Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 1 Monday Night Highlights

The Big Brother 16 Live Feeds were SLOW last night. I mean slow. Unless you find Caleb talking about Amber exciting. But the weird thing is, this cast is entertaining. So even though there isn’t a ton of game talk or fighting right now, you’ve got Zach busting a move, Frankie’s alter ego Rhinestone Silversmith and Donny’s cricket calls.


So while there weren’t any major game moves last night, there were some pretty solid social moves.  Find out what else happened on the Big Brother 16 Live Feeds, including who is expected to head out the door next week!

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, June 30, 2014:

4:30 PM BBT – The houseguests are planning a prom this week, so talk of who will ask whom is going on.

4:35 PM BBT – Joey is crying in the storage room. Jocasta and Frankie come in and comfort her.

4:45 PM BBT – Joey once again says that Big Brother shouldn’t cast recruits. She says it’s not fair to the people (like her) who don’t know how to play the game.

5:37 PM BBT – Amber and Christine talking about Brittany being the next target.

7:32 PM BBT – After Caleb talking about Amber again all day, Zach and Frankie access the situation. They agree that Caleb is obsessed with Amber and that she isn’t interested like Caleb thinks.

7:35 PM BBT – Frankie echoes Amber and Christine and says Brittany is next out the door after Joey.

8:58 PM BBT – Amber tells Jocasta it’s awkward being around Caleb.

9:45- 10:30 PM BBT – A lot of Big Brother 15 talk going on. Zach and Christine say that Amanda and Helen were dictators. Cody, Zach and Christine talk about how awful the final three were. Zach says he hated GinaMarie. Derrick tells Nicole how malicious the cast was.

10:06 PM BBT – Victoria and Derrick talk about keeping Joey. But that doesn’t sound like it’ll go anywhere.

10:50 PM BBT – Nicole is homesick and is crying.

11:03 PM BBT – Nicole is still upset. She’s afraid of looking bad and getting attacked after the show is over.

12:05 AM BBT – Christine and Derrick talking game. She warns him not to get too close to potential targets Caleb and Devin. Derrick is also concerned about the giant alliance. He wants to make sure they keep Cody safe along with the two of them. Derrick knows Cody and Devin are at odds.

1:05 AM BBT – Devin is letting Caleb down easy about Amber. He seems to be accepting it, but then still says things about how he wants to get to know her more. Caleb jokes that “if I was just a little darker it might be okay.” He also thinks if he changed his name to “Antoine” it’d be okay. Devin shakes his head in response, then jokes along with him.

2:30 AM BBT – Zach and Cody playing pool and talking game. There’s concern about the Caleb & Amber animosity and its impact on their BS alliance and Caleb’s ego effect on it.

2:35 AM BBT – Brittany hitting up Derrick to form an alliance. Audio is slow to join them and get loud enough for her whispers, but names may have included the two of them, Jocasta, Christine, and possibly others.

3:15 AM BBT – Devin and Caleb again talking about Amber. Devin upset that Amber was talking F2 with Caleb. Caleb is upset because of all those “mixed signals” Amber is sending out.

4:30 AM BBT – HGs are still up and out in the backyard. These are some serious night owl players! Brittany talking to Frankie that she’s worried someone will flip their vote to keep Joey and pin it on her. She swears that if Joey gets one vote, it wasn’t her.

So as you can see, it was a pretty quiet night but it sounds like Joey is heading out the door this week and Brittany could follow next week if she doesn’t figure out a way to get the target off her back.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. Is Brittany a target because of resting bitch face or something else? She doesn’t seem like a power player enough to be such an early target.

    • Lots of the girls mention that Britt is condescending. I’ve noticed on a few occasion that she seems to feel that she’s above them. I think she’s trying to be mom. With some crew that works. This crew doesn’t seems to want a mother.

      • That’s sad because I really like Britt. And some of these houseguest need a “mom”. Her kids I believe are very young. So maybe these HG act like children, she feels at home.

    • Brittany very early on started supporting Joey….vocally and often. I think that screwed her more than anything because it makes her an easy “bloodless” choice since the rest of the house hates Joey. The condescending thing is just Mom missing her kids and suddenly being in a house full of kids that desperately need guidance and taking care of. She’s still trying to be Mom and it’s rubbing the kids the wrong way.

  2. LOL @ the “BS” alliance! yes, yes they are. almost as bad as the crazy 8’s? (is that what the first 8 called there “alliance”? can you still call it and alliance when it fizzeled in like 2 seconds?)

    • Yeah I caught that too…I much prefer “BS” to “Bomb Squad”. Much more appropriate.

  3. So far after 3 shows and almost a week of live feeds, I haven’t got very excited about this crew. I saw many people mention that. I would say it’s pretty early to give up on this season. There are a few players that are showing very good potential of making this season very exciting. But I rather have a slow start this year than the really fast ugly start of last year.
    I see some viral reaction to the Caleb-Amber situation. Again I think we can’t jump the gun. Altough Caleb is a little creepy obsessive (a la Gina-Marie), he hasn’t shown any real tendencie to be violent or step out of bound. Give the guy a break and let see what happen. In fact, all he is doing right now, is hurt his game.
    Donny actually do look more like a ZZ Top than a duck commander. Let see if they really let him cut his beard.
    Branden alluded to the BB15 controversy, it’s going on thru a twitter war. Things revolved around a reunion party that happen last week (for the premiere I think), where it seems that Jessie party pretty hard with some coke. Who really know if it is really true or if they are just working at extending their 15 minutes of fame, now that a new crew is stealing their limelight.
    If you haven’t consider opening a twitter account, you should. Look me up and I’ll set you up with the good account to follow.

    • Ooh, I saw that just now online. I think at this point, it is still too soon for them to really get over whatever the hell happened last year. I understand Jessie had a frustrating time though which she had to let it out at some point in time. Wish it could have been done differently and in a more civil manner for everyone involved.

    • I’m with you. I would rather have this slow start than that crap last year. This will give Derrick and Donny an advantage I think. Derrick because it was his plan to observe first, and Donny because he seems to be doing the same thing. They both need to align themselves with the right people. While giving Caleb and Devin some slack I still think one of those 2 are likely to implode next.

  4. On the social front, I was lucky enough to catch Paola sharing her backstory to Christine and Brittany, which confirms my suspicion that she’s Filipino. The PT episodes doesn’t seem to really do her justice since I find her kinda soft and less on the loud-mouth side.

    And yes, what she said during her time growing up here in the Philippines is true: Lots of stray dogs and child beggars can be found in the city streets. And the toilet-flush thing is also true.

  5. I paid extra attention to Brittany after reading comments and hearing the other HG and she does come of as condescending sometimes. Not sure she means it that way. She also seems helpful and friendly at times. I think she’s still trying to fit in and unfortunately for her she might not make it before next nominations.

  6. Don’t know when Matthew sleeps. Question to all. Did anybody figure out where Devin got the badge he was wearing for awhile?

  7. Ok here’s a question: Isn’t CA in a drought? Why do they let them was dishes with the water running the whole time. Seems like if there’s a sink full they would have a dishwasher to use that has a water saver on it. Some is always squirting soap on a sponge (holds germs) and washing a sink full instead of running a pan of soapy water to wash the all.

    • Actually the drought is in Northern CA and it’s mostly agriculture that is affected.

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