Big Brother 17 Rumors A Hoax, Says Big Brother Casting Director Robyn Kass

While many Big Brother fans are still recovering from a hectic season this past summer the Big Brother 17 rumor mill is hard at work churning out tales as talls as Derrick’s “Holla!” stacks last season.

Robyn Kass, Big Brother Casting Director
Robyn Kass, Big Brother Casting Director – Source: YouTube

Big Brother’s Casting Director Robyn Kass took to Twitter this weekend to blast supposed rumors and “leaks” for BB17 coming from the usual fake sources that we’ve seen in the past:

Readers may remember from a few years ago the fake ex-employee that promised the whole season was rigged from Amanda to win (it wasn’t) since she was best friends with executive producer Allison Grodner (she wasn’t). The seemingly obvious fake story found quite a following of believers even after Amanda was evicted and sent off to the Jury house.

Looks like someone is desperate for attention and trying the same rumor again for Big Brother 17 but Robyn calls them out for their weak and unimaginative approach:

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The SAME rumors again? Come on, B more creative! No discussions have happened 4 #BB17. "Former employee"- good try! Fake & not creative

— Robyn Kass (@Kassting) December 21, 2014

Kass confirms any “insider” claims floating around are false and that casting for Big Brother 2015 hasn’t even begun yet which is good news for hopeful Houseguests still planning to submit an application to be on Big Brother next season. You’ve still got plenty of time, but don’t wait! Hurry up and apply to be on the show. Maybe we’ll be talking about you next summer!



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    • Wow good call Shannon Collier!

      You realise it’s pathetic to hate on someone from two seasons ago on Big Brother right? If I’m gonna guess from past experience you are one of the old cat lady women who hate on every contestant who in some way represents the same terrible personality that you have in order to make up for your pathetic life.
      Hope that puts things into perspective you foul old hag

    • Hardly. What’s the point of rigging the show? So the fan favorite can win?… If you really think it’s rigged, then explain Andy winning the other season over any of the fav’s.

      You just can’t rig 90+ days of 16 people for 24 hours a day. You might tee things up to go in hopes of things going a certain direction to make a more dramatic/exciting episode, but they can’t control the game or the outcome.

      • Andy was the best of the WORST. Andy’s season was full of racist pigs and aholes. Last season Derrick was the favorite from the start, and there was no way BB was going to allow a more popular HG to take the title from him. So they rig, rig, rig comp after comp. If you don’t see it, they are doing their job well.

      • Derrick was the best strategic and manipulative player in there though and that’s why he won.

        Were you not watching to see how Derrick controlled the season? He won because he dominated behind the scenes, not because of production deciding he would win.

      • Crying “rigged!” is the go-to defense mechanism of a lot of BB fans whenever things don’t go their way. You obviously think the show is heavily rigged (which it isn’t) and it obviously bothers you, so why do you continue to watch? It makes no sense.

        And Andy definitely doesn’t have more fans than a lot of the so-called “racist” HGs in his season. And I honestly think it’s high time for people to get over the things that were said TWO years ago. They’ve more than apologized for it.

      • @Matt, I don’t think the show is rigged for the winner to be, but you can’t convince me that production doesn’t interfere alot in the game!

      • As I said, production might set things up with the hope that it’ll go in their optimal-drama path, but they can’t control the outcome. Just as they might make suggestions in DR, but it’s still up to the HGs to make the decision, cast votes, etc.

      • BB is rigged, but not to that extreme. Twists and competitions are sculpted so that certain players will get an advantage in the game. Specific producer manipulation is pretty evident in cases like Sharon losing out on the final HOH with prior relationship question in season 9 or when Brendon was voted back into the house in season 13.

      • LOL no. Brendon was voted back in because of his (and Rachel’s) fanbase. It’s really not that hard to fathom that, is it? He was the only vet amongst newbies eligible to return at the time. Of course he’s going to have more fans.

  1. Looking at all of these comments. Y’all seem to not like the show…but ya sure know a lot about it. hahaha…

  2. Just add more twists and get better house guests who will play the game. The last two seasons, the house guests were pretty bad. Get a better mix and not all young people.

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  3. Big Brother 17 Casting Events Announced – Dates & Locations | Big Brother 17

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