Big Brother 16: Have-Not Room Emptied, Rebuilt, & Sealed

Yesterday on the Live Feeds we learned that not only would the HGs receive a special meal but also a special task: empty the Have-Not room and then get out of there.

Houseguests inspect the sealed door
Houseguests inspect the sealed door – Source: CBS

With this being the last week of Have-Nots there was no need to keep the room around anymore, but would the Ice room return with a special purpose?

Around 3:50PM BBT yesterday the HGs were called upstairs to the HoH room for a lockdown. Feeds went down and stayed out for roughly three hours. When things returned just before 7PM BBT the Houseguests rushed downstairs to see what all the fuss was about as they could hear construction work during their lockdown.

Arriving at the silver entryway to the HN room Houseguests said they could smell paint but when they tried to enter the room they found it sealed shut. Frankie called it the most anti-climatic moment of the season for them. Well, I dunno about that. Okay, maybe.

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So what’s going on with the room? It seems unlikely that the room would have been painted and undergone three hours of construction work just to close it down when it could have just been sealed and left behind for the last few weeks.

Houseguests excitedly speculated that it could be some sort of luxury competition awaiting them. There were also talks of an isolation room like we’ve seen in past seasons, but several HGs thought that was a lot of work to do for just one day of use.

Whatever is going on with the former Ice room is still a mystery and we don’t have any details nor did we get a peak inside for what’s to come next. What do you think they might be planning for the room? An isolation punishment from an upcoming comp? Maybe a luxury prize? Share your thoughts!



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  1. If production interferes to help Nicole stay when they didn’t for Donny it will suck. Team Donny forever.

    • Well, Production did give them the opportunity to Save Donny with a $5K reward for them making up their own mission .. that Frankie nuked out ….

      And, just remember, Jocasta was so, so close to have beaten Nicole as the returning player … Ha !!! :)

      • Jocasta could not have done much worse than Nicole. When in the house Nicole repeatedly trusted the wrong people, Christine and Derrick for starters, and blabbed her mouth away. Since back in the house, she again has her mouth going non stop, won no hoh or pov. She has done nothing but sulk, cry, complain and wine, except when drunk. Rachel was treated a lot worse and was alone almost the entire game…but plug away she did. JMO

  2. The biggest disappointment of the season is that they didn’t seal Christine and Frankie in the room. Those two make watching BBAD unbearable. Christine with her cackling and Frankie with is constantly trying to one up everyone else.

    • Did you watch BBAD last night I missed the first hour but still managed to see Frankie making an a$$ of himself mocking a slow/mentally handicapped person when he was giving Derrick “the nose” he made out of play do. Made me furious I have a family member with Down’s syndrome and he is 100 times the person Frankie is

      • I thought that was what Frankie was doing at first too, however he was doing the character Sid from Ice Age.

      • Why take it personal! He joking around! So what….we laugh at people who are not handycap…. And they understand whats going on…. Double standards dude!

  3. Glad it’s gone. HN idea is unnecessarily cruel. And sleeping in a walkin freezer in SoCal is wasteful all for the benefit of the viewers hearing constant whining. No thank you.

  4. A Pandora’s Box perhaps? Rewards / Punishment …
    Remember, when Rachel (??) chose the pandora’s box and got stuck with Jesse the Body for an hour or so, while the rest of the HG’s got to grab money or some sort of rewards ?? Ha !!!
    Imagine, if Frankie got to choose and be isolated from the rest of the HG’s for a bit … Ha !!!

  5. I think it’s possible it’s a 24hr isolation like they have had before. Would love for it to be Frankie or Christine (whichever doesn’t get it in the DE). Could you imagine Derrick locked up and not being able to control everybody.

    • Interesting if getting into 24-hour confinement would crack Derrick to the core. In BB14, Dan came out of confinement basically reborn as a new person when he came up with that funeral of his, when we were all thinking he was done for in the game.

  6. For the remaining HG’s? I’m hoping it’s a punishment. Like a 24 hour confinement………………….with Jocuesta in the room.

  7. I know I’m going WAY out on a limb here, but what if right before the first eviction tonight, they tell everyone but Nicole and Victoria to go to the room. Then they bring out the jury to vote on who’s evicted. Or maybe after the first eviction all the HG’s have to go to the room and the jury plays for a chance to nominate 2 people for eviction before they head back to the jury house. There will be no HOH, so no one is safe…ugh, i don’t know, I’m still hoping for a twist that is worthy of all the hype CBS put behind it this summer. I know we’ll be disappointed again tonight!!

    • I would love either senerio! CBS has promised the most “twisted” season. EVER. We haven’t seen any great twist, yet.

  8. It would be funny if they put Derrick in there for an hour for no reason except to cause suspicion, just so the other HG’s would believe he got a special power. Let’s see how smooth he really is and if he could talk his way out of it.

  9. that wud be such an interesting twist if in big brother they forced the hoh into an isolation room. so they cudnt discuss mch with houseguests, but cud c all. thatd rly b paranoia.

  10. This has been the most boring season of big brother, and I’ve watched since season 3. No one has been willing to make any big moves, it’s sucked from day one. Maybe the girls should have listened to Joey when she wanted to start an alliance? I mean, look where all the girls are now.

  11. So if this is supposed to be a season filled with twists where are they? They tried to save Donny by having TA make up their own task so now it’s Nicole’s turn. How about a Pandora’s box?

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