Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 1 Veto Competition Results

Power of Veto competition on Big Brother
Big Brother spoilers from the Veto competition – Source: CBS

The first Big Brother 16 Power of Veto competition of the season is over and we have the results and spoilers for you. After the crazy double set of nominations and HoHs a lot of targets were flying around, but this PoV comp was just one more chance to change all that up. Now the Feeds are back and we have results after watching return from the backyard.

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Read on to find out who won and what that could mean for the game this week.

Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 1 Veto Competition Results:

  • Donny won the Power of Veto!

The HGs playing in today’s comp were Caleb as HoH, his nominees Donny & Paola, along with selected players Cody, Victoria, and Zach. Jocasta hosted the competition.

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Before the challenge we heard Devin make a case to Caleb and Frankie for their next move. Devin suggested taking down one of the two noms: Donny or Paolo, and renom’ing Joey to send her home. He was confident Paola and Victoria wouldn’t be threats later and their abrasive behavior would make them targets for others. Meanwhile they could keep Donny and get rid of Joey.

The target on Joey goes back to her allegedly out’ing the all-girls alliance we saw the ladies start to build during the first episode. How the beans were spilled on this might be a mystery for now though as it looks like that happened before the Feeds turned on last night. It is Day 8 in the house afterall so they’ve had lots of time to do lots of things.

Despite Devin’s suggestion and argument Frankie concluded they needed to stick with the plan and target Donny unless he won Veto. If Donny won Veto then they’d renom Joey and send her home short of her Team America glory. Why did Frankie so strongly want Donny eliminated? Because “He’s a f***ing GENIUS!” declared Frankie. You see, Frankie is convinced that Donny is not a groundskeeper, but actually a super-intelligent professor playing them all. I’m not kidding. But Donny is a groundskeeper and Frankie is just crazy. Or at least crazy paranoid.

What do you think of the PoV Comp results? What will happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be coming up and we’ll post spoilers when they happen.

Turn on your Live Feeds and enjoy the drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.



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  1. I’m happy that Donny will stay at least one more week. He is entertaining at the least.

    • The stupid thing is that if she HAD stuck with the girl’s alliance thing, the viewers would probably have facilitated it. Sad, sad, sad…but if she did indeed out “el Cuattro” (sic) then, as much as I like her, she should go home.

      • …not to mention that she’s just enforcing the primitive stereotype that girls just can’t work together.

      • Then more or less enforced the “our culture is what makes us fight each other”.

    • So what else is new?! The “America’s Player” twists NEVER work. Production should just stop trying at this point.

  2. Lets hope that America is not jinxing all the people we choose to allign with! Maybe they will change their mind and evict someone other than Joey. I’m glad Donny is staying.

    • Brittany is telling Caleb that if he put up Joey, the girl will vote to evict Paopao.

      • She is, but is Brittany even in with the majority of the house? She might not even know about the Bomb Squad or whatever. By the way, Matt, do you know who’s apart of the Bomb Squad?

      • No, I meant that Brittany says all the girls would evict Paola, but does she actually even know that for sure?

      • The bomb squad is Caleb, Frankie, Zach, Cody, Amber, Nicole, Christine and Devin.

      • Nicole, Cody, and Zach?!?! My Top 3 all in one alliance even tho it’s bound to erupt soon xD <3

      • I think they’re just keeping Derrick on the side as a side alliance. I don’t think he’s a part of the bomb squad. At least that’s what I got from the feeds.

  3. Oh NO!! Caleb is saying he put up who the house wants!!! I can’t go through another season of what the house wants!!

    • LOL…unfortunately doing “what the house wants” is the only smart move for the first few weeks anyway.

    • Safest way to go Week 1. The first HOH can’t take any risks, unless he wants to find HIMSELF on the chopping block next week.

  4. I am so happy Donny is safe this week. He will make this season fun to watch. Hoping they send Paola packing.

  5. Well looks like Joey’s time is up, unless Christine votes with non-bomb squad people, our let’s say Frankie wins the second Team America spot and isn’t allowed to vote against the alliance. And with all this assuming that the rest of the house wants Paola out.

  6. I’m so glad Donny won POV. I like him so far. Now maybe in a week I might find him boring. I do like the drama! Lol So much for the alliance we pick. Looks like Joey is going…but is she?

    • So many things can still happen between now and Monday, and then betwen Monday and Thursday.

      • I know it changes every few hours. But I think we’ll know tomorrow who goes up in place of Donny won’t we? I think they do POV ceremony tomorrow.

      • A lot of them don’t like her. I like her so far. But last night she was acting pretty crazy. Streaking on the live feeds.

      • Curious as to why she was streaking? Was it to get attention or be friendly? I too like Joey thus far. I heard them last night thanking her for being a have not. She is one of a handful of BB16 HG I like so. The rest, most I am undecided. But there are some I can flat out say I can not stand. Zach,PowPow, Victoria.

  7. I don’t know why but I have been imagining Donny as the POV winner while reading the feed highlights from last night. Knowing that he is such a fan, I think he’s the one who won’t back down without a fight.

  8. Hey guys have a question? Wondering how the two head of households each pick 4 different people to nominate? How they keep from duplicating houseguest. Be interesting to see how that is done.

    • I assume they have to consult. My guess is when come the time to do the wheel thing with the key, they do it together.

      • That’s what I was thinking. Heard someone post last night that the “battle of the block” will put a end to pawns. I am wondering if back dooring can be effective. But definitely should put a end to floaters.

  9. I’m glad that Donny won veto, but I hope someone else becomes their target by the end of the week!

      • @Brenda What I meant by safe is him being older and “older” (to me in a good way). This way Caleb didn’t have blood on his hands. I am glad he won. I also think he is wiser then people think.

    • Nope, as it stood before veto he was set to leave on eviction day, rough start to a guy who I thought above anyone else was a easy shoe in for final 5.

  10. Glad Donny won it. Wanted to see him a little longer. From things he has said he is smart enough to know he’s got to align himself with the right people. He knows he is the old person with all the youngun’s. LOL I say that and I’m older than him.

  11. Matthew thanks for the great updates. I am in and out on the live feeds and miss stuff. It really helps to see the updates. I can go back and look if it’s something crazy I want to see.

  12. I am fine with Joey being sent home. Do not think she is much of a player.
    Last season’s problem is house guests too scared to make a move and had no strategy at all! Donny is entertaining at least.

  13. Is anyone else having a hard time understanding what Devin is saying? I can’t understand a word that comes out of his mouth!

  14. I think it’s still too early to tell which alliance is holding and which is ”fake” as a backup plan – with that in mind, I’m still cheering for some of the super egos to get booted early (Zach, Paola, Frankie)… Eventually the power boys Devin & Caleb will have an alpha dog fight which should be fun.

  15. I am confused. Why would the dudes target her because she outed the girls alliance? They should thank her for making them aware. Maybe I am missing something.

    • It makes her look untrustworthy. If she can’t keep the girls alliance a secret then she can’t keep any other alliance that someone might want to make with her a secret either.

  16. How and why did she out the all girl alliance? I gather the very first alliance of the first group of right is null and void?

  17. Am I the only one crossing my fingers and hoping that Devin get sent home soon? His game play is just as bad as Howard’s last season, possibly worse. He also spilled the beans about the Bomb Squad without talking to his group. He’s running around thinking he’s in command of something and it’s really just sad to watch as a fan of this show. He formed THREE alliances with no thought. I’m not sure he understands the game the way he think he does. Why do they insist on alliances made up of HALF the house? Ridiculous… Other than that, Pao Pao has been getting on my nerves since the first day so I won’t mind her leaving. I know many people don’t like Zach (I don’t have live feeds so I don’t know what you all are seeing) but I don’t want him to leave just yet. He gives me this Will-ish vibe. I want to see what he will do in the next few weeks.

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