Big Brother 17 House Revealed – Update: More Pics & Video Added

The Big Brother 17 house has been revealed as CBS releases our first look at the home for this season’s new Houseguests ahead of next week’s premiere event and Tuesday’s cast reveal.

Big Brother 17 House revealed - Source: ET/CBS
Big Brother 17 House revealed – Source: ET/CBS

Entertainment Tonight landed the house video tour with Big Brother host Julie Chen as she takes our through the new design and 2015 season theme for the first time. The video will be out later tonight but right now we have the first look directly from ET!

The new design, featuring a beach theme, is gorgeous and I think I like it even better than last year with it’s flashier colors and design. The upstairs has something new and cool too with an extra 150+ square feet thanks to a glass bridge added in by Big Brother house designer Scott Storey.

Check out a few of the photos below, ET has the full set, and get ready to meet the Big Brother 17 cast tomorrow morning with their CBS interviews released only on the Live Feeds.

What do you think of the new design? And where’s that Have-Not room? What could it be!

click images to see full-size views

Update: More pics have been added below thanks to the video tour released by ET Canada. Few more views of the space as host Julie Chen walks us around the Big Brother 17 house. has even more pics from this set.

Julie Chen’s guided tour video from ET:

Source: ETOnline via CBS



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  1. I love the house this season! Every room is so colorful and I love the upstairs addition with that bridge.

      • You too…I had to switch names this season. I told Karen that maybe I should start my comments this season with..this is Lynn..formerly known as Hoosier1158!!

    • I noticed that too. They use it a lot so I don’t understand why they made less seating in there.

  2. Wow! Sand and surf (backyard) meets outrageous color schemes and chrome! Will the hgs ever be able to sleep?

  3. I love the house but don’t see enough beds is that going to be a small house this year….

  4. Perfect house for BBUS…I hate that super modern trekkie looking house of BBC

  5. This is the first year in several years I really like the house. The bridge addition is good. I’m disappointed in the small amount of seating in the lounge area. That doesn’t make a lot of sense. They have a regular fridge this year instead of the drawers. At least they made the living room a lot larger with additional seating along the wall.

    • Agree..they definitely need more seating in the lounge room..that is where alot of the strategy sessions take place. Not very good planning there..but, I love the rest of the house!

  6. Love the look of the house. Can’t wait to watch Entertainment Tonight for the actual tour. Two rooms with only one double bed. Does this mean two HOH’s.??? Can’t wait to find out. Hope it’s only one though.

    • The explanation (rumor?) on twitter is that the second (HOH?) room will be for the veto winner.

      • Now that will be fun. There doing the same as last year for nominations by what I could see with the wall.

  7. If you go to the Entertainment TN sight and type BB on the surge you’ll see pictures of all the rooms, their inspiration and who designed them.

  8. I love the house this year! It’s super cute! I especially like the plexiglas bridge. I can’t wait for this season to start!!

  9. 6:47pm East coast. Just watched a mini-tour of the new BB house. Little disappointed ~ Pics posted here are more revealing and thorough than what was shown on tv. What a letdown~

  10. If anyone missed Ent. Tonight it’s on again at 9:30 if you still want to see it. I do, I missed it too.

  11. I hope they are a little neater this season. The last HGs were such slobs. I bet that place stunk to high heaven!

    • I wouldn’t count on it. It wasn’t just last year’s HGs, they’re like that every year.

      • It may just be me, but I thought last season they hit an all-time high in the filth department, the house and some of the people. I’ve probably felt that way before. I wonder if Matt has any info about any such thing. I’m sure the cleaning crews could enlighten us about which season was the nastiest, bless them.

      • hahaha, I stand corrected. They probably had to demolish last year’s house thus the brand new one this year.

      • Heck, I didn’t even realize that the house was brand new. I need to read more. :(

      • It’s not ‘brand new’ ~ they renovated the same ole house, just like they’ve been doing every year. Look under the kitchen sink/cabinets and you’ll see the senior ants living there ~ same kitchen, same ants.

  12. I know this is a BB fan site but if anyone is an The Amazing Race Canada fan, they introduced 3 teams on my morning news show today. I’m so excited for it to start as well (July 8th) :-)

  13. Ok, im already frustrated with this all access.. I tried signing up through your link and it sent me in circles(i wanted to give you the credit for me signing up). So i signed up through the app and now have no clue how to navigate It.. You said interviews would be released at 8pt but it keeps telling me no live events avaialable and when I go to BB it only has BB16.. And now my shortcut to your website keeps sending me to the cbs page instead :l ughhhh…

  14. Ok, im already frustrated with this all access.. I tried signing up through your link and it sent me in circles(i wanted to give you the credit for me signing up). So i signed up through the app and now have no clue how to navigate It.. You said interviews would be released at 8pt but it keeps telling me no live events avaialable and when I go to BB it only has BB16.. And now my shortcut to your website keeps sending me to the cbs page instead :l ughhhh…

  15. Ok, im already frustrated with this all access.. I tried signing up through your link and it sent me in circles(i wanted to give you the credit for me signing up). So i signed up through the app and now have no clue how to navigate It.. You said interviews would be released at 8pt but it keeps telling me no live events avaialable and when I go to BB it only has BB16.. And now my shortcut to your website keeps sending me to the cbs page instead :l ughhhh…

  16. Hooray!! Frankie Grande is going to have live chats during the feeds!! Ya-hoo!! I can’t wait to hear his insightful, intelligent, and un-biased comments!! I cannot wait!! Woo-hoo!! (OK, for those of you who don’t know me, I’m totally being sarcastic). Wonder if Les Moonves has any housemates that he or his corporations holds stock in…But seriously, I can’t wait for the season to start. And, KSJB, I’m stocking my fridge with ice cream!

    • Sharona, Sharona, Sharona, you made my day showing up with your sarcasm! I went to get me a bowl of mint chocolate chip(Turkey Hill brand) just in your honor. I’ve expanded my horizons. Not just a vanilla and chocolate gal anymore. Let the scooping begin!

  17. The house looks great. I mean really. It looks like a cool place to hang out. But they could be in a shack for all I care. Bring on the backstabbing and gameplay! That’s why I watch!

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