Big Brother 17 Live Feeds Week 10: Tuesday Night Highlights

After some wall shouters outside the back yard got the Big Brother 17 housguests gears turning, a vote flip discussion finally got under way.

Meg Maley takes a break from laying down inside
Meg Maley takes a break from laying down inside – Source: CBS All Access

Will Meg and James be able to pull off the plan to save Meg or will Steve and John continue to deliver Austwins the game on a silver platter? We still have a whole day to see, but read on to find out what went down Tuesday night.

Big Brother 17 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, September 1, 2015:

4:04 PM BBT – James and Meg decide to hold off on Operation Trojan Horse with Austin until later tonight. They think Austin will be upfront and tell them plainly if he’s not willing to go along with it. James still thinks it’s got a chance of happening since Austin mentioned to him he knows they are likely to get split up.

4:08 PM BBT – John interrupts James and Meg’s talk. They don’t mention anything to him about their plan while waiting to talk with Austin first.

6:10 PM BBT – Julia promises Liz she’d target James and John with her nominations if she wins HoH.

7:45 PM BBT – Austin and Steve talking game. Austin says he’d target James next week and regrets having gone after John. He lets Steve know that he wants to be good with John, or at least hopes Steve relays that to John to cover himself next week.

7:55 PM BBT – Austin says he thought Steve was going to BD James or Becky during his DE HoH. Steve says he was always planning to get Jackie out and had not BD plans there.

8:09 PM BBT – Steve gives our site a shout out. He and Austin are discussing post-season hopes. Steve wants to write for us while Austin hopes to get a job with CBS like Jeff has. Steve has no ambitions for fame outside the Big Brother community. (Austin is likely to be disappointed.)

8:12 PM BBT – Austin tells Steve that Julia has only seen two seasons of Big Brother and doesn’t know the game much so he’s not sure why she’s so worried she’s going to get blindsided. He says he hopes this makes her actually try to win the next HOH.

8:48 PM BBT – Vanessa and Steve discuss the next game move. They wonder if they should go for James or not. Steve throws out the idea that he wins HOH and James goes then what. Vanessa says she’ll win HOH and do what needs to be done.

8:55 PM BBT – Vanessa says Liz and Julia would target Johnny Mac. And they also agree that if Johnny Mac wins HOH one of the twins will go. Steve and Vanessa are feeling pretty secure.

9:05 PM BBT – HGs having dinner thanks to chef Liz.

9:13 PM BBT – Someone is shouting from outside the backyard. They think the person said “Austin wants Julia out,” but I, and others, think they said “America wants Julia out” and “Austin and Vanessa have deals with everyone.” James, John and Meg are the only ones outside but they agree not to say anything.

9:18 PM BBT – Liz and Austin have gone outside and people start yelling again. Indoor lockdown is called so the HGs can’t hear the shouters. Liz can hear people shouting but doesn’t get a chance to hear what they’re saying.

9:52 PM BBT – Johnny Mac now fears that Austin is planning on voting out Julia and pinning it on himself or Steve.

10:05 PM BBT – Vanessa tells Steve and Austin that JMac is acting weird and is always with Meg and James (well you did make them have-nots together, moron).

10:10 PM BBT – John and James are talking about the shouter. They’re thinking they all need to vote to keep Meg and send Julia out, but they need to get Austin or Steve to flip.

10:17 PM BBT – Vanessa for some reason tells Austin that Liz would have a better chance advancing in the game without Julia.

10:28 PM BBT – After John talked with Meg and James, John goes up to the HOH and they’re worried he’s ratting them out for talking about flipping the vote.

10:54 PM BBT – JMac returns to the Have-Not room and Meg asks him just to tell her what’s going on. He says as of now she’s going to be voted out.

12:00 AM BBT – Meg and James discuss their dire situation. James speculates he’s not even a worry anymore if the whole house is against them and they have the votes.

12:55 AM BBT – Julia and John sit down in the Lounge. She wants to know what it’ll take to get his vote to stay. John tells Julia he was already going to vote to keep her, but sure, he’ll take a deal. She agrees to not put him up if she wins HoH next week. Deal.

3:10 AM BBT – Meg runs in to Austin and begins her talk. She’s trying but it’s a slow start. Austin explains he can’t flip the vote because of Liz. Julia shows up, likely to block talk. Meg leaves.

3:30 AM BBT – Austin reports back to the twins about his talk with Meg and suggests that James might be coming for them. Liz wonders why not Vanessa and Austin wonders if James will try to work with Vanessa instead of targeting her.

We’re just over a day away from the next Double Eviction and it’s going to be an interesting situation as the target pool has dwindled to James plus all their overlapping alliances and deals. James knows he has to win the Veto to keep going and if that happens we could see an even bigger target walk out the door.

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  1. Idk why people bother shouting over the wall….all that effort and the houseguests misinterpret it all anyways.

    • I think the shouters influence is far less important than the “pay-off” scheme proposed by Vanessa, twice!! Both Vanessa and Austin should have been kicked out IF the producers had the bAlls to enforce the contract.

      • Dang, you’re trying to empty the House fast… how about the contract that Big Brother produce x number of episodes to CBS? That probably take precedence over the HG contract considering the $$$ attached.

      • On the contrary, G-Man, the producers would prove that they will enforce the contract……..they could easily have a comp with the evicted Jury House players.

      • One returning for the Jury is enough and that’s not fair to the remaining HGs, how many times do they have to evict them. Put JMac out again then have your scenario play out and JMac could come back AGAIN or should they not let him play?

        Production can find ways to penalize and not “kick’em out” IMO.

      • Other than Vanessa offering money to Julia, I am lost at what other rules have been broken. Then again I am developing old timer’s memory too.

    • certainly for this season, it wouldn’t matter.
      So they get a bit of information(vanessa and austin have deals with everyone) and what do they do with it? NOTHING! John is still going to vote out meg. how can a person like John, when he is as dumb as all the others. John has been my favorite, but why is he not voting out Julia this week? Because he feels safe? He really is an idiot! Among good company of idiots…..

  2. I think Meg’s eggs are cook. Hopefully the DE will bring back some actions to get us entertain. Otherwise, all that will be left, will be to wait for Survivor to start. So far I would say this season rank about half-way in the entertainment value. I give it a 9 on a scale of 1 to 17.

    • I’ve been worried for awhile now that it’d be BB15’s ending all over with a stack of unpopular HGs at the end. We’re getting closer to it.

      But still overall this season has had way more back and forths than we got last year. Just too bad for the sheep HGs following Vanessa to their slaughter. Well too bad for them but good for her bank account.

      • Yeap, lots of back and forth, but all in circle and it never get anywhere. So no big surprise. Medium entertainment.

      • I have to say the one with Andy was sucky, then when I looked it up that was BB15. LOL.

        I tend to think even the one you hate this season are fun to watch but it has been like a train wreck at times and I’ve said “what are you thinking?” lots of times.

        I’m easy to satisfy and don’t mind & enjoy rooting against the HGs I hate even up to the bitter end… the good guy/gal can’t/doesn’t always win.

      • It started out strong. They evicted the best ppl at the beginning. I think Jason was talking about that on bbad. This season was weird like that.

      • Come on Matthew!

        There is no one on this year’s cast that is as repulsive as the final three from season 15.

        The final three from season 15; Gina Marie (a flat out racist), Spencer (joking about child pornography) and the biggest rat ever on Big Brother, the eventual winner, Andy.

      • Did any one else notice in the hob competition, that Vanessas disk she had to stand on hardly spun? And one of the compel before that jmac s put the ball in the hole contraption didn’t even work? Production messes with how they want the game to advance.

    • I thought the season overall was entertaining and I certainly appreciated the diversity in the hg’s this season. It’s just that a bunch of hg’s that no one wants to win are making it to the end. But I’m with you: Bring on Survivor!!!

    • I just hope Austwins don’t win HOH. Then it’ll just be the same get JMac or Steve out. Yawn…..

  3. If I was Steve, after hearing Vanessa talk about Austin voting out Julia and blaming it on Steve, I would vote for Julia anyways and tell Johnny Mac to do the same thing, but keep it a secret from Austin that they both are doing it so he still votes to evict Julia.That way Julia leaves 4-1 and Liz knows that Austin betrayed her. Steve can pull Liz to his side by explaining his vote away saying it was the only way he could reveal Austin’s true intentions.

    • You are assuming players actually got a mind of their own. It’s been so long ago since people in there thought for themselves instead of what Vanessa tells them to think. As my good ol’ friend Ultron would say: They are just puppets, tangled in strings…

      • I see what you’re saying, thats why I said ‘If I was Steve’ but who knows, he may surprise you!

      • You are a dreamer, aren’t you? I do like any scenario that gets Julia out but I was dreaming Liz being BD instead.

        If Julia doesn’t go and she could easily, all Vanessa has to do is tell her dogs (JMac/Steve & Austin for your 4-1 vote to cause chaos) to vote her out, if they’re hesitant than put them under her spell using those “crazy eyes”.

        HERE’S my belief if Julia doesn’t go Vanessa has an F2 w/her, as she probably does with Austin/Steve/ JMac too.

      • So you’re saying that if Van has a F2 with Julia, she will persuade the house to keep Julia? I can totally see that happening, even though I still hope they start to wake up and play for themselves!

      • She’s got an F2 with everyone but James or Meg and probably not Liz is my feeling… give her time she’ll have one w/James once Meg is gone. LOL. And if Austin is gone Van with have one w/Liz.

      • In a season where people who made big moves were targeted and sent home, can you blame Steve for avoiding doing that?

    • The same move can be played by Johnny Mac. Him and Steve can try to get Liz to join with them that way, and they can then focus on either Austin and Vanessa or Meg and James since they would have the numbers on their side. If Liz was able to fake it to Austin she could keep him and Vanessa in her pocket while they weakened the duo of JMEG and then turn around and do the same to Austin and Vanessa the next time they have power. Then they pick off the remaining players from the split duos and they get to final three, it’d be a pretty good match up. I don’t see why anyone would take Liz to jury because you know she has those two votes from Austin and Julia. So it’d come down to Steve and Johnny Mac, and I’m not sure who would win between those two…No one really realizes how much either of them have done to impact the game, having a pawn that is willing to go up week after week changes things believe it or not.

    • I know that would be so freaky funny, ironic to say the least.

      I’m sure Austin would come up with some lame excuse that would probably work for him, “Julie got me confused, I thought I was voting on who was staying”.

  4. So I definitely think James’ days are limited in the house with this batch of douche faces.
    If James goes, there is my last hope of anyone I like winning the game, and if JMac follows then there is the last ok person to win.
    I can’t stomach another BB15 ending.

  5. Like these guys will figure it out even if you give them all the facts. lol. Things are right in their faces and yet, they continue to miss it. How many of these house guests believe up to now that Vanessa is all by her lonesome in the Big Brother House? How many believes their alliance is for real? How many are really counting the bodies and the effect their votes have on their chances of winning? Of this lot, Vanessa seems to be the only one trying to figure out the best scenarios for herself. I would give Steve 2nd because he is atleast, aware of who is in alliance with whom. The most clueless ones are James, Meg and Johnny Mac. Austin, Liz and Julia are too scared to make any moves until forced to do so. Of course, even a broken clock is correct twice a day. So, blind luck could make these guys seem to make smart decisions when in reality, lady luck just smiled on them.

    • This is the mystery to me. Remember when Austin was HoH? He went around the house asking every person questions and he checked every answer he got with someone else to see who is lying. Vanessa tells him anything and he believes it without question. That’s not Vanessa playing a good game, its Austin being stupid.

  6. sorry vanessa, you’re going to have to get blood on your hands and stop getting Steve to do your dirty work. I hope James wins HOH and Vanessa goes home in the DE

    • It’s funny b/c she thinks the evicted HGs don’t see her hand in their demise (Jackie/Becky/Shelli – V must hate girls who’s name end with “e” sound… heck, she looks like Carrie from the movie of the same name to them… drenched in blood. LOL.

      • true, she’s playing for second. if meg and james go, she’ll have five in the house that won’t vote for her and more on the way that won’t vote for her. Will be like Dan in his final 2 a few years ago

    • I am hoping JMac wins HOH, then puts up Austin/Liz and veto isn’t used. Then next HOH is won by James who puts up Julia/Vanessa with Vanessa going.

    • That would be nice, but it will take some difficult convincing of those stupid HGs for him to get that far. Personally, I believe that Liz was given inside information for the comp that James was supposed to throw to get her out. I do believe production “guides” the direction and outcome of the show. (Good example, I know of someone who worked on the “Newly Wed Game”, some of the couples were not really couples…….they were there to “act”.)

    • I do believe James’s stock has risen lately in light of what’s going on w/Vanessa & who’s got the you-know-whats to boot her and or the Austwins out.

      • The problem with James is that he is not trustworthy to keep his word in the Game …

        Interesting, why he would be against the Austwins, and not Vanessa, since they protected him and Meg last week ??
        A James, Austin, Meg and Liz scenario vs Vanessa, Steve, John could be most interesting, if they somehow flipped the House to save Meg this week ??? Ha !!
        As, I would find it difficult to see the Goblins and John/Steve in an Alliance, especially one with Vanessa involved ?? Then again, beggars can’t be choosers and Vanessa may be possibly playing both sides of the House, yet again, to hedge her bets ??

      • James is reactive. He is not a thinker. If he had any brains he would never have flipped to evict Shelli when Becky was HoH. James, Meg and Jackie should have made a deal with Shelli to work together. Had they evicted Vanessa and aligned with Becky they could have pulled in Shelli and JMac. With Vanessa gone it would have ben just the Austwins and Steve and Steve would float to the power in the house. The next HoH, they break up the Austwins and they control the house to the end.

        Even if Vanessa came back into the house she would come back to an alliance that was decimated the weeks before.

      • Shelli was coming for him!!!
        This moron spent weeks in jury and still came back to say James would have been her target.
        She was NEVER going to honor a deal with him.

      • Well he sure didn’t honor his deal with her…..he did her dirty…..and for that I hope he doesn’t win squat!

      • Which is totally fair, but the idea that Shelli would have worked with James is a delusion at best.

      • Same here. Never have liked his game—-to much foolish playing pranks and not keeping his head in the game— plus trying to squeeze Meg.

  7. I’m lost.who’s outside in the back yard yelling things out about who to vote out?

      • In the past, fan(s) have hired a Cessna to fly over with a trailing banner message. LOL. BB rushes the HGs inside. What of “no outside influence” is so hard to understand?

      • Doesn’t that sound fishy? How can ppl get close enough to yell. As i said before in the first season’s they had planes ride by with messages from the viewer’s. Maybe bb is trying to recreate something like that.

      • Many of the seasons have had “yellers” in the back. MANY. They just rarely televise it because they clearly don’t want anyone to whine interference, but this isn’t a first (or last) and while it kills me that no one is spreading the news like wildfire, it would never make tv because they did do a lockdown, and not everyone heard it.

    • And these HGs even got what they heard wrong! If the people were shouting “America wants Julia out” and “Austin and Vanessa have deals with everyone” the house could have flipped.

      And why keep this information quiet? I understand why JMac would want it quiet by James should be telling everyone in the house.

    • They won’t because a) they are too stupid to think of it b) they do not have the courage to pull off such a bold move. This will be 3 more weeks of everyone not pissing off Vanessa because they are afraid of the way she rants, and cries and sulks whenever she is the target. If she is not controlling the house she is a complete a-hole and the rest of the house tries to avoid that. How many times have we heard Austin say “you know how she gets. I can’t deal with that.” So instead of back dooring her on DE so they don’t have to deal with her anymore, they cave in to her.

      Why not just give her the check now and end this season?

      • If they get her out in the DE, it will be happen fast she won’t have much time to rant, cry and sulk. Surely they can “deal with that!”

  8. I am starting to get a bad feeling that at the end of DE we r gonna see Steve and James gone or perhaps john depending on will be such a waste I still don’t think anyone ie: Austin or van have the guts to make any big moves. And sadly her little sheep don’t either. Steve will do their bidding and take out james . the only one I have any hope in taking out an austwin is john and even that I’m not sure of…unless something big happens to shake things up I foresee a pretty boring DE coming up

    • No one wants to strike first. I’m sure it will be either James or Jmac going home in DE.
      It’s looking more and more likely we will end up with the final four being Austwins and Vanessa.

      • If Steve wins this HoH again like he did last DE, we may see Austin and Liz go on the block. If he targets James then he deserve to lose too. James is not going to target Steve. Steve has to know that. He will target Vanessa and/or Austwins.

        These people need to start thinking about who is left in the house and who will be there at the end. If they really believe Vanessa’s nonsense about nobody in jury voting for her then they deserve to lose to her.

  9. It’s too bad that Meg is a Have Not this week … as it has been a while since we have seen a drunken Meg, and with this possibly being her last week … What a bummer for the feeds … Ha !!! :)

  10. I posted yesterday, Meg’s play to flip Austin would backfire on James. Now Austin believes James is coming after him and the twins. This is why all of Meg’s friends have been evicted. She blows up their games with her stupid ideas. James could have been in a reasonably secure position by making nice with everyone since he is just one person.

    Any rational person would understand that this idea was never going to work and that it would be bad for James. Also, In every conversation she and James have had with Vanessa this week, Vanessa has revealing information she got from others in the house. James and Meg never asked, “how did she know that?” Had they asked themselves that question they would know that Austin and the twins are spilling everything to Vanessa. So posing this idea to Austin was sure to get back to Vanessa.

    This is why Meg deserves to leave the house. She is by far the dumbest player in the house, challenged for this title only by James who listens to her – although I think James has a lot of hormones rushing through his veins and he thinks he has a chance with Meg.

  11. I so wish Meg would have gone home in DE over Jackie. She’s cute and everything but she does nothing to help James’ game. If he doesn’t win HOH or veto he is going to be out the door right behind her this week.

  12. Just send Julia out ! She’s annoying anyways !!! Austin should be all for this,without Julia, he will have his love muffin all to himself !

  13. Wish someone would screw with Austin’s game, Jmac should tell Julia that Austin told him he has no intention of leaving his girlfriend, he’s just using Liz as a shield to get him further. His girlfriend of 2 years told him to do whatever he needs to win for them. Even say they are engaged.

    Blackmail is not used enough in the house, nor is lies about people’s lives on the outside, or just fabricated lies about a houseguest using info from getting to know them personally.

    I want to see some ruthless, unscrupulous behavior. Let’s get mean and nasty with the strategies people!

  14. Looks like the HOH comp is going to be one of those that if you;s luck. Rolling a ball down something.

  15. I’ve listened to the feeds a few times and I don’t hear anyone shouting anything. Its obvious someone is shouting something since the HGs react to it. James and Meg say the people are shouting “Austin wants Julia out”.

    The article says they are shouting “America wants Julia out” which is more accurate since we know Austin does not want to vote out Julia. So Branden, I have to ask. Do you know who was doing the shouting? Otherwise how can you hear what they are shouting?

  16. This big brother is the worst yet. The people in there are the dumbest for keep Vanessa and Austin. If they don’t get rid of Vanessa she is going to win it and she sure doesn’t deserve it. That is what wrong with these kind of shows people who should win don’t.

  17. I wholeheartedly believe that the so called shouts over the BB compound wall, that occurs “Every Season” is done by Production…Trust me, if it was some outside force doing this, CBS would have made sure it did not occur “every season” as it does…Wake Up People, just saying…

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