Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 6 Nominations

The results are in for the Nomination Ceremony this week on Big Brother 16 and we have the latest spoilers on which Houseguests are now on the block.

Big Brother 16 Nominations
Big Brother 16 Nominations revealed – Source: CBS

Last night’s show set us up with two new Heads of Household and their nominations are in so the house can start preparing for the next Battle of the Block later today.

Read on for the latest nomination spoilers:

Big Brother 16 Week 6 Nominations:


  • Donny nominated: Caleb & Victoria
  • Nicole nominated: Jocasta & Zach

Donny warned Caleb he was being considered as a nominee and felt this was a fair move since Caleb put Donny up on the block. Caleb’s only request was that he not be paired with Victoria. Oops. Well Victoria learned of the plan and she was worried too because of Caleb’s track record in competitions.

Nicole likewise gave the heads up to Zach and he clearly saw this one coming after his treatment of her just a week ago. What a “Dingus!”

Late last night the plan was to Backdoor Frankie given the chance of pieces falling in to place, but that will hang on a few more steps along the way. Do you think they can pull it off?

What do you think of the nomination picks for Big Brother 16 this week? We expect the Battle of the Block later today so keep an eye out and share the results soon!



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  1. I actually like Zankie…In a perfect world Caleb/Vic would win BOTB and Frankie would win veto and pull Zach off the block. No matter what, I hope Caleb somehow is the one to go, even though he’s not really a threat.

    • Caleb isnt a threat? That is a very disrespectful way of speaking of the King of the house who has just lost his Queen. I am shocked!

  2. I hope the plan comes together. I really want Donny to be dethroned so he can compete in the DE. Really afraid he will be the target. They need to get Victoria or Jocasta out in the DE so Donny can have another week. Hopefully the 2nd person Thur will be 1st jury member. Go Donny!

    • Me I hope, they get Victoria and Jocasta out asap.
      We still haven’t heard on the number jury members. If the jury is 9, than the 2 people evicted next Thurs will be on the jury (they are 11 right now). If jury is 7 (like before BB15) than the 1st jury member will be the one from the next week after DE.

      • Don’t remember hearing that. Not saying she didn’t just don’t remember. I would HATE that because I’m afraid they will get Donny out on the DE and I want him to at least make jury. Jocasta or Victoria need to go before him.

      • Still not sure why everyone is so against Victoria. Just because she’s the best looking and strongest competitor in the house who was swept away as a baby by a mythical bird? Talk about jealousy at it’s worst!

      • She doesn’t know much about bird, she said a crow but she meant a raven. See, now that’s possible. LOL

      • When she gets voted out I want bb to show a bird carrying her away on the opening pics lol.

      • only reason I want a big player gone is to shake up things. But I agree she is a waste of space and I wish she would go.

      • I haven’t heard anything about jury either. Usually on DE they both go to jury. Remember when it shows the jury house one goes there and then a little while later the next one evicted walks in.

    • I’m thinking it will be a 7 person jury this year cause usually Julie will tell the houseguests they made it. It has to be an odd number also and she said nothing after Amber went out. So both evictees next week are not in the jury.

  3. Ugh. I can’t believe I’m rooting for two HGs I despise, but Caleb and Victoria need to dethrone Donny to improve the chances of a Frankie BD. I have a feeling Donny may be swayed more to make a bad move. Hayden can protect Nicole more.

    • I agree, it would be much better if Nicole is final HOH. If she puts up Frankie if the POV is used then Frankie may go home.

      • Hitmen upstairs right now seriously considering dropping Frankie. They’re ready to blow up the Detonators.

        Funny thing is, they are talking about getting to Nicole and Donny before Frankie. Do they have any idea that they’re already on the BD Frankie train? We have two different camps working towards the same goal, each thinking that they hatched the plan!

      • Who cares who hatches the plan as long as Frankie is out the door! Love that that many people want Frankie gone!!!!

      • For the BD Frankie plan to work is contingent on the result of Veto Comp, who wins it and whether it’s going to be used….am I right?

      • Your always right…BD Frankie plan set in motion. And I hope it works. The look on his face ~ priceless!

      • Yep I always speak the truth. I may speak in tongue but always the truth. Hahaha

      • I hope this plan works and Frankie goes! Dethroning Donny will give him a chance to play for HOH during DE!

      • This too. Donny does not know about this of course, but getting dethroned is more beneficial to his game than he realizes.

  4. I prefer Frankie to be backdoored as opposed to Caleb leaving. Caleb is fine without Amber and now that she’s gone, he seems to get his head straight and is playing the game. They have to separate Zankie as these two are causing havoc.

  5. Donny wanting to shave so bad and BB told him NO! What’s the big deal. If he can when he goes to jury I don’t understand their reasoning.

  6. I REALLY hope this backdoor plan ends up working! Frankie NEEDS to go. He is Andy Herren incarnate: nothing but a snake. You never know where his allegiances lie because he tries to dupe everyone and I am so happy people finally recognize that. I am so happy Nicole has HOH. Her and Hayden are my favorites and I hope to see them go to the end together. If Frankie gets backdoored it will also spark the game up and get peoples’ heads in the game cause quite frankly this game has been so boring this year.

    • For the last time: Frankie and Andy are playing WAY different games. Frankie has won three HoH competitions and has had to nominate 6 people for eviction. No one else in the house has even won two HoH competitions, much less three, except for now Nicole who just won her second last night. There’s no way someone playing Andy’s game would try and win three HoH’s so early in the game. Did you even watch Andy’s season? Frankie is always trying to be the center of attention whereas Andy wanted no attention at all and wanted to blend in. It’s what made his game so boring. Successful and well-executed, but boring. Christine is the one playing Andy’s game, not Frankie. I can think of one very obvious quality both Frankie and Andy share, and it’s no secret why people like you seem to lump them together.

      • I agree with you on this one Joe, but I’ll take it a step further. Andy was playing Andy’s game, and Frankie is playing Frankie’s game, and Christine is playing Christine’s game –> can we please stop saying because there’s similarities between people they are playing somebody else’s game?!! Sheesh would we say ”Derrick is playing McCrae’s game?” Would we say ”Cody is playing Jun’s game?” enough with the comparisons just because *some* things are similar.

      • Agreed! Just trying to put it in perspective for the delusional people who try to say Frankie and Andy’s games are similar.

      • all of his HoH wins have been easy wins, wins non the less, but till he wins something big or makes a big move hes not playing a great game.

      • The fact that you think that makes a difference in the way Frankie is playing the game shows wonders. Did it ever occur to you that maybe Derrick didn’t want to be HoH because of the target it would put on his back? You see, unlike Andy, Frankie loves to win competitions and Derrick felt like he was safe if Frankie won HoH.

      • The difficulty of the HoH doesn’t matter. He still widened the target on his back by winning and he still had to nominate 6 people for eviction. Andy never would have done that. I agree that Frankie is not playing a good game.

    • It is funny how people see things differently. Frankie is playing the game and a good one. I do not see Any Herren in him at all. Andy is more like the floaters Nicole, Jocasta, Christine and Victoria. This is big brother and strategies are not always nice. Many people tune in to see that, not a bunch of boring people just sitting around. Andy and Derrick have played good games so far and it has infuriated many people.

      • I think Ratine is more like RatAndy just not as stealth. Everyone can track her scurrying after they tell her something where Andy was hard to track because he was everywhere.

      • I agree with you that Frankie and Andy are playing two totally different games, but I think Frankie is not playing a good game.

    • He is a snake. I can’t wait to see the look on Andy Jrs face if this BD plan works.

      • Please stop comparing Frankie’s game to Andy. He’s more like Gary from BB Canada

      • Thank you, Cyril! Gary from BB Canada is a GREAT comparison for Frankie. They are both strong competitors who like to win competitions and always try to be the center of attention: both of which are the exact OPPOSITE of Andy’s game. Andy wanted to be the last thing on his housemates’ minds at all times. This has been explained over and over again to the Frankie/Andy shippers but they refuse to listen to reason.

      • I didn’t get to watch that season but I am ordering season 1 and 2 of BB Canada. And wait a minute are you giving me a hard time? Are you listening to that other jerk on here? Lol

      • Seriously, Frankie is flamboyant, loud and his strategy is kind of messy. That’s why he’s days are numbered. Andy, is just a …RAT

        ….and NO, I would never give you a hard time. lol
        ..even when you’re wrong all the time.

  7. I am so sick of Victoria crying and following Derrick and Cody around; and Jocasta already complaining about being sick before the comp even starts. Those 2 need to go Thur. Victoria 2nd, that way they only have to listen to her cry for 3 minutes of commercials.

    • I agree. She has been hanging on Derrick like crazy..big ole hugs around his neck..following him around the house. I think she is desperate to find a friend!

  8. Hopefully, they get Frankie in the first eviction. If Jocasta or Victoria get evicted, it would have been a wasted week with the Detonators still in charge! If they can get Frankie out, that is a good start. Then, I am rooting for a Cody or Derrick eviction after that!

    • So basically you hate anyone that is playing the game/trying to win competitions and make an impact on the season?

      • It doesn’t surprise me you’ve found yourself in yet another situation in which someone is able to explain something better than yourself. You’ve commented on about 9/10 of my posts from the past couple of days yet you say I’m the one who needs to relax?
        And how many times have you threatened to never comment on my posts again? What are we on now, five? Please do! I won’t miss you.

      • Now, you are contradicting yourself. And if Frankie is not playing a good game from your own words, why shouldn’t he be evicted?

      • I said I hope Cody and Derrick aren’t evicted, not Frankie. I never said I thought Frankie was playing a good game.

      • I watch Big Brother because I enjoy game play. What game play is it when you have like two people playing namely Derrick and Frankie? Detonators are steamrolling everyone which is a boring game much like last year with Amanda’s group picking off the others one by one. Glad Nicole and Donny won HOH then, we can have more excitement with more players involved! The Detonators have to be broken up for the other players to make their moves! Last season was the worst because Amanda’s group steamrolled everyone else! We are headed that way if the Detonators are allowed to do the same exact thing. So, I will be cheering Frankie to be booted out then, hopefully, Derrick and Cody and Zach right after!

      • How can you say you watch Big Brother because you like good gameplay and still wish for Derrick and Cody to be evicted? Shouldn’t you be wishing for Jocasta, Victoria, and Caleb to be evicted?

      • Why not? They made good gameplay but, I want others to play too. There is no contradiction. Don’t care who wins in the end as long as they all play hard to win! They have to earn it. If Derrick or Frankie make it to the end, good for them but, they should not get it handed to them on a plate. They should earn it! If Donny, Nicole or Hayden start playing and play a better game overall, do they not deserve winning it? Of course, they do. You win it because you played the best game and not because you alliance floated you from beginning to the very end! Even Jocasta or Victoria, if they were to suddenly play the game well and end up winning it, I would cheer them on! But, they have to earn it!

      • Had to jump in on this, though the comment was a couple hrs ago. The thing is “IF” Jocosta or Victoria start playing the game. I understand your point, but we are six weeks in or so, with little attempt on their part to really play the game. I suppose if they won HOH that would be different, but they haven’t even tried to make alliances with others, or tried to make plans. Btw, I am so glad Nicole and Donny won HOH. Now maybe the plan to backdoor Frankie can follow through.

    • I don’t think they’d have the votes to get Derprick out as the 2nd evict but if they could get Zach and Caleb on the block and Cody as the replacement if POV is use it would be a fun filled week. With Fakie gone Derprick would have to show his hand and the rest of the house could then move against him.

  9. If Zach/Jocasta wins BOTB. Than I think they can forget the plan to backdoor Frankie. Even if Frankie was up on the block against Victoria or Caleb. The Detonators will probably keep him. Atleast with Zach on the block next to Frankie. A Zach eviction would be good since that’s Frankie’s ally. They should have nominated Zankie together against a strong nominated duo like Cody & Hayden. Hope Victoria & Caleb wins BOTB.

    • I think if it was Caleb vs Fakie then BMC would stay. Derprick can control him…well as much as you can control an idiot. Since everyone trusts Derprick he could convince BowTie, Vic and Ratine to vote him out. CodyNoBalls wants him gone and with Hayden and Donnie it would be a done deal.

  10. this is going to be interesting to say the least, donny made the choices I thought he would at least as far as caleb, but he has no idea that frankie and zak are the biggest threat to his game, He is smart and plays to win, not to please, Nicole hayden and christine are still an alliance but will christy be smart enough to get rid of frankie, she has the inside info , and as with all big brothers they should now to make big changes know , not wait , it always backfires. Poor caleb , not a threat not a problem but still being used a social pawn in everyones game.
    If christy and donny use their heads they can go all the way,
    Frankie is playing the smart game , and donny , I hope that donny sees that and frankie will rid himself of donny soon very soon, they only threat to frankies game right now are nicole and donny, the rest are just sitting ducks. easy to get rid
    THe only thing that I hope happens is zach stays on the block and veto is used to back door frankie and put him on the block next to him, then lets see the back stabbing and it would be good tv, allot of drama.
    Two drama queens going at each other to stay.
    this is big brother and we must admit donny made a very good move and stayed true to himself and did not let america play his game , that is one of the best moves so far.
    If they are dumb they will get rid of someone that has no effect on the game, the floaters or caleb,
    Double eviction , cant wait , I do hope they have it set as the same, two HOH and then bob. that really would make it good, those suckers would be worn out by the time it is over. ANd no time to plot.

  11. Can someone answer a question for me. I forgot how the host of the POV is picked. Can someone let me know?

  12. Caleb and Vic won BotB so Donny can compete in the next HOH. Now if KnowNothing Nic will stay with the plan and backdoor Fakie!!

  13. Derrick should go now or he will win. Anyone who doesn’t see that is blind. Or Frankie right behind him. Get the Detonators all on the block at once, two get saved two still up even if veto is won by one of them get the other out. How stupid are these players. Double eviction and who the heck knows what will happen. Just get Derrick and frankie out.

    • They don’t have the votes to get Derprick out this week and that would show their hand. So get Fakie out now then Zach and Derprick no longer has the numbers to stay. At least that’s Hayden’s and Donny’s plan.

    • I would be happy if Derrick was the winner of BB16. He certainly played the game well and shown he is a very good player. He will make the all-stars one day.

    • Amber says Donnie. Derrick and Frankie are running the game for sure.
      I guess because we watch everything they do and she can’t see it.

  14. Okay fans for all of you who said get rid of Vic for the several weeks aren’t you glad she’s still there? Vic tethered to Caleb for 48 hours. And both on slop. The only question is which one will crack first? This is going to be so fun to watch.

    • It will be fun to watch, that’s for sure. But she should go next Thursday anyway.

  15. Victoria isn’t my fav person either but Zach is just as much of a floater as she is. All he does is run around saying nasty things to people and quite frankly Hayden hasn’t done much more either, although I like him. Everyone has won at least one thing but why exactly are we picking on Victoria and Jocasta as the floaters, they both have won stuff they both talk game so why are they the floaters and not Zach, Cody, Hayden, Nicole etc.

    • and in addition Caleb what the heck has he done besides drone on and on and on about Amber, oh right I forgot he’s running the house!!
      I’m also not real clear on why they call him beastmode cowboy what the hell does that mean, he hasn’t done anything.

  16. Idiots!!!!!!!
    I don’t understand why BB has so many of these idiots in the house. None of the girls want to get together and vote the guys out. (Cowards and floaters) and Now Nicole and Donny who are not in the guys Alliance don’t put them up. Why Jocasta and Victoria when they are their friends. I hope they plan to back door someone or they should just leave.

  17. I’m in the middle of Frankie being BD. I would much rather Zach be BD and then HOH says (Hopefully Nicole) Listen Dingus I don’t like Fruit Loops or you. Bye Bye.

  18. Caleb/Victoria won BotB. Nicole, Zach, Jocasta, Caleb, Christine and Victoria are playing the veto and Frankie is hosting. Lol, Frankie is going home and Nicole is the first one to make a big move. I have more respect for her,

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