The next eviction is approaching on Big Brother 16 so it’s time to start counting the votes and see which nominee is in the most danger of being sent home on Thursday night.
Power of Veto events are out of the way after a winner was revealed on Saturday and the Ceremony was held on Monday. That gives us the final nominees for Big Brother this week and the table is set for one of them to be evicted with what looks like it could be another landslide majority.
After Donny used his Power of Veto win on Jocasta to remove her from the block, Derrick had his chance to renominate Devin, this week’s main target. Now there are two strong contenders on the block side by side: Caleb & Devin.
While this might seem like a great opportunity to blindside Caleb and send him home, I don’t think these Houseguests are ready to give up their chance at sending Devin packing while they’ve got him right where they want him.
There will be eleven votes this week so no chance of a tie-breaker. Derrick’s power has ended but he shouldn’t have to worry. The house is unified on this effort and I fully expect an 11-0 vote against Devin with Caleb remaining safely inside the house.
Do you think the HGs should stick to the Devin plan or would it be a better move to surprise Caleb and go for Devin again another week? Share your thoughts in the Comments section below.
I’m sure Devin is going home, but we don’t know for sure, and crazier things have happened.
Matt, Can elaborate on how production can influence the HG’s?
Production asks them questions in the Diary room that forces the house guests to consider the game from all angles. However, this can easily be used to try and nudge someone in one direction over another by making them paranoid or convincing them a move might be better for their game.
Ahh reality TV. Never as real as they want you to think it is.
I’ll miss ol’ crazy Devin.
I hope it is Devin!!!
Yes, you shouldn’t waste this chance to get Devin out because Devin is so popular and loved by the houseguests that you will NEVER have another chance to get him out. He is big so he will win every competition, too, that is known to mankind. You HAVE to get him out this week. Give me a flippin’ break! dumb
Well I think I heard Devin has a daughter who might or might not need him home right away , But I think it would be great to see Caleb go home it’s not like they can’t get Devin out next week or even the next week I think Caleb is CRAZY and I would be very worried about him if I was Amber or Cody
Devin is the last chance to breakup the Bomb squad.Derrick,Zach and Cody will steam roll their way to the final 3,daring anyone in their way. For the women of the house, it actually makes sense to keep Devin.