Big Brother 16 Episode 18 Recap: The House Gets Its First Power Shift

Big Brother 16 got the power shift some fans have been wanting this week, but I’m not so sure the majority of fans will love the outcome.

Big Brother 16 Episode 18 recap
Big Brother 16 Episode 18 recap – Source: CBS

Sunday night’s episode picks up at the end of the Head of Household competition and Julie giving the HGs a tie breaker question. “In seconds, what was the total length of the Giddy-Up Veto competition,” Julie asks. Nicole and Donny get the closest answer and win HOH. So no Bomb Squad or Detonator member is in power this week.

Donny and Nicole start talking right away about what they should do as far as nominations and Nicole says she’s ready to shake things up this week. Zach then presents himself to Nicole as a nominee, but tells us it’s a little dose of reverse psychology.

Elsewhere, Derrick and Frankie talk about what might happen, and that since they let Donny mess up the last Team America mission, he shouldn’t nominate them this week. They seem to not be too worried about Nicole. But just in case, Derrick heads off to talk to Nicole. It doesn’t take long for Frankie’s name to come up in the conversation. Nicole calls him a threat to her game and then floats the idea of a Frankie backdoor to Derrick. He agrees, but tells us in the Diary Room that he wouldn’t do that.

Caleb then decides to go to Donny to secure his safety. But Donny reminds Caleb that he was the first person who put him up and that if he puts him up he shouldn’t be upset. Caleb basically says, well ummm OK, but if you do put me up, don’t put me up with Victoria.

Donny tells Derrick and Frankie that he will not be putting them up. They tell Donny the targets should be Victoria and Jocasta. But Donny won’t put up Jocasta. They’re too close. But he’s OK with putting up Victoria, he says.

It’s time for Hayden to put in his two cents since Donny and Nicole agreed to include him in their plans. It doesn’t take long for a Frankie backdoor conversation to come up once again. Hayden thinks it’s a good idea. Nicole thinks it’s a good idea. And even though he wouldn’t put him up himself, Donny thinks it’s a good idea and would vote him out. But that depends on who wins Battle of the Block and then the Power of Veto.

At the Nomination Ceremony Nicole does end up nominating Zach and she throws in Jocasta for good measure. Donny goes with Caleb (an eye for an eye) and Victoria, also for good measure. What would a week be without Jocasta and Victoria on the block?

Let’s get to the Battle of the Block competition. The HGs have to set up some dominos and knock down at least three gold domino punishments within their trail of dominos. So the pair that wins has to take on some punishments. Caleb and Victoria win the competition and get the punishments “shave head,” “Adam & Eve” and “Slop for 2 Weeks.”

So they’re off the block, Donny is dethroned and Zach and Jocasta remain on the block. Caleb and Victoria do have to be on slop for two weeks, be chained together dressed as Adam & Eve and one of them has to shave their head.

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  1. They should make Victoria die her hair pink like they’ve threatened in seasons past.

    • Like season 12, the BB Zoo Veto comp. The person that buzzed in for the punishment first had to shave for a male or dye hair pink for a female(Britney). Fun times!!!

  2. So Derrick was never really interested in going into business with Nicole. He was just creating a contingency plan in case her BD plan did go through and the Detonators collapsed.

    He’s cast his lot. Let’s see what happens.

  3. Donny made a excellent point about the three who never were on the block and never hoh Run with that info Donny

  4. Did you see Victoria hustle? Derrick said that was probably the fastest she has moved since, a Black Friday sale! That was good for a laugh at least!
    Give her credit, she worked hard for that win with Caleb.

  5. I’m glad Nicole and Donny actually had the guts to put up some strong players this week. And I think it would be huge if Frankie got backdoored. But would they really have the votes to do that? Jacosta would have to come down. And then I wonder if Christine would even use the veto. If she doesn’t then Nicole and Hayden know not to trust her, and if she uses it to save jacosta, then the detenators won’t trust her. And not that I care for jacosta and Victoria, but I’m kinda tired of seeing them and or Donny on the block every week. Are they still talking about backdooring Frankie on the feeds??

    • Christine will NOT use the veto. Jocosta goes home. Detonators right back on track !

    • They wouldn’t be on the block every week if they were actually evicted. Jocasta should have been gone last week.

  6. There were a couple of funny moments in the show but 1 of the best was Zach saying to Frankie they’d have intercourse and Cody having to listen to this convo. He looked so uncomfortable every time they cut to his face.

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