Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won Big Brother Last Night?

The winner of Big Brother 16 was revealed last night during the season finale on CBS featuring Cody Calafiore, Derrick Levasseur, and Victoria Rafaeli’s battle for the grand prize.

Julie Chen reveals the winner of Big Brother
Julie Chen reveals the winner of Big Brother – Source: CBS

Following the three rounds of the Final HoH we saw Cody take power and vote to evict Victoria. That left just two HGs in the race as they prepared to stand before the Jury.

The Jury deliberations are tough but now they’ve got what they need to know to cast their votes.

Big Brother 16 – Jury Votes:

  • Jocasta: Cody
  • Hayden: Derrick
  • Zach: Derrick
  • Donny: Cody
  • Nicole: Derrick
  • Christine: Derrick
  • Frankie: Derrick
  • That’s enough! Derrick wins!
  • Caleb: Derrick
  • Victoria: Derrick

The winner of Big Brother 16 is Derrick Levasseur by a vote of 7-2!

Derrick walks away having never been named as a nominee and with a total earnings of $575,000! Amazing amazing accomplishment. Congratulations to Derrick on a job very well done.

What do you think of Donny and Jocasta voting against Derrick as the two sole votes for Cody? I predicted both of them would, but I also thought we might see Christine lean in that direction as well but she did not. All the same, those votes weren’t enough and Derrick wins by a landslide. Congrats!

Update: Donny says in an interview that had promised Cody his vote earlier in the game so he stuck with the commitment and figured Derrick would win anyway. Jocasta says she had a similar promise.

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  1. Derrick winning was the best birthday present I could ever have!!! It would’ve totally ruined my day if he hadn’t. I’m confused about Donny’s vote, why? And Jocasta is the most annoying most obnxious person on the planet. I really cannot stand her…

    • Didn’t Donny tell Cody that he’d vote for him if he got to the final 2? If so the vote was him keeping his word.

      edit: I should have read further before posting. Shelly mentioned this too.

      • I’m glad to hear that – I didn’t realize that had happened and was actually a bit disappointed. I thought it might have been him being bitter that Derrick didn’t save him, but I’m glad it wasn’t!

        But Jocasta, come on, really?

      • Jocasta sucks. Whenever she talked I wanted to bang my head against the wall. I hope they never bring her back.

    • donny promised cody his vote weeks ago of he made it tofinal 2 he is just keeping his promise.

      • I was still shocked by Donny’s vote. Maybe he did promise Cody, but I don’t recall that. I still think part of it was bitter, you could tell during the jury deliberations, but that’s just my opinion. BUT, Jocasta was def hostile, bitter, and being a class A sore loser ! She calls herself a Christian ? Wouldn’t all these adjective’s be considered a sin ?? And she doesn’t even know if Derrick was fake praying or not, who said he was ? She did but why should we believe her !!

    • Happy Birthday, Lola. Mine’s tomorrow. I’m not as excited about the outcome of the finale as you, but I can respect that the jury voted the way they did. Glad Donny got AFP.

      • Happy Birthday, GMaG! May you have a blessed day and many more birthdays to come!

        Happy belated Birthday, Lola! Same sentiments to you!

      • Wow, GMaG, you share a BD with my favorite person in the world, my granddaughter! We are having some shindig after school. I wish you could come. Happy Birthday to you and I send you a huge hug. I had 10 minutes to spare and I’m so glad that I saw your post. Love ya, darlin’. Karen

      • KSJB! There you are! I thought maybe you’d given up on BB already. Thank you for the good thoughts. Love you too, Sandy

      • Just been shopping for my granddaughter’s party, cooking, baking, and decorating. I got behind schedule when I was sick those four days. Really hated that I’ve missed the last couple of days with you all. I could have used the laughs which you are always so great at providing. Saw your well wishes posted below for fellow posters and I appreciate your thoughts. Sandy,I really can’t tell you what a pleasure it has been exchanging posts with you. Hopefully, I’ll learn to manage my time a little better while posting and be able to come back and do it again next year….as long as there are no Frankie’s to continually mute and FF. Woodstock lives! Keep laughing. Enjoy your dinner with son. Happy Bday!

      • I hope, hope, hope you come back. I manage my time really badly but I figure that, in my retirement, after years and years of being tied to the clock, I can give myself a break. I’ve lowered my standards to ridiculous lengths, but I’m happy. Meeting people like you has been the icing on the cake…..

      • Happy Birthday to you (GMaG), happy birthday to you, etc. How old are you now, how old are you now? LOL! (my singing voice leaves alot to be desired, sorry) ~~~ Hope it was one of your best filled with love, laughter, and whatever pleases you the most. H O L L A!!! (couldn’t resist)

      • I’m older than most of my underwear! No, seriously I turned a very young 68-year-old today. Luckily I always worked with much younger women (which was hilarious and educational!), have two grandsons (21 and 23) who keep me very informed and up-to-date, younger grandchildren to play with, and was blessed with a rather wicked sense of humor. Have to be able to laugh. I’m probably the oldest geezer on this site! A really, lucky woman. Plus I’ve made wonderful new friends here. HOLLA BACK!!!!

      • Thanx for your very informative reply. (how come it’s not on here instead of the above reply from you, GMaG???) Anyhow, between us, I’m the geezer, dob 7/7/42. Sometimes my age is totally inappropriate for how I behave ~ Hugs, Cuddles

    • I don’t think I have ever felt so completely satisfied with a finale of Big Brother!

      Derrick earned the win and got it, Cody got a respectable second place finish, Victoria got sent to the jury.

      Nicole, Zach and Donny in the top three for America’s Favourite Houseguest (Frankie’s name no where to be mentioned), Donny winning AFH and seeing his amazing reaction, Zach being so super happy for him.

      Frankie walking out on the stage and his reception being as close to crickets as it could get.

      • I didn’t like Derrick, didn’t like his tactics, but he deserved to win compared to all the others. Does Frankie realize yet that he’s not the most popular pink flamingo on the block? We’ll probably never hear anything – his ego is too big to allow us “mere mortals” to know that he got knocked down a peg or two. I wish him well, I just never want to see him again.

      • I don’t think CBS will let Frankie sail off into the sunset, I suspect we haven’t seen the last of him on CBS. He’s probably the next Rachel. The person you love to hate. I have to say though, it was a breath of fresh air for CBS to cast a gay this year that was not the stereotypical lisping effeminate that has been cast in years past. Like him or hate him, I don’t think anybody can argue the fact that Frankie was a REALLY good player, socially and in challenges. I couldn’t wait for him to leave the house, but now that it’s over and the person who should have won did, I wouldn’t mind seeing him back in allstars. He and Zach were about the only people that made the show entertaining. Frankie OWNED the ‘I saw a rat’ challenge. He was so convincing.

      • Frankie and Zach or Frankie and Caleb should do the amazing race. I would watch the show then, The rest of BB16 I could careless if I ever saw again! They were boring.

      • Great idea Robin … I’d prefer to see Caleb and Zach take on The Amazing Race. They’d be hysterical to watch and would quickly become fan favorites.

      • Frankie was entertaining, however I hated him because of how he talked about ariana grande so much. I didn’t even know who she was until this started. That made him very unlikeable and I hope he doesn’t come back for all stars.

      • So agree, I’m sure we will see Frankie again! He is the next Rachel, I didn’t think I would like him, but ended up loving him! He was so much fun to watch! Bring back Frankie CBS!!!

      • Can I ask what tactics you didn’t like? Or are you really just trying to say that you don’t Derrick because he got your favorite player out?

      • Oh, God, don’t get me started. In a nutshell, his unique, brilliant, lying mind gave me the heebie-jeebies. I didn’t have a favorite player – thought none of the rest worthy of winning.

      • Standing on the bleachers yelling and screaming … YESSSSSS GMaG!!!!! (whispering: I agree with you 100%).

      • I agree. Completely. & Zach (my fav) seemed so excited just to be in the top 3. So glad Frankie wasn’t. When Julie said they had never had so many ppl vote for AFP w/ over 10 million votes you know Frankie thought that was Arianna’s ppl voting for him. hahahaha. I’m so proud of BB fans. We wanted anyone but Frankie so bad. LOVE IT! How amazing that he wasn’t even top 3?!? I’m sure he’ll have an excuse as to why. LUckily we won’t have to hear it.

      • Did you see the look on his face..that wide eyed, mouth open look that we got to see all season? I think he thought he had it when Julie said how many votes were cast! I loved it!

      • Jessalli is right. He had to have thought the votes were for him until Julie said who the top three vote getters were. He looked stunned but was trying to hide it.

      • If he was trying to hide it he failed miserably. That might have been the highlight of the season for me!

      • And now we know why CBS let everybody vote 20 times a day, simply so they could pump up that number. Next year they will probably let you vote 25 times.

      • are so right..I guess it looks better than 500,000… They were probably trying to hide the fact that the ratings took a hit this year….

  2. If this is what a season with the “best winner ever” is like I hope there are only shitty winners from here on out. Haha at people being mad that Jocasta and Donny didn’t vote for Derrick, obviously he made a mistake with them somehow. He was condescending with Donny and must have offended Jocasta somehow, everyone other jury member he handled perfectly.

    • LOL, you sound more bitter than Jocasta! Who really cares if she and Donny didn’t vote for Derrick, he won anyway. :D

    • Lacosta said the reason she did not vote for Derrick was because he “fake” prayed with her!!! I don’t think Lacosta had ANY IDEA WHAT GAME SHE WAS PLAYING!!!

      • Shows what a mindset of a brainwashed religious fanatic is like. Fake praying set her off. Too bad she can’t face the fact that her “god” is fake!

  3. Donny promised Cody weeks ago that he would vote for him. He merely kept his word. Jacosta is just an embarrassment.

    • I have heard she said the same thing. Haven’t really investigated and don’t really care. Judd said last year he voted for Gina Marie as a sort of pity vote. Don’t know if I really believe him. He seemed much more bitter than I expected him to be. Again really don’t care. Didn’t like Andy, but he had the best game. Not a nice one as a rat/mole/floater/snitch/friend.But his convincing both Ellisa and McCrae that the other one voted Amanda out, then got Ellisa out so McCrae couldn’t learn the truth was very good game play.
      And I do respect game play above almost everything else. Because it is a game to me and especially to the people in the house. It is many things to viewers and to CBS it is a money making show. When you think of it that way it explains the behaviour of everyone involved, including the crazy family stocking fans who think because they think someone has done something “wrong” in the house, that excuses their actual criminal behaviour of threatening a persons family.
      It is an very interesting social experiment and it is not just the hamsters in the house that are part of it. We get to see mob behaviour at its (un)finest.
      I find it all fascinating, especially my own getting upset over Judd last year getting blamed for things he actually didn’t do. But he actually created the problem by lying. I just happened to like him at the time and so that clouded my judgement. He got much more unlikable when he came back and his gameplay wasn’t that great either. Nicotine withdrawal and lack of sleep maybe? Again don’t care and this is enough. Way too enough for someone who doesn’t care.

  4. Why did Jocasta think Derrick “fake prayed” with her? Did I miss something? Why does she think he wasn’t genuine with her?

    • Because she couldn’t come up with anything else to vote for Cody…she really didn’t know what this game was about or she wouldn’t have ever gone on it…that much I do believe! Bet her church wishes she hadn’t.

      • Hey Joni didn’t see you last night. I think she was more upset at Derrick because he pulled her religion in and mocked it. I was watching Donny the whole time Derrick was revealing his secrets. Didn’t look like Donny was too happy

      • I did…and yes she was upset at Derrick, that’s why she voted for Cody and gave that reason for why she didn’t vote for Derrick!

    • I think it had to do with the Team America “play” that they did, where Derrick imitated Jocasta.

      Of course she wasn’t there for that, but I think the jurors who went home later must have told her.

      But the fact that that was what she based her vote on, that was potentially worth over half a million dollars, infuriates me.

    • He admitted in diary he was working her with praying with her. Derrick was a snake, but everyone loved him. Interesting. I give him a little credit, for totally manipulating all. He said in his audition tape he was going to lie and pretend to bond with people over family matters. It is funny how people praise one and hate another for doing the exact same game.

      • Yes, he was a snake. An anaconda! But a very rich anaconda now. Amazing that he could think his strategy out in such detail so far in advance. It takes a special kind of con man to do that. Hate to see that kind of person benefit by being so despicable, but he won fair and square.

      • THAT WAS HIS GAME!!! WHY WHY WHY WOULD HE REVEAL THAT BEFORE THE VOTE.? Because of his benifits as a police officer is why he won the game! He explained it perfectly! His ABILITY to go undercover and learn their strengths and weakneses and use that against them!!! It would have pissed them all off and many votes would have changed to Cody! Its all part of the game!

      • He didn’t reveal it at all…Julie told the secret and then he admitted it was true and how he used his profession against the other house guests.

      • What people who lie on Big Brother get rewarded?!!!! That is despicable. They should change the rules so that the person who is the most honest and forthright gets rewarded.

        Or you can take the attitude, hate the game not the gamer. I didn’t like Frankie, but I didn’t hate him. He was a pretty good gamer. Not keeping his ego in check actually was part of his downfall. Derrick mostly did. Not perfectly, but 97 days without some emotional and inappropriate outbursts while playing for 500K would be inhuman.

  5. I didn’t get that either. Did I miss something? Another thread said because he prayed with her and told her she was safe and then voted her out. She must have never seen BB. She did absolutely nothing to save her self, not once, and he was suppose to go against the house and keep her. No one ever wants to take responsibility when they never win anything but expect to stay.

    • agreed. he already had 2 ppl he was carrying at that point in the game. dang what did she expect???

      I say 2 bc at that point he was carrying Cody in a way as well. After that is when Cody started winning comps and being useful.

  6. Am I the only one who doesn’t think it is such a big deal that Derrick is a cop …. even an undercover cop? While I see how that can give him an edge, the whole reveal of his profession was pretty lame. I think they made that out to be much bigger than it was.

    • I think with this bunch this year, he wouldn’t have made it as far if he had revealed that, because they were getting rid of houseguests for some of the silliest other reasons…lame!

      • Did I hear correctly when Victoria said that she hoped Derrick honored the F2 alliance they had from the beginning? Did that really happen?

      • He made Final 2 deals with a lot of them but stuck with Cody more than the others. Vic was just way too naive in trusting him. Once she looks back on all of it, she’ll more than likely will NOT be a friend of his outside the house when she sees that “rape” session he participated in.

      • I think you’re so right. That, plus the times he muttered to the camera that he was tired of figuring everything out for her and dragging her along.

      • That had to be frustrating though. He should have said that as his biggest accomplishment in the game. lol.

      • I agree, and it showed when he couldn’t get her to stop begging him to take her to Final 2.

    • Agreed. I think they just wanted the cast to feel even more ”duped” than they might have been. Everyone seemed pretty happy go lucky this season which is always bad for ratings. So if they try to spur on some bad blood and live on air arguments, heck, that’s good tv from the eyes of CBS.

      • There were exceptions, but in general they really were a remarkably unvindictive (is that a word?) bunch of jurors weren’t they? Were they putting something in their brownies? I think that might change a little as time goes on, once they have time to process everything.

      • Loved what Dr. Will said….”looks like it really was summer camp for you all sitting here!” God I loved that! LOL

    • For frankie I didn’t think it was a big deal the his sister was Ariana Grande, I don’t even think those houseguests know her til frankie mentioned it. For Derrick, being an undercover he was trained to lie, pretend and manipulate.

      • I’ve known and been friends with a lot of police officers, and you can only train someone so much. The good cops use their training to deceive and out-think when necessary, but don’t conduct their whole lives that way.They can turn it off. Derrick has one of the most brilliantly devious minds I have ever seen, he never turns it off. It’s built into his DNA.

      • And how do you know he never “turns it off.” Do you know him outside the house. Do you have information we don’t know about him. “It’s built into his DNA”, so your also his doctor too, that’s interesting. “The good cops use their training to deceive and outthink when necessary” well considering that 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 97 days, it is necessary to outthink and deceive, I’m pretty sure those good cops that you know would have a tough time “turning it off”. “Derrick never turns off” again, he never turned off in the big brother house. Somehow you know that he lives like this in his personal life. Somehow you know he is bad cop. I had no idea you were so close to the Levasseur family. Are you guys neighbors, did he pull you over? I’m sure you have lots of stories to share with us about how he is terrible person in his personal life.

      • Sorry to offend you so deeply. I don’t believe that the way you are in the house is any different than the way you are in private life. When you’re under intense pressure 24/7, your true personality comes through. IMHO, everything about Derrick screams that he is what he is. I didn’t say he was a bad cop, just that someone to whom lying comes so easily is not what I would want ‘serving and protecting’ me. His skills at deceit are frightening to me.

      • So are you saying that people that go to war and kill people are killers and can’t turn it off, so maybe when they get back we should just lock them up? Some maybe, especially those who are damaged psychologically, but I would rather get them help. I think you think you know these things, but you don’t. People “knew” who Rachel Reilly was after BB12, BUT that seemed to have changed after BB13. I saw the same person. Just different aspects of their personality in different circumstances. HGs who have hated each other in the house have become friends. Situations bring out different aspects of people. I played football and enjoyed tackling people. Strength against strength. But I didn’t try to strong arm anyone off the field.
        Yes stressful situation can bring out the worst (and the best in us). But that is everyone, not just a particular player on a game show. Derrick had a plan and implemented that plan. His training as an undercover cop helped enhance his own abilities. Could he extract untrue confessions in his job? Yes. Does he even unknowingly do this. I don’t know and neither do you. I presume innocent until there is evidence to the contrary. He has scary skills. What matters is how he uses them. Winning on a game of manipulation and lying is a very appropriate use of those skills.
        And if I was ever arrested by him I would lawyer up and stop talking immediately. He could get me to disown my own kids and I wouldn’t take that risk.

    • Agreed, Sophie! Unfortunately, undercover cops are a nessesary tool in fighting all types of crimes, including murder. He gravitated towards that profession and I fail to see why that makes him a bad guy. I’m sure that the nature of his job helped strengthen his ability to get close to and manipulate so many HGs, but I didn’t find him to be a bad person…..he was there to play Big Brother, after all! Then again, that’s just my personal opinion.

  7. cbs (dot) com/shows/big_brother/news/1003181/

    Frankie will be on the Talk tomorrow along with Derrick. This is the first time that CBS has had the 5th place loser on the Talk. Please leave a comment on the above article to tell CBS how you feel. Thank you.

    • That’s obscene, don’tcha think about Frankie being on there with Derrick? Why? Because Frankie said he guessed Derrick was a cop??? Geesh!

      • They announced multiple times about Frankie being on the Talk tomorrow. It was even during the show. After Derrick won, Julies said “Oh, by the way, you’ll be on the Talk tomorrow, too.”

      • Wonder if they’ll mention the comments both he and Derrick made regarding Victoria on it? They didn’t do the booing or that yet for Frankie…geesh! So they’re going to get away with giving him a false sense of himself by fake applauding him?

      • It’ll be another Frankie J Grande segment as perceived by CBS. There are several posters requesting a boycott of the Talk.

      • The ONLY reason they’re having Frankie on too is because they think it will increase their ratings for that day. You know the corporation is all about ratings regardless of anything else. It’s pathetic.

      • No one likes that guy. Was the vote not clear?? Geez. CBS is just feeding his ego. Thats the last thing someone like him needs.

      • Hopefully, they will give him some new clothes to wear …. As I am pretty sure he was wearing the same eviction clothes from the House, a few weeks back … Ha !!!

      • LOL. After he shaves them and buffs them up, he probably puts some super-expensive oil or lotion on them made from frozen platypus embryos or something equally exotic.

      • Did Frankie ever hint before that he knew Derrick was a cop or was it just his way of getting attention at that moment? If he knew, how would he have figured it out? Derrick seemed pretty careful.

      • I’m surprised Frankie didn’t mention his suspicions to Zach or someone. Not that I think it would have made a difference, and Derrick would have talked his way out of it.

      • I think Frankie believed he was someone other than a Recreation Organizer, what, he wasn’t sure, but he believed it wasn’t that! LOLOL

      • I have had my fill of Frankie….he is such a camera whore. I wonder if he knows that Donny is going to be on Bold and the Beautiful? ha ha ha! So much for Frankie’s career.

    • It’s so common for the two BB winners and sometimes only the winner to go around the ‘Talk Show” circuit, but come on ! not the 5th runner up.Grande has connections, that’s all I could think of. I bet you Frankie will only be on “The Talk” not the other shows.

    • I tried to post something, but I may have been a bit too graphic in my descriptions of Mr. Frankie Grande’s grossness. It’s still pending. Will repost a PG version.

    • Friankie is just on there because he will bring in ratings, not because he adds anything to the segment.

    • Why would they not have Cody and Derrick together? You have made this pretty obvious, CBS…shame on you.

  8. The part I loved was when the named Zach, Nicole and Donny as the top 3 favorites. The look on Frankie’s face was priceless… I didn’t see celeb’s face… But I bet it was just as great.

    Of course Frankie was standing front and center ready to accept his award he believed he deserved.

    • Watching Frankie priss and prance around tonight trying to make himself the center of attention at all times became very tiresome to watch. I noticed he was standing right beside Julie when A.F. was announced, loved it when he wasn’t even in the top 3.
      I would have loved to have seen the equally delusional Caleb’s face as well.

      • Even the way that he was speaking when asking his jury question, like he was a game show host, was annoying. I try to see the best in people, and since I don’t know him personally, maybe he’s an okay person, but based on this show – I wouldn’t want to be in the same room with him. So fake.

      • Though I try to defend the unlikeable people in the world, I also admit that Frankie is not my cup of tea and it only gets worse with each passing moment that he is praised and lifted up for his self centred focus in life.

      • Matt, you make me wish I could temper my criticisms more. I can’t believe how easy it is to get caught up in the passion of the game. I’ll try to be a kinder, gentler soul next year. Not making any promises, but I’ll try!!

      • Ha, don’t go doing that – then there won’t be any reason for people to read my boring same old same old posts then! ;) Believe it or not, I appreciate people’s varying intensity of opinions on here. Sometimes I’ll agree, sometimes not, but at the end of the day so long as nobody is calling me names, swearing their heads off, or being overly rude, heck I think everyone should say what they feel. :)

      • I don’t hate Frankie in general, just his vile comments and self-importance. I’m just not a hater but more like a defender of others that he was degrading!

      • I watched a lot of you tube videos of Frankie and found that he is very much the same person we saw on BB.

      • Poor Frankie.(sarcasm) If only America were ready for a man in drag. This guy’s excuses… Wish he would wake up & grow up.

      • I wanna know why Frankie said he’ll be 29 in January when he’ll really be 32?? He’s not accepting of being over 30? Geesh! Then he certainly won’t like being over 40 or 50! hahahaha Reminds me of when a friend of mine and I were 30 at the same time and she told me how depressed she was turning 30. I told her to shut the hell up and try being 30 and pregnant, which I was and she wasn’t! LOL

      • I’m confused on his age. BB network has him as 31. I was watching BBAD last week and it was playing some preseason interviews and Frankie said he was 28. I’m about to do some investigating.

      • just shows how delusional he is. Maybe he believes he is 28. lol. i mean he believes he’s famous so…

      • Because if he’s going to be 32 in January, he’s just 8 short years away from being 40, and that’s not cool in Frankie’s world.

      • Soon to be 32 in January. Guess it doesn’t coincide with the image he has for himself if he told the truth about that to Derrick. He didn’t feel comfortable being older than Derrick who turned 30 last Feb..LOL 29 Forever Frankie! :-)

      • Yes. I guess Milton Berle, Jerry Lewis, Tony Curtis, Divine, and all the fabulous drag queens on RuPauls Drag Race were all figments of our imagination.

      • Frankie will come up with an excuse as to why he didn’t win. like the link from Ariana’s twitter was broken and those votes weren’t counted.

      • I voted 60 times a day for 4 days. It takes a Brenchel type army to rack up those type of vote totals. That is why Elissa won last year and Frankie didn’t this year. It takes dedication to do that, not an occasional vote from a teeny bopper who is not interested in the show and may or may not vote once at the suggestion of the real person she/he is interested in. They don’t care about Frankie, while BB fans cared immensely about not letting him win.

      • My Mom is 78 and she still does that regularly. lol She is a terrific woman, but truthfully, she is more mischievous than me. She and my wonderful Dad have been married 64 years, and yes, she married at the age of 14…not so unusual then. Hope you enjoyed your BD!

      • I doubt Caleb took it as hard as Frankie. Caleb may be delusional, but he’s sweet, thoughtful, kind and lovable to name just a few attributes.

      • I agree about Caleb, he definitely has more positive attributes than Frankie. I can’t wait to find out how Frankie reacts when he realizes he was a very unpopular HG.

    • I guess all his millions and millions of followers and those of his Sister’s and Mother’s was not enough to get him into Top 4 .. Hey, just like Team America? Ha !!!

    • Dejavu. It happened yet, again! Atleast, Woo has the excuse that Kass was nasty and not deserving on reaching the Finals in Survivor. Cody could have taken Victoria and won easily! lol

      • umm. Kass was way more deserving than Victoria would have been. At least Kass has a brain and won comps to get as far as she did. Victoria did absolutely nothing. I was rooting for her at one point thinking maybe this was strategy but nothing she did was strategy.

    • These ninnies just don’t have the cojones. They like to talk a big game and of making big moves but, when the chips are down, they fold! This has been a sorry season with everyone afraid to make the big moves let alone the small moves. The Zach eviction was only because Donnie saved himself. And the Christine and Frankie and Caleb evictions was because there was no one left to evict! Atleast, the non-deserving ninnies lost the chance at that $500,000. Serves them all right! The jokes on them!

    • It really is unbelievable, when you sit down and think about it. Maybe he comes from a very rich family, has always had things handed to him, and figures there’s more where that came from. Then again, maybe he is just a moron.

      • I think ‘moron’ is spot on (no, I’m not British). In the final days Cody talked about paying off his as well as his sister’s and brother’s student loans. 50K won’t go very far … sorry Cody!

  9. Dumb move by Cody to take Derrick to the Final 2. If he evicted Derrick, he would have easily won over Victoria. Derrick obviously, deserves this because he was able to completely mist Cody who has no mind of his own! The only reason I am watching it on TV is to see Dr. Will.

  10. Loved Jocasta’s comment when she voted saying, “So this is what fake praying does for you!” She voted for Cody for that reason alone…because Derrick fake prayed with her. Not very Christian like is it?

    • Well I can actually accept that she has weaknesses (which ironically is one of the central messages to Christianity if I’m not mistaken: That we as fallen human beings always have a soft place to land in God’s forgiveness) – but what gets me is her lack of forgiveness with others! As you said, she’s definitely not my favourite model of what it means to be a minister (or a believer for that matter)! Other people in the house did a much better job of modelling the faith: Nicole & Donny spring to mind. :)

    • I highly doubt Derrick was fake praying. Just because he voted her out doesn’t mean he WASN’T being sincere with her. Fake praying is just… weird. Derrick doesn’t seem like that kind of guy.

  11. Well, congratulations, Derrick. Cody? Silly boy. I’ve had a wonderful summer reading the posts from so many hysterically funny, intelligent, analytical, and amazing people. Your knowledge of the game blew me away. Love and best wishes to KSJB, redroses, cuddles, Matt S., Joni Utter Anderson, Cyril, lavandargirl, sharona, TrapperjohnMD, and so many, many others. Hope to see you on the Survivor website. Special thanks to Matt B. for your unbiased, informative updates. Wonderful job.

    • So happy Survivor is here. This season of Big Brother is a huge disappointment where you can pretty much tell who is going to be evicted every week. Looked liked it was the WWE where the wrestlers know in advance who is winning that match. Atleast, the wrestlers act like they are even trying. Not so, with this horrible bunch!

    • Oh my gosh, thank you for including me!! I feel the same about you GmaG. Your comments were so much fun and also very insightful. Hope to see you next year. :)

  12. I’m happy Derrick won. I chose him the second full week of the live feeds once I got the chance to see each person in the house and try to determine who would have the best shot. I think he played a great game. It was incredible he stayed off the block that entire time.
    I am not surprised in Jocasta’s reactions. She’s loud, obnoxious and thinks she’s better than everybody else. I hate to tell her but a lot of people hold ministers in high regard but she became an embarrassment to that robe she wears. It’s amazing when you finally get to see a person’s true colors though…

    • She was so annoying, I can’t stand her!! And I’m so glad derrick won and he didn’t throw cody under the bus during his final speech!!

  13. Well, folks! It’s been one hell of a season! Once again, I’ve enjoyed my time here on the site, and I look forward to joining the chats again next year. I’m not much of a Survivor fan, so I won’t be around until then. Until Big Brother 17… domo arigato and sayonara!

  14. Of course Frankie had to make himself the center at the end. I am not sure why Derrick and Cody would not be the ones standing beside Julie as the final 2. Cody made some good points but glad Derrick won. Even happier about Donny winning afp. I was cheering from the couch. That should tell Frankie what we thought of him.Thank you to this site and the commenters for making the season more enjoyable for me. I do like Survivor so will check out the other site from time to time.

  15. I think it should have been 9 – 0 but still a solid win for derrick. cody didnt play nearly as good of a game as he did. jocasta is really really annoying and the only telephone in the diary room is for chilltown !!!!!!

  16. One thing i think needs to happen with the finale is a separate reunion show like they do on survivor. all they had time for was for the unveiling of team america and derricks real job. I would have loved to hear more from zach frankie caleb nicole donny and even something form amber and devin.

  17. I believe a lot of the jurors will rethink their votes after they watch the whole season including tapes of live feeds and BBAD. You can’t convince me that at least a couple of them won’t feel betrayed. I guess that’s true of any season though.

    • I bet it is true but not every season do you have people like frankie talking about rape. I still feel bad for Victoria for when she sees everything.

  18. Congrats to both Cody and Derrick on their respective wins. Also another congrats to Donny for winning the AFP as well, all three should be proud of what they accomplished this Summer.

  19. An almost perfect end to a damned good Season! I think that Cody knew exactly what he was doing; he chose Loyalty over Greed. I, however, was NO0T happy with whole $50,000 bonus that was given to Derrick on top of the Half Million.
    Cody is much more than a pretty face, he’s a Young, gorgeous Man that kept a code of honor. I do not EVER remember a season where ALL 18 people seemed to TRULY care about each other.
    Lastly, as a Gay man, Frankie made me want to PUKE! And, why the hell is He going to be on The Talk!? He was a complete disgrace to the LGBT* Community!
    Until Next Season,
    Good Night Big Brother 16! Congrats too Cody and Derrick!

  20. I came here to see if anyone else had the same wonder … why did they bring back the original losers if they didn’t let them say anything?

    • Good question. I like the format (like the Bachelor) where the evicted HG’s get to come back and ask each other questions. We wuz cheated!!

  21. Yep, Cody, the Player who played his own game, NOT, handed over, $500,000 to Derrick The Puppet Master, last night …
    Interesting that Julie did not mention the final TA Twist in that Derrick won an additional $25K Bonus ?? Hmmmm …..

  22. Is it just me, or did anyone else also notice that they did not really allow the HG’s both on the Jury and especially those that were not, time for Q&A’s, etc, this year?
    Would love to have had Julie ask Amber about her true feelings for Caleb? Ha !!! as, well as, a question to Jocasta about how much $$$ she was paid to wear all those bowties ?? Ha !!!

  23. Donny and Jocasta obviously voted the other known fully well Derick will get majority of the votes from their fellow jurors so at least they’re not giving Derrick the benefit of getting unanimous jury vote like what Dan pulled off in BB10. So much for flawless jury management.

    At least with Donny voting for Cody, it would shut the puppet up about his speculations about the poor man. Heh!

    Speaking of shutting up, BEH on Frankie not winning Favorite Houseguest. Not even close in contention compared with Zach and Nicole.

    Now onwards to BB Australia 11 and BB Canada 3! :D

  24. I was hoping I would never have to see Frankie again. The comment, “who would support a cop except a cop”…… Many of us appreciate the horrible job they perform daily.

    • Frankie said that? I didn’t get to watch the show uninterrupted, so I think I missed a lot of the little details.

    • Frankie has no use in society. The service Derrick and other men & women in uniform perform every day is valuable to our safety and way of life. Some wanna-be youtuber has no real value.

  25. Must feel good to be Derrick this morning! $575,000 big ones! For most people, that’s an awful lot of money, even after taxes. It won’t support him long, however, after he pay his bills, starts that college fund for Tenley, and puts the down-payment on that house, etc., so I wonder if he’ll go back to his job being a cop? Do we know if Frankie is giving his TA money to charity?

    • LOL GMaG ~ you’ve made me laugh out loud twice in one hour! I doubt that ANY charity will EVER see any of Frankie’s TA $$.

  26. RIP BB16. I will not be tuned into The Talk today because CBS has chosen to give Frankie Grande another shot at national exposure. If enough of us boycott The Talk, perhaps CBS will get the message that we will not tolerate the likes of Frankie Grande on national TV.

  27. No mention of Derrick winning an extra 50K in addition to the grand prize? CBS feeling this would be a little too much salt in the wound on finale night?

    • Probably. Love your name! LOL In England there’s a place called Totton where the young girls are called Totty Hotties. I have a feeling you’re not a Totty Hotty, but a Hot Todd. Am I right? I’m a grandma and I can ask these dumb questions!

  28. Are the tweets that Donny scratched Victoria’s name off the door true? That really surprises me. It seems like a very petty thing for him to do and makes me wonder if he doesn’t have a whole lot more anger about this season than he is letting on. At least he knows the American public likes him best. He had a lovely smile on his face when that was announced. How much did he end up getting?

    • 25k. Apparently he owned up to the name scratching incident, which sucks. I generally liked him until the finale. Upon reflecting, I realize he put a lot of blame on other people for his eviction, which isn’t entirely fair. Claiming people don’t want to work with you or that you have nothing in common is no reason to throw in the towel and be absent during peak game talking hours.

  29. Thoroughly enjoyed the finale. Congrats to Derrick. I was a fan of his all season, and felt he definitely deserved the win. I couldn’t have been happier about how this season ended. I don’t think I’d have even had a problem with Cody winning either, so I was happy to see the Hitmen make it to the end together. I know that move cost Cody a probable win… but respect to him for doing it.

    As for other guests: I think I have a little bit more respect for Christine after the finale. She voted for the best player and acted somewhat genuine. She didn’t appear as mean spirited or bitter like I expected. Hopefully her time to reflect in jury has changed her attitude.

    Zach: He was a highlight of this season. He might not have been the best player, but he knew how to entertain us…

    Unlike Frankie. Who clearly knows nothing about how we want to be entertained. Plays??? Heck no!!! And I’ve been waiting all season to see him get a dose of reality. Last night’s payoff was so worth while. He looked like he saw a ghost!

    The one thing that disappointed me: When Julie revealed Team America, I really wanted her to reveal that Joey was the first member that America voted for. Just because NOBODY knew it. It would have been interesting to see the reaction the other 3 TA members would have had upon hearing that news.

    All in all, a great season. It’s been fun talking big brother with everyone here all season and I look forward to doing it again next summer!

    • I don’t think Cody was expecting Derrick to have such a convincing final speech. It’s hard to argue with a guy who avoided being nominated 55 times.

      • No kidding. I was disappointed in Cody for not at least making a big deal about taking Derrick to F2. I mean own it and show some confidence.

        He could have said something like I feel I played such a strong game, that I feel like I can sit here next to another strong player like Derrick, and still win, because I played the same social game he played and won more comps and had more of the blood on my hands yet here I am.

        –I just don’t understand why he never even tried to make that argument. Might not have won it for him, but could have gained him a few votes at least.

  30. Donny was not a bitter vote, I am pretty sure he promised Cody, but Jocasta is a joke, she was sooo bitter for someone who did nothing all season and somehow made it to Jury. She did not promise Cody anything.

    • She’s definitely the worst houseguest this season. Let’s hope we never get another like her again.

  31. SHOCKED that Cody gave away all that cash. He had to know. It is a game, not a social event. Cody, worst BB player ever.

  32. I was so hoping that Cody would have been smarter and voted to keep Victoria. He would have won! Just like Frankie asked did he think he was a puppet strings being pulled by Derrick? Yes, because he had so many times to make decisions to win the game and he blew it! Was very disappointed that more of the Jury did not vote for Cody because he did play a more better game in challenges and social.

  33. Does anyone think that Cody would have DEF won BB if he would have taken Victoria instead of Derrick? Also, if Derrick would have won final HOH, do you really think he would have taken Cody with him or Victoria? My guess is Derrick would have taken Victoria for a “sure” win. After all, half a million is a LOT of money. Thoughts……???

  34. I couldn’t help last night notice Frankie made sure he was on that camera at all times when everyone was standing he made sure he was in front or standing next to Julie, he got his due he thought he won B.B. favorite & the look on his face when Julie said Donny had won was priceless. Frankie couldn’t sit still during the entire show his legs were swinging his arm were flaying & he made sure he was on camera. He could not stop jumping & clapping standing next to Julie.

  35. I can’t believe Donny thought working the Jury and using manipulation is something to be frowned upon… Isn’t he a fan of the show?
    Donny was bitter.

    • Yeah, between his bitterness and scratching out Vic’s name in the bathroom, I lost a lot of respect for Donny at the end of the season.

      • Donny is a salt-of-the-earth, decent man who wouldn’t in his wildest dreams think of treating people the way he could see was happening in the house. He was beyond disillusioned with the game and probably was a little bitter at the end. His thinking is from an earlier (more moral, in my opinion) time, and totally out of touch with the way a lot of people think today. I’ve heard kids say that if they find something belonging to someone else then they (the finder) deserve to keep it because the owner was stupid not to take care of it. They think it’s OK to stab someone in the back and belittle them if it gets them what they want. It’s just a game. No, it’s not. It’s very much a generational thing and it’s hard to bridge that gap when it comes to what’s considered acceptable and what’s not. That was Donny’s dilemma. You could almost see him shaking his head in bewilderment at times. A good man.

      • LOL GMaG ~ not to make light of the discussion, but I see a play on the word ‘appetite’ in your above post. Generally, there’s not much food to eat on Survivor. So he may/may not have an appetite to be a castaway, he would definitely bring his appetite for food.
        I laughed when the jurists were done raiding the BB house and Donny had to be told to go out to the backyard. Donny responded to the ‘voice’ by saying “I’m looking for something to eat”.

      • Umm, Chrisine scratched out Vic’s name. And Donny wasn’t bitter. He was closer to Cody and told Cody he’d vote for him. He always said he’d vote for the person who won the most comps.

  36. Derrick deserved to win, but I still think that Cody should have taken Victoria to the end and won BB16! That’s what Jon did to Neda in BBCAN. Oh! well, in any event, I hope next time, house guests think for themselves! There are no loyalties in BB! You are in it to win it and not to keep your word in the end.

  37. Every season, I always pick my 2 favorite people after the first week. This is the first season those 2 made it to the Final 2. :D

  38. Those who won’t be able to or just won’t watch the Talk today, I’ll let you all know what was said…Guess I’m just too curious to skip it! LOL

  39. I wish we had another 30 minutes for a “reunion.” We didn’t get to here from the houseguests who left before jury – did Devin regret being such an idiot when he watched it back? How was their opinion of the game changed once they were out of the house? Every year I want a little more time to see the wrap up before having to wait until next summer!

  40. Loved the hitmen and that derrick won! Best game play I’ve seen in a long time! Some parts of the season were frustrating such as the unanimous voting. Overall WAY better than last season.

  41. I just re-watched the finale and I noticed something interesting… when they were confessing the secrets of the season and the America’s Player missions, they mentioned all of the missions, along with video clips of each mission, EXCEPT for Frankie’s ridiculous play……

    • I think they showed only the successfully completed missions, not the failures and the ‘play’ was a definite failure.

  42. did any one else notice that julie never mentioned the last TA mission to win BB for an extra 25 K ???????????? wonder if they are going to pay it ?

  43. That tie breaker answer in the final HoH comp was wrong! They said 3671 seconds. Yet at the beginning of the show, they show the comp and they show the time with Derrick struggling and complaining of pain. That was at 1 hour and 14 minutes….or 4440 seconds!!!

    Not that it would effect the outcome, but it makes you wonder what other questions like this have been provided a bogus answer that weren’t quite so obviously wrong (and mostly on purpose by production).

    More and more this show appears to be engineered and manipulated.

4 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 16: Who Won America’s Favorite Player? | Big Brother 16
  2. Big Brother 16: Finale Backyard Interviews With Jeff [VIDEOS] | Big Brother 16
  3. Big Brother 16 Finale Party Photos – HGs Let Loose | Big Brother 16
  4. Derrick Levasseur – Big Brother 16 Winner Interview | Big Brother 16

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