Big Brother 16: New Team America Mission Sends Fans Into Panic

Houseguests finally woke up well in to the afternoon today when word came that there was a new Team America mission. It was a bombshell. The reported news was also not correct.

Team America on Big Brother 16
Team America on Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

Initial word was that Derrick and Frankie had a new mission, but keep in mind, the details are not correct. It was reported that if they got to the finale together then the winner would win an extra $50K. Red flags went up for everyone. That sounds like blatant production interference to get Derrick to keep Frankie ahead of an eviction attempt. It’s not accurate. This is not true.

Flashback to 1:29PM BBT 9/12. Frankie comes back to the bathroom to join Derrick. After a big hug they begin discussing what sounds like a new Team America mission. “Doesn’t change anything, we still got to get there,” says Derrick. There being the F2 and their reward: an extra $50K to the winner, but do they have to get there together? Not according to the later part of the discussion.

Here’s what got people worked up. Derrick says if they get there (F2) together then they guarantee one of them gets $550K. That sounds like they have to get there together, but as the talk continues it’s apparent that they do not. He points out there is no $50K prize for second. There is no incentive for TA to get to the end together.

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Jump ahead to 1:35PM BBT Cams 1/2. (Get the Free Trial now & watch!) Derrick says there’s “only one way to guarantee one of us wins $550K. One option. We both have to be there.” Okay, again that sounds like it means they both have to be there, but wait just a few more seconds.

Derrick adds, “if I knick you off and I’m there, nobody might get it.” There. So either one can still win the $50K bonus for winning as a TA member even without the other being in the F2. Done.

The guarantee part is simply that if both F2 seats are filled by a TA member then obviously one or the other gets an extra $50K. That’s what Derrick is suggesting.

While I was typing this up, Big Brother producer Chris Roach put out on Twitter to BB alum Shelly Moore that it was “not correct” about the claims that Team America had to get to the end together. Well that could have saved me a lot of typing!

So what are they talking about all this “together” stuff for then? Derrick wants to calm Frankie after Caleb spilled the beans about them targeting Frankie for eviction. This makes it sound like Derrick wants to keep Frankie. He doesn’t. Then Frankie keeps pushing “together” so Derrick won’t want to get rid of him. He does.

One addition, 1:41PM BBT, Frankie tells Derrick that if he (Frankie) wins the $550K then he’ll give Derrick $100K. Clarification: Frankie was saying he’d give Derrick half the TA bonus $50K, so $50K for 2nd + $25K from TA missions + $25K from half of the bonus just offered.

You can NOT say that. You can’t offer a bribe. It is explicitly against the rules. Otherwise someone at F3 says “take me and I’ll give you half my winnings.” It’s against the rules flat out. Frankie would know this if he were actually such a big fan of the show as he claims to be over and over.



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  1. So, since Frankie said something “… EXPLICITLY against the rules…” , will production step in and say something? I mean, forget the repulsive bigoted, sexist remarks he’s made—never mind about that stuff—will something be said to him NOW? Or will CBS simply keep rewarding their employee and do nothing?

    • They may mention something to him in the DR in private. Don’t expect it to impact the game in any way. This is just one of the many rules they’ve never enforced.

      • Then why a have a ‘rule’ if they’re never enforced? I can’t stand this selective consistency when it comes to the rules.

      • Because BB/CBS cheats like they did with Janelle. They had her answer changed so that she won HOH … and it is was shown! Not many people caught it. You can find the video on y o u t u b e “Top 22 Big Brother Moments #2. It is at the 1:26 mark. Her answer is “300” but upside down. Ju;ie tells her to flip it right and then her answer is “275” and she WINS! Janelle even starts to celebrate before she is told.

      • No you’re wrong. In that instance, she was using the same cardboard twice. on one side was the 300 on the other was 275.

      • Pay attention, pause it and you will see that even on the second time she is posting “300” and then it magically appears as 275. Get a clue. :)

      • At 1:31 she picks it up and you get the flash of “300” but just before it cuts to April, you can also see that she is flipping it over to reveal the answer that she had been writing on the opposite side of the board (when Julie said it was upside down) of “275”.

      • It’s not magic. They cut away to the girl on the her left. You can see her start to flip it over. While I agree that, at times, the producers are definitely trying to influence certain things, I don’t think this is one of them.

      • I see that when she wrote 300 the front side is clearly blank.. this isnt the time the rewrite your answer it can’t be change when its time to reveal the answer. when the cam cut to the other player. she then pulls up a new card revealing 275..but yes that card with 300 didnt have any thing on the back of it.

      • wow. I watched it again. I think you’re right. It was blank. it was upside down. and the cut goes back to 275. strange. And thus began Howies over reactions. Which is probably why he did this, to try and cover up the production change.

      • Saying it and doing it are 2 different things. They probably told him in the DR you’re not allowed to share your winnings so quit talking about it.

    • In BB canada , production was always on top of cheating, and rule breaking and punishments were given out (sometimes after reviewing video )… i think a suitable punisment for Frankie would be that he has to sit out the veto comp. The bribery violation is a major issue, possible instant eviction.

    • Um……………HELLO?!?!?!?!?!?! Am I the only person questioning this? I mean, what about all those poor orphans in Africa that don’t even have a school to attend? Has everyone forgot that this caring, charitable, social media mogel TV star has already promised his winnings elsewhere?

      • Hello — they’re not participating in the game. You can do whatever you like with your money once you win it. And incase you weren’t aware — Frankie wants to build dance schools in Africa.

      • Oh Thank You so much for clearing that up, Floridian. Yes, I heard his speech when he announced that too. That was the same day he “came clean” to the house about who his sister is. The funny thing is, I went back and watched his interview with Rachel before he entered the house and he never mentioned building any type of school in Africa or any other country for that matter. I guess he decided to keep that a secret from America. Too bad he didn’t keep a secret who his sister was. So, it doesn’t matter who is participating in the game. What does that have to do with anything? I was speaking to other fans of the show who don’t believe everything that comes out of Frankie’s mouth, apparently like you do. I was simply pointing out that Frankie was offering to give $100,000.00 to a fellow contestant, if he were allowed to stay in the house and possibly win the game. I just don’t understand why Frankie would deprive those poor children in Africa of all the help that extra $100,000.00 could provide. You know, with him being a super star and media mogel. He’s practically in the same league as Oprah as far as people like you are concerned, huh? Idiot.

  2. So, another rule is broken. Is production going to ignore this one too or give Frankie a penalty nom. I will give you a guess and the first two don’t count. Was this mission one that the viewers could vote on.I don’t remember seeing anything? This sounds so fishy to come up with a mission like this when Frankie is in danger of going home again. WTH??

      • I know that rule exist for a long time, that you can not bribe a player of your winnings to take you to the finals. It’s a known rule, even on Survivor.

      • Guess I should have clarified. Hoosier as if this was a mission that viewers could vote on. I was responding to that.

      • Yes. Frankie said if they are final 2 and he wins, then he’ll walk away with $500K and Derrick with $100K, because it’s only fair. Derrick responded with “Enough said.” Frankie pushed it and Derrick replied that he’d take it.

        So, in reality he offered Derrick $50K.

      • There’s multiple transcripts of the entire conversation on Joker’s Update. Or LF @ 1:29 BBT cam 1/2.

      • IDK. Matt said he’s guessing that this latest rule violation will just be a slap on the wrist. He’s most likely right. :(

      • How about Frankie should be penalized, not Derrick! Also, not so long ago Frankie offered Caleb money too and a record deal! So Frankie has broken the rules many times with many players! Frankie needs to go!

      • BB isn’t considered a game show. It’s labeled a reality show. So, is it still the law?

        Are you referring to rigging the times in the comp or Frankie bribing Derrick?

        If it’s the rigging, I already said that a few times. If it’s the bribing, I didn’t know that it was covered under the game show rigging law.

        BTW, I was talking about CBS not having the extra $50K “mission” on their pages. That’s not a rule or a law.

      • The sharing of money is considered rigging under the law. I was not talking about the producers. Evil Dick was only able to pay for his daughters school. Anything else would have been illegal.

      • TYVM! I didn’t know that sharing winnings was covered under the rigging law. I appreciate your knowledge. :)

      • Dick couldn’t share his money because he signed a contract with CBS. It has nothing to do with the law. He says that often on Dick@night.

      • Im with you. They use the key words COMPETING and WIN. It may be a reality show but I think it falls within the guidelines also of a game show.

  3. Did Frankie not already offered to give Caleb $25k in lieu of AFP if Frankie wins BB and Caleb not make it beyond F3 and lose the AFP to somesone, err Donny, at one point??

    • The rule is you cannot share your winnings with another player. Since all he did was talk about doing it and hasn’t done it I don’t think a rule was broken. JMO

      • Talking about it can be enforced though. That’s bribery. They can hear what’s said and declare intent or pre-meditated acts. Sharing after the fact, after winning and going home and resuming your life, how can they stop you or know that you shared money with anyone? Talking about it in this case is worse than actually doing it. You’re attempting to gain an advantage or grease the wheels by having influencing somebody to help you in the game in a way they otherwise probably wouldn’t have. If talking about it, bribing, isn’t against the rules, then something is seriously wrong, and it should absolutely be against the rules.

  4. Now, I really wany Victoria to win the POV and use it on herself and then Caleb renoms Derrick… Ha !!!

  5. I should have known to just wait on your explanation, Matt instead of feeding into the frenzy and getting myself all in a tizzy. Thank you!

  6. Wait until Donny finds out, he would be pissed, let alone the rest of the HGs, especially the one’s remaining ….

  7. Neither of those fuckers deserve an extra 50k, it doesn’t what was correct or isn’t. It’s clear one of them could receive an extra 50k which is totally unfair because it wasn’t brought up at all when Donny was still in the house, and I just plain think it isn’t right to the other hg’s who played all summer. And it’s obvious it’s a production-panic plan to get Derrick to save Frankie if he wins veto.

  8. No way will they penalize golden boy FF frankie. He breaks the rules plenty and gets away with it. It is Frankie Grande Big Brother Season 1 afterall.

  9. Get a clue people! CBS/BB has cheated before with Janelle! Why are you surprised at their REPEATED attempts at protecting Frankie? :)

    • I can’t stand Skankie Frankie! He is so full of himself and I want him out of the house! I can’t wait til he finds out how much people hate him in America!

  10. Well, of course people were going to go Chicken Little over this thing without having all of the information. It’s par for the course around here.

    • To be fair, it was reported an hour before it was corrected. If you look at the tweets that Matt posts on the right side, several of them were about the wrong information, before it was corrected. So, please get off your high horse.

      • High horse lol? Actually, it’s called common sense. Don’t go panicking about something that doesn’t even make sense without getting the facts! Judging by your oh-so-defensive reaction, you must have been one of those Chicken Littles. :P That’s not something to be proud of, babe.

      • Oh, chill out Alex. redroses didn’t even make a comment on this thread about anything other than saying incorrect info HAD been posted before it was corrected.

      • She did on another page on this site. This is what she said:

        “Here is what I sent to CBS…Dear CBS BB Production Team, I’m shocked and outraged! I just learned that Derrick and Frankie were offered a $50,000 bonus if they made it to the final 2! How is this in any way fair? The viewers voted for THREE Team America players! IF there was a bonus for staying together, then it should have been offered to ALL three players for making it to the final 3.”

        And she blathered on some more after that, so I am RIGHT, and you are WRONG, just as red is and was.

      • No he isn’t right, but men like him who have a mightier than you complex, as we have seen before, need to win. In the end they are all usually losers.

      • Thanks, KSJB. If I really thought he was right and that he won, I wouldn’t have told him so! :) I only gave him ‘the win’ to shut him up. I was sick to death of his stupid condescending comments.

      • I know that, Sharona. That was in no way meant to be a negative reflection on you.I so much enjoy your attitude and comments.

      • Oh, I know!! I knew exactly what you meant! Thank you for your kind words. It’s good to ‘see’ you on the threads today. Sending healing vibes to your shoulder. :)

      • Well I think you’re wrong. I watch the LF and I came to the same conclusion per Derrick and Frankie’s conversation. It wasn’t until later on in the conversation that I figured out only one of TA had to be in the final and win to get the bonus.

      • I may have had the both being in F2 wrong, but the rest of my letter to CBS was correct. And I wrote it before the information was corrected.

      • Way to go. I write them all the time this year. Frankie is constantly breaking rules and they never do ANYTHING to him. Also production is always telling him stuff if the DR.

      • Dude, grow up. It doesn’t matter that the info first reported was incorrect. It is BS that production offered these two idiots ANY additional incentive to get to the end.

      • Alex.I just woke up and was reading posts. I put the first post up about what was said on Jokers. That was followed by comments from feeders. This is an opinion site and that is what people do AS the information is released. If everyone waited an hour before discussing new info, we’d constantly be behind. I don’t understand your opinion that we all lack common sense for believing information that was given by a site and that feeders heard. The fact that it was over an hour before Jokers clarified it, is quite some time. With everything else that has happened this year with indications of Frankie favoritism( and it is an opinion by many), this wasn’t hard to believe. If you didn’t believe it, good for you, I guess you also don’t believe Frankie offered people money in a couple of instances. What people choose to believe and when people choose believe it is their call and you are not the common sense police for another person….since BB is such a common sense type of show.

  11. He can’t offer up any of the money he would win anyway, he donated it to charity. I guess he forgot he’s playing for charity.

    • Actually, if one were to Google Frankie Grande Big Beother charity, you would find an article that suggested that Frankie would donate his 2nd prize $50k plus $10k TA to build 2 schools, if made it to F2 and if he were to win then he would donate his winnings to build 4 schools x $30k which equals $120k .. and, the rest of the $$ after taxes would be his to spend as he please …. could donate the rwst for up to 12 schools or buy himself a nose and ear job, etc …

      • Ears, nose, face job, butt hole, who really knows what this guys says anyways ..

        In that article, it ends with … “… if he follows through with his pledge … ” etc or something like that …. Ha!!

      • Yes, he has already had a nose job! Look at his old annoying videos on YouTube, his old nose was a Honking Huge motha! There are some old videos on YouTube of him before nose job and after! Warning All Frankie youtube videos are highly annoying and Stupid! LMAO!

      • but the dump dip sheet wants to build “dance schools”. Perfect thing to build in a starving country

      • Frankie is going to teach the Africans how to dance!!!!
        Somebody should call Chubby Checker and let him know

      • Who did they interview for that article? TA wasn’t known about until he was in the house and he’s not supposed to be in contact with the outside world.

      • The donations would offset his taxes and he’ll only give what he has too so he doesn’t have to pay taxes.

      • And those Schools are actually Performing Arts schools, and it will be built in South Africa! Skankie Frankie is a lying, vile, rude, two faced, entitled a$$ hole!

  12. No, that’s still some BS. They are so desperate to keep the interest of their pop princess that they go to measures like this? You cannot tell me that Frankie is not their favorite. Why didn’t they do this with Donny?

    • I really wanted Donny to win and wish he would have been able to earn more TA money but even if they told them about this earlier would it have changed anything? Donny didn’t play dirty and he was the outsider, he would most likely still be in jury right now.

  13. This rule thing??? Frankie “said” that he would give Derrick $100k…
    Is the rule broke because he “said” it???
    Or does Frankie have to hand Derrick the money???
    Which makes no sense as the game is over and Frankie can’t be punished.
    Any punishment would have to be done within the week.
    They (production) could wait till after the veto comp before making a decision.
    (And I believe that if Frankie gives Derrick or any other HG a part of his winnings that he forefits the win and has to return the money….I believe that’s correct)

    • I think that the rule is that you can’t offer another player part of the winnings. The offer itself is in violation of the rules. Otherwise, bribery would be rampant and unenforceable after the fact.

      • I feel like those in production probably thought having Frankie Grande on the BB show would be great, in the beginning. However, based on his actions and high maintenance throughout the show, I bet they, more than anyone, are eager for this season to be over. I bet he has been a nightmare for them to have to work with.

  14. Who was the HG (female I think) that got a penalty vote for breaking a rule some seasons back????

  15. its a bonus only ONE of them have to make it to the end and win…. people need to relax ….. and Frankie didn’t say anything that was breaking the rules he said if he won the extra 50g he would split it … lol no rule on TA money that anyone has been made aware of only the first and second prize money can’t be shared……

    • Why should Frankie get the money and not Donny? Why didn’t they mention this in the beginning and only when Frankie is in danger? Please, they need to stop.

    • Hair-splitting. It still without a doubt could compromise what little integrity is left in this season. I feel, in contrast with many comments here, that BB would like to see Der win as much as much or more than Frankie.

  16. And where is this mission coming from, I didn’t know what the other mission was supposed to be. Production just create this mission, it’s not what America wants them to do.

  17. Really have to question if any of the Team America voting et al were actually legit, afterall? Or, just Production a way to extra $$ to Frankie / Derrick? .

    Now, had this bonus been disclosed earlier? Wonder if Frankie would have had a change of heart to have saved Donny, had it been worth more than the $5k for that challenge??

    And, yes, even that TA Challenge was Production initiative rather than an America’s vote …

  18. A new low for Frankie ~ absolutely despicable! This can’t possibly be a TA mission ~ we (the American public) were not given choices to vote on for the next TA mission so how could this be a REAL TA mission? I just don’t get it ~

  19. Production this year is a joke. I’ve never seen any show where there was such blatant interference with the outcome. I’ve also never heard so many posts hinting that HG’s are being given inside info in the DR. Staff should be ashamed of themselves and all fired. Start clean next season – give us people who have just a tiny bit of integrity and who respect the tradition of what used to be a great show.

    • Frankie has come out of DR and in just a few min said something pertaining to the game and when someone questioned he said they told him in “immediately we get fish”. So you have to assume DR.

    • It makes my blood boil that they want Frankie to win so badly. Then my common sense tells me it’s just a game. So far, I’m not listening to myself. :)

      • did derrick get the same message as they both usually get the ta task , maybe frankie lied so derrick will save him

      • According, to the OP, Frankie may have embellished it by inferring that they both had to reach F2 to Derrick, originally, before it had been clarified…???

      • I don’t think that Derrick and Frankie were confused. I think that the viewers were confused, because of their initial conversation. It looks like it was Derrick that brought up both of them getting to F2, so that the $50k doesn’t just go up in the air. (Lying to Frankie to calm him down and make him believe that he is safe this week.)

      • I agree they were both called into the dr first Frankie then Derrick. I think he just came up with the scenario of both of them being there to cement the fact that one would win it. I don’t think this is a mission really I think its a bonus.

      • But they seem to think American voted for a TA Mission as Frankie was telling Derrick,”see, they do love us” referring to the voting America

      • But last night Frankie told Caleb that he is not here for the money, he is here for friendship and trust and loyalty, so what the heck is he crying for

      • I heard that ,too, and it seemed he was repeating it to Caleb, like it was something Caleb should know. Still not sure when that supposedly was said before, not that I believe Frankie at all.

      • he didn’t lie–he just thought that they could win the $$$$ by people saving him. That’s game play from someone who everyone said had none…..

  20. Matthew Bowyer—-Whoa Bessie. That is blatent rule violation and is cbs / bb going to do anything about this? Someone needs to get this info. I didn’t know he tells Caleb he’s giving him 25k. And then trying to start the rape of a virgin. Evil dick was booted for a rule violation nowhere near this severe. Where is production on this issue? I want some answers!

    • When did ED get booted for violation??? He won his season and the 2nd time he was HG he left for private family reasons (per CBS).
      And what rule did he break??

      • He was booted for his comments about bb on his blog. Family was the smoke screen cover story. They escorted him out of the house when it came to productions attention his leak of season information prior to it starting.

      • What blog did he have an opportunity to do while in the house??? He was not HOH and he was not entitled to a computer session. And what info could he give out that would damage the season before it got started??? And why pray tell did they allow him in the house for at least a week if he were guilty of committing treason against BB.??? What u said does not make sense….

      • Where did you find that information? His statement at zap2it (dot) com/blogs/big_brother_13_evel_dick_donato_left_for_a_personal_emergency-2011-07 says differently.

    • No, Matt has said repeatedly, including this time, that they are not allowed to lie to each other about TA missions.

      • They may not be ‘allowed’ to lie, but that doesn’t keep them from doing exactly that ~~ lie, embellish the truth, whatever if they so desire to be deceptive/manipulative.

  21. What next? I can see Frankie now, if this last twist got him to F2 and he offered to give certain members of the Jury $$$ if they voted for him to win …. Ha!!!

  22. For everyone who’s saying “Why aren’t they enforcing the rules” or “Production is rigging it so Frankie makes it to the end,” there’s a simple explanation for this.

    Technically speaking, Big Brother (at least BB America) isn’t listed as a game show, where the rules would have to be completely enforced without question. It’s a “reality competition” show. Because of that, production reserves the right to influence or not influence the events in the house. They may not be allowed to explicitly favour someone (like if they straight up give Frankie a special item to not get evicted just because they feel like it), but they’re allowed to manipulate events to edge the game in his favour if they wanted to. Unfortunately, this also means that production can choose whether or not they want to punish someone for breaking the rules. Though in all honesty, BB doesn’t usually hand out many punishments anyway, unless they involve threats, physical violence, or property damage, so Frankie not getting a punishment for offering someone money is pretty much par for the course.

    Not saying it’s right, just saying how it is.

    • Yep I’ve said the before that even though it’s a “game” it is a TV show. Amanda said that last season that it was in the contract they signed.

    • I’ve a question. You explained, very eloquently about ‘rules’. I understood that what Frankie did wrong came under the contractual agreement, that he signed in order to appear on the show. In fact they all sign a contract & the verbiage of said contract is on another article here on this site.

  23. I think some people were just misinterpreting what Derrick said. According to the article above, Derrick said in order for one of them to win the money, they both must be in the final two. This is a correct statement. If both Derrick and Frankie are the final two, then one is sure to win the money. If only one of them are final two, then it possible for neither person to win, if someone else wins the game. They don’t have to get there together, but if they want a TA to win the money then then they do need to get there together. In my opinion, this does give Frankie and Derrick a reason to work together.

    Note….I am using an iPad and cannot correct errors……..sorry.

    • thats not right with so many people wanting frankie out they do this , of course we are all talking about it hence the drama they need , my only hope is derrick choses to not take the extra money and make a big move and get frankie out and win the big money

      • If Derrick gets Frankie out (this week or next week) and he gets to F2 and he is the winner, he will get $550K, instead of the normal $500K. (Same goes for Frankie.)

      • Nope only the winner. If the winner is TA, he gets an extra $50K. If the winner is not TA, s/he gets the normal $500K.

        It doesn’t matter who gets 2nd place. Anyone in 2nd gets $50K.

      • I disagree. Since Frankie and Derrick know that they can win the extra money, why would they not work together, at least this week. They can either vow to try to go to the end tougher or risk both being evicted before final two.

      • You said it gives Frankie and Derrick a reason to work together. It doesn’t change either’s game plan. Although, it did give Derrick something to use to calm Frankie down. I’m just saying that it doesn’t change Derrick’s current game plan, which is evict Frankie.

      • Derrick has a stranglehold on the house, why go against his own plan and risk turning literally everyone on him? Derrick and Cody have a solid plan: win veto, keep noms the same, evict Frankie this week.

        Then Caleb isn’t playing for HOH next week, and Vic can’t win comps, one of them will win and as long as Caleb doesn’t win veto then he goes home as well and at that point it’s a guaranteed F2 for both of them should Derrick not try to get cute.

        I’m sorry but if Derrick stays the course, it seems like a lock for him to win the 550k regardless.

      • Lee in order to get the extra money it isn’t about this week. As far as Derrick taking Frankie along for the ride (F-2) it could jeopardize Derricks chance of winning. In a final 2 situation there could be just enough doubt in Derricks game where the jurors might respect Frankie because of all his comp wins. Maybe Derrick will be smart & not risk losing 500K out of greed for an extra 50K. Peace

  24. Even though I appreciate Matt for being level headed enough to explain that this does not necessarily mean that Frankie is safe, it’s a little more than a coincidence that they’re just NOW getting this information.

    I am getting so tired of Grodner, production has begun interfering more and more ever since she took over all those years back. From all the info I’ve come across, it’s pretty much the reason why people like Dr. Will, Evel Dick, and James Rhine are all saying that there’s pretty much no chance that they’d go back on the show and are just about over Big Brother altogether.

  25. Someone just commented that BB is not considered a game but a reality competition so production can manipulate events in the house to favor one or another of the participants (I can’t say, “players” since it’s not a game.) Read the last post below and then say the producers aren’t screwing with the game…oops…reality competition.

    • Yeah, but do the competitions themselves fall under reality or game show? I think that part of it could be argued in court. Their legal team doesn’t want to fight competition tampering. That’s serious.

  26. I don’t think it’s fair to give only 3 people the opportunity to win extra money. Don’t like the idea of some of the house guests being able to make money over their opponents. Donnie was absolutely correct in not agreeing to do one of the missions because it could have put his game in jeopardy to do it. It also put him in jeopardy with the other members of the team because they got pissed that he didn’t want to do it. This was a true example of how interfering this was.

  27. So, in Derrick’s mind, with the game for him to lose … would he risk $500k for an extra $50k and blow his game to save Frankie and possibly p*ss of his current alliance(s) and send them to Jury bittered and possibly losing and end up with $50k for second place?? While Frankie would walk away with $550,000 extra from winning zilch if he is evicted next week?

    Then again, Derrick may have a change of heart, and Frankie to keepnTA to the end, should Frankie win the POV and Derrick is renommed … Ha!!!

      • I guess we will just have to wait for Sunday to hear directly from Julie as to the actual wording and clarification of this Production initiative ….

        Unless, Frankie wins the POV, he likely willl be gone .. then Derek would be the renom .,., can’t do much now, eh!!

        If the noms remain the same, despite what Caleb has said to Frankie about his safety this week… anyone knows of his true intention if there was a tie and he would be the tie breaker this week as HOH?

      • Caleb has said that Frankie has to go this week and if he wins POV, then it’s Victoria. But, Caleb says a lot of things!

      • When has Caleb ever been known to not change his mind, in particular at the last minute ??

        Despite, what he says now, it appears that Caleb would like to have his BS Alliance survive to F4 …

        He is just keeping his options with Frankie and a duet with his Sister and drag racing with Bieber and all the other promises, implied or otherwise made by Frankie to him ..

    • They don’t have to both go to F2 for one of them to win the extra $50K. If either of them are the winner, then the winner gets $550K. If the winner is non-TA, then the winner gets the normal $500K. 2nd place still gets the $50K, no matter who it is.
      So, either Derrick could get Frankie booted this week, or vice-versa and the extra $50K would still be available.

    • one would think that after all the effort Derrick has put into his game that he would not risk it for Frankie

  28. They used to announced the new mission to America, since it’s OUR team. All I can say is, there’s a lot of smart people working there, and this TA mission is getting too shady.

    • They didn’t announce the “pick your own mission” in advance, either. (Which was lame, lazy and shady.)

      • Isn’t there a rule against employees, families of employees, affiliates, families of affiliates, etc. not being eligible to participate?

      • I hope not! She has nothing to do with this. If her PR was smart, they’d have her making an announcement distancing herself from him.

      • I read that, too, but that’s on her. She shouldn’t have to pay for her brother’s words and actions.

      • Her issues have nothing to do BB. I read about it. BB and Frankie are a non issue in her actions,.

      • I was not talking to u….(no offense) I got ur comment…Its just that what we said about A.Grande turned into Frankies BB role causing her problems and that is not true. That is how crap gets started because nobody keeps reading the post that follow..

      • Julie, can you do me a favor and refresh, then please explain why you’re still upset with me. I’d appreciate it. I’m very confused.

      • I am not upset with u.
        I just explained that u assumed A Grande problems were cause of Frankie/BB ( not true).
        We got that cleared up.
        Frann is reading post for u that she thinks I am directing at her. I told her to check the arrows.
        When people are conversing (on site) it is hard to follow the conversation but sometimes one needs to read more than one post before commenting especially if its a conversation rather than comments.
        Does that make sense.???

      • Yep! I think we’re all cleared up now! Ariana’s problems are her own doing, which is nothing to do with BB or Frankie. There was confusion because of so many people typing and Disqus doesn’t always show who the reply is to, until you refresh. I misinterpreted a comment, which started this mess.

        And the bottom line is that we’re all clear, no one is upset and we’re all friends here! :)

      • No, what I assumed was that, that is what franm was saying. I’ve already said that I misinterpreted her comment. And my conversation with her was before yours. I’m not sure why you’re upset. I’ve apologized for it.

      • ROFL! Good one, Cyril! I can’t follow it either and I think I’m part of it. Actually, I’m probably the problem of it as usual. :O

      • And I misinterpreted what you were saying and apologized for it. So, I’m not sure what Julie is upset about.

      • READ MY POST AGAIN…I did not say that u said it was because of Frankie/BB. I knew what u were saying.

      • There ya go, sounds like the female version of Frankie. The entitlement sense that children get who have been patted on the head too much. Instead of positive re-enforcement for good behavior. Telling them how they’re better than others, doesn’t help. peace…

      • She is but it has nothing to do with BB….She has been a ‘Diva”. She has been throwing some (I think mild) tantrums and refusing to work with certain photographers.

      • She only allows them to photograph the left side of her face, which proves that she spends way too much time looking in the mirror.

  29. How can they call this a Team America mission, when Team America wasn’t offered the opportunity to vote?

  30. Such nonsense. If it was a TA Mission why wasn’t there a vote?? This is a blatant attempt to keep Frankie in the game and it sucks.If BB bothered to read the Twitter and FB posts they would know that America is disgusted with this season, Frankie in particular. Now he believes that America LOVES him. Delusional. He should have been bounced when he talked about the gang rape of Victoria. What a despicable human being.

  31. He never said take me and I’ll give you half! He said if he got there, he would. NOT against the rules to give away your winnings. No bribe was offered.

    • It is against the rules to give away your winning to another player from the same season. You say it wasn’t a bribe, someone else says, yeah, but a bribe was implied. The whole thing is a sticky topic.

  32. Matthew, can you expound on this TA Mission? IS there really a mission, and if so, when did America vote on it?

    • America didn’t vote on anything to do with it. There’s nothing on the CBS website about it at all.

      • I know. That’s why I wish Matthew would explain it to us. I wish someone who had something to do with the show would shed some light.

      • Right, but they are both under the impression American voted for this. they think it is affirmation that we have seen how hard they have worked, Even Derrick seems to believe it

  33. At this point with all the $$ already given to TA, whether worthy of earning some of them or not, and now this extra incentive to imply that they should/could/would worker together, moving forward .. regardless, of what happens … I am starting to tire of this and would be more than ok for a Victoria, Caleb and/or even Cody win now … Ha!!!

  34. Violation ! Violation ! Violation! U Can’t bribe smo!!! Get His I’m Needing A Hug every 5 Second Behind OuTTa Here!!!!! Come On BB,He Needs 2 Go!!! There Ain’t No More Team America, Donny gone(Still Mad abt),He Just Broke the Rules!! Good-Bye Frankless!!!

  35. This news is very disheartening. I have been a BB fan since day 1 and I always figured it was fixed but this year is so obvious that production is interfering with the outcome of the show. Is CBS in the pocket of Ariana Grande…. What’s going on…. I don’t get it!!!! TA should have been done as soon as Donny was evicted. This is getting absolutely ridiculous.

  36. If this Rewind Twist was consistent to replaying last week, I guess we all figured that the TA mission would have been he other TA option, of no eating or 24 hours, if there were to be a so-called TA Mission at all ..

  37. Making them think that America voted for it as a TA mission is just another way for production to stroke Mr. Broadway’s gigantic ego!

    • they are in for a rude awakening. I hope when Frankie gets evicted there is no boos from the crowd. I hope it is crickets. Silence. That would get him worse than boos, little attention monger that he is.

  38. And this wouldn’t be the first time he broke the rules. He was cought trying to write something down. Tisk tisk Frankie

  39. best I can tell they didn’t tell the anything new. If the 2 of them make it to the final 2, there will be $550K. Just like with any other 2. $500K for 1st an $50K for 2nd. Just like every other year and season and contestants. But Frankie offering Dick $100K is rules violation. You can not offer another contestant cash from your winnings.

      • I didn’t read that anywhere in to the post. It read on CBS that if Frank and Derrick make it to the final 2 chrs. Team America will win $550K

      • I can’t find that on CBS. Where do they put stuff like that? One TA will get 550K if they make it to the win

      • So the “incentive” is there. Work hard/do everything you can to win, or even work together. They don’t have to, but it’s encouraging..

  40. Don’t forget, he broke the rules several times before. Remember telling Zach beforehand that he was going on the block? #Renomrule, I believe was the popular tweet. This Frankie/Ariana Grande thing has gone WAY too far. Now they are bribing the contestants to take him to the F2? Wasn’t it bad enough that TA completely disrupted the entire game this year, making it completely unfair for the other HG’s (especially ZACH!) Enough CBS! This is abominable behavior on your part!

  41. Maybe someone can help me out, since the winner of the show wins a cash prize doesn’t this make BB a game show, and if Frankie’s offer to Derrick violates written BB game rules and the producers don’t enforce this rule and any others that have been broken, wouldn’t this be considered fixing the game for a certain outcome and be in violation of Federal Law regarding game shows put in effect after the game show scandals of the 1950’s.

    • Derrick certainly knows the prize money can’t be shared with a fellow finalist. I don’t know if Frankie is aware or that or it’s just the desperate TA member in him talking.

      • I imagine Frankie thinks the rules that apply to all the other players don’t apply to him. Bigger ego than Trump

      • I don’t know that is why I was asking because of the prize money is it considered a game show. I just read several complaints made to the FCC about violations regarding BB8, FCC’s response was that BB does not fit the requirements of a game show and added at the end of their response “However ‘Big Brother’ does not appear to meet the
        definition of a “game show.” Rather, it is a ‘for entertainment only’ program, somewhat similar to professional wrestling in that it is a pseudo-contest in which the outcome is fully, or in some measure, predetermined.” So it is considered to be like pro wrestling and results can be predetermined.

      • You’re right. It looks like you did your research already. “Storage Wars” Dave Hester was fired and went to court. He said the show was rigged. It was explained there the difference between the game show you’re talking about and BB/game show/reality show…not the same.

  42. On jokers it talked of frank coming out of dr and going to storage crying. Anyone know what that’s about?

  43. I think the punishment for bribing a house guest should be immediate eviction for Frankie. Poof be gone! :-)

  44. TA missions were supposed to be fun and stir up trouble in the house. Like the mouse bit or hiding everyone’s fav stuff. This is def NOT a mission that America would vote for plus its very suspicious that they would have one that forces two people to align to stay together. I never thought it was fair that they were getting extra money when the other HG’s didn’t know. It’s one thing if it’s a luxury comp and everyone knows.

    • It’s technically not a TA mission. They both can’t win. It is more like a bonus. Still wrong in my opinion, but it’s not a mission.

      • If not a mission then why were only Derrick and Frankie told about it? It’s not fair to dangle extra money as an incentive like that. Oh well I just don’t want Frankie doesn’t win!!

  45. What you see here is Fakie in his final desperate gasping breaths on BB,now down to offering bribes…it is over,Zack Attack will finally get some long overdue revenge.

  46. How did this extra 50 grand suddenly become a thing? America would definitely NOT vote for Frankie to get any more money. This is some production rigging.
    Also since bribing is against the rules he should have a penalty nom, meaning he can’t be saved by veto.
    This season has become a joke..

  47. BB drinking game since it will be on a friday. what could we drink to? caleb picking a nose hair, victoria saying the word princess, cody..yeah dont know enough abt him lol
    What else??

    • In other, other news, the team that brought you Big Brother and Big Brother Canada announce a new show that will be next summer’s biggest, boldest, hit that you won’t want to miss… ”Horn & Porn!” Porn stars and their pets live in one house with other stars and their pets. Each week the pets will compete for a chance to win 1-million dollars. The loser faces the kangaroo court with real kangaroos! All this and much more on Horn & Porn coming next year to CBS!

      • Actually, it did happen earlier in the day. Check out DigitalSpy. :)

        But yeah, this all to pass off the time we had to wait while the POV was ongoing.

  48. Wonder how Rachel Riley feels about Victoria possibly being final 3 or maybe F2? She must be blowing a gasket. Then you wonder how Derrick will choose to sit next two. Will he be loyal to Cody, and may the best man, (or baby) win. Or would he take Vic and all but guaranteeing himself $500,000 +

  49. This is ridiculous offering extra money if they win. What for stupid stupid stupid. I thought we were supposed to vote on their missions this is the second time now production is making up their own. Not right at all what mission are they doing they have already been trying to win and if they do they are already being rewarded for winning plus why is it now 50k for mission success I thought it was supposed to be 5k for completed missions. They are changing the whole principle behind team America with this one also giving them an extra 50k for winning because they were voted to team America is highly unfair to the other HGs at least the chance at 5k for doing something extra was at least more fair to the others as it is only 5k and the others have had 3 chances to get themselves 5k in comps. It still is an advantage to them as they have had more chances to win money but that’s the game.

    Note to Matthew: Derrick and Frankie only have $20k in TA money so far

  50. This is a Les Moonves (Mr. Julie Chen) desperate attempt to make a boring show watchable again. Trust me Frankie is obnoxious but he is interesting and they dont want to lose him.

  51. I UNANIMOUSLY vote to have douche bag Frankie evicted for cheating. Or for any reason. Hate him almost as much as I hated Devin and Christine. Almost.

  52. I wonder if it is a breach of the rules to make up a TA task then offer 1/2 of the pretend money to TA mate?

4 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Cody won veto | Big Brother Highlights
  2. ‘Big Brother 16′ Spoilers: Veto Winner Crowned, Did Frankie Break The Rules?
  3. Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 12 Friday Highlights | Big Brother 16
  4. Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 12 Special Eviction Live Results | Big Brother 16

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