Big Brother 16: Will Derrick Throw Round 3?

We’ve arrived at Big Brother 16 Finale Day and a very important decision awaits one of the final three Houseguests. If Derrick wins Round 3 tonight then the choice to evict could be a $500,000 mistake. With everyone else prepared to take him to the end, it’s worth asking: will Derrick throw the last competition?

Big Brother 16 Final HoH competition
Big Brother 16 Final HoH competition – Source: CBS

I’ve discussed the F2 possibilities thoroughly over the past few days as we’ve anxiously awaited the Big Brother season finale. While I’m confident that given the chance, both Victoria and Cody would decide to take Derrick on to the end it’s been interesting to watch as Derrick has solidified his commitment to the Hitmen. Could a choice to go to the end with Cody cost him Victoria’s support?

If Derrick wanted to get to the end with Cody but didn’t want to risk Victoria’s vote, should a choice to go with Cody cost him that, then there was an option. Throwing the third round of the final HoH would let Derrick avoid the eviction vote and keep his hands clean. I don’t think he has to do that anymore.

After days of listening to her threats Derrick sat down with Victoria last night to clear the air and explain the decision he’s hinted at making. Flashback to 1:04AM BBT 9/24 Cams 3/4 as Derrick and Victoria sit alone in the Fire room for an important conversation.

Derrick explained to Victoria that he’s done everything he can in the game to make sure she made it to the Final 3, but now that they’re there he has to play only for himself and his family. Derrick promises her that this choice will be made based on what’s best for his game and not a personal choice against her or a move to prioritize Cody over her.

Victoria sounds relieved and tells Derrick “that’s all I wanted to hear.” She wanted to know that it wasn’t an issue of his alliance being stronger with Cody or that she was delusional that she had a chance at getting to the end. Victoria goes on to promise Derrick she’s a vote in his column to win the game.

With Victoria’s potential to be a bitter Juror resolved we can toss out Derrick’s need to throw the last round of the final HoH tonight. Derrick will be gunning for that win to give him a sixth competition win which would tie him with Cody and help lock down another dimension to his game.

Considering how closely Derrick has worked to bond with the Jurors over the season I think he has a solid chance at winning this round. These aren’t always easy questions though and anything could happen, but luckily for Derrick and his fans, I’m confident he’ll be sitting in the F2 either way.

What do you think? Will Derrick throw this last comp? Should he? We’ll see what happens tonight!



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  1. SO smart of Derrick once again. Convincing Victoria that she’s too much of a threat to take to F2, when that couldn’t be further from the truth. Jury management at its best. Derrick FTW.

    • The fact the Victoria could be convinced that she is a threat to anyone in this game says it all. I don’t care of Derrick is a master hypnotist, only a person with a serious delusion could be convinced of that considering the game Victoria has played.

      • Victoria has not played the game…….point blank and period. However, if she is take to the F2, I hope she wins……point blank and period.

  2. Derrick shouldn’t throw it & I don’t think he will, especially after the talk he had with Victoria. He should know that Cody could always change his mind, so he should want the decision to be his alone & to do that he has to win F3.

  3. The $550,000 question for Derrick, is … Can he beat Cody one-on-one in a challenge? I suspect that he is using “Throwing the Comp” as an excuse when he gets “punked” yet again by Cody … Ha !!!

    IMO, if he wants to secure a definite Jury votes, he would have to win the final comp … Seriously, beating Victoria in Round 2 was a no brainer .. then again, he may have used his Master Jedi Mind Tricks to get to throwing Round 2 …. Ha !!!

  4. Now that there is literally nothing gained from throwing P3, Derrick’s definitely going to give it his all.

    I don’t think Cody stands a chance in this particular comp — it’s all about knowing how the HGs think, typically. Derrick will ace this.

  5. I will be very disappointed if the HOH winner does not take Victoria to the end, whether it is Derrick or Cody. This is a GAME and the goal is to win. Coming in second may seem like a moral victory now, but not when they get home and one of them realizes he blew a once in a life time opportunity to collect half a million dollars after spending 97 days in captivity.

    But at the same time, if Cody wins HOH, takes Derrick and Derrick wins by a 9-0 or 8-1 vote is will be the final demonstration of why this season has been so ridiculous and boring. The players seem to be clueless, including Derrick, about the perception inside and outside the house. This idea that the jury will vote for Victoria out of spite or the the jury will be angry with them is stupid and defies what every other season of BB has been like. If Helen and Alyssa could vote for Andy to win last year that pretty much sums up how long the anger and disappointment lasts in the jury house.

    • Sorry but you are completely wrong about every other season of Big Brother. Season 14 ‘s Jury was THE most bitter jury in the history of Big Brother. I have a sinking feeling after listening to those jurors just now that we will have another “Dan Gheesling should have won BB14 REWIND”. It will be another atrocity for the Big Brother history books, if Derrick loses this season. IMHO

  6. I don’t think Derrick should throw the last comp. What does he have to gain by throwing the comp……Victoria’s vote, whatever. Everyone knows that Victoria is a nutcase and I don’t think anyone will let her sway their vote. However, Derrick should know by now that Victoria is easily influenced and if evicted, she will do whatever the jury wants her to do.

  7. This whole season has been a joke. It should end with a 9-0 vote for Derrick just to sum up how stupid the entire cast was this year. Why even watch the finale, other than to see a “real” player – Dr.Will- return and bless the cast with his brilliance.

  8. You can’t throw the final round of the HOH anyway. It’s all guessing, there’s no surefire way to throw it anyway.

  9. I hope he throws it, and it gets obvious, Cody is pissed, and he takes Victoria…..Perfect ending ! lol

      • Here I am Sharona…. I’ve travelled all the way back in time just to comment to you about the future! ;)

      • WAIT! You said you were going back in time…are you trying to mess with my already messed up head? ;)

      • I think you probably were being a bit quick to jump on Mr.GoodTaste, but I do agree his comment was inappropriate… I guess what you’re asking me though is whether it was inappropriate enough to warrant your comment… To that, I can’t really give you an absolute answer I’m afraid. On the one hand it’s good when people stand up to inappropriate behaviour, but on the other hand if you are the person who is always doing it, what will other people think about you and how valid your concern is… Know what I mean? It’s a fine balance between having a thin skin to CARE about issues, but a thick skin to also LET IT GO when you find that you’re becoming a little too addicted to battling with others… Either way you will ALWAYS be my beautiful friend who I support even if I disagree with your perspective! :)

      • Thank you, Matt. I knew you’d tell the truth, which is why I specifically asked YOU. I seem to be taking a lot of things personally—that I otherwise would just blow off. I have RA and Lupus, and the last few months have really affected every part of my part of my body; my psyche; and my spirituality. I was so excited for BB to start; I was hoping it would bring some much needed joy to my life. But, because I’ve been feeling so incredibly lousy, even BB is making me over-react and irritated. Pain really affects my disposition. I try to be cheerful and happy—because that’s who I really am! Right now, though, I feel like I’m pretending; and that pretending is coming out in bursts of judgmental comments. SO. I think I’m going to lay low for a few days and hope things get a little better so that I don’t jump down people’s throats…because that is the antithesis of ME. Thanks for listening, Matt. You, also, will always be MY beautiful friend even though you disagree with my perspective! Thank you, Matt. ;)

      • Ha, I very very rarely disagree with you – honestly! I really cherish how encouraging and how uplifting you are to our community of friends… And heck, who cares if you’re being overly sensitive? I don’t. I certainly don’t think less of you… But yes I do understand what you’re saying about wanting to be the ”real you”. There was a point in my life when my health was down for a while and I felt really trapped by the desire to snap at people. I felt critical, judgemental, and overall crappy because usually PEOPLE make me feel better, but the way I acted around people only made me feel worse (what a horrible cycle right?)… YOU HAVE MY LOVE & FRIENDSHIP Sharona! I will both pray and meditate upon you in the hopes that you will learn to forgive yourself more, and learn to accept that heck, we can all be sensitive at times! Did you see my back & forth with the lady accusing me of racial double-standards? I was definitely NOT kind to her. lol. ;)

      • Oh, I so totally get what you said about how PEOPLE usually make me feel better. Because of my illnesses, I’ve totally isolated myself so that friends and family won’t have to ‘deal’ with me. I’ve ceased to be Sharon, and have turned into something people have to ‘deal’ with. And the shame of isolating does indeed feed the cycle. Anyway, thank you for your kind words. You pretty well nailed it on the head when you you said that I need to learn to forgive myself more. Jeez…are you psychic or what? I would appreciate you prayers and meditations concerning that part of my life. I’m always the ‘peace maker’. That is what I do best–so when I do get snappy, I tend to hold onto it rather than forgive myself and let it go. Again, thank you for the love and friendship. You have mine as well…I hope you know that. Now, I’m going to go find the back and forth where you weren’t kind (although, I think it may just be an Urban Legend…can’t imagine you not being kind. Being confident in your confrontations, YES. Unkind? NO.) Take care, my dear Matt. Hopefully I’ll be back and better than ever. But should you ever feel the need to ‘talk’, you can always post something deep in the vault of my past. Namaste, Sharon

      • Hey Matt, are you there? I just wanted to tell you that I’m feeling better today. Less pain and fatigue. It was so nice to have our conversation last night. I really, REALLY appreciated it! Honestly, it’s funny how you so totally get me without really knowing much about me. Your powers of perception are amazing…but I’m sure other people have told you that. Have a great day, my friend!

    • Honestly, I don’t care who wins. I would love to see Victoria win. Why…………..because I would like for the two remaining idiots to see that a floater can actually win the game……..float on floater.

  10. No doubt if Derrick wins the final HOH he takes Cody. Victoria secured 3rd spot when she said she would vote for him. He had to be sure. Now he won’t throw it and she is out. I don’t think Cody will take Vic either. He thinks he has a chance to beat Derrick. Derrick wins 550K because of TA and Cody wins 50K.

  11. I used to think that he would throw it, but now I’m sure that he won’t. He wants to be in control of who he’s up against in the finale and not risk getting Neda’d (as Matt calls it – which I love, BTW). He’ll try to win. And I think he will win the final HOH and the whole season. #teamDerrickFTW

  12. I. Don’t know what he will do,but would like to know why he has never been criticized. For fooling around with. Victoria.A married policeman with a child and he is always telling her he loves her and what they are going to do together once. Big brother is over. He is making a fool of a 22 yr. old woman.I hope Cody wins and takes Victoria with him.

  13. I don’t think he will throw it. Even if he could the final part is a guessing game. You never know what response the jurors will say. I think F2 will be Derrick and Cody. Now who will win? I think Derrick will but you never know.

  14. i just want to know how on EARTH vic made it that far….did they have an alliance to begin with or did she literally just ride on the fact that she couldn’t win anything to save her life (quite literally)

  15. I do hope Derrick wins. Everyone plays to the best of their abilities when they’re playing a game for big bucks. No matter who does what, whether its honesty or lies, manipulation, vengance, etc. The winner is chosen by the jury who has respected their game on a whole, or is vengance, whatever. But in the end, Derrick played well with what he was handed, and did the best he could with what he knew. Nobodys perfect, were all human, and I’m sure that many people would play the way they need to with money like that on the line. I just believe Derrick was more proactive than Cody and Viictoria. Congratulations and best wishes for your futures to all the players this season…at least you all were chosen, and at least you all played somehow!

  16. Everyone keeps saying Derrick will win $550k, but with the OTHER team america winnings, he could possibly be going home with $575k

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  1. 'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Derrick Sets The Stage For A Win, Will It Happen?

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