Big Brother 17 Live Feeds Week 11: Wednesday Daytime Highlights

One last day of the Austwins as Julia continued to prepare for her eviction and so far no one has protested the shift in plans. That leaves more work to be done for the remaining five Houseguests.

Julia Nolan taking in everything on her last BB17 day
Julia Nolan taking in everything on her last BB17 day – Source: CBS All Access

While it’s been mostly quiet we did get a conversation between Austin and John that could continue to put Vanessa on a rocky position in the game. Then again, hasn’t she been in that situation for months?

Big Brother 17 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, September 9, 2015:

10:00 AM BBT – Lights on are but there is little movement.

11:30 AM BBT – Julia is wandering around alone after a workout on the elliptical.

12:00 PM BBT – Julia tells Vanessa her parting wish is for anyone but Steve or Johnny Mac to win the season.

12:53 PM BBT – John and Austin talking game. John says he knows who he can’t beat at F2 and that’s going to be part of his decision making soon. John says he probably can’t beat Steve. Austin says he probably can’t beat his girlfriend and he needs John. They agree the Jury won’t still be bitter by voting time and Vanessa is likely to win if she gets there.

1:00 PM BBT – Lockdown called by Big Brother. No more backyard until after the next show.

1:35 PM BBT – Vanessa offers to John that she’ll throw HoH to him if it’s just the two of them.

1:51 PM BBT – Austin relays to Liz that John told him how Becky warned if Vanessa is in the F2 then she’d vote for Vanessa. Austin thinks John was serious. Liz wants Julia to put Vanessa on blast to John before she’s evicted. They want John to feel that he can’t trust Vanessa.

1:52 PM BBT – Liz asks Austin how to spell “Jedi.” Seriously.

2:10 PM BBT – Steve and Austin take a stroll down the memory lane of BB6.

3:00 PM BBT – Steve camtalking. He worries that if Liztin wins HoH then he’ll need the votes, but if John or Vanessa gets it then the showmance will be split up. He worries again that if he’s on the Block against Vanessa next week then he’s done. Steve says he believes he is Vanessa’s only F2. (Oops. Vanessa has a F2 with everyone. Everyone.)

3:10 PM BBT – Steve worries about if he can beat Vanessa in a F2.

4:37 PM BBT – Liz relays to Julia that Becky warned John she (Becky) would vote for Vanessa in F2. (John told Austin. Austin told Liz. Liz now telling Julia.) Liz is upset about how Vanessa has played them and says if this hadn’t happened with Steve that she’d be going after Vanessa instead but Steve is her target. Julia agrees that she wants Liz targeting Steve, but if Steve gets the Veto then Vanessa needs to go.

4:45 PM BBT – Liz wants Julia to go talk with John and expose Vanessa to him. She wants Julia to tell him about all of Van’s F2 deals but then backs up and says to just tell him about Julia’s F2 with Vanessa so John doesn’t use that info against Liz and Austin.

Once again Vanessa is on everyone’s radar but she’s still not a top target. With just a few steps from the finish line she might still be able to sneak on past and get to finale night.

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  1. If Liz goes home tomorrow,then expect Julia to turn her back on the “man who never seems to be wearing a shirt”. Which i don’t mind but if he wins HOH. There will be h3ll to pay.

  2. Anyone else notice that when Vanessa gets what she wants she does a big stretch thing, like… Whoo that was close. I have never seen such a pitiful cast on BB.. there have been a couple contenders, but this cast takes the cake.

  3. Oh man, I really need to remember to not eat prior to watching BB. Liz and Austin just really turn my stomach!!

  4. After tonight’s episode, I really want Vanessa to win this season. But I can see her getting 3rd or 4th and we will be stuck with a horrible winner like Liz or Johnny Mac.

    • Whether you like her personality or not, Liz has been playing an amazing game. She had a sister AND a showmance, the two biggest targets ever, and yet she’s still alive. Everyone says Vanessa has been escaping the block even though shes a huge target, but so has Liz. She also wins comps and isnt afraid to make bold moves. As far as game goes, i respect her.

      • I’m indifferent to Liz, there are times that I like her and there are times where she annoys me. I don’t think that Liz will be a horrible winner but Liz is only there because of Vanessa. If it wasn’t for Vanessa creating the Sixth Sense, Liz would have been gone a long time ago.

      • Good point that liz was carried by sixth sense, but it was the twins who decided to tell vanessa their secret. They wanted vanessa to trust them so that they could gain an ally. So the twins played a large part of forming sixth sense

    • I would rather Steve or Johnny Mac win because they atleast, tried to play the game. Not too sure about Liz, Austin and Julia who continue to be blind stooges for Vanessa.

      • JMac doesn’t do anything, I really don’t want him to win. I would be okay with Austin or Steve winning. I really want Vanessa to win because I think she deserves it. Liz winning would be tolerable I guess..

  5. unbelievable. that group never ceases to amaze me-and not in a good way. vanessa would be sneaking to the finale only to them. we all saw/see what needed/needs to be done. btw, that episode did not do what i read justice. what i read on heres was more entertaining following the POV. what a let down, although i did like watching them get to the bowling alley after spinning.

  6. Oh my goodness! I literally literally had to watch Steve fall down and go boom 14 times before I could control myself enough to continue watching. I’m laughing now thinking about that. Tears! My face was wet from laughing so hard! I couldn’t see for the tears and couldn’t hear for my own laughter so I had to rewind again and again before I could make myself check myself just to get thru the episode. That was funny.

  7. Now Austin has told Liz to sell every item of her clothing on ebay when she gets out of there. This is wrong on so many levels. Not everyone has an autoclave. It’s all about the hype with this guy…he’ll probably try to sell hairs from his ponytail beard.

  8. So upset again – this season has been a rollercoaster. This game is too psychologically challenging this year – nothing much makes sense to me. Will someone explain how Liz is getting to stay? Who does that benefit, except Austin? I’ve never been much of a schemer and all the “plot changes” are way beyond me. If Austin or Liz win this game, I’m going to move somewhere they don’t even have television, but even my grandmother’s beautiful old farmhouse in Northern Ireland got electricity back in 1950. In the meantime, can’t wait for the West Coast episode in a little less than an hour.

    • Liz’s staying will benefit Liz and Julia. Liz is the better and brighter player. I think Austin is a bigger target than Liz so I don’t see how this helps him even though he encouraged it. Maybe he just wants more under the cover screen time…it’s all about the screen time.

    • It wasn’t until they finally figured out Vanessa and her schemes to get her farther in the game. Then they decided Luz was to stay because Vanessa wants her gone.

    • I’ve enjoyed BB and Survivor all these years because of the psychology among/between the contestants. I’m with you Sandy, this year’s BB is beyond understanding. May the best hg win … and I only see that being John.

  9. I was cracking up when Liz said “Julia your so dumb.” I’m sure Julia’s been dumb all their lives, she should have explained things to her sister before the comp. Julia seriously can not think without someone telling her what to do.

    • Oddly enough she says something educated every now and then which made me wonder if they are playing dumb twin, dumber twin. I wouldn’t be surprise if they pull a switcheroo and Julia stays tomorrow night. Would love to see her win HOH and put Vanessa and Austin on the block…I know, not happening.

  10. I dont even know who I want to win HOH now. I know it would be easiest for it to be someone who would put the same noms up again, but I’d really like to see a changeup.

    • Well the best players left in the game are Vanessa Austin and Steve. John sucks, at the gaming part and liz has been gullible. I’d like to see Those 3 engines turned up.

  11. I sure hope Liz goes tomorrow night. Boy Liz & Julia really show their true colors when things don’t go the way they want.

    • If Van, John, and Steve are in F3, I’ll be happy with whoever wins! As long as Liz or Austin does not win!

  12. Watching Austin reaction after winning POV and the fact that Liz is still with him has convinced me she is being poisoned by Austin’s cooking,how else can you explain this coupling,yes Liz will never be President of Yale but on the other hand compared to Austin she looks like a brain surgeon,this failed wrestler is not only a clown and cheater but also delusional,this Judas thing should make Liz go screaming out the door demanding to be transferred to Motel 6 for her own safety..this guy doesn’t love her,he loves only one thing in life..himself,,have one word for Liz..RUN!!

      • Very intelligent. He is super insecure l. Extremely so that obsession is a counter weight trying to keep the bug aquard boat afloat.

    • Creative. Wouldn’t u be livid if Julia got played moments before and you knew it in the comp moment. He went too long though.

      • You give him way too much credit but you are entitled to your opinion,for me he acted liked a selfish 14 year old and just want to point out that he totally forgot during his victory display that the “girlfriend” of the moment was still on the block and could be going home,not exactly a warm picture of someone in love.

      • I feel u. At that moment he thought Liz was in on it too. He has a tattoo of a knife going through his heart on his back so he’s been the ultimate burn victim before. That’s y he got freaked.

      • He freaked when something transpired without his knowledge, especially after he told Julia he would throw her the veto. Vanessa played him to show the twins what a liar he is. However, Vanessa is the biggest liar and yet they trust her. Amazing.

  13. Swear to god,if faced with the choice of having to sleep with Judas or face a firing squad,would say..hand me a blindfold and shoot!

  14. Proud of Julia. Now I see how she came to the conclusion the other nightVanessa Steve and mac were working together. She was so upset in her head she got played by Vanessa in the last moment in veto, and embarassed she’d been thinking on it hard. She realized Vanessa fuc!## her. When we face great demise we come up with best ideas. Truly motivated.

  15. I’m glad they are figuring things out and its about time. If they all talked more they’d figure out the rest. However, is it too little too late, and what will they do with the info? Also, I can’t believe they are keeping Liz. Vanessa and Jmac should vote out Liz and make up some story about how its better.

  16. If Liz manages to stay, I think the advantage goes to that side of the Big Brother House and Johnny Mac and Steve would be on the chopping block.
    Going to a crucial HOH, it does not make any sense to keep Liz over Julia based on ability to win HOHs and POVs. Vanessa is counting on Austin and Liz to continue to keep her safe however, now would be the most opportune time for Austin or Liz if they win HOH to take out Vanessa as they fully control the votes. If not, Vanessa probably will get to Final 2 that much easier.

  17. I stopped watching BB the season Andy won. I was hit and major miss on cop season. This season I have actually watched more shows. The reason is the bad part. I am only watching to see how stupid this coming up generation is. I want to fall on my knees and cry at the thought of these morons having college degrees.

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