Big Brother 16: Team America Gets New Mission – Watch Out Zach – Update

Team America's next mission
Team America’s next mission – Source: CBS

Team America has its latest mission and gee, guess who is going to be its punching bag yet again. That’s right. Watch out Zach Rance, you’ve got America + three HGs looking to send you home for $5K. Good grief.

There were two mission options for viewers to select from this week:

Mission A – Work together to convince someone to go on the block as a pawn and then get them evicted.

Mission B – Have each member of Team America create and name a fake side alliance with the person they trust the least.

Earlier this morning Frankie was called in to the Diary Room to receive Mission A for this week. He tells Derrick first and then talks with Donny later. The rules for this one are that all three of them have to be involved in the process.

So guess who they’re targeting for this? Zach, of course. Derrick was upstairs working on Nicole to get Zach on the block and that he’s a “snake in the house.” This came shortly after Zach and Nicole had reconciled and agreed to work together. So much for that.

The house is in chaos after the wild Double Eviction, but now thanks to this mission whatever was naturally going to happen has been scuttled in favor of three HGs earning $5K. Unbelievable.

Did viewers want Zach nominated and tricked in to being the evicted or did they just not realize he would yet again be the target of this mission. We’ll keep following the events to see if it works.

Update: Wow! Caleb has now volunteered to go up on the block so Nicole will use him instead of Zach. Hah. Derrick was sitting right there as this switch happened, no doubt grinding his teeth at having this slip away from him.

I don’t know if Team America can switch their targets now, but I wouldn’t be surprised. All the same, the house wants Frankie gone so this mission could cause some real problems.

Update 2: Derrick told Frankie that he doesn’t think this mission can be done. They don’t have the power to make it happen, he said to Frankie.

We’ll have to wait and see if Derrick is using Caleb for the mission or to further his game this week and support the house plan to evict Frankie.

Wait, no, the more I think about it this should not count. Caleb appears to have volunteered himself without provocation by Team America. Just because a pawn goes up doesn’t mean this should count. Put that $15K back in the bank, Big Brother.

Later this morning Derrick continued to encourage Caleb’s idea of being a pawn with talks of delusional grandeur, but again, this wasn’t Derrick’s doing in the first place. It was Caleb’s idea.



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  1. Again, Zach has nobody to blame but himself. If he agrees to go on the block and throws it. Than it’s his dumbass fault. Even though I hate this Team America crap.

    • If he agrees to go on the block as a pawn because his trusted allies assure him it’s safe while they plan to send him home, then he has TA to thank for that.

      I seriously hate this mission.

      • I think he can blame himself for ruining his game. Why would he put his trust and his game in other people’s hand. If he agrees to go on the block and gets evicted it’s really his fault. He could have denied to go on the block.

        Mind you this won’t be the case since Caleb volunteered.

      • It’s funny how everyone looks at these missions when they vote and just assumes that TA will organically do what each of us are wanting them to do and then get extremely angry when they don’t.

      • Oh I voted against this mission option exactly for the obvious reason that they would try to use Zach for it. I don’t think anyone should have been surprised by them going straight at Zach yet again.

  2. I posted this on another article, but if fits better here…

    I just finished watching BB Canada, Season 2 and loved it! It was full of so much fun and laughter, which is missing in this season of BB US.

    What I liked best about BB Canada, Season 2: Canada’s involvement was all about helping or toying with the HGs (with the exception of the HOH twist, which I didn’t like.)

    What I like least about BB US, Season 16: America’s involvement is all about hurting the HGs.

  3. There should be some sort of caveat at this point that they have to target someone other than Zach. Don’t you think enough is enough? It’s too easy a target and it’s really crappy that they are constantly throwing Zach under the bus when they’re allegedly his allies – looking at YOU, Frankie.

    • No I’d rather have less meddling from production…not more. Some of this is already becoming borderline scripted.

  4. I’m just ready for Team America and the double HOH to be done. It was ok in the beginning, but at the halfway point, it just doesn’t make as much sense. They’re finally starting to play the game, so just let us be entertained by their gameplay instead of stupid production gimmicks.

    • What are you talking about? Production meddling is just the same as when the NFL changes field goals to be worth 5 points or 1 point in the third quarter of the Superbowl every year.

  5. Big deal. Zach is only too eager to play the dumbass. which for some reason has made him a legend to legions of hamsterwatchers. Beyond time to send this moron packing, I don’t care what Mama RanceyPants thinks..
    His little broski is going to catch a raft of hell at school because of his troglodytic sibling.

  6. Time to do away with TA. Getting someone evicted is too much interfering. I mean what happened to fun stuff like messing with their clothes or putting a lock on the SR. That’s the kind of things I expected when they came up with this. Food coloring in the pool. Hiding the cue ball off the pool table.

    • That’s why I’ve never voted. I thought it was stupid from the very beginning. It’s been one target after another towards Zach.

  7. I believe TA is pretty much done now. I’m sure Donny sees who Derrick and Frankie are working with now. I don’t see him really doing much about TA any more. Frankie hasn’t really done much for TA. Donny is atleast trying though he isn’t very good at it. God bless him…. I love him. Derrick is the one that appears to have done just about everything.

  8. I hate this TA twist. It needs to end. Not fair to mess up someone’s game for some dumb mission.

  9. I was watching the feeds early this morning after Zach finish talking with Nicole, it was Zachs own idea to go on the block and throw the BOB, so Frankie could go home. All Derrick did was encourage it just like hes doing after Caleb volunteered… it either was going to work or not work in both cases because both of the 2 idiots(caleb and zach) volunteer pretty much on their own

  10. All Derrick is doing is whining about this task. And he’s saying why are they giving us such hard tasks to vote on. Come on Derrick you’re getting 5g a task you need to work for it fool.

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