Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 5 Eviction & HoH Live Recap

Tonight on Big Brother 16 the spoiler results for this week’s eviction and Head of Household competition will be revealed as one HG will be sent home and another two will take the top power.

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 16
Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

When the live results show kicks off we’ll see Amber Borzotra and Jocasta Odom await their fate as nine Houseguests enter the Diary Room and cast their votes. From there the remaining HGs will compete in what we expect to be a memory contest based on yesterday’s video loops.

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Join us tonight here for a live recap and discussion of the latest Big Brother show plus you can find us on Facebook and Twitter for even more updates as the game plays out in real-time on the Feeds.

We pick up after Wednesday’s show, but this is really all the way back on Monday. Amber is trying to figure out why she was renom’d while Caleb thinks this was just to prank her. Oops, Caleb.

The show skips over soo much of the story with everyone lying and manipulating Caleb for so long. Ah well. If you missed the real story this week then you missed a lot of exciting events.

Derrick receives the Team America mission for them to throw two rogue votes and accuse two HGs. Donny didn’t like it last night and pushed backed saying he doesn’t want to do it. Let’s see what happens.

Big Brother 16 Week 5 Votes:

  • Hayden votes to evict: Amber
  • Victoriaย votes to evict: Amber
  • Donny votes to evict: Amber
  • Derrick votes to evict: Amber
  • Zachย votes to evict: Amber
  • That’s it. She’s evicted.
  • Caleb votes to evict: Amber
  • Christineย votes to evict: Amber
  • Cody votes to evict: Amber
  • Nicole votes to evict: Amber

By a vote of 9-0, Amber Borzotra has been evicted from Big Brother 16.

Donny rejected Team America’s mission and voted out Amber instead of Jocasta. He apologized to America saying it was too risky. Derrick came in next and apologized as well saying they tried to convince Donny but were unable.

Amber tells Julie she blames a big part of her eviction on Caleb’s obsession, but is also feels most betrayed by Cody since they were so close. Amber hopes to get her bunny slippers back from Caleb, but Julie doesn’t think that’ll happen. Amber says she’s single and won’t be Caleb’s date to finale night.

Big Brother 16 Week 6 Head of Household Comp – “Getting Loopy”:

  • Round 1: True – All correct
  • Round 2: True – Jocosta is out
  • Round 3: False – All correct
  • Round 4: False – All correct
  • Round 5: False – All correct
  • Round 6: True – Vic, Christine, & Derrick eliminated
  • Round 7: True – All correct
  • Round 8: False – All correct
  • Round 9: False – All correct
  • Round 10: False – All correct
  • Round 11: False – Cody eliminated
  • Round 12: False – All correct
  • Oh no! Out of time! Are we not going to get the results on the show??

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Feeds returned to reveal that it all came down to a tie-breaker with Nicole & Donny winning! Congrats! Will Donny go after Caleb like he promised before? We shall see.

Don’t stray too far because we’ll have a LOT more Big Brother updates very soon. Friday morning I’ll be talking with tonight’s evicted HG. Then later on Friday we’ll get the nomination results and the Battle of the Block results. This is the game that never rests and neither does our coverage!



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    • Hey Cyril! What do u think of this season so far? I know one thing-it’s pleasant without all the racist crap from last season!

      • Well it’s about time ! What up? Miss CudaDebbie! I love this season. You know, there’s always some that would say it’s boring, predictable. etc. Season 15 was a disaster. Not this one. …good to see you here again.

      • Thanks for the warm welcome! I like this season too. My favorite was the beard, though (even though his social game was soft). So long as Frankie or Christine don’t win, I’ll be happy. I’m so tired of hearing her constant cackle. She can’t possibly think that so many things are hilarious! I think it’s that she starts giggling like a school girl when Cody is around…she’s got such a crush on him.

      • LOL..I said I love this season, that was a month ago. It became predictable, but it’s still better than last season……….yes ! everybody loves Donny. Donny for AFP !!!

    • I’m curious whom Donny really is going to target. He’s quite observant and no fool indeed. He’s also told a bunch of people different things (remember how he told Cody he’d target Zach, Frankie & Derrick when he gets the chance?)

  1. This was the part I was ROTF during LF. He was stomping thru the house in that onsie w/bunny slippers on. The didn’t show enough of it.

  2. This season has been pretty good so far. Derrick has been quite the player. I’m hoping him and Donny make it far.

    • No kidding every time she votes she says something mean. And she always looks at herself in the mirror upon leaving the DR.

    • Last week it was Britt. Now Amber. Two of the classiest women. She is the type of person that thinks being vulgar, makes her funny. Wonder what she will say if, God forbids Nichole goes before her.

  3. Derrick, you are not scoring any points with America by throwing Donny under the bus. Man up.

    • Exactly, horrible game play Derrick. Shame on you, cause either way you would and Frankie too would run that bus all over as you just did. Way to go Donny…5k as opposed to 500k, you get Donny. Plus, Frankie is doing no work to get that mission done.

  4. Good for Donny for sticking to his decision. What Caleb voted tk evict Amber! Didn’t see that

  5. Caleb’s goodbye speech: I have been watching. I will be watching. You’re my girl Amber!!!

    • Serious Caleb still suck on the hand that feeds you really. And some please shoot Zack…I want his punishment to be duck tape his mouth.

  6. How come I’ve not seen anyone in the house point out that Frankie’s pulling all the strings? People cannot be this oblivious.

  7. Caleb is more delusional than Devin was, king of the house? Come on Donny, time to win HOH (and /or Hayden).

  8. Three things Amber must do after her eviction.
    1: Change her name
    2: Change her number
    3: Leave the planet
    Never mind. Caleb will still find her :(.

  9. Can anyone say fatal attraction….part 3 really stole l her bunny slippers….sick.

  10. I hope everyone that was evicted and not in jury at the end makes Caleb look like a fool when they get to talk about the season.

  11. I’m ready for a female to run this house…not any that can be easily manipulated by a guy…

  12. “Zach votes to evict: Zach”

    Zach voted to evict Zach, eh? Bold strategy, let’s see if it pays off.

  13. So who’s left in the comp? Hayden, Nicole, Donny, Caleb and Zack? Was that all?

  14. I’m betting Trifecta,..Donny, Hayden and Nicole….preferably Donny for a WIN.

    • She’s always crying about something. Only thing worse is when she gets into that teeth chattering thing that she does when real emotional. Can You tell I don’t like her? Especially when she puts on those ridiculous bow ties. She’s actually a very pretty girl but takes away from it with the all the weird habits…Peace.

  15. Derrick working on JokeCosta right now. Fishing expedition. I want to staple Jacuesta’s mouth

  16. Definitely an interesting change in nomination influence this week. For the first time since week 2, Derrick and Frankie no longer have direct influence over nominations. Now the player with the most potential for power is Hayden. He’s got Nicole wrapped around his finger and is also one of the few HGs Donny would listen to. Hayden will have the last word with both HOHs before they nominate this week, and if I’m not mistaken, Frankie is on his hit list. Should be a good weekend on the feeds.

    • Based off the feeds last night, derrick has firm control over this hoh, at least with Nicole. Derrick also seems to have some control over Donny but has complete control over Nicole and she will do everything to make sure Donny doesn’t nominate derrick. Frankie is the odd one out this week, along with Caleb, zach, Victoria, and Jocasta.

    • Right…Hayden also has Victoria wrapped, maybe Jocasta too. I think most people underestimate him. He keeps a low profile by smiling his way through the game. He plays just strong enough for him to not be called a floater. Who would ever suspect the laid back surfer dude as a potential threat? Smart, he doesn’t let his ego push him into striving for HOH. Knowing the job includes getting ‘blood on his hands’. I think he’s a lot smarter & stronger than he’s revealed so far. He’d have to be strong, lugging around a lot of overweight tourists in his pedi cab. It must be a physically demanding job. This kid is the one to watch out for. Peace…

  17. We have GOT to stop all trying to get on this site at once after the live eviction episode. My browser had trouble loading this site since the show ended an hour ago. We’re overloading the server.

  18. Cody is the only one that’s throwing Frankie’s name to Donny. While Derrick and Frankie is throwing Victoria’s name…OMG Victoria really? I hope a strong player goes out…please…please. Let it be the Rat !

    • I love how Donny’s bringing everyone into the beehive one by one to get information out of them after being kept out of the loop for weeks. The Detonators have gone from stonewalling him to now spilling the beans in a frantic attempt to get on his side.

      Donny, meanwhile, is leaving them in the dark. The only people he will reveal his intentions to are Hayden and Nicole. At least at this moment, the Detonators have lost control of the house.

      • Right !.. I love the way he conducts this interview. LOL..I just hope he makes the right decision.

      • If he can survive the DE next week, he’s going to have a lot of dirt to sling around if he needs to move the target off himself.

      • Team Donny all the way :) I want him to put up Frankie, and Nicole to put up Zack…Frankie will squeal like a pig, Zack will be like a dog with a bone.

      • Definitely. Derrick and Donny are my favs to win right now. I don’t really want Zach to win, but I want him to get far. If this HOH can get Hayden and Nicole to come out swinging for the second half of the game, I will pull for them too.

        Speaking of Nicole, I’m really glad she’s on-board with BD’ing Frankie. She’s gone to Hayden for advice on how to go about it, but the initiative is coming from her. It’s about time she shows some guts and strategy.

      • Good to hear that about Nicole’s plan. I can’t keep up with the HG. I’m watching Caleb talking to Donny right now. “At the end of the day” lol he has the worst pitch. OMG it’s nonsense.

      • That is good to hear. i thought that she would just do what Hayden and/or Christine wanted her to

      • Nicole knows there are power players in the game, and her distrust of Frankie has been around for long enough to her to make a move to get him once presented with the opportunity.

        So I kinda understand why she never wanted to call the shots just yet the first time she was in power with someone else.

        I just hope she goes with her gut come pre-BOB.

    • I want Frankie out so bad…Cody is saying Frankie cause he has been saying Donny’s name, plus he is paranoid Donny will put him up after breaking his word and hand shake.

    • Derrick should shut his mouth after running over Donny’s game tonight about the TA. Such disrespect from Derrick, and why should Frankie get the money when he will have done zero with regard to the votes.
      Please, please Donny put Frankie on the block, Frankie will squeal like a pig, and Zack will be like a dog with a bone so Nicole should put him up. Split to them up.

  19. Donny HOH yes! Nicole meh… Sucks next week is double eviction. Double edge sword…for Donny. If he stays in control he can not compete in the first HOH right>but then the next if he is still around good. Ugh. I hate this two HOH…so mad, and the BoB u know is will be thrown somehow to screw Donny.

  20. Run Amber, run as fast as you can. do not look back. change your name, change your number, move to a different country, hire Devin as your bodyguard.! and kiss those bunny slippers good-bye

  21. Donny is planning his nominations meticulously. He knows he’s playing against the big boys and could be dethrone and end up on the block….I’m just hoping he succeeds on getting the right person out.

    • They have to follow up with POV this week to get 2, count ’em, 2, Detonators on the block come Thursday. Simple: say ur saving Vic/Joc to guarantee that Caleb/Frankie/whomever goes. “Besides, everyone loves you, Frankie/Derrick/whomever – You’re safe! Trust me! You’re NOT going home. I can’t emphasize that enough. …Now go lie down and rest your pretty head. Zach, can you give Frankie a massage. He’s tense!”

  22. The best part of Donny and Nichole winning, is now we dont have to watch the detonaters lounging up in the HOH room. And after 6 weeks, Zach and Frankie will have to sleep and shower and use toilet downstairs. Can you say Frankie for HN?

  23. “Zach votes to evict: Zach”

    I’m assuming that this is a typo and that Zach didn’t just randomly vote against himself? :P

    • I’m thinking/hoping that the double eviction will mark the end of this twist :P

      They’re already almost getting to the point that they’re nominating half of the possible houseguests.

      • Yeah, it’s starting to get impractical. I think in theory it is a good twist, they just used it on the wrong cast. Just imagine how fun this could have been if there were two HOHs last season.

      • At least we finally managed to see Donny winning Head of Household to top all of his competition wins. I just he makes it to jury if they’re going for 9 people again this year.

  24. Donny is in a good yet still difficult position at the moment. DE is happening next weekend plus to the other two hurdles : BOB, POV. So I’m hoping he makes it out alive while making the move to EOD the Detonators from their dominance on Thursday.

    For the tricky part, he made a promise not to put up TA members but given the circumstances, he will have to at least put one of them up (or have Nicole do the other since she wants Frankie’s head).

    Plan A should, and I assume it would, be to backdoor Caleb. In order to hide that plan is to nominate 4 other people. Nicole and Donny know, or at least know now, the existing remnants of the BS Alliance controlling the house. Those are the people should pick as pawns for this plan to work.

    That would defintitely give some guarantee to any of the pre-BOB noms that they’ll have some level of safety.

    Plan B, if Caleb wins POV, then there’s no choice but to dismantle the 2 Detonators that were nom’d by the reigning HOH.

    So who to choose…

    Nicole will definitely not put up Hayden, Christine and Jocasta. She’ll likely not attempt to put Victoria as a safe pawn since Hayden had just courted her as an unknowing jury vote for his alliance with Nicotine.

    Donny will not put up Hayden, Jocasta, and Victoria. He knows Christine is not to be trusted but he won’t risk getting on Nicole’s bad side if he puts Chris up pre-BOB.

    And now to the current deadpool: Caleb, Derrick, Cody, Zach, and Frankie. Only Caleb have taken part in the BOB but the rest haven’t. But all of them are threats to the other players’ game so these are the available options presented to the two.

    Dream noms:
    A)Nicole nominates Cody and Frankie while Donny puts up Derrick and Zach.
    B) Nicole ups Zankie and Donny ups The Hitmen.

    BOB has been all physical challenges with one sole memory-based game. I expect production going all out with a full-on physical comp for the likely final BOB.

4 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 5 Nominations | Big Brother 16
  2. Diary Room: Adam Poch Readies Week 6 On ‘Big Brother 16′ | Big Brother 16
  3. Amber Borzotra – Big Brother 16 Eviction Interview | Big Brother 16
  4. ‘Big Brother’s’ First Eviction Is a Slap In America’s FaceBig Online News | Big Online News

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