Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Did CBS Just Reveal Cast Is New?

Did CBS just reveal our first Big Brother 17 spoilers of the season with their latest commercial? Forget the hints or hype, CBS comes right out with an exciting promise in a new promo.

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother
Julie Chen hosts Big Brother – Source: CBS

The Big Brother cast announcement next week has left us guessing whether or not we’d see returning players or brand new faces, but we might be able to put that discussion to rest. In this new commercial, watch the video below, CBS tells us “New Houseguests. Bigger, better twists.” Oh yes, they just said “new Houseguests!”

Twitter user @08Jayhawk captured the new commercial which would usually be full of vague details and grandiose promises, but there’s nothing uncertain about “new Houseguests.” Or is there?

We’ve seen in the past that marketing isn’t always in lockstep with production and “new” to one could be “rested and ready” and part of a new mix to another. It could even be some old and some new while letting this still be accurate. Then again I’m anxious for some fresh faces and new characters to discover so I’m hoping for an all new cast next week. What about you?

Still no details on the Big Brother 17 twist or just what could make it “bigger, better” though it wouldn’t be too hard to top last summer’s “twist after twisted, twisty twist twist,” now would it?

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New commercial #BB17

— Lindsey (@08Jayhawk) June 12, 2015



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  1. I hate when they bring former houseguests, they always act cocky and entitled!

  2. My boy friend whom we have dated for 7 yrs and we were living together and we had started making wedding plans already when he suddenly woke up and said to me last November that he didn’t love me any more and he wasn’t happy with the relationship saying that he didn’t want us to live a miserable life together and that he already rented a new place and wants to move in with a girl he met at work. I begged and pleaded with him but all my efforts failed. I became desperate and searched for a solution that was how i came across the great spell caster, Dr.Amigo, who is the priest of the home of ancient spells.
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  3. Looks like the same guys who did BB16’s intro also did the promos for this upcoming season. :)

  4. Yeah, definitely hard to read much into it. New houseguests can mean literally anything. Unless it is the exact same cast as last year.

      • I don’t know that I want all vets. It is always fun to see some old favorites come back, but I always like to see some new faces as well.

  5. Maybe the twist is kinda going to be the same or have teams 2 wirh 8 people on each team one Veterns and other Newbies or Two veterns returned and pick there teams.

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