Big Brother 16 Team America Mission: There’s A Mouse In The House

Last night on Big Brother Live Feeds the remaining members of Team America, Derrick & Frankie, received a new mission from viewers. After a week off from their tasks the challenge is back, but can they pull it off this time?

Team America has a new mission
Team America has a new mission on Big Brother – Source: CBS

Derrick receives word that they’re back on the clock with the chance to earn another $5,000 each even though Donny was evicted. He runs up to the HoH room to tell Frankie their good news. Flashback to 10:28PM BBT 9/5 to watch. As for the mission? America voted to keep the HGs up all night in search of a rodent in the house.

Frankie and Derrick decide they’ll spot a mouse on separate occasions in the same night and keep everyone awake in search of the fictional Houseguest. To be considered a success everyone has to stay up until 6AM BBT the night of their adventure.

They suggest creating their own little mouse traps and if anyone goes in to the DR to ask for a real trap then production has agreed to tell HGs they’re setting up traps around the outside of the house. Derrick says they have to scare some of the HGs with false sightings and run-by’s.

Both Derrick and Frankie agree that this is a very doable mission for Team America. Considering everyone tends to stay up anyway and they’ll only have to convince three people to do it then this should be a gimme. Derrick explains that if anyone goes to bed then they run the risk of them falling asleep and Team America failing the mission.

Watch for TA to put their new mission in to action later tonight (Saturday) but probably not until around midnight since they can start the challenge at anytime but no one can fall asleep before 6AM.

Now we’ll just have to wait for Frankie to blame the mouse’s existence on Zach for leaving Froot Loops around the house.



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  1. They tend to sleep most of the day away anyway, so I’m sure none of the HGs left will fall to sleep with a mouse on the loose! LOL Hope it gets the reaction America wants is all!

  2. I actually don’t think it will be as easy as that… Staying awake from Midnight to 6am is easy for kids and young adults, especially when there’s other people around… But they’ve been in the house for a while now and they’re pretty comfortable in not staying awake in fear of missing something (except Frankie of course). I can see one of Cody, Caleb, or Victoria eventually hitting a point where they say ”This is dumb, I’m going to sleep!”

  3. Two things. First, this seems easy. They only have to keep three people up. Two of you don’t count Vic who won’t sleep. Second, something smells fishy. Reading the blogs, most people were voting for #2.

      • Exactly. I voted for B because it seemed more amusing, and I saw a lot of people in live feed chat talk about voting for it as well. Mission A had much less support in the particular places I visited.

      • I must apologize. I should of said #1 istead of #2. I personally voted #1. Because I dont’t want either one of them to win any more money.

      • Same here and I was hoping everyone else was doing the same. But I guess America wants them to get more money. Which they don’t deserve.

      • I felt that way, too. saturn0205. I voted for mission #1 because I was certain these people could not be convinced to fast for 24 hrs. I was certain I had done the right thing when Derrick was explaining this “mouse in the house” mission to Frankie. Once Frankie had assured hinself that the mission would be easy (because the house stays up half the night, anyway), he grabbed Derrick’s shoulders and sqealed “They dont hate us!!”…..meaning the viewing public. I really wish we had been able to send a different message to the resident egomaniac! Then again, when he gets voted off to boos and hisses, his reaction to that will probably be the one REAL thing we have seen from this celebrity wannabe all season! SWEET!! Just in case anyone may have missed it, I noticed that Frankie has a new pipe dream about their last TA mission being a complete and utter failure… They didnt lose the 5 grand because Frankie’s stupid play was ameturish and juvenile, but because America was not suffering from sleep deprivation. Apparently, Frankie believes America only passes one of their ridiculous “missions” when we have been kept up all night! Really?

    • She will freak and to keep her from sleeping all they have to do is “see” the rat in the bedroom. they need to tear up some soft material and make a “rat nest” so maybe the other HG fear a family of rats.

  4. Now if BB actually did let a couple of mice loose and they had to catch them, I’d go for that. Just make sure they can’t breed.

  5. A mouse?..they’ll just sleep on it..If it’s a rat, but they already got rid of her last week.

      • She also said that Nicole was backstabbing her constantly…I’ve seen all the feeds and there’s only a couple times she did that and it was after she’d returned to the house, not before when she put Nicole up on the block due to backstabbing her. It was rumors from the other HGs heard by Christine which she took to heart and made them her own truth and no matter how many times Nicole told her she had her back, Christine refused to listen to or believe her. Christine should have known better being a Superfan that one shouldn’t believe anyone in the BB house. Nicole really did play an honest game…Jeff tried to question Christine on it and she told him “you probably didn’t see her when she went and told others what I was sharing with only her”. Rather than argue with her, Jeff moved on to the next question! :-) I also remember how panic stricken Christine was when Nicole won that return comp and came face to face with Christine.

  6. Believe me, you two fruit loop dingus’…we could care less about TA. I wish the missions would end, these last two were just ridiculous. Stop giving them free money!!

  7. Why didn’t they give this kind of missions when donny was still there? What would be funny is when their missions for the rest of the season will fail.

  8. I love the fruit loop comment! Props! I didn’t even vote this round for a mission, I wonder if they had less votes at all! I think since his fellow team mates were essential in getting Donny out there should no longer be a Team America but I guess there are still people out there voting :(
    So since they pushed the rewind button and the whole week starts over next Wednesday does that mean even if they succeed that they won’t get the 5K? Since they can’t complete this mission again during the 1 hour episode? One can dream!

      • I didn’t vote either. To send them a message loud and clear, all missions should be pass or fail via us the viewers. After skankie blaming the mission fail on us uneducated Americans I’m out on TA.

  9. NO. We don’t want to give Team America ANY money for the bullshit they’ve done. Production needs to stop these lame missions.

    • They won’t get any. This week is rewind. Everyone just needs to vote hardest mission so they fail.

    • Health codes would prevent CBS doing that…but seeing how messy the house was before Jeff remarked on it, it shouldn’t be that hard to imagine a mouse making its way in somehow!

    • Funny thing…95% of chat rooms said they were voting for A. The other 5% said they weren’t voting at all. Interesting outcome, eh?

  10. America! Why didn’t you all vote for the one where they make everyone fast for 24 hours but secretly eat so they DONT get the money?!??that mission was way harder. I was hoping everyone was voting on that with me lol :P they already all stay up all night! I just hope they fail somehow! Ugh:p

  11. Why lie about a mouse when there is a few big fat Rats already in the house oh, they are the ones lying about a mouse…..

  12. It doesn’t matter. The mission will be void due to rewind button. Or it should anyways. We will see if bb pays them even if they complete the mission you’ll see who production is favoring.

  13. This mission is so boring. I wanted A and even though I missed the chance to vote I find it hard to believe this was what was picked. Make them stay up when they do that anyway? Yawn

  14. There is something bothering me about this mission. I voted for HG’s not eating. So now they start at 12 midnight and end 6 am? And everyone has to stay awake? They can also start mission anytime. What keeps them from starting at 5am and only do it for 1 hour? I agree with FRankie on part of his statement. the mission is a easy one. I dont think they deserve any more money.

  15. “Now we’ll just have to wait for Frankie to blame the mouse’s existence on Zach for leaving Froot Loops around the house.”

    Hahahahaha! Thanks for the laugh!

  16. So, since this week is being rewound..then the TA mission is rewound too, right? Everything else is null and void..why isn’t this?

  17. So does anyone know who won the irrelevant veto comp today or did they even play the comp today as I noticed Matt hasn’t posted an article about the comp

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