Christine Brecht has been taking a risky path through Big Brother 16 with her choice to side with a nearly all-guys alliance from the start, throw off her fellow female HGs, and put all her eggs in a Brigade-like basket. But can Christine get to the end like that?
On Sunday night we saw Cody and Caleb discuss Christine’s place in the eviction line. Both agreed she needed to go before Victoria with the 6th place spot in the season. They were worried about what she might do and who she could end up deciding to take to the end.
Last night though, it seems Caleb has had a change of heart and it has to do with the record books.
Flashback to 12:43 AM BBT 8/26 Cams 1/2. Use the Free Trial to watch it on Feeds’ Rewind. Caleb is talking with Frankie and raises the issue that he wants to keep Christine until after Victoria is gone. If they can get all five of them to the F5 then he says that will be the biggest alliance to completely control the game until the end. Caleb is concerned with his legacy over his chances.
Frankie agrees with Caleb and puts Victoria as a higher priority than Christine for eviction. Considering Derrick has Victoria in his pocket, that’s not a bad position for Frankie to take, but you can rest assured that he’ll face push back from Derrick on sending Victoria home before he’s ready.
Speaking of Derrick, he had his own conversation about Christine last night when he spoke to the cameras. Flashback to 2:12AM BBT 8/26 Cams 1/2 to find Derrick sitting alone in the backyard. “Feedsters, she’s still going home as soon as I have the opportunity.”
Derrick says, “she literally thinks she’s the female version of Dan. She’s not. Not even close.” Sounds like he means it too, but should Christine really be his highest priority?
If Christine feels she’s closer to Cody than he is to anyone else then Cody should be able to pull the strings and keep Derrick safe should Christine come to power. It seems to me that Derrick could have bigger concerns to worry about (Frankie and his strong record in the game), but maybe he doesn’t see that.
I do not see Christine getting to the end easily and even if she gets there I’m not sure who would vote for her. She’s left tough goodbye messages for the Jurors and is gleeful over the prospect of recording more of them for future evictions. Her personal attention has been focused on touching Cody instead of building wider relationships around the house. Christine may know how to latch on to a strong alliance, but Jury management is going great for her so far.
What do you think the guys will decide to do with Christine? When she’s even lost Cody’s support it seems like a tough road ahead. Will she soon by Britney’d like we saw with the Brigade in Season 12 or can she slip through the cracks and make it to the F2?
Please stop comparing her to Britney. I actually liked Britney and kind of felt sorry for her.
But yeah, Christine will soon be sent packing and none too soon. Her game is nowhere near as good or as smart as she thinks it is. And the rude treatment to jurors and former allies. Just stupid!! She’s playing for second and that’s only if she becomes a sudden competition beast.
This description sounds a LOT like Britney to me actually. Rude, smug, and not nearly as smart or funny as they think they are.
Christine is the idiot this year, and there is one every year.
Why did she trust the guys? Does she honestly think that they would take her to the end? She has turned on former allies, and she has whored herself out with Cody, and it still will not help her win anything. Look in the mirror girl.
This isn’t a comparison to Britney as an individual or HG. This is a comparison of the situations. Being Britney’d means having no chance & being evicted unanimously by an alliance as the Brigade did to Britney.
Sorry, I meant that tongue in cheek. I get what you were saying. It is still hard to compare her to Britney. I think one difference we will see is that the guys liked Britney and went out of their way to let her know what was happening and why before she left. When Christine goes. Well, she’ll probably get the same kind of treatment she gives people in her video messages.
Oh I don’t see much of any personal level similarities between Britney & Christine, just their positions in their alliances.
There’s no comparison other than they both wanted to win. Britney was funny, smart, and sensitive to others. Christine is nine of those things but does a good ‘mean’.
I think the Britney comparisons aren’t that off. Britney had some good one liners when they showed the highly edited CBS shows, but on the live feeds she was a nasty little brat. She did the same thing Christine does, sit back and trash anyone that isn’t in her alliance. She wasn’t as annoying as Christine but definitely had a bratty quality to her.
Amen to the nasty brat comment. And CBS did edit her in a bright light. Us watching bbad and feeds saw the totally insensitive, entitled monster that she really was.
I watched a show last night that films everyone there 24/7 too, even outside, unbeknownst to this one female who didn’t think a camera could fit anywhere outside, so she told a person how she truly felt about another when otherwise she’d have played nice to that other person. When the person she spoke to told her there was definitely a camera taping their conversation, she regretted what she’d just said….can we say a big “Ooops” moment?? I laughed my arse off! :-)
Must of been watching Bachelor in Paradise. Lol
Yep! LOL Never liked that witch on her season or now! :-) Love how clueless she really can be and has no soul! I just hope Graham doesn’t get burned by her! hahaha Ok, back to BB talk!
From reading the comments, I thought I was the only one that wasn’t a fan. I actually thought it was hilarious when they sat her down and told her about the Brigade.
I agree. She had a very bratty side to her. She was funny but could be really mean.
Too bad, I hated Britney in season 12 and 14. she was very rude to everyone and was just stupidly selfish… Screw you Britney.
Christine is just as bad. If she leaves a rude message for Donny if and when he is evicted, she should be the most hated houseguest ever. maybe next to amanda
All I know for sure is that I would love for Nicole to have the honor of playing a major role in her eviction and see Christine walk out the door this time. The sooner the giggling stops, the better.
If Nicole gets HoH next week and wastes her reign on Christine then I’ll be very, very disappointed in Nicole.
I like Derrick and so far he definitely deserves to win, but Frankie and Derrick sitting on the block would make for the best week of the season and the biggest move.
That would be very exciting & I think Derrick would survive the situation, so I’d be okay with seeing them on the block together.
And no one playing a veto..that would make ’em sweat…deservedly.
Makes for some great t.v. too as Frankie likes to say a lot! :-)
And don’t cha’ think it’s about time for some GREAT TV!
Fer shure!
Perfect reply. LOL
I understand what you are saying. But, when she goes, I would like it if Nicole was inside watching her go outside. Just for the pure satisfaction of Nicole seeing it and Christine experiencing it from the other side.
So now Caleb wants to keep Christine over Victoria? Is that because Frankie has told Caleb that he has Christine..who the heck really has Christine? With Brigade..Brittany thought she had Lane on her side..with Christine..does she think she has Cody or Frankie..which one is she REALLY loyal to? I don’t see alot of Christine and Frankie talking, unless I am missing it.
I can not conceive what these nincompoops will do from here on out. It changes by the hour. I can’t tell who is lying to whom, IF they are lying when they speak, if they think they are telling the truth, but are lying…..exhausting!
Bring it on…I like messy instead of boring and predictable…sometimes. As long as it’s not happening to me! :-) There was one truth Frankie said…”I’m self-absorbed and self-obsessed, but only around my friends!” hahaha I was like, “and you’re not now?” hahaha
Caleb doesn’t know what he wants…he lives in the moment! :-)
Caleb doesn’t know what he wants, because no one has told him yet. It seems that if you play up to his ego, he will do whatever you want. And will even think its his own idea.
You got that pegged right! :-)
he wants the voting order to change so their ‘alliance’ will make it to the final’s!! setting a record per him
If Nicole stays I’d like to see her get HoH and put up Cody and Derrick as per Hayden’s suggestion, split up the F2 plan of Derrick’s and hopefully send either one of them packing then next send Victoria home…what will Derrick be left with if that happens? Not a whole lot, just like Donny is being left with now!
A beast, a queen, and a witch…last time I played cards that wasn’t a very good hand.:)
No, but it sure makes for an awesome crapshoot! :-)
I want her to put up Derrick and Frankie. The only thing if they both survive (POV) and votes then wow they will go guns blazing after her. She’s already such a big target but maybe she can use her HOH if she wins to her advantage and try to build something with someone.
The giggling, the cracking of her knuckles, the constant nose blowing. Last night she was rubbing Cody’s back and his neck. Married women just don’t do that if you have respect for your marriage. This girl irritates the heck out of me..I want her gone sooner rather than later.
I had to rethink what I was going to write because it was not nice..not nice at I will just say..give her a broom and a little conical hat, and let her fly out the door.
LOL I love your imagery!
That’s what grandchildren do for you, of course, not hardly imagining on this level me thinks.
I get it. My 4 yo granddaughter’s imagination never ceases to amaze me. :)
Wouldn’t it be nice to have those sweet, innocent thoughts….woe is me!
I can’t wait til my only grandchild can talk…I can just imagine what she comes up with, having to live with my daughter and her hubby’s antics! :-)
For a while now, I just keep seeing a Wicked Witch without the green makeup. I can picture her saying to Nicole, “I’ll get you my pretty and your little Donny too.”
What a scaaary picture….but it made me laugh.LOL
Now all we need is for Glenda (production) to wave her magic wand and save the day!
There really is a Glenda? HAHA
That’s yet to be seen. LOL
It’s going to be really hard to watch this season now without picturing all 8 of them in their Oz costumes.
Spot (Toto) on!!!
Love it. Haha
LMAO! Wouldn’t that be a GRANDE moment??
“You have no more power here! Now begone, before someone drops a house on you!”
OMG! See, redroses, they love it. Way to come in there, Sharona.
This thread is too funny! The funniest part is that they all look like they fit the parts. Maybe they would have succeeded in Frankie’s play idea doing the Wizard of Oz. LOL
Christine looks like a wicked witch.
I can see Nicole wearing a blue gingham dress and ruby slippers.
Donny with his beard is the perfect Toto.
Derrick has that “all knowing” grin that he does.
Caleb’s ninja is falling all over the place, like the scarecrow did.
Frankie’s bone structure is all pointy, like the tin man.
Cody looks like he can be a lion, but acts cowardly.
Victoria has the same stare as the monkey’s.
BTW, Sharona’s comment was perfect! I still think that you and FLdreaming had the best comments. They both really made me laugh!
It all started with you and very cleverly, I might add. Frankie Grande eat your heart out…Oh, I forgot,he doesn’t have a heart.
I’m wondering whether he even has a soul…
Only God knows.
Too funny!
I totally agree. She irritates me to no end with the constant petting of Cody, her irriating laugh, her blabber mouth and constant negative talk about people. UGH! I know there are bigger fish to fry but i REALLY want her gone ASAP!
Looks like Victoria is mimicking Christine with the petting…just on Derrick instead of Cody, though!
How far will Christine’s alliance take her? Hopefully just as far as the curb and the sooner the better.
Why not just place her out in the street to play with the traffic??? hahaha
Derrick will win against anyone I think but he could have competition against Donny, Frankie, and Nicole. He will win easily against Caleb, Cody, Victoria or Christine.
If I were Derrick I would get out Donny this weak and Nicole next week. Frankie is not going to target him I don’t think. Also, Derrick needs to start thinking that Victoria will soon be a liability. If he tries to go after an alliance member first over her the rest of them will get suspicious and call him out.
I hate to say it but Caleb is right. To take Victoria to the end would be a travesty to the game. No player that bad should go that far.
You give some of these people more credit than they deserve. No one is going to call Derrick out. Derrick would have to suggest that first before any of them could think to do it. Well Derrick isn’t going to do that. How many times has Derrick made all of these people think his ideal was theirs? There’s only one Puppet Master and as much as I dislike him…
Derrick is playing a great game
meh, it happened last year with a bunch of players who suck making it to the end. It happens. GM was a shiiit stain and won 2nd.
Frankie and Derrick are the only two real game threats for anyone here on out. Will be interesting to see if they stick together or turn against on another. They already know that they are the ones to beat.
If they get rid of Nicole this next week, I could actually see Christine being valuable to Frankie and Caleb. Derrick clearly has Victoria doing whatever he wants, so that gives Derrick 3 to Frankie and Caleb’s 2. That would mean that Christine can either jump on board with Derrick, making that side 4 strong or jump on the Frankie and Caleb side making it a 3 to 3 shoot out. Christine is in a good position to be a swing vote for one side or the other.
I also believe Derrick’s downfall will be keeping Victoria too long. His alliance will start to realize he wants to take her to the end and they will also realize that is a great strategy and dump Derrick to do the same thing.
Hopefully it’ll take her out!
Does anyone actually think we will even see this TA task of putting on a play on tv? I’m not sure CBS will air any of it.
What could they air? Frankie’s part was vile and most of the others were so condescending to the former HGs, not to mention all the sexual innuendos. I call it an epic fail. In another post I congratulated the editing team in advance, if they can pull footage from that disaster.
I thought the same thing. I’m wondering if we will even see Donny pitch the idea to save him. I don’t think it fits with the storyline that CBS is showing. They seem to give Frankie a good edit, while he has done and said some pretty controversial stuff.
Oh my God…if they show more than 10 seconds of that ‘Frankie Horror Picture Show”, I’ll vomit.
I think Devin would take it well knowing it was Donny mocking him! :-)
I think so, too. I thought Nicole did well as Brittany, too. Derrick didn’t bash Jocasta too much. I didn’t see Victoria’s Amber. The other four stank.
Funny once Vic was up doing Amber that they broke to commercial on AD! LOL
They should put Donny’s part of playing Devin on only! :-)
This would be the first thing Derrick’s done that’s close to a mistake. He needs to get rid of Frankie before her. Christine sucks and has 0 chance of winning the game. Smartest thing for him is to go Donny, Nicole, Frankie, then Christine/Victoria most likely.
I agree. Victoria is the easiest to beat in the end, closely followed by Christine. Derrick would be smarter to sure up an alliance with final 3 of Christine and Cody, while keeping Victoria safe. Although that opens up the door to an even worse final 2 than last year, Victoria vs. Christine.
If that’s how the season ends, can the jury not award either one of those two??
Totally agree. Frankie is the ONLY competition beast in the game and will steam roll Derrick in competitions here on out. Gotta get him out when you can. It’s all about winning competitions when you get to the end and Derrick has proven he can’t.
I think he made one huge mistake the week that he and his minions (Cody/Victoria) had a choice of flipping to really align with Haycole when Nicole was HOH. IMO Derrick should have chosen to flip. Only time will tell, though.
Why couldn’t think this before the veto ceremony? -__-
Makes you wonder how much production really does play a role in changing it up, when HGs don’t get their clues in DR…right?
On all of these reality competition shows like BB and Survivor, how production phrases a question can change how your feel about someone. If production asks Cody “Do you trust Derrick?” it will invoke a different emotion than if they ask him “Do you really trust Derrick?” One word and different inflection can change the way someone thinks about another contestant.
Very true! :-)
I like how everything Donny told Christine is going to come into fruition. Derrick proved it with one of his DR sessions on sundays episodes. Ahh… When they look back they’ll wish they would’ve stuck with Donny.
I just find it funny when guys who have floated and ridden coat tails (Cody and Caleb) start bashing on Christine for doing the same.
im glad Donny won more $15k than christine