Big Brother 17 Live Feeds Week 3: Monday Night Highlights

It was a bit of a quieter evening in the Big Brother 17 house and then they got a booze delivery. Of course it wasn’t much more than enough to play a drinking game, but it did liven up the house a bit.

Big Brother 17 HGs play a drinking game – Source: CBS All Access

It didn’t do a lot of game talk, however, as Jeff isn’t really hardcore campaigning yet and everyone else is so confused on who to trust, everyone’s names are being thrown around as possible targets. Should make for an interesting week next week.

Big Brother 17 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Monday, July 13, 2015:

3:45 PM BBT – Audrey and Vanessa continue to discuss their situation. Audrey is confident that Jeff will be evicted. She thinks they need to watch how Meg positions herself with all the guys.

4:05 PM BBT – Jason tells Meg he’s almost relieved that they’re getting rid of Jeff before they had to do it themselves. They’re both worried about Shelli, but Clay worries Jason even more.

4:20 PM BBT – Audrey and Clay having a small argument. He’s worried about her being in the HoH room all the time. She criticizes the way he draws attention.

4:35 PM BBT – Shelli finally notices and questions Audrey how it is that she overhears seemingly every conversation in the house.

5:00 PM BBT – Becky mentions she has not been called in to the Diary Room since before Day was evicted. She questions if she’s even included in the show.

5:20 PM BBT – Meg tries small talk with Audrey. Audrey says she can’t wait for HGs to get home and see “the truth” about what happened against her in the first week. When Liz gets called to the DR Jason runs to the sliding door and checks if it’s a swap.

5:25 PM BBT – Jason and Clay talking about how Jeff gotย himself into the situation he’s in now. Jason says at least they won’t have to cut him loose later.

5:40 PM BBT – Clay and Jason are still talking. Jason says everyone will be fighting for HOH next week because no one knows who to trust in the game. Jason thinks it will be a questions competition (True or False or A or B).

5:55 PM BBT – Austin reporting back to the others about his talk with John about James. He tells them he thinks John now sees why he should evict Jeff.

6:43 PM BBT – Jeff and James are talking about how blind Vanessa is being with Audrey. James says it’s because Audrey is transgender and she’s a part of Vanessa’s community (LGBTQ).

6:46 PM BBT – Liz tells Austin that she complained to BB about the possibility of an HOH comp being on something she missed while Julia was in the house. She said they acknowledged that would be unfair and would figure something out. Feeds cut over that.

6:50 PM BBT – Liz and Austin are talking and she asks if she should admit toย Becky about the twin twist. Austin says no.

7:10 PM BBT ย – Austin tells Liz she needs to get a promise out of James for her vote to keep him this week.

9:05 PM BBT – Vanessa, Austin and Liz are talking about who is going to vote for Jeff. Austin says he wants to cut a deal with James for his vote. Vanessa asks them if they’re really going to vote to evict Jeff. They say they are for sure.

9:14 PM BBT – Austin tells Vanessa and Liz that he thinks Jason will go after Shelli and Clay for Da’Vonne revenge. He thinks they don’t have to worry about him for awhile.

9:16 PM BBT – Now Vanessa is wondering if Jeff is a twin because he doesn’t remember a conversation they had.

10:00 PM BBT – Jason, Jackieย and James think Steve is a bigger threat than he’s letting on. Jason says his targets will be Steve and Audrey.

10:15 PM BBT – Meg and Jeff have joined Jason, Jackie and James in talking about the group (Vanessa, Austin, Liz, Steve) that is clearly forming. They think John is a part of that other side too and has been leaking information. They’re not onto Shelli and Clay, it seems.

11:00 PM BBT – HGs get booze. They’re going to play a drinking game. So all game talk will halt.

11:44 PM BBT – During their drinking game Clay licks Jeff’s armpit.

11:52 PM BBT – Becky licks mayonnaiseย off Steve’s toe.

11:56 PM BBT – Becky puts a toilet paper diaper on Jeff.

12:10 AM BBT – The drinking game has broken up and HGs start moving about the house.

12:35 AM BBT – Austin warns Liz that everyone is watching whenever she is called to the DR. He suggests they need to expand their circle and make sure they’re good with more HGs.

12:45 AM BBT – Austin thinks he has Becky and John so he wants to create a five person alliance with him and the twins. He tells Liz they can’t trust Shelli and Clay for much longer.

1:25 AM BBT – Steve expresses concern over Shelli and Clay to Vanessa. She suggests maybe they should be a target. Steve is skittish. Vanessa promises Steve he doesn’t have to worry about Audrey. She thinks he should target Meg if he gets HoH.

2:15 AM BBT – Vanessa wants to create a female Chilltown with Audrey. She agrees.

2:30 AM BBT – John tells Steve he’ll be voting to keep Jeff because Jeff has had his back since the start.

2:35 AM BBT – Vanessa and Audrey discuss idea of looking for new allies. Audrey thinks Shelli and Clay have already been doing that.

2:45 AM BBT – Liz doesn’t know where to sleep because Austin got mad at her last time and now she’s uncomfortable about that. Vanessa suggests she needs to decide whether or not she likes Austin. Liz says she likes his personality, but his long hair and beard would have to go.

3:45 AM BBT – Audrey continues to insist to her new F2 ally that she was not the hinky vote for Day or Jace.

3:50 AM BBT – Jeff doesn’t think he’s got Clay’s vote to stay. Clay gave him a farewell talk today.

5:20 AM BBT – Becky and Jeff talking in the hammock. She says there’s no chance of her showmancing with John. She likes guys over 6′ and her last boyfriend was 51 years old. Jeff is stunned.

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  1. OMG there are still no solid alliance. New one again. And old breaking apart. The drama is not even close to been over.

    • Kinda funny that now it sounds like Austin is getting wary/paranoid of the others. I don’t understand Steve targeting Meg, unless his knowledge tells him she’s so like able she could win later? But looks like his knowledge would scream to get rid of the couple and the twins??

    • Lol right! It seemed like the only true alliance in the house is Clay and Shelli since they are now playing as one.

    • I have never watched a season like this one. Before when someone got HOH you would know what group of people they were targeting. Not this group. Guess it makes things more interesting for the viewers. We never know what’s going to happen!

  2. Here is a twin, there is a twin, everyone is a twin twin. Soon Vanessa will wonder if she herself is a twin.

  3. Shelli and Clay are getting closer by the second..he obviously is very smitten with her..I hope these people realize they cannot take a couple to the end or they will be walking out the door in 3rd place..I say this because this cast can’t even keep an alliance together for more than a day or two..they are so busy focusing on alliances..that Shelli and Clay may slide right by them.

    • I don’t think so. The thing is, with this season of houseguests, nothing slides by them (except for Jeff seeing as he forgets who the HoHs are at times) and they always react very quickly. Even this feeds recap shows that Austin, Liz, and Vanessa are growing wary of Chelli and are looking to cut ties with them in the future. James, Jason, Meg, and Jackie (probably) are realizing the overall group with Austin, Liz, Van, and allegedly John. The point being that there are two solid groups in the house. You won’t see James, Jason, Meg, or Jackie put each other up, nor would you see Austin, Lizia, or Vanessa put each other up. As for everyone else, they are either affiliated with those two groups or swing either way. What this leaves us with is both the two groups clashing, as well as the affiliates and swing votes either emerging as new targets or siding with one group or another. With a whole mess of targets, it’s all about which target the HoH chooses to send packing that will make the house side against that one individual to ensure they aren’t the HoH’s next pick. It’s really an interesting season so far and I hope it keeps up for the rest of the season.

      • I think you hit the nail square on the head, Kelby. There are 2 major groups so far with the outliers & side pieces being Steve, Becky, Chelli, Audrey, & JMac. I don’t think JohnnyMac is on the Austin/Vanessa side, per se. I just think that he’s smart enough to not sass the reigning HoH – ESPECIALLY one with early signs of HoH-itis! – just yet. I think Vanessa’s outright refusal to target Audrey this week has tanked her game long term. Everyone now knows that not only will she go rogue on a moment’s notice, but that she’s often incoherent and appears to be batshit crazy. No one trusts that for their end game, so I don’t see her making it too much farther, honestly. Which is fine with me because, while I didn’t care much for her before this week, now I absolutely DETEST her. Whenever the feeds are on her or Austin yapping, my dying brain cells scream, “STFU!!!,” as they jump out of my ears. :D

  4. The 6th Sense Alliance? There’s about five alliances within that group, and Vanessa is a part of every single one of season !

  5. Wow I really thought “The 6th Sense Alliance” was going to be a strong one. WTF? Now Vanessa wants to be a female chill town. Her and Audrey talking about finding new people for an alliance. Austin throwing Shay under the bus. Who’s loyal in that house? First of all Audrey needs to go. She’s such a snake. And after this HOH my opinion has sure changed about Vanessa. I’d like to see her and Audrey up together.

    • I have been studying Audrey for feminine physical traits. At first, I thought the transgender thing was a hoax; all males are born with an adams apple and I couldn’t see one on Audrey. I have some medical background. However, I don’t know much about transgender surgeries. I looked it up on the Internet and surprise surprise, there’s a surgical procedure called a trachael shave. It is explained very well by a doctor. Also, it is less expensive for a male to transgender to female than vise versa. The article was very interesting. I am only bringing this up because Audrey is making history on BB. She’s entertaining, but I hate her game play. Hope she’s not like this in the outside world!

      • I think she’s actually a Survivor and Big Brother superfan and has played online versions of Survivor before. Having played online Big Brother games before I can suspect she thoroughly enjoys the show and has spent a lot of time pre-BB17 discussing it with other superfans. Her personality is fine just as it is in the game, but strategically speaking I think she trained herself too much, per se. I believe she expected the others to behave similarly to the online community, but didn’t expect the competition to behave as emotionally as they do on Big Brother.

  6. From watching I think the sixth sense alliance is still there but I think Austin and Liz are looking to expand into another group to carry them. That group is playing smart right now. Have your core alliance but branch out and have relationships with everyone. Austin and Liz and being smart. Clay and Shelli as well.

  7. Watching this season I am beginning to wonder if all of the people in the house is Bi-Polar. That is the only thing that makes sense this year.

  8. Vanessa made herself look like an emotional wreck. She made a drama move, not a strategic move. lol

  9. I still can’t keep track of all of these alliances. Have they ever had this many before? How often do the Hg’s get called to the DR since Becky noticed it had been days since they called her?

  10. Side comment…can anyone shoot pool in this house? I ‘ve seen various games of marathon pool this season. Boy, they are awful. A pool shark would clean up in there. I guess all the bars they talk about going to don’t have pool tables. Pitiful…lol.

  11. Hey…if the make enough alliances everyone will be intertwined and connected in some way that they`ll have to put up Julie !!!

  12. How’s come Audrey didn’t join the rest of the hgs at the table?

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