a meltdown, that’s for sure!

  25. Disappointing result. I was hoping someone who would actually use the Veto would win as I was interested in seeing who Austin would put up as a replacement nominee. And was looking forward to seeing him and the twins squirm a little. Instead they get to skate by for another week.

    • He had decided that Meg, the black widow, would go up to evict the remaining nominee. It would have been less interesting than no one using it. This is going to be another very long week of boring feeds.

      • If that’s the case then you’re right it would be a boring week. I’m just tired of the dimwitted twins and Austin and Vanessa’s paranoia is not entertaining to me. Hopefully whoever returns from jury can bring some game with them.

      • I agree! Historically the returning player has not been able to crack the power, because no one wanted to accept them back into an alliance. I am so hoping that this year whoever returns can DO something! It would be great to see the returning juror twist actually work, rather than just be something that extends the show another week.

        On BB Can 3, the returning HG was able to turn the house upside down, before getting evicted the next week. It was entertaining to watch her really fight hard to regain a footing in the house.

  26. I am just so disappointed in this season of big brother. I have recently been binge watching old seasons (6, 8, 12,14) and compared to them this season is pathetic. Couples are coasting out in the open, one side of the house has mostly been in power, and everyone is scared to target major players! I have basically given up watching the show, I am now just checking the BBN to see who wins what, I have found myself not at all excited like I used to be for this show….now it has been on for 17 seasons so that is to be expected…but how come I still love survivor even though I have been watching it since I was in kindergarten. I think Big Brother itself needs to step up its game at this point because they are starting to lose loyal viewers! Maybe follow through with the takeover twist, find some HGs who actually applied to BB and NEED to win! I am not sure about other people but I would gladly watch regular people duke it out, no need for all these models…

    Okay okay, end rant before I keep going…and man could I keep going LOL

    • I agree with most of what you said, although I found last season to be the worst. At least this season the HGs are on to Vanessa, last season not one of the HGs ever questioned Derrick. I kept on thinking, how dumb are these people? BB does need to stop recruiting people who they think will be “eye candy” or “entertaining” and include more people who really want to play the game.

      • Yes exactly! I personally don’t care what people look like as long as they are entertaining x.x

    • So well said, PereBear. It’s an unbelievably weak season. OK, so there’s a little excitement (thanks to Vanessa) nearing the end, but overall? Huge casting failure. Watching BBAD is a complete waste of time – like watching college kids who don’t have all the booze they’d really like to have, so they make up stupid games to pass the time. All best buddies. I actually decided to watch it last night but they said POV was still going on and showed rerun of previous episode instead. Once I turned the TV off, I realized I had just been spared from what would have inevitably been a complete waste of time.

  27. I don’t understand all of you Vanessa haters. She is the 1 person who is truly playing this game and making it worth watching. At this point she is the only one (besides James) playing the game. What she is doing is no different than Dr Will or Dan G. Yet everyone thinks they were brilliant players. Go Vanessa

    • I don’t hate Vanessa but her over the top paranoia is really annoying. I don’t recall Dr. Will or Dan G. acting like her.

      • Tears are one thing and can be used effectively but the constant questioning of other HGs, outright lying and just overall in your face game play is what I find annoying.

      • I find her self-righteous attitude of “I am honest”, “my word has been good”, “I only lied once and it was only because I was told to”, “it’s everyone else’s fault”, “I am the victim”, “we’re the good guys”, etc. the most annoying! Self absorbed (possibly narcissistic) people are one of my pet peeves.

    • I think the reason is because she’s not a nice person. Derricks from.last season was manipulating everyone, yet he still.was a sincere person. Vanessa is not only a buly, but she’s delusional

    • I agree. If the rest of the house is willing to let her run their HOH’s then that is on them. The end goal is to win! She is a master manipulated which is a necessary skill in this game. Team Vanessa all the way!

      • I would not call her a master manipulator, although she is very good at pulling on people’s heartstrings. True puppet masters, like Derrick, go undetected by those they are manipulating.

      • Don Corleone was a master manipulator and put it on his business card “The will fear me”

      • Well she is a master manipulator if she can still survive after the others have been on to her for weeks. THAT is master manipulation.
        Vanessa’s game is far more dangerous than Derek’s. You gotta give her kudos for surviving week after week EVEN WHEN PEOPLE KNOW that she’s a huge liar.
        I love it! Go Vanessa!

      • YES! EXACTLY! Why do people not get that?
        Vanessa is there to win. The name of the game calls for lying and manipulation!

    • I like Vanessa,provides the chaos this show thrives on and at least she is never dull,the big snooze fest..hep.

  28. It’s a great day for Team Vanessa! Give yourselves a pat on the back

    I read the Vanessa/BB threads on the poker site 2+2 for 3 hours so you don’t have to. Most poker players didn’t care for her before BB because of her arrogant persona at the table but now agree she is playing a great BB game and are cheering her on. Lots of funny disparaging remarks and links about her poker game but then that’s what poker players do.

    I learned her ex spent the last 3+months of his life at Vanessa’s house (not theirs) That’s a lot of baggage and probably explains the meds. This was while she was figuring out her sexuality so it would probably make a great movie. Who would play Vanessa? I say Ellen Page or Rachael McAdams. McAdams was recently in a pretty good gambling movie with Bruce Willis so I guess she would get the nod

    • That would be difficult for him to spend months at Van’s house near the end of his life. He passed away in NY after a long fight with cancer. She lives in Nevada. I seriously doubt that he traveled much in his last few months. Van didn’t even attend his funeral. So, I’m not sure where you “learned” that he spent the last 3+ months of his life at her house. I got my information from reading news articles. Where did your information come from?

      • Hmmmm … gossip vs. news articles that do research. Yep, I can see the dilemma in choosing which one to believe.

      • Not a bully, a boss. She has little social skill so she has to be a boss rather than a leader. I don’t think one can literally be a bully without a physical threat. Even Austin could not be a bully

      • A threat doesn’t have to be physical. Blackmailers bully people into doing what they want without threatening physical violence. A bully is someone who forces someone to do something they wouldn’t ordinarily do, but they do it out of fear.

      • Boss? Bosses manipulate, for sure. Bullies manipulate leaving a person in fear. If I had a boss who tried to use those bullying tactics on me, that boss would be taken to HR. And yes, you absolutely can be a bully without a physical threat. I’ve used the definition on here before. If you want to know, look it up, but I don’t think you care since you are all about making excuses for her bullying.

  29. Who does Vanessa thing she is talking about Meg crying, hell that’s all Vanessa does is cry. What a hypocrite. I knew she wasn’t going home this week, I feel bad for John, I could care less about the rest of the HGs, what a bunch of losers.

  30. I know this is going to sound dumb, but production would rather save the person we hate the most then try to help the one we all like. Johnny Mac as been making the show watchable. After he’s gone…boringville….

    • In BB15 we all hated Amanda and she was evicted in September so there is still hope Vanessa will go too. At least now we know she CAN’T come back.

    • Production should not be saving or helping anyone. And despite all the conspiracy theories, I seriously doubt they help anyone.

      I can understand liking Jmac as a person and his antics.

      But as a player, he is horrible. Still completely clueless about what is going on around him. I watch for game play, not to root for a court jester like Jmac. IMHO the show will be better if he goes and any one of the 3 ladies come back and actually play some game.

      • Um, the players talk about how production helps them. It’s said right before the LF goes to fish or the camera switches. So, it isn’t a conspiracy theory. It happens. I believe the main purpose is to try to instill paranoia and drama, especially when the feeds have been dull and/or they need more filler for the show.

        I also think that is why BB is constantly admonishing them about talking about production and their DR sessions.

        I think they try to save anyone who is getting talked about the most. Except for CBS’ relationship with Freaky Frankie’s sister, they’d have no reason to favor a player that wasn’t providing some kind of hype (good or bad.)

      • I agree the players can glean things from what production asks them. And perhaps it changes their games – to ” instill paranoia and drama” . But what I meant is that I doubt that production is doing it to effect a desired end for production. They just want as spicy a show as they can get. If they got found out for fixing this game, it would be very bad for them (CBS).

      • They can’t “fix” the game by forcing people to vote or nominate who they want. But, they can and do tell the HGs things that they’d have no way of knowing otherwise. They say things to guide/persuade a HG into changing their way of thinking. We’ve seen time and time again a HG swear they are going to do something, come out of DR and say/do the exact opposite.

        They also conveniently have the right comp that will favor a HG at the right time and twists that show up at just the right time to save a HG.

      • I guess we should just agree to disagree on the first part. I sincerely doubt production does anything in the DR to intentionally give out info & try and effect
        an end that they have predetermined. You think they do – fair enough. No way to win for either of us on this one ;)

        But I feel your final line is pure conspiracy theory. It can seem that way at times, but they (production) have likely set all the comps and twists before the season. If they truly did try to select a comp or a twist to help any particular HG at any time, that is blatant fixing and CBS would have lawsuits on their hands. You’d have to prove it, of course, but they wouldn’t take that chance. They don’t need to.

      • I don’t know if the game show rules apply to reality shows. They can’t force an outcome, but they sure do influence it. For example, Austin told Liz last night that DR told him he was being lied to.

      • When there is $500K prize involved, I am sure that it matters.

        I appreciate your tenacity, but for the other point… There is no point discussing anymore. I can refute the Austin point very easily – but won’t. You have your opinion and I have mine. And there is no way either of us could really prove it. We’d have to hear the full DRs – which we will never do. Agree to disagree.

  31. Why is everyone so sure that JMAC will be the one going home this Thursday? Steve could easily go home as well. Plus Vanessa will be safe and she could use the POV to force Austin put up either Meg or James. Still a lot of game play till Thursday.

    • She won’t use the PoV. First, she doesn’t want to go against the Austwins. She’s already paranoid about them. Second, it would be a waste. Meg, the black widow, would go up to ensure the remaining nom is evicted. Third, she’s ticked off at Steve and doesn’t like JMac, so who would she save?

      • Right now Red, Steve is on her radar and if she has her way I believe Steve will be the one who goes. I fully understand that JMAC is still the top one to go to jury but it would be nice to see Steve go first and then have Becky come back and team up with JMAC and the Goblins.

      • I agree with that. What if she decides that it is time for James to go which is always a possibility. I don’t Meg going up against the other one but with Meg crying after the Comp and not hugging Vanessa who really knows what is in her mind.

      • At some point, Vanessa, James, Steve, Meg and whoever comes back on Thursday need to team up with each other to take out Austwins. It doesn’t make sense that they’re still there. The problem Vanessa is in now is she can’t turn her back on Austwins now after they kept her safe this week. It’s a weird position the game is in right now. The people who need to team up with each other don’t necessarily like each other.

      • Agree completely.

        Van needs to hope that someone comes in and does the dirty work for her this next week – eliminating Liz or at least start the Austwin attack that ensures one of them goes. She can play dumb and will fight it all she can, but that would have the effect of galvanizing the opposition and if 2 Austwins are on the block for eviction, then Van can vote to keep them with the other austwin (keep her cover) while the other 3 votes take out an Austwin. And Van will be smiling ear to ear in her mind.

      • It needs to be JMac or Becky to come back and take out Liz. Vanessa can’t make the move herself. It’s funny that Austwins are using Vanessa as a meatshield, when in actuality Austwins are a meatshield for Vanessa. The right move is go after Liz immediately. In that sense, I want Becky to come back as she’s the most likely to go after Liz.
        Do you think James would put Liz up with her sister or Austin? I don’t think he would, but maybe?

      • Yeah. If Jmac comes back – his only goal would be to go after Van. He has no sense to go after the Austwins. Even as of yesterday, he was still saying he trusts them. Becky would be best.

        I don’t know with James. He has been laying low VERY WELL and not causing any waves that would lead you onto what is is really thinking. Many commenters on here think he is dumb – and maybe he is – but he also could be playing dumb & just staying out of the way until he gets a chance.

        If James got HOH, I think he may target Van but like with the Clelli situation, he went after the duo – so I would think he would go after Liz & Austin. If Becky or Jackie come back, this could embolden him to make this move.

      • It could be a Becky-like situation though where she realized after the fact that Austwins weren’t her friend. Since Jmac is getting offed by Austin, there’s a distinct likelihood he would target Austin and Liz first when he comes back in.
        Someone has to, right?
        Someone? Anyone?
        I’m not totally sure what Vanessa is thinking here. Let’s assume it’s final 4 with her and Austwins. Her only way of making it to final three and final two is to win the next two HoH competitions. She desperately needs Becky to come back in and take them out.

      • You may very well be right on this one but as of now I can’t see that happening. It is going to get interesting from here on in.

    • She wasn’t going to be backdoored anyway so it didn’t really matter who won veto.

      • With the way Austin has been flipping every other minute, given that Vanessa was clearly an option, her winning POV absolutely was winning it when it counts.

      • Once Austin took her off the table as a possible target, it was only her paranoia that made her think that her winning counted. She really wasn’t in danger. If she had been on the block, then winning it would have counted. This week it was a “so what” win.

      • i think what he meant is that she has the power to reconfigure the nominees. At least I think that’s what he meant.

      • Not really. First, using it she’d be going against 3 people that she is already paranoid about. Second, it would be a waste, because Austin has already confirmed that Meg would be his option to ensure that the remaining nom was evicted. Third, she has lost her trust in Steve and can’t stand JMac, so who would she save?

      • I’m not arguing it would be a good move for her to use the veto. Just saying she has the power to reconfigure the nominations. :)
        Also, given her ability to influence even inanimate objects, she can basically do whatever she wants with or without the veto.

      • Liz the idiot is freaking she might use it also she can choose Jmac or steve to suit her own game

      • I try to think of how they are thinking, rather than how I would think about doing something.

      • I take a slightly different point of view on this one, but it’s all moot. She won and the option to backdoor her is off the table now.

      • Come on. We all know Austin has no balls and is afraid of Vanessa. He is all talk. The only people with guts in this house are Becky and James.

      • You don’t make a living as a pro wrestler without balls Those bumps are real.I think it’s just game play to counterbalance his physical size Possible Austin and Van have a deal we are unaware of

      • Or he realized targeting Vanessa wasn’t what was best for his game. Isn’t it possible he was talking up Vanessa in the event that someone else won HoH so that they’d target V? Once he won it, he didn’t need the V tough talk any longer. Bigger fish to fry. JMac this week and whoever returns from jury the following week.

  32. Poor Vanessa, Meg didn’t congratulate you or give you a hug. Who does Vanessa think she is deciding that it is unacceptable for someone to be crying? Vanessa seems to be able to cry on q. I get her game play, but these kind of things are the reason I don’t like her as a player.

    • From a poker standpoint you are looking at this from level zero ie:what are my cards? Vanessa has the talent to go to level 5 or 6 which I’m not smart enough to explain

      • True. Vanessa has made more than $3 million playing poker. These people are nowhere near a match for her. She’d probably consider this summer a total waste of three months – if it weren’t for the $500,000 she’ll be carrying home.

      • I think she’ll be more than happy with the exposure and everything beyond that is gravy.

      • 4.5 mil in tournament winnings probably a net of 6 figures in cash games over the years. She is also IMO top 5 away from the table, way out of proportion to her poker talent and accomplishments

  33. What will happen at the veto ceremony? Whatever Vanessa wants to happen will happen. Just like with every HOH (including Becky’s, because Vanessa got to the Goblins), whatever Vanessa wants, Vanessa gets. Unless you’re a Vanessa fan, this has been a terrible waste of a season. CBS, stop with the recruits already. Cast 15 or 17 (or however many) *applicants* who know how and want to play the game (instead of summer campers) next time. Casting so many recruits was an experiment gone horribly wrong.

  34. I have watched BB for 17 years and this has been the worst as of yet. I fall asleep watching pop ball. There has been no game play only a bunch of campers at youth camp. I am so bored I could cry!!!

    • I like the awkwardness of Van’s attempts at a social game I also like when Van stirs the pot and when she plays lawyer and interrogates the others so good season for me

      • She’s really the only good (irritating/relentless/manipulative) HG this year, in terms of keeping it interesting.

  35. James and Vanessa…my pics on day 1….(with James being a slight favourite)….hoping Vanessa teams up with him and Meg now….(although she is smart…she may be thinking ahead, thinking Jackie or Becky will re-enter, so she may use it so one gets renomed and voted out)…but I would like to see her go to team James and get the Austwins out soon…

  36. I’m done with BB , that guy Austin is disgusting and those blondes Goshhh what they were thinking casting them. Vanessa as crazy she is she is playing the game!
    I don’t like her ways tho

  37. This season is set for either Vanessa or Liz, wouldn’t surprised me to know when they do the casting they pick their favorites to move up all the way to the end…

      • Freaky Frankie!! Wasn’t he just the worst?!! As far as favorites this year, I think Vanessa has obviously been picked to survive, if possible, but I think Liz/Julia have to have been quite a surprise. It’s so unusual for twins not to be picked off once they’re discovered. Big mistake.

  38. And to be honest It is a unfair game to the rest of HG when you send a set of twins with an advantage that nobody knows

    • The HGs had more than ample opportunity to send the twins packing. They knew about the twist by week 2 and chose to let them stay. It’s their own faults. They enabled the twins.

      • Van was behind the move to keep the twins to get another vote on their side. Wonder how she feels about that decision now

      • I don’t remember exactly how it went down. I wasn’t paying much attention earlier in the season because it’s too many people and I can’t keep them straight.

      • I’m with you. I let the dust settle a bit and then I actually start to remember names and understand plot twists.

    • Unfair? HGs could have (should have) gotten rid of Liz/Julia before they both came into the game, but they chose to see their potential threat as one more vote for whatever their current side was. They never thought about the twins *never* voting against each other, much less any third or fourth party they might align with.

    • Not the least of reasons is they can, within the rules, split the winnings. Vanessa can payoff people with her own money though which I would love to see

      • They can not split the winnings any more than Evel Dick could split the winnings with his daughter. It was a big controversy when he paid for Danielle’s college.

        Winners can give former HGs gifts, but can not split the money with them. They also can not bribe other HGs while they are still playing the game. They are under contract long after the show ends. During that time, CBS reserves the right to revoke any or all winnings, stipends and any other money. They can even revoke all or part of the winnings after they have been awarded.

      • controversy among the great unwashed is not a controversy. contracts were made to be broken and common sense says HG’s cannot make deals to chop the prize while playing the game but when they get out they can give whatever % they want to a family member. think outside the box I’d like to see CBS take a twin to court or Vanessa for making deals with her own money

      • Did you read the contract? CBS has their bases covered. Whether or not they chose to pursue contract violations is another matter. I think it depends on the degree of violation and the circumstance. It would all be decided by a civil court and civil court judges stand by a written contract, unless the contract is in direct conflict with a law, which makes that part of the contract null and void.

      • That’s pretty dumb to pay for someone’s college fund…. let alone any item exceeding 1k. Just sets off all kinds of alarms. Even without the rules/stipulations, after taxes they’d be getting about 125k apiece. It’s a lot of money but I wouldn’t call it life changing. I’m pretty sure they could blow through that pretty quickly.

      • I don’t think it was dumb for him to pay for his own daughter to go to college. That’s what most parents do.

      • Yeah but most parents and their kids aren’t in reality shows. If Danielle was never on the show, I’m 100% sure CBS would be okay with a parent funding their kids college tuition.

  39. I’m just saying, I don’t condone this, but watch out for a pandora’s box very soon. One side is dominating the house and Grodner knows that it’s boring everyone. I just get this feeling that whoever returns into the game will be getting some sort of special power, I don’t know, wouldn’t be surprised.

      • As well she should. It’s playing Russian Roulette more or less. All downside with pretty much no upside.

      • I think jamesuh might be offered Pandora and Steveuh or JMac would be good for Diamond Power of Veto though I forget how that works exactly

  40. I really wanna feel bad for John, but if he threw it then he deserves what he’s getting tbh. :/ I like him but I mean seriously… Do you think if John had went home last week and Becky was nominated next to Steve, do you think she would try to win POV instead of throwing it?

  41. Steve should go, but I doubt he will. This season is Austin’s year and although we all think Vanessa is the mastermind, Austin will probably win. James still has a chance, especially if Becky or Jacky comes back, but only one more week.

    • I am rooting for James…although he is making it tough….he needs to focus on getting the Austwins out…as does Vanessa….next HOH if anyone but the Austwins win, they need to put 2 of them up and if veto is used put the other up…The Austwins are the biggest threat to the prize money right now. I have no idea how this happened other than 3 small brains combined equal one huge brain…on their own, they are not an issue…but together, they are a force….get them out!

      • I agree. James best chance is putting up Austin or lIz against Vanessa or each other. James chose a very weak player to be his partner in this game and he should try to pair up with Johnny and not vote him out.

      • Way too late for that. One of them making it to F2 is almost a guarantee. I expect two of them to make it and split the money behind closed doors

  42. Vanessa has made 2 major mistakes….thinking having the twins enter the game would be beneficial and not back dooring Austin….she needs to side up with the others and correct her errors….

  43. Patience. Vanessa will be going to Jury soon enough. Whoever gets voted out this week will have a chance of returning so it’s good she isn’t up this week.

    I’m hoping Steve gets voted out and Jackie comes back.

  44. I doubt if Vanessa will win, nor make it to F4. I disagree with the people that compliment her game play. Her antics have led her to being on the top of everyone’s hit list. She won’t last 3 more weeks

  45. Guess JMac didn’t eat the pizza I delivered nor read the note that was attached to the box! Shame that!

  46. Well it looks like Meg will be Van’s new target either if she or someone she will control(everyone but James) She’s all ready starting a poor pityfull me about being dissed wha wha wha

  47. Why so sad Meg? It’s the Goblins who wanted to keep Vanessa over Shelli and said Van would be easy to get out later.

      • I just can’t believe Vanessa is back in power and running the show again.
        And nobody better cry about anything or else…

    • Meg’s crying had zero to do with Van winning. It was that Meg didn’t win. Zingbot zinged her about her poor comp performances. Meg just wants to prove that she can win one. It would have been poetic justice for her to win while zingbot was there. She’s feeling down on herself.

      • Thanks for the clarification redroses, this is the first article I’ve read since last night so I’m way behind as usual.
        Apparently Vanessa thinks everything is about her and Meg isn’t allowed to have personal feelings or feel sad when Vanessa just won the VETO comp.
        I’m just so tired of Vanessa and I’m still upset that the Goblins kept Van in the game and ruined Becky’s game in the process.
        Can’t wait till Vanessa’s next dose of Adderall and see her get all paranoid today.

  48. If I was her I would take down steve. Show him some trust. Get him back on her side. Let Austin put up Meg or James. James is better cause think between her and Juliasteve might vote him out. Then steve her jmac can finally put difference behind them work with whoever comes back against austwins. However take out Meg and keep James works even better and then have even better numbers. At this point everyone else needs work against that 3 some and having Vanessa with you best way go.

    • Reading the updates last night it seems Vanessa has figured Steve out and that he would have no problem at all getting rid of any of them. Steve is playing a much better game than JMac so I expect the target to change to Steve today once Vanessa takes her next dose of Adderall.

      • But is Steve easier for her to manipulate? (Or at least THINK she’s manipulating?)

      • Since Steve is on to Vanessa as well her best move would be to get rid of Steve, since he’s more of a threat to her than JMac.

      • Vanessa might have thought that about Steve at one time but she now knows Steve wouldn’t think twice about stabbing her in the back. Since she can no longer use Steve he is of no further use to her and needs to go. Vanessa hasn’t been able to intimidate JMac and he isn’t afraid of her so he is of no use either. Plus, he might be the only HG who has talked back to her and refuses to be interrogated by Vanessa so her ego has been insulted and she can’t have that happening.

    • While it’s a somewhat risky plan, it could work.
      One big issue is the assumption that Julia would vote against her sister. But you’re right, Vanessa will have to break with Austwins at some point and she should do it while she still has the numbers to do so.
      If your plan worked, it would be Vanessa, Juror, Steve and JMac against the twins in the HOH comp. Then again… would the returning juror actually work with her? James wouldn’t. Jackie wouldn’t. Becky probably wouldn’t (although she’d work with JMac)… Shelli might.

  49. Go Vanessa the only REAL player. People open your eyes and ears !!!! U only hear the drama not the strategy. Ughhhh

    • She plays poker for a living, her entire life is about when to lie so there for in this game what she’s doing shouldn’t be called strategic, imo, she makes it painful to watch just how easily she can throw anyone/ everyone else under the bus at any moment while spewing her b.s.
      Comes too naturally for it to just be strategy. Actually it’s not drama I hear.
      What I hear is a manipulative, lying, sociopath.

      • Really do you know what a sociopathic is ? Vanassa isn’t. All the players lie ,manipulate. That is what BB is. A social game of manipulating people and lying. Open eyes. Its the game.

      • For her behavior to come about easy, makes me suspicious. Because it comes sp naturally, this has got to be her modis operandi.

      • But that’s what you think. I don’t think it comes to her as naturally as you want to believe. As you know, she is a poker player. She has to lie.
        What point are you trying to make? That she’s an awful person because lying “supposedly” comes easy to her?

      • If that’s what you want to believe! I see a deeper message here. Again, it depends on what perspective you choose to believe. Situations can be three dimensional, right???

      • People just don’t get it. They’re haters. Vanessa’s the best and they’re just mad for some unknown reason.

  50. It not about the $$$$ this is BB it is how you play the game. Clear your mind and see what it is really about. Game.

  51. Love her or hate her, Vanessa is hands down the best player of this season! She makes running circles around these fools look so easy. There were only two players who could have stopped Vanessa 1) Becky who is gone 2) Steve who is now on the block. If Vanessa wins HoH next week my prediction is she targets the “Trio” and Austin goes home. Nobody 4 REAL!!!

    • I think it might be better to get rid of Liz. Austin’s so big he’ll probably tire out more easily in an endurance comp and without Liz Julia’s alone.

  52. austin afraid,he talk,he a baby cat scared. he a wrestler but afraid get blood on his hand,cmon,why wrestling. send him,liz,julia home,hate them 3

  53. Well … oh my … I think I might want Van Van to stay longer than Judas, he really needs to go next … urgggghhh

  54. Vanessa should actually use the pov on Steve, gain his loyalty, send Meg out who blows, thus planting a seed to flip to the other side, depending on who returns.

  55. Jesus, ugh.
    I can’t stand to hear Vanessa’s voice anymore, literally.
    If it’s a Austwins, and Vanessa final four I’ll stop watching, especially if Shelli comes back. Bleh.

    How can there be any real power change this late in the game? Seriously.

    • Jesus wouldn’t like to hear you say you can’t stand to hear someone’s voice.

      People do not want to believe in Jesus, but yet think nothing of throwing His Holy name into their discussion. Isn’t this interesting.

      Don’t want to know Him, but use His name, SMH

  56. if F4 is austwins and vanessa, vanessa takes austin to the F2 and austin wins. If F4 is james and the austwins, james takes austin to F2 and james wins.
    if F4 is meg and the austwins, meg takes austin to F2 and meg wins.

    Becky or Shelli will come back to the house.

    • Vanessa is not taking Austwins to final 4. She knows she cannot win if that happens. Vanessa is already planning to take out the Austwins. That’s why she is continuing to try to work with JMac not matter how many times he resists her.

      Today, Steve told Vanessa how the twins were throwing her under the bus all last week along with the rest of the house. So far Vanessa has not revealed this to Austin. That’s because she will use that the next time she wins HoH as a reason to put them on the block.

      The twins are stupid so it is understandable why they fall for Vanessa’s BS. But Austin is not as stupid, he is just a wimp. They are giving Vanessa this game the same way the house gave it to Derrick last year. Except Derrick was a lot smoother in his game play. Vanessa has been caught time and again in lies and deceit.

  57. I can’t help but smile over the fact that James and Meg insisted on voting out Shelli and keeping Vanessa. Now it looks like Jackie, Becky and James could be in jury on 3 consecutive weeks. The stupidity of that decision may sink in next February, but the results were pretty quick.

    Austin and the twins are next. Vanessa is already lining up her pawns to go after them. By next week, Steve and JMac will be gunning for Austwins and what a surprise it will be for them when their rekindled alliance with Vanessa winds up getting them evicted too.

    Its as if each week their memories are wiped clean and replaced by new memories that began yesterday. It takes anyone in the house only 1 lie to become a target, but Vanessa can lie repeatedly and they do not target her. It is really incredible how stupid these people are.

    • Except keeping Shelli would have meant the same thing. Shelli herself said she would go for James. So really what you and others were suggesting was that James save Shelli’s game at the expense of his own. If Shelli had won a single HOH (there have been 3 since she has been gone) she would have nominated James and Jackie. No deal would have held up. Saving Shelli would not have benefited James in ANY way. At least he made it further with Vanessa than he would with Shelli.

      • Exactly. They were in a bad spot regardless. They waited too late into the game to wake up. If they both would have left in DE then the goblins would have been sitting nicely right now. But Steve messed that up….

        If Shelli stayed, James would be gone already. He bought himself a little time with Vanessa. Vanessa is actually willing to go after Jmac and Steve. They weren’t even on Shelli’s radar.

  58. Imagine an All-Stars Season with Vanessa, Amanda Zuckerman and Rachel Reilly in the house all at the same time.

  59. Can’t believe how many people on here saying this season sucks and hate Vanessa…

    This season has been great, and Vanessa is a boss. She hasn’t been in the best spot the last few weeks, but continues to basically get her way. Idiot Austin should have realized who his biggest threat would have been the rest of the way, and he probably just missed his best shot at winning the rest of the way without much challenge.

    • I dislike Vanessa – a lot – and for a lot of reasons.

      But I agree. At this stage of the game the HoH should be thinking of biggest threats. Right now the biggest threats in the game are Steve and Vanessa because they can win comps – especially mental comps and they have effective social games. Taking out the biggest threats levels the playing field giving lesser players a chance to win HoH and Veto.

      James is a threat but only for 1 style of comp and they have already had a few of those and the likelihood of another this week is small.

      • I’m afraid I will remain in the this season is not good group. I just find so many of the people boring – and the factions are the clueless Goblins, annoying Vanessa, and the Austwins. The twins can be funny sometimes, but otherwise they just hang with Auatin and are conceited. I admit Vanessa is a good player though. Without her, the season would be even worse.

    • Nah…your “genius” Vanessa screwed up when she (because she had the power) let the twins into the house. BAD MOVE. Now, the Austwins are a super-solid threesome, and outed “liar” Vanessa has nobody. The whole house despises Vanessa, knows she’s a crying liar, so she will never make it to final two.

      • It’s only a bad move if Vanessa gets evicted and the twins are the ones with her blood on their hands. Otherwise, it wasn’t a bad move.

  60. Austin, Dumb Speech.
    Van knows how to talk a (bad / somewhat of a good game), but for some reason to the other HG it sounds genius to them.DUUUHHH, (Really Austin, She’s good) You all know she’s full of crap, and Van is ONLY LOOKING OUT FOR VAN. I don’t think Van really cares who goes to the final 2 with her, as long as she’s one of the final 2.
    Becky had the balls to straight out put her up, and I believe if James had won the HOH he would’ve put her straight up. Austin is afraid of Van in this game, but now waiting is maybe there best chance to get her out on the next round.
    This way she can’t come back for one, second someone besides Van has to when the HOH & POV to assure that Van is evicted in the next comps. But look out for Meg as well, because remember the last cute sweet blonde who everybody liked, and she won nothing throughout the whole game until the last HOH was played, and she ended up winning the top prize of 500,000.00.

    Jordan……, everybody likes Meg…..

    • Well…is it so wrong that she’s only looking out for herself? In the end only one can win. Vanessa wants to win! DUH! What’s so wrong about that?!?

      • I know they all want to win. But you’re making it seem as if it’s wrong for Vanessa to only be looking out for herself. That’s what I meant.

  61. If Vampire Dentist can’t win the whole enchilada then I am now ok with Van Van to snatch it. As long as it’s not the Judases, please no, just no. And they are having a date right now, they think it’s good tv. Really butch?

  62. I think we all want a good guy to win but it looks now like the master manipulator will take the prize. I hope her girlfriend realizes how Van is guiding the geese to slaughter . It looks like Van has had a lot of practice and it comes easy to her.
    She has three faces. The cry face. The serious it good for you face and the I can’t believe you don’t believe me face.

    • “I hope her girlfriend realizes how Van is guiding the geese to slaughter.”
      Do you know what this show is called?
      Big Brother is the name of the game.
      In the game of Big Brother…anything goes (Liz and Austin HOH sessions…I repeat: anything….goes….
      There is nothing wrong about Vanessa leading the “gees to slaughter.” It’s what you’re supposed to do in this game.
      Or haven’t you noticed?

  63. Now James and Meg are going to be up Vanessa’s behind and not put her up. They deserve what’s coming to them if they don’t put her up.

  64. I think that it’s a good idea keep Vanessa safe one more week, so if she’s evicted after this week, she can’t come back. I hope that if Becky, Jackie or John (or Steve) rejoin to the game, some of them send home Van, Austin, Liz & Julia. I’m not sure that if Shelli returns, the scenario could be better, maybe she could work again with Austwins & Vanessa, so I hope that Becky or JMac/Steve can return to game.

  65. These people crack me up. They lie to each other and then count the lies others tell. LOL. Then, despite the lies and deal, they see two other HGs talking and they become suspicious of what they are talking about. This suspicion comes up in the middle of a conversation about who goes out next and who is targeting whom!

    • Very astute observation. I think this season is all about the illusion of lies ant lying. With all that has gone down this season, I firmly believe productive used the recruiting to send a message to the viewing audience.

      BIG BOY IS LYING TO US. I believe the Wiki leaks and the exiled guy, whose name escapes me right now, have influenced this year’s show. There is something underlying all thus mess, we just need to look deeper folks.

    • She works hard at it, but I find her to be a really sloppy gamer, and am suprised the others don’t see right through it, I know I would.

      • That is the thing…they do see right through her. They’ve been wanting to get her out for weeks, but none of them have pulled the trigger! It’s their faults that they haven’t gotten her out. Their ignorance however doesn’t undermine Vanessa’s capabilities.

  66. Uh-Oh. James may have been caught in a lie and its a pretty stupid lie. JMac claims James told him he would throw the HoH comp to Jmac if it was down to just them. Austin asked James about it and James denied it. I believe JMac is telling the truth which means James is lying

    James stupidly asked Vanessa to find out from JMac if he was lying. But Vanessa is looking for a reason for Austin to use the veto to save Steve and then JMac by evicting James!

    Vanessa is already telling Liz she thinks James is lying. If Austin believes JMac and Vanessa, he may turn on James – and its a stupid lie because Austin offered to throw the HoH to JMac too!

  67. It is hard to understand the zingbot. The voice is so distorted that you can’t catch the supposed jokes.

  68. It will come down to Vanessa and Austin at the end because none of them have the guts to put either of them up and Austin won’t put Vanessa up and she won’t put him up. I just wonder what Liz’s family thinks about how she is letting Austin paw her constantly.

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