Tonight on CBS at 9/8c the next Big Brother 15 Jury member will be determined as the HGs prepare to vote in the upcoming live eviction show. Even bigger will be when we find out which of those Jury members is heading back in to the game tonight!
The HGs don’t know anything for certain, though several suspect something is coming up. The backyard is going to be cramped as production will have to squeeze in the Jury comp and then have space for the HoH comp, but they manage double comps for every double eviction show, so I’m sure they can work it out.
When the show is over the Feeds will turn back on and the house should be incredible to watch tonight. No matter who comes back it’ll put a big spin on the game and everyone will be freaking out and clamoring to control this new vote. Be sure to have your Feeds ready and signed up ahead so you can start watching right after the show.
Don’t forget to vote in our poll for the next to go as we wait to find out who was evicted tonight on Big Brother! We’ll see you back here tonight for live coverage!
Who do you hope gets evicted and who do you want to return tonight on BB15?
My guess for tonight is they will bring the 4 evictees (including Helen) in the back yard for the competition. The HoH competition will be later and we will see it on the Sunday show.
I am guessing on Endurance Comp. Where last evicted HG to fall stays. All HGs will compete and winner gets HOH – could be the evicted HG or just one of the dumb, stupid, boring, spineless current HG
Would not be fair for the winner of the 4 evictees to go right into another compete for HOH, would put them at a disadvantage.
Not winner of the evictees. They will all just be part of 1 hoh comp. The special rule will be that the last evictee will be back in the game
That would make me suspect the “bring back” comp will be a mental type comp and the HoH comp will be physical. That way the returning HG isn’t physically spent after the 1st comp, before having to go right into another comp.??
That is probably what they are having. It will be back to back competitions. Having an easier quiz type or yes or no type of competitions for the house guests to come back into the house makes sense due to time constraints. Also, it would allow Big Brother to hold the HOH right after the competition is over!
It would be nice if whoever comes back is the HOH and I think a good twist for next year would be to have whoever uses the veto puts up who they want to replace them, not let the HOH put up the replacement. Less people would throw competitions that way!
Love, Love, Love that idea. It would make the show SO MUCH MORE EXCITING.
Yup but lets be honest anything would make THIS season more exciting lol! Why are they so afraid of Amanda? I would have got rid of her eons ago!
I like that concept. Good thinking. Your momma must be proud.
I have said that from the very beginning…it would make them work harder so they wouldn’t be put up. That would make such a great twist to the game. Lets hope they listen…..cause this season has really been bad.
IKR worst season ever!!!
I also like that idea or maybe go back to America chooses weekly nominations like they did back during the first season.
I like that but they will never do it because then they can’t fix the show and prepick the winner
They were able to have America vote because the show was brand new. Now the fans of Rachel Reilly’s sister would evict everyone except Elissa.
Love that idea
Even that would be good, this is the worse season every! Makes me wonder why I keep watching (but I do lol)
Love your idea!! Now could we get TPTB to do it. Oh well… we can hope.
I do hope! Not sure why tho lol! They never listen to the people!
Get rid of Helen— bring back Judd!!!!
Bring back Helen. She knows where the bodies are buried.
Will those of you who have the live feeds please post the good stuff
what good stuff
The fights
Re the photo of Spencer and Helen: They are two of the ugliest HGs who have ever been on BB. The pic was only missing the leering face of McCrappy.
Ugh, if Helen comes back it will be like nothing happened, if Judd comes back I’d be happy because he didn’t deserve to be back doored, I’d really like to see Candice come back cause the house is boring with out drama and her haters are still in the house .
they should bring back 2 that realy make amanda mad lol
Andy was just contemplating with GM about voting out Spencer. He says his gut tells him that is the right move. Aaryn says no because she is pissed at Elissa. Amanda walks in and of course the two back track. Why can they not see that if they had Helen,GM,Elissa,Andy and maybe Aaryn that they would have control of the house and can get rid of Mcranda. It would not matter what Amanda thinks about it,her and her lap dog would be on their own. I just don’t get how they can’t figure that out.
because there Moron