Big Brother 16: Finale Backyard Interviews With Jeff [VIDEOS]

The Big Brother 16 interviews are here for all of the Houseguests following last night’s season finale where Derrick Levasseur was crowned the winner of Big Brother.

Jeff interviews Big Brother HG Zach Rance
Jeff interviews Big Brother HG Zach Rance – Source: CBS

Jeff Schroeder’s interviews weren’t live this year like we’ve seen most recent seasons, so you’ll have to start rolling through them now to get caught up and hear what everyone has to say about their experience. It’s fun to catch everyone while they’re still hyped and running on the adrenaline of the big finale show. Watch them all in the videos below.

After the backyard work was done the HGs kept the party alive by heading out in to the Los Angeles night for some fun. I’ll be digging up photos of all their fun so check back for those later too to see what happened next.

Here are all the CBS official interviews in the HGs’ order of eviction:



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    • I did not get that AT ALL. I thought Jeff liked Cody and Zach the best. He said he wanted to hang out w/them.

      • Cody’s probably all for that lol, he mentioned Jeff being one of if not his all-time favourite player and Season 11 being the one that got Cody to really get into the show. That’d be cool, as Jeff and now Cody go down as two of my favourites to ever play the game.

  1. Oh Jeff you were way to kind to Frankie. But I guess I shouldn’t expect anything less from you. You’re a stand up guy. But once again I was gagging watching his interview. What a fame whore he is. I only watched because I was hoping Jeff would ask him some difficult questions. When is this guy going to get called out for his actions in the house? So let’s see what happens on the Talk today.

    • nothing from what i’ve read. Sara did ask about his lesbian comment and he squirmed out of that, hope he disappears from all media

    • I agree with you. I watched because I thought Jeff would tell Frankie how much he is hated, but instead told him his following increased. Makes me gag.

    • Last year every houseguest that made derogatory comments where called out.Here is some food for thought,I wonder if CBS owns or is tied in with Frankie’s sister’s record label.Why would they have someone who finished 5th on The Talk and not ask him about comments made about Victoria,seems to me they were promoting him.

      • I agree. I think there’s some link between CBS and Frankie’s sister. I know they don’t own it but there’s some connection. Otherwise Frankie wouldn’t be given the royal treatment.

  2. Guess I’ll add to those who are disappointed by the geo-fence on the videos… Shame cause there seems to be a few of us crazy Cannucks on here.

    • I think you can watch them on YouTube. Canada, huh? I’m from the mitten. Saw the message…I don’t do Face Book, but I do email. Perhaps we’ll talk later…

  3. Cody, Cody, Cody, Cody. Man, you are slow. You say you could not cross Derrick because it would be like crossing your best friend. If Derrick was your best friend he would understand why you chose not to take him. Are you so certain Derrick would have taken you? Listen to him talk about how all he thought about was his family. If Derrick won HOH and he had to choose between you and his family who do you think he would have taken to the final 2?

    I know Cody feels okay with his decision now, but he will regret it soon enough. I mean when he sees how little $50,000 is after taxes he will be asking himself what he was thinking taking Derrick, especially in a couple of years when Derrick becomes a faint memory.

    • Thanks for the heads up. Sounds like I need to avoid it for sure. I already miss you Cyril. Tell Woo Who hello from your country girl. If I’m ever in LA, I’ll go up and down the streets yelling that.Tell Woo WHO that if he ever hears a weird female voice, with a” little” TN twang, yelling his name, to please check it out (Caucasion 5″2,long reddish curly hair, 141lbs,today,and I look about 55). I may be lost and need help. I would yell “Cyril”, but I think I would get more attention with Woo Who. Wonder how long it would be before they put me in jail? If I ever decide to go, it might be a good thing to get your number before I leave in case I wind up in the pokey. I missed so much of the past two days because I got off schedule for my granddaughters BD dinner when I was sick those few days. I’ve been running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off,shopping, cooking, baking,decoration…But when my spunky, beautiful granddaughter had a wonderful dinner today after school, it was all worth it. She’ll only be 15 once. Everything was a hit, especially the IOU for our trip to the Smoky Mtns. this weekend for some Tanger Outlet Shopping. I HATE to shop, but I do it for her twice a year. Well, Cyril, I hope I am better able to manage my time next year and will be able to come back and do it again. Until then, take care, be safe, and Godspeed, keep laughing! It’s been a pleasure. Karen

      • Oh !..I miss you already…ok if you decide to visit LA, I’ll have Woo Who pick you up at LAX…deal !

  4. Why are Frankie and Derrick on “The Talk” together today? Where are Cody and AFP, Donny? Why in the hell would they have the 5th place finisher on..oh yeah, I forgot…it’s all about Ariana! I tried to watch it, but, had to turn the channel. I hope never to see or hear from Frankie Grande again. Shame on CBS this whole season for coddling this idiotic narcissist moron.

    • Hoosier, please don’t change. I love your spunk and enjoy your posts tremendously. Take care and I hope to catch you here next time. Enjoy the holidays and I hope many blessings come your way. Karen

      • Don’t worry, when it comes to BB, I won’ change, I love this show and enjoy posting and reading everyone’s comments! You take care as well and I will see you back here, summer of 2015! Lynn Donahue-Clarksville, Indiana

  5. Victoria truly believes she was a great player! She talked about winning competitions and got offended when Jeff teased her about that not being the case. When he gave her the floaty, she had no clue she was seen as a floater. She truly believed the guys didn’t take her to F2 because she would win due to being a much better player than them. Oy vey! Jeff was very kind to all of the HGs, but a lot of them are in for some unpleasant surprises when they watch the season. Victoria is right up there at the top of that list. I feel concerned for her.

    • Victoria was one of the most naive HG I have ever seen in all 16 seasons..she actually thinks she did something while she was there!

      • There have been worse players on BB than Victoria. I think Jocasta could have been worse than Victoria had she been around long enough to prove it. Maybe Paola too. We see Victoria as the worst ever because she was around in the house for so long. Most players like her are gone pretty quickly.

        With that said, I think it is a shame Derrick protected her for so long. That she made it to the final 3 will always be a black mark on this season.

      • So true. Even though Jocasta wasn’t there that long, she was the worst player this season. All she did was cry and wait for Jesus to win comps for her.

    • Wow, she really does think that they couldn’t take her because she would have won. Oh to live in ignorance like Victoria, life must be so easy and fun.

  6. Ugh, missed the Talk. Last night Julie said that Derrick was going to be on but didn’t mention Frankie though it had been floating around that Frankie was going to be on. I will have to wait to find out if Frankie was on. I hope not.

  7. Wow,Zach really does seem like a nice guy. I think he is going along with the Zankie thing because he thinks that’s what everyone wants.

  8. I just finished watching all of Jeff’s backyard interviews. Jeff is great with whoever he’s interviewing … a true professional! I cringed and grimaced through Jocasta’s, Amber’s, and Frankie’s. Donny appeared relaxed and it was great to hear him talk and not have to be careful what he said. I also enjoyed Nicole’s interview … yes, she sure is ditsy, but lovable. Victoria was, well Victoria … very loud for my sensitive ears. Since I don’t have anything remarkable to say about the rest of the hgs, and it would serve no purpose, I’ll end this post with … H O L L A! (I’ve always liked the pure joy of saying it … H O L L A!!)

  9. Jeff gave Christine a hard time but went easy on Frankie. Then again Frankie is the golden child of CBS and CBS does butter Jeff’s bread right now so its best he didn’t cross them by putting Frankie on the spot.

  10. Does anyone else think Jeff should be given a permanent job as an interviewer? He kept them on the subject, reined them in when they started to go into lala land, brought up pertinent facts, made them laugh and covered a lot of ground. Great job, Jeff!!

    • Agreed, he’s really good at it and I guess due to his Big Brother fame, players seem like they really want to talk to him, like they’re excited to be interviewed. Always a good thing.

  11. As a Canadian I have seen these interviews Jeff has done in previous years so at some point I am sure we can view them.

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