It’s Big Brother 16 Finale Week & Survivor 2014 Premiere Week

The Big Brother 16 season finale is just a few days away as we prepare to wrap up the 2014 season and say goodbye. Luckily we’re also about to say hello to another great season: Survivor!

Big Brother 16 Finale Week
Big Brother 16 Finale Week – Source: CBS

On Wednesday night we’ll get a mix of beginnings and endings as the Survivor 2014 Blood Vs Water season kicks off at 8PM ET/PT with a 90-minute debut. Once that episode ends we’ll be rolling straight in to the Big Brother finale with the Final Three Houseguests starting at 9:30PM ET/PT.

Cody, Derrick, and Victoria have been competing since Wednesday night and now have two of the final three comps completed. We’re just one step away from knowing who will be in the Final Two.

The third round will be held live and decide both the final HoH of the season and the last HG to be evicted and sent out to the Jury. Soon after we’ll learn who won Big Brother 16 along with the hotly contested America’s Favorite Houseguest race likely between Donny and Zach.

While we may be saying goodbye to Big Brother until next summer we are preparing for a new and hopefully awesome season of Survivor! Although it’s tough to cover any other show as in-depth as we do with Big Brother there will still be daily updates and discussions on Survivor along with live recaps and fun chats with other fans.

I hope if you’ve enjoyed our Big Brother coverage then you’ll consider checking out our fan site and hanging out with us there in the off-season. Amazing to think we’ll have TWO seasons of Survivor before Big Brother 17 arrives!



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  1. At least we have Big Brother Canada 3 to keep us busy between BB16 and BB17. But the part that sucks is that we have to wait until February-March for BBCAN3 to start.

    • Can’t wait for BBCAN3. Past two seasons have been absolutely fantastic. I keep hoping BBUS production will take notes or at least watch, but I’m not sure they’ve been doing it. (They should.)

      • From what I hear, if you’re close to the border, you have access to their site. If you’re not, then google watching it. Just keep trying sites until you find one that works. I watched BBCan 1 & 2 after the seasons ended, so I don’t know how soon after the show it’s available elsewhere.

      • Well I don’t want BBUS to clone BBCAN, but I guess making the houseguests do some task would be fun to watch.

    • I really like Nicole, too, but I don’t think she has a chance at AFP. There’s a huge campaign for Donny and another one for Zach. Plus, the Grande’s are heading up one for Frankie (gag). I’m not seeing big campaigns for anyone else. If you saw one for Nicole, I’m interested. Where did you see it?

      • Fakie’s mother and sister are now backtracking and saying vote for Zach. His mother got into a flame war with Zach’s mom on twitter and I guess she lost. His sister is backing down already. They are saying Donny won money as TA so give the money to Zach and acting like this is what they’ve been saying all along. Looks like Fakie doesn’t fall far from the tree.

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