There’s not much talk going on about this week of Big Brother 16, but there’s a lot going on about what the HGs have planned for the double eviction and beyond. I think this isn’t good news for Nicole as no one is talking about keeping her this week. Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds in the house today.
Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, September 2, 2014:
9:30 AMÂ BBT – Wake-up call as all HGs were sleeping.
10:05 AM BBT – Caleb telling Derrick about his conversation with Frankie. He says Frankie thinks he doesn’t trust him now. Caleb says he told Frankie it was his idea.
11:30 AM BBT – Nicole talking to herself about how to figure out a way to stay this week. She says she needs to talk to Caleb.
11:47 AM BBT – Derrick tells Caleb that Victoria told him she’d never vote either of them out.
12:00 PM BBT – Derrick tells Frankie the exact thing he told Caleb. (Derrick is totally going to take Victoria to the Final 2 if he has his way).
12:36 PM BBT – Derrick is fluffing Victoria’s ego, telling her she’s better and prettier than Christine.
12:44 PM BBT – Caleb still thinks he has a date with Amber waiting for him when he gets out of the house.
1:00 PM BBT – Frankie taking control of the HOH camera like he does everything else.
3:06 PM BBT – Caleb and Derrick are talking about getting Christine to put up Frankie. Then Frankie comes over and they tell him things Christine has been saying so he says Christine needs to go up. Cody’s trust comes up during all this. So in all this, Caleb and Derrick are sounding pretty safe right now.
3:15 PM BBT – Now Cody and Christine are bashing Frankie. They talk about how much they dislike his game and they both agree he needs to go before Victoria. They talk about how Frankie ruins anyone’s game who he is close to (they mention how Frankie messed up Zach’s game).
3:25 PM BBT – Frankie tells Derrick he saw Christine and Cody talking by themselves. Derrick says she’s trying to get Cody all to herself.
4:35 PM – Caleb is talking about how Christine is clearly in love with Cody.
5:15 PM BBT – Game talk has ceased. HGs are eating dinner and having general conversations.
5:43 PM BBT – Indoor lockdown. Derrick says he thinks he heard someone yelling his name outside. Sounds like the fans were at it again.
7:00 PM BBT – Since the lockdown started, the HGs have said and done nothing of note.
10:47 PM BBT – Frankie asks Cody if he’s worried he’s going to put him up. Cody says no and that he trusts him. He asked if Caleb said that. Cody said he’s not worried about Caleb’s momentary paranoia and that Cody didn’t even think it was worth talking about. They promise to not turn on each other.
11:35 PM BBT – Christine is crushing Frankie to Derrick. She hints that if it’s a double eviction, she’s targeting Frankie.
12:10 AM BBT – Frankie tells Derrick he would have been devastated if the guys had BD’d him this week.
1:30 AM BBT – Derrick talking with Cody about who would be targeted. They believe Frankie would go after Christine and Christine would go after Frankie.
2:05 AM BBT – Frankie with Caleb in HoH room. Frankie says he wants to stick together until the F4. They debate Derrick’s position in the game and say everyone likes him and thinks they could beat Derrick at the end, but they do not know who Derrick would take.
2:20 AM BBT – Frankie has asked Caleb who suggested they BD Frankie. Caleb trying to explain without implicating anyone, but it’s not going well.
2:30 AM BBT – Caleb suggests Cody was hoping to keep Nicole because he thought he had Nicole under his control.
2:35 AM BBT – Caleb relays Derrick saying he’s okay with winning $50K, but Frankie says that’s nonsense. Frankie implores Caleb not to throw the F5 competition as Derrick may try to sneak Victoria to the end and send one of them home. Caleb says Derrick is the most trustworthy player of the group.
3:00 AM BBT – Derrick and Frankie talking game alone in the kitchen. Frankie is nervous about putting Christine up in case she stays. He thinks Cody might have turned Christine against them.
3:50 AM BBT – Frankie testing Victoria out for support. Victoria promises she’d vote to keep Frankie.
4:00 AM BBT – Derrick and Victoria wrapping up the night and discussing if the other goes. Victoria tells Derrick he’s the only HG she wants to win at this point.
So this double eviction is going to be intense. No matter what happens, you can bet on that. You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
Did Victoria actually lie to Frankie about promising not to vote him out ??
OMG … that girl does have game ..
Victoria is gonna win this whole game … Ha !!! :)
If she is sitting next to Christine, she will. I don’t think she could beat anyone else, but Christine has sunk her own game with the jury.
I see no scenario in which Victoria wins the game, even against Christine.
So 2 days ago Caleb couldn’t trust Frankie as far as he could throw him. Now Caleb thinks Derrick is the most untrustworthy in the group?
Frankie was gonna be back door’d, now he’s safe, and again they say he needs to go. YOU JUST HAD TWO CHANCES TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN!
More talk, less action. The motto of Big Brother.
Caleb said that he thinks Derrick is the most trustworthy.
u forgot to mention that Caleb and Frankie both think Derrick is the weakest and won’t win a physical comp..
I hope Derrick can finally win a comp that will put the rest to shame!
Oh, he did, I see. I must be seeing things that aren’t actually happening, much like the house guests hah
What he doesn’t know don’t hurt him, huh?
or “What he does not know will hurt him”
Yes, but put yourself in Caleb’s place…he doesn’t believe he could be a major target, so it’s best he doesn’t know! LOL
The funny thing about this season is that none of HG know how to keep their mouth shut!!!!!LOL
I’ve noticed that too! hahaha Even Zach said in his interview with Jeff that maybe that hurt him most, but that he can’t be anyone but himself, which means he’s very vocal even outside the house! :-)
All the talk of who to take out with the second eviction on Thursday will likely be just that unless Christine wins HOH because if she doesn’t nobody will make a move and Christine will go home.
I will be watching the Packers/Seahawks game and DVR BB.
I agree, I’d rather watch the first game of the season and then I can FF through all the crap leading up to Nicole’s inevitable eviction. Am I the only one rooting for a miracle of Victoria winning the HOH, I don’t care that Derrick controls her, it will be interesting to see who he decides to have her target.
Power to the DVR! Would have never been able to watch this season of BB without it.
That’s either really sad or really funny. I can’t decide which. LOL
The BS (err Detonators) may actually go down in BB History as the most Successful and Dominating Alliance Eva, as soon as they are able to evict Nicole, Christine and Victoria … And, all due to the Founder and President, Caleb … Ha !!!!
Hack! Hack! Hack! Excuse me while I choke on your words. Hack! Hack! Hack!
(Love the sarcasm, Andy!)
Would that not be appropriate if the F2 were to be Adam and Eve (err, Caleb and Victoria) ?? Ha !! :)
I’d actually be OK with that at this point. They are all so stupid!
Frankie thinks Cody is the mastermind behind the plan to backdoor him. Cody will be in trouble if Frankie gets HOH in the DE. If Cody or Christine gets HOH Frankie will go. Caleb will go for either Christine or Victoria. Derrick could go for anybody….
Caleb can’t compete in HOH during the DE. He might end up a casualty if Christine wins HOH and Frankie wins POV. If for no other reason than Caleb put up Christine this week when he would have been smarter to put up Victoria.
While the Cody/ Christine attachment is annoying at best the Derrick/Victoria attachment is getting to the point of stupid and sickening. As of this past week her voice and actions are soooo totally irritating as in Frankie irritating.
No matter how (if true) sheltered she might have been NO FEMALE I KNOW IS THAT DAM STUPID. Brother my ass…she don’t act like no sister towards him…but speaking of stupid look at the men (so they think) in the house . As I have said the “SEASON OF STUPID”. I can only wish that Victoria would somehow go before Nicole…Derricks got to wake up and realize that if Cody gets evicted in the DE he has nobody but Victoria…Christine will be looking out for herself so she won’t be any help..
This is the “House of Idiots”
oh yeah Derrick gave a shout out to Helen Elissa and Shelly last nite…..Have we not heard those names before???
I thought Derrick was throwing comps so he didn’t put a target on his back by winning things but when push comes to shove lately he hasn’t won anything. I’m not so sure anymore that’s he’s been “throwing” comps vs he isn’t very good at comps.
He said last night that he’s trying to keep the image of weakest player. So, if that’s his plan, he’s doing a good job. Otherwise, he stinks at comps!
If that is indeed strategy, he’s executing it very well. And he always has that comp that he obviously threw to Frankie that he can point to if he has to make a case to the jury that throwing comps, was indeed, his strategy.
Right. I’m sure he’s purposely lost a few, but there’s nothing wrong with NOT being good at comps when you have this good of a social game. You can’t be good at everything Lol.
And truth be told, winning comps is overrated. If that’s all you can do (Frank and Jeff from past seasons), you’re bound to run out of luck sooner or later. I’d much rather be a great social player than physical.
Well some guys really do have small ones and it shows here. The brightest bulbs do not always shine they just electrocute the others that touch them.
BBAD was so boring they may as well rename it the annoying Frankie show
BBAD is the Frankie show—So I will no longer watch. Just my statement-I know my not watching will not hurt the show .
At first I stopped watching it live and DVR’d it. Then I stopped even doing that. I just read updates the next morning.
I’ve been fast-forwarding every time the camera is on Frankie for any length of time.
We just DVR it and watch it later. That way we can fast forward through the Frankie parts. Also doesn’t take nearly as long to watch.
Yea as I live in canada we get 3 hours of BBAD min and tues night out of 3 hours it took me under an hour to watch I record it as well so I can ff Christine and frankie
All these ninnies talk about is making the big moves without actually
making it! They should be fined $500 each time they talk about making a big move because they never really make any! I see Big Brother making these ninnies talk about the big moves and flip flopping on votes because they know the viewing public is bored and disgusted with the total lack of game play. Only thing to look forward to this week is one of these ninnies is following Nicole to the jury house!
Remember, in War Games, in the end, sometimes the best move is not to play the game at all (err, War) …The original BS goal was to have an all Guys Alliance, until Devin invited Christine and Amber into the mix …
What Devin did really helped the BS out a lot. If he didn’t include Amber and Christine, the BS and Detonators wouldn’t have gotten so much inside info. By having two girls that no one suspects of being in an alliance with the guys, more people went to them to start alliances or target members of the BS/Dets and they were able to nip it in the bud before damage was done. The only members of the BS that were eliminated were eliminated by their own alliance.
Imagine had Devin had remained in the game … Could have been so much fun, as every alliance he was in, would implode by him .. Ha !!!!
Imagine if he didn’t out his alliance with Donny in the first couple days. That could have been his saving grace, he would have been able to get the others to keep him by outing the BS alliance to everyone not in it. I also think how different the season would have been if Victoria was scooped up by some other guy other than Derrick. BB needs to do a bit of a change before next season. BOB was a bust in my opinion and TA was just a rehash of twists we’ve seen before.
BOB was at least able to get the full realization it was meant to be when Nicole got dethroned and evicted the same week but it was a little too late when every week, all the co-HOH’s were scared to put any big player up.
I think someone winning an HOH over the entire house, except for the outgoing HOH, should have held more weight than two people beating what this season was arguably the weakest players. Winning an HOH held less safety than winning a BOB, and that was my problem with the process. So what you might like, I actually disliked.
And of course the co HOH’s were scared to nominate two strong people, because if those people won, they would be after you that week or the next week.
There’s always a lot of possibilities on how things can go with this particular twist, it’s just that, as always…players were able to find a way to minimize the impact of this year’s twist by forming a large enough alliance to control the movements of the house.
It would have been smart by the other side to really bring themselves together to prevent themselves being decimated by the dominant alliance, and of course by some members of the former to form side alliances as back-up.
Unfortunately, the other side did get decimated because many are just too scared to play, and said members of the Detonators did not only threw away their side alliances, they botched their chance to get jury votes out of them.
The large alliance was kept under wraps long enough to make it impossible to get the other side together. By the time they realized, there weren’t enough of them to face off against the BS/Dets. This reminds me of a season of Survivor probably 10 years ago when people were resigned to take 4th or 5th place as opposed to make a move and have that fail. What they never understand is that 4th or 5th place win the same amount of money that 7th or 8th do, zero.
But you have to admit they were much more active than in past seasons with this new twist and more games were played…even if it was to show the viewers whom the weakest links were than showing mainly floaters in any other season! :-)
IDK. I miss the have/have-not and luxury comps. I preferred them to BoB. Weren’t there about the same number of comps, since BoB replaced the others/
There weren’t as many mental comps!
That and the HOHs always working together and having their noms try to throw the BoB comps was ridiculous. When I first heard about the twist, I thought it would create some good battles to see who could remain HOH. Boy, were we disappointed!
Hated they liked throwing them because it still left the Veto comp that was more important to win than BoB comps!
For all of Devin’s overthinking his decision to put Amber and Christine in the Bomb Squad was the smart decision that will define BB16. It really gave the guys a foothold into the other side of the house because Christine and Amber decided to have short term safety over long term success potentially. 5 members will be in the top 6 and that is quite impressive. I just wish Frankie had gone home that week he won the BOB by himself and Zach was part of the 5. I really don’t want Frankie or Christine to win.
Unless Frankie wins this game, I think he might wish he went home that week as well. If he were gone, we wouldn’t have heard his joke about raping Victoria or wanting to punch Nicole in the face. His life outside of the house might have been better had he gone home that week.
Or that he loves to watch rape scenes in movies and thinks that lesbianism is a choice. We also wouldn’t have heard him call Nicole the “c” word or had to endure him touching the straight guy’s male anatomy. I can’t remember if he said that Jocasta should kill herself before or after the get Frankie out week. All of that will lead to the demise of any fame he could have hoped for. I don’t even think that being infamous will help him now.
I know right? He probably doesn’t think that his behavior is any different than anyone else’s that are trapped in a house for 40 or more days.
Frankie is such a narcissist, that when he does get back out in the real world and hears what people thought of him, I don’t think he will care at all.
He’ll care enough to blame everyone and everything else. It’s what narcissists are good at.
You got that right! If he cared, he wouldn’t have behaved the way he does!
Ugh there’s too many ppl left who I don’t want to see win. If anyone but Derrick wins at this point it will be a HUGE disappointment.
I just want this season to be done. So aggravated with these people. No one in that house, except for Donny, could keep their mouths shut! I have never seen a season where literally everyone blabbed everything they knew. They could not keep anything to themselves. Cody/Christine was so awful to Derrick/Victoria are becoming sickening to watch. I will watch until finale..but, in the past I have been a little bummed when BB is done..this time…I think I will celebrate!!!
I could hardly wait for BB to start. Now just end BB before I throw something at Frankie and break the TV.
Derrick doesn’t blab everything he knows. That’s one of the reasons he has so many allies at this point in the game. They “think” they can trust him.
If anyone other than Derrick wins this game, it will be a travesty!!
I’m happy for anyone other than Frankie to win at this point. But I’ll be even more happy for anyone but Derrick and Frankie if they got the brains to take him out.
Derrick deserves to win hands down. But it would be easier to root for him if he were some sort of charismatic evil genius. He’s not! He’s bland, boring, and homely. In a way I’d like to see Victoria win…that at least would be hilarious.
I don’t want to see any of the defacators win.
Me either. I’m not a whiner, but I am whining. WHAAAAA!
At least that with be excitement in the BB16 rest home this season.
True..he just pits one against another…which I find very smart, especially when they take it to heart! He’s pretty much single-handedly helped to eliminate each houseguest one by one as the rest feel he’s the voice of reason, which he is, but they should be able to think for themselves which they haven’t! LOL
They would have to be able to think for themselves which obviously they can’t
That’s cause Donny wouldn’t talk to anybody about anything, let alone game … Ha !!! :)
As Caleb said, Donny was dangerous because he was smart, and had an IQ of at least 153, and was always thinking in his mind, likely due to having “gangrene” in his brain …. Ha !!!
I’m ready for SURVIVOR to start!
I second that sep 24 hurry up and get here survivor premiere then BB finale
Didja watch BBAD last night and see Frankie kind of fondling himself (towel sort of hiding what he was doing) in the HoH bathroom for a second and blowing a kiss to the camera before pulling his underwear the rest of the way up? Guess he found some satisfaction in that since he can’t get it any other way! LOL
I think I am going to throw up!!!
I had to go down a shot of tequila after that to wash out the bad taste that left in my mouth! :-)
SO glad I fell asleep and missed it!
Yuck! Woohoo glad I missed that.
I wish they had a BB Reunion Show…LOVE to see how what America truly thinks of Frankie/Caleb/Christine effects them. Wha wha wha…CLUELESS!!! Karma will be a nasty bitch especially for Frankie!!! I honestly cannot stomache watching him or Caleb…uggg!!! Christine is also pretty vile and her laugh is seriously a form of torture. I have watched every season of BB and this one horrible…can’t even…every one’s a blabber mouth and really ignorant…IMO
We can only hope The Talk has another aftershow for Big Brother this year.
It would be interesting to have a group of the most memorable (bad and good) last season’s HGs on live every year prior to the finale just to catch up on them and see how BB has affected their lives. Of course, that would have to be part of their contracts, because some of them would be very unwilling to return because of the reception they will have gotten when they returned to reality. I think it would really annoy Frankie if he had to return next year before the finale to face a live group of viewers.
I would LOVE to see that!!! BB production won’t be able to save Frankie from what’s waiting for him and his ego!!! However, why do I feel like he would still love the camera time…just saying.
You could be right, Andy. Time will tell.
Frankie thinks he’s awesome he will never believe that don’t think so. “We aren’t ready for him”
Do you think that CBS reads these??????
Hope so it would be smart of them to read these at least for a general feeling of what viewers think
Production does, so I’m of the opinion they do too!
I suspect that they have staff that wades through the social media, especially the major blogs, like this one.
After the DE its gonna be every man/woman for him or herself….It all depends on who is 2nd to be evicted…Frankie going after Nicole (if she goes) would be the icing on Donnys AFP cake…but my guess is Frankies gonna get HOH and oust Cody …
It will be every one for themselves as soon as they realize it is DE night
I’ll be getting home just in time to see the best part of BB16!!!
When do you think they’ll start worrying about jury votes??
Instead of just numbers??
When they are a member of the jury :-)
Derrick is the biggest player of this season. Putting him on the block will be the biggest move of the season. Whoever is responsible for his eviction should win the game.
OOOH! Don’t say that! It could be Christine, or Frankie….or Cody…or Caleb….UGH!!!!
…or Victoria !!!….aaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!
maan..the choices we have !
Excuse me, but I purposefully left her out. She will never vote out her DerDer. :)
I just hate looking at the picture above of witchtine, she’s such a shame.
Victoria the biggest FLOATER on BB history!
I think that title still belongs to Andy.
But Andy did speak in the DR. So we now have two Titles.
Gayest Floater Andy
Whiniest Floater = Victoria
CHRISTINE, think, if your husband was in the house instead of you, would you be ok if he had the exact same kind of physical relationship with AMBER that you have with Caleb. Do unto others……………
I’m really interested to know why/how Frankie and Caleb think they would beat Derrick in the end. It’s kind of making me nervous. Of course on the outside we know Derrick is 200x a better player than Frankie and Caleb combined, but maybe Derrick’s role as the puppet master is harder to detect from the inside. He just might be that good. So should we be worried that the houseguests aren’t aware of just how good Derrick is and might not give him their jury vote or do we just assume this is typical Frankie delusion and Caleb just not knowing what’s going on again?
More than likely the latter. Derrick’s been doing the whole “jury management” thing with every HG who’s walked out the door, with maybe the exception of Jocasta and Hayden. I think even Donny would give him his vote, having the Team America connection (though this depends on who Derrick is sitting next to). Plus, Derrick will have something planned for that final speech to ensure he gets the votes.
Interesting insight! I think I agree with you. We’ll have to wait and see.
He’s the lemming’s whisper-er.
Who thinks they should put Tim (Christine’s husband) on the next season of Big Brother? A little payback to Christine when Tim is all over some girl. That would be great!!!