Big Brother 17: Nomination Anticipation In Week 5

Overnight the newly minted Big Brother Heads of Household, Jackie Ibarra and Vanessa Rousso, came together to agree upon a common enemy. So much for the opposing sides battle I had hoped to see.

Jackie Ibarra gets in to the game on Big Brother 17
Jackie Ibarra gets in to the game on Big Brother 17 – Source: CBS All Access

Yes, it didn’t take long before the new HoHs were working together and agreeing to not Backdoor each other along with who would be this week’s target.

When Jackie and Vanessa sat down, Flashback to 8:48PM BBT, I was pleased to see Jackie not back down from her original plan. She wanted to nominated Steve and Liz while keeping Austin as the Backdoor plan. Initially she didn’t mention the Austin aspect as though she didn’t fully trust Vanessa. Eventually though this came out and proved to not be an issue.

Vanessa slowly evolved the conversation and directed things in a way that made her more comfortable. She’s clearly working these Houseguests over whether or not they realize it. So while Vanessa was on board for Jackie’s target of Austin, she did later get the noms plans to shift.

After they left the Lounge the talks continued part of Vanessa’s plan was to figure out what was going on with Austin before she let Jackie target him. Flashback to 10:50PM BBT last night as Vanessa talks with Austin and Julia feeding them misinformation. Vanessa asks Austin what he told Jason and he lies leaving her with little choice. Once you cross Vanessa, your day is done. See: Audrey Middleton.

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Before going too far after Austin Vanessa actually tells Julia what’s going on and how Austin revealed her identity to Jason and by extension, the rest of the house. Julia is none too pleased.

Soon Vanessa has Becky agreeing to go up on the Block alongside Clay but their plan is to be sure to win the Battle and dethrone Vanessa. Yes, Vanessa wants out of there. On the other side of noms, James agrees to go up with Liz. Jackie had originally wanted Steve up there with Liz, but this way the Battle can be thrown while Steve would have been trying his hardest.

Interestingly, later Austin talks with Vanessa and volunteers to go up on her side of the noms. He wants to throw the Battle of the Block to free Julia (Liz) and keep Vanessa in power to make sure they’re safe. Unfortunately for Austin, that goes against her plans. Later Vanessa will tell Clay and Shelli that Austin suggested Clay go up instead of him (Austin). Sneaky.

By the end of the night the plan was set for Vanessa to nominate Becky and Clay while Jackie sends up James and Julia (Liz). Nominations should arrive early on Friday and we’ll have the spoiler confirmations soon after. What do you think of the plan? Is Austin a good target?

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  1. It would be awesome if James and Liz won the BOTB ….

    IMO, James should not be throwing any comps now, and secure his safety for another week .. Way too risky at this point in time .. and, for Liz/Julia .. by winning the BOTB would guarantee their safety for the week and Julia’s entry to the game …
    Worse case scenario .. Clay gets the boot, should Austin play and win the POV ..
    Would like to see how strong of a comp threat Clay would be, to win the BOTB .. Till now, he really hasn’t done much for Shelli’s game, other than being her lap dog …
    Would be a great week for everyone … :)

    • I agree was a bonehead move for James to volunteer to go up in place of Steve AND to throw it, too. Jiminy!
      If Clay thinks James/Liz are throwing the BoB, we probably won’t see Clay at his best.
      Think it will be an exciting week!

  2. Sounds like a good plan. The Sixth Sense is already disintegrating faster than the Bomb Squad/Detonators did last year.

    • Considering how many alliances we’ve had in the house, it’s not that surprising.

  3. I am not to fond of people playing a game like big brother to throw comps. I just don’t like it. On the other hand I really hope the plan works because I would love to see Austin walk out that door come Thursday. He is just way too creepy for my liking.

    • Compared to last year, there has been a lot of backdoors and blindsides than I would have expect in a current season, all thanks to BOTB.

      If this was still BB16, all the primary targets sent packing would be the ones whose foot is on the frontdoor.

    • That’s because these HG have gamed the BOB from the beginning of the season, using it to their advantage to choosing added safety for those that win BOB and to allow the losing HOH to play again next week. It is certainly NOT a fan fav as JC mentions but then again nothing about this season is NEW. I am glad to see the two HOH’s working together and it should be an easy week with Austin not knowing what hit him.. if not Austin then it’s Steve going out.. either way it is a win for the house. Twins will be next.

      • Yup . just like the 5 fingered plan made veto changes happen. Bob needs changes to cut down on the throwing of Bob. Incentives/penalties.

    • This has always been an issue with the BoB.
      Throwing the comp. And/or both HOH agree on teams ahead of time .. It sucks.
      It is time for incentives and penalties for winning and losing the BOB.
      I.e 5k cash to each winner of BOB. And slop for the losers and made havenots for the week.
      Or make incentives for the HOH’s team to win. I.e 10k to the hoh of the team who wins the BOB

      • i think it time for the TPTB to be cleverer than the players they recruit. these players know what to expect – what BB has done and the order they’ve done it. TPTB keep doing the same old same old – it makes it easier to game the game…imho

  4. I hope that they will have added security around the BB House, should Austin be successfully backdoored this week … As, he does not appear to be a stable person, and has the physical ability to hurt someone / something ??

    As compared to Audrey, who hid in the DR / Have Not room for pretty well most of this week, when she realized that she was being backdoored ??

  5. Curious, What is the “fight with Austin” that Steve was talking about? I missed that and havent read anything on it..

    • Wasn’t it when Steve gave Liz a goodbye hug / sweetpie comment/ gesture one evening before heading off to bed, as they chatting, while Austin walking in on them ??

      • I saw one where liz and steve said i love you to each other (in a friendly joking way i assume) and austin got very jealous.

      • I thought Jeff was caught with Liz snuggling. Is this another incident brought on by Juliz with Steve?

      • If so then really austin!? Its steve. He is not some rico suave guy going after “your twins” ! Gosh i hope austin goes home this week

  6. I’m thinking that if Austin is renomed, he will tell everyone about the 6th Sense alliance. I also think it was stupid of Shelli, Clay and Vanessa to involve 5 other HGs in their 8 person alliance. Neither Jackie or Becky had yet to make an alliance with anyone else, now they are free to be in an alliance with Jason, James and Meg. Those five could easily turn on Shelli Clay, Vanessa and the twins. Not to mention John’s closeness with Becky could turn that alliance into 6 strong.

    • Kinda ironic, that Shelli and Vanessa was p*ssed at Clay for not involving them when he revealed the twin twist to Jason .. and, they go out and do this, in response ?? Ha !!

      Interesting, now that the twins may now be the power pawns, should they both remain in the game? You would think that they’d be the first to flip, once they realize that they are being played by Shelli, Clay and Vanessa ….

  7. Productions should give Clay a Penalty Vote for all his “shout outs”..Damn! Do it on feeds not on the live shows.

    • House guests in previous seasons have done shout outs too on the live show. Also, if it really was taped like some are saying…it really wasn’t a “live” show then. That is not really all that bad anyway, compared to other things, like the BotB for example.

  8. It doesn’t look good for Austin but I think there is also some danger for Liz and Julia this week.

  9. Great. Another week of Vanessa filibustering everyone at 100mph while we watch her stress acne erupt and Clay and Shelli continue to float. Somebody needs to dirty them up especially Shelli. It’s like everybody wants to let her win.

  10. I am pleased to see people who haven’t been on the block are being targeted, finally! I was tired of the same old, same old and Vanessa is proving to be a smart, strategic player even though she can go a little overboard sometimes.

    • Me too and I agree! I was almost losing hope over the others constantly wanting players to throw comps!

      • He needs a break for just one week… And at least they found a new person that is willing to throw competitions…

      • Maybe James wants some of that Johnny action? John the Pawn has been safe for few weeks helping other do dirty work. Maybe it’s easier than winning comps. No one’s DR sessions are as good as Jmacs though.

  11. Why does it always seem that there is one major alliance and a bunch of other people floating about? Why don’t those other people never align? Are they really that clued out about the power alliance (even if that alliance is on shaky ground). I mean, can they not see that Shelli, Clay, etc. are all working together? This seems to happen every season and it always baffles me.

      • Ah, it was Jeff Schroeder I meant. So he is doing the exit/eviction interviews with all the houseguests again this year?

      • Yes, all except Jace’s! Don’t know why he didn’t do that one. Maybe because Jeff S was still doing Marriage Boot Camp – Celebrities.

  12. There’s a potential for a ha ha moment when mistermind Vanessa is going to lie to the Chelli’s that Austin told her to put up Clay on the block…not him volunteering to go on the block….a very very damaging come back to bite you in the arse moment.

  13. I’m really hoping BB gets rid of BOB next year! I am so sick and tired of so many nominees and so many people wanting to work together and throw comps…before BOB this was never the case and the cast this year had alot of potential to be one of the best! I still think they are but BOB ruined it for my liking. *BB if you are reading please do us all a favor and be rid of this useless twist!

  14. Random stupid comment of the day …I am sitting next to some guy at the bus that looks exactly like Clay Honeycutt… It’s so creepy…lol…

  15. So Jackie is targeting the people she wants gone and Vanessa is targeting the people Jackie wants gone. Grow a pair Vanessa!

      • Please, she had no power the first 4 weeks…. You didn’t think she be a complete pushover… I don’t think Vanessa cares too much who goes this week, she only won cuz she thought Jackie might target her…now that she knows what Jackie wants…she wants out…

    • Do you think Van is gaining favor with Jackie/others so they are “on call”/onboard to help Van split the showmance ultimately. I think other than lying to Vanessa, Austin leaving could be a sign of support to endear jackie to her for future use. No one seems mad or disliking Clay/Shelli and Vanessa knows she will have to split them up at some point. IDK. Just a random thought.

  16. Wait so does Julia know about the Austin BD plan? She’s not worried about why she’s on the block? Is Liz going to be ok with all this?

  17. Im so sick of them throwing comps hopefully next season we wont have to worry about BOB but if we do I have to see a no throwing comps rule or I just cant watch it!

    • There’s no reason BB can’t do a week where we lose BoB. They can change it up at any time and I think they should go ahead and do it this year!

  18. It would just be nice not to see John or Jason on the block for a change, Austin is one weird guy and he needs to go next, I don’t see how Julia could be attracted to him, ( ewww ), but these people need to stop playing Shelli and clays game and start playing their own or they will all be going home one by one.

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