Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 1 Friday Overnight Highlights

Big Brother 16 HGs enjoy the hot tub
Big Brother 16 HGs enjoy the hot tub – Source: CBS

Big Brother Houseguests had an action packed Friday with the results of the Power of Veto competition causing a lot of whispering, plotting, and planning. And that was just in the production office as Grodner scrambled to save her latest Twist already on a crash course to implode!

Find out the highlights from overnight on the Big Brother Live Feeds and get caught up on where the house is headed next. Looks like we’ve got a fun week ahead of craziness.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Friday, June 27, 2014:

4:16PM BBT – Feeds return. Donny is wearing the Veto & has won the comp.

4:30PM BBT – Caleb and Brittany talking in The Hive. He says he’ll go with house decision, but then brings up Joey. Brittany says she’ll vote out Paola over Joey if he does that.

4:45PM BBT – Amber and Caleb now in The Hive. Amber suggests Hayden as a guy renom option or Joey as the girl renom. Caleb wants Joey. Amber confirms that yes, she would vote out Joey instead of Paola.

4:55PM BBT – Hayden and Nicole are worried about renoms, but think Joey would go up.

5:15PM BBT – Caleb in The Hive with Joey. Warns her to be ready for a renom, but says it will be house decision for whoever goes up. He criticizes her decision to tell HGs about the girls-alliance. That move has now put her in this position.

5:40PM BBT – Frankie and Christine confirm plan to backdoor Joey.

5:55PM BBT – Frankie and Zach catch up on their alliance. Frankie again confirms plan to BD Joey.

7:35PM BBT – Amber and Derrick talk game. Derrick points out only 4 options outside of the “Bomb Squad” alliance for Caleb to renom: Hayden, Jocasta, Joey, and Nicole. Victoria & Brittany can’t be renom’d since they won BotB.

10:30PM BBT – Backyard is finally open!

10:32PM BBT – Joey campaigning to Cody. He pretends he might go up, but he’s in the 8-team alliance and is actually safe. She admits it was a “dip shit” game move with the all-girls alliance flop and regrets it and she didn’t know better. Joey is new to Big Brother.

10:35PM BBT – HGs gathering around the hot tub, but it’s not warm yet.

11:45PM BBT – Christine & Joey talk in HN. Joey says she expects to go up.

11:50PM BBT – Caleb continues to obsess over Amber. He’s worried she might also be interested in Devin.

12:10AM BBT – Zach camtalks to the Feedsters. He says the 8-team alliance is a joke and way too many HGs, but is solid on his F2 with Frankie. Zach confirms Joey will be renom’d and evicted.

12:40AM BBT – Paola holds another couples therapy session for Caleb and Amber, but just Caleb is there. He likes to talk about Amber a lot. A lot a lot.

1:50AM BBT – Joey and Victoria talking in the hammock. Victoria assures Joey is safe and has her vote. Victoria is not a member of the Bomb-Squad.

3:05AM BBT – Frankie feels bad about voting out Joey, but says it’s the right/smart move.

3:25AM BBT – HoH room with Derrick, Frankie, Caleb, and Cody. Discussing Joey as renom and target. Agreed it’s the right option.

3:40AM BBT – Frankie again confirms the he gets to play in next HoH comp since he wasn’t the surviving HoH. Caleb will not participate, per normal rules.

5:00AM BBT – Caleb and Frankie getting ready to go to bed. Frankie is staying up in Caleb’s HoH room since he lost his room. Caleb talks a little more about Amber one more time.

What a wild day and the season is just getting started. Donny won the PoV today and secured his safety. Good thing for him too because he would have likely been the evicted HG. Now Joey is set to be renom’d and most likely evicted. What does this mean for Team America? We don’t know!

Next up in the house will be the Power of Veto Ceremony. These are normally held on Mondays, but the first week’s schedule is typically atypical, so we’ll have to wait and see if it’s held on Saturday or Monday.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this yearโ€™s Live Feeds which means itโ€™s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. I was wondering why in the heck Joey outed the all girl’s alliance..then I read that she is new to Big it all makes sense now. Joey, Joey, Joey…bad move, my dear!

    • I also don’t understand why everyone is pissed at Joey for the outing rather than the creation of the alliance….

      I mean wouldn’t you be upset that there was a secret alliance, rather than at the person who told you there was a secret alliance?

      Also Joey is an idiot.

      • So Joey didn’t just out the alliance, she also took the blame for creating it. Joey was telling HGs that she tried to recruit other girls but was rejected and that was part of why it fell apart. That’s not all true, but she seemed to think it was smart to take the blame and help cover it up. Turned out to be a very bad plan.

      • Rookie mistakes. If only she thought of every possibility of every move she makes. Disappointing.

      • Wasn’t it Paola’s idea to form the all-girl alliance? Since Paola is already on the block, more than likely she would have been sent packing..Joey should have done her BB homework before she came into the house.

      • I thought it was Paola’s idea too, but I’d have to go back to Ep1 & check. Which makes it all that much more silly for J to have taken the blame. Not knowing the game & alliance fallout really hurt her here.

  2. My god Caleb is completely obsessed with amber. Like insane stalker obsessed. Likd Ginamarie and danilelle levels.

    • It’s really getting scary the way he’s obsessing about her. I hope the BB psyc team is watching out for this.

      • He is definitely on the scary side. Somebody needs to watch him closely. Have seen this and it can get dangerous quick! Just want them all to have FUN. Some drama, but not that kind.

    • Kinda unhealthy to see someone talk about someone he just met for over a week.

      For a guy with supposedly many talents, looks like courtship is not his strongest suite.

  3. I truly hope production learned their mistakes from past seasons regarding a twists the involves participating players. Wishful thinking that since Joey is a Team America member, there could be a chance for her to return to the game in some form, i.e. a secret mission to earn her spot back in the house.

    If not, then it shows that once again, it will join the list of past “game-changing twists” that was not thought out in full.

  4. Looks like the guys are going to outplay the girls again! Why can’t girls play this game the right way..someone needs to give Rachel a call.

    • Because the last couple years they insist on casting girls more interested in getting discovered for TV or modeling jobs than winning. A lot of the guys too are picked for that. They need to go back to a varied age and job people. You got 1 guy 40, everyone else is way younger.

      • I think best thing about casting people who never watched BB prior to getting sequestered is seeing them getting familiar with how the game works. Apart from the obvious superfans, people like Paola and Victoria are also casual fans, the latter though with BB Israel (where social game is a dominant aspect over strategy).

        Something to consider for all newbies, especially Joey, is to think before they speak. Know what consequences that a single move may bring before it is done, and see beforehand if it will benefit him/her in the long-term.

      • Agree. They need to change their list of “types”. It’s not like having older HG’s would automatically reduce the drama.

      • Definitely, I remember drama from earlier BB’s when there was a good degree of varied ages.

      • This cast hasn’t really grabbed my attention yet..I was watching the feeds last night and I got bored so I turned them off. That doesn’t happen too often, I hope it gets better.

  5. It’s ok to vote with the house the first week or two but I hope they don’t do that crap all year like last season.

    • PLEASE don’t let it be another summer of “Its what the house wants”!! BB15 flashbacks. Getting dizzy…

      • Right after you get to know people then stir things up and vote the way you want. Like close votes.

  6. Caleb has been up for about 13 minutes and already talking about Amber and asking her to marry him. I doubt Amber realizes how obsessed this guy is and that is worrisome.

      • And his breakfast is a beer. Not a good sign. He’s talking about he can read her mind.

      • Matt if you’ve ever been the victim of someone obsessed or abusive, its not funny. It would be hard to call Caleb a stalker when they are in a house together but he seems to know who she is with/where she’s at every moment and that’s scary. Wouldn’t it freak you out if someone tracked your every move every moment and every conversation included how much they want you?

  7. So if one of our alliance members is booted first, do we get to choose another to make up the 3? They should have waited for the first couple of evictions to implement this twist. America didn’t really know the hgs when we voted the first time. Now that we do (somewhat) i think our choice might have been different.

  8. Wow Caleb is acting like a stalker ~ scary! Hey does anyone know how to go back on the feeds? All I can find is the slide thing that you slide back but it just goes back a few hours. Last year you could pick a date and time but I can’t find that.

  9. Well, I’m going to be sick of Caleb in approximately 3.2 minutes if he doesn’t start shutting up about Amber!

  10. I was hoping this girls alliance would work. Can`t believe Joey screw it up. I wish Donny was going home, but I wont feel bad for Joey.

    The thing is the girls gotta stick together ( but they will all be really scared, and all because of Joey).

    But Amber should try to do something about getting Caleb to put some guy, like Devin, because Devin is the only threat for Caleb`s game. But she brought up the blonde surf dude name.. maybe she will start working on Caleb.

    I don`t like any of the guys expect for Caleb, first because he is so hot and second he is not a p&&ussy. But I think he is more focussed on getting a girl than playing the game.

    Everything about Frankie, Zach and Donny is fake.

    • Devin is a little crazy acting to me..he is playing this game hard and fast. If Caleb was smart, he would put him up.

      • Yes and no, because Devin is a powerhouse too physically he could help dominate the house with Caleb. But eventually one of them is going to have sever ties with one another if they want to win.

  11. Joey has no clue how this game is played. That is why I don’t like recruits. She is actually going around the house telling people that Devin has her vote to go home this week. She told Devin to his face and then she goes and tells Caleb that Devin is going home. Veto ceremony hasn’t even happened yet. Joey needs to go!

    • Well, I may have to rethink my above comments. It looks like the house is leaning towards Devin. Alot of them want him sent home.l This guy will explode if he finds out. He is a little scary to me..very in your face..don’t really care for him.

      • Nah, he and Caleb are tight and Caleb seems to have no interest turning on him, plus Frankie and his allies are still on board to get Joey out this week. Thing with Devin is that in any other situation his behavior of up front civil confrontation over simple matters (like people not cleaning after them selves and such) would be totally acceptable, in the house however especially in week 1 people will latch on too any little thing you do and use it against you, he needs to lay back a bit but I don’t see that happening and will be surprised if he makes it out of week 3.

      • I want him sent home! After watching Sunday night’s episode I really have no interest in seeing anymore of his bad game play. He is all in your face, pretty much forced the Bomb Squad to include 2 girls. He deserves to go for that reason alone. He has bad logic.

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