The Big Brother 15 weekend is wrapping up so here’s a quick rundown on what you might have missed since the last episode. The Live Feeds never stop so we’re always watching and that keeps us, and you!, way ahead of CBS.
Here’s what’s been going on and yes, there are many spoilers below.
Head of Household – Week 7:
Late Thursday night the most recent Head of Household competition was held. Fresh off the double eviction the HGs faced off in a tournament bracket series of rounds. Andy emerged as the winner and viewers as the losers when he promised he would not be making any “big moves” this week. Smart move for him, dull one for us.
Have-Nots – Week 7:
There was no Have-Not competition this week. Instead Andy, as the new HoH, had to handpick this week’s unfortunate HGs. Luckily for Andy he got four volunteers. Aaryn, Elissa, GinaMarie, and Helen will be sleeping on plane benches and eating mung beans with mackerel. Mmm.
Nominations – Week 7:
After a day of holding court in his HoH room Andy was ready to put two HGs on the chopping block late Friday night. His intentions were made clear in an early talk with Amanda: Spencer and Jessie. Jessie would be the target with Spencer as the pawn. If Jessie won Veto and came down then GM would be the renom and become the new target. Turns out they wouldn’t have to worry about that.
MVP – Week 7:
No MVP this week or anymore this season. That twist was brought to an end so there are just two nominations this week instead of three.
Power of Veto – Week 7:
Keep in step with the late night events the PoV was held at the end of the day on Saturday. HGs faced off in the quantity guessing competition where they had to stay or fold. Andy turned his previous win in to a mini-streak by capturing the Veto for his own.
What’s next? – Week 7:
On Monday the Power of Veto Ceremony will be held where Andy gets to announce his decision to not use the Veto. This will be the first time in BB15 the Veto is not used.
Andy has promised Jessie safety, but it’s a lie. Unless something major happens between now and Thursday then Jessie will be evicted and Spencer will survive to be mega-pawn another week.
HGs are hoping for Pandora’s Box to livening things up. I’d settle for just about anything otherwise we may be in for a snoozer until next Thursday.
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I wonder if Jessie has a clue about the plan to evict her, or has Andy fooled her sufficiently enough that she feels safe. Does anybody know if Andy is still waffling?
Today, Jessie, Mon.Spencer, Tue, Jessie, Wed.Spencer, Thu. Jessie…she’s evicted.
Wonder if there a pill I could take, that would put me to sleep and I could wake up just in for the Survivor premiere.
Oh yes !!!…Survivor !..can’t wait !
37 days to go.
I am watching Dexter. Kinda wish he was playing BB. I know so wrong, yet so right.
Emma, Dexter doesn’t really exist, he’s a character in a TV show. LOL
So hard to tell them apart now hey. TV show, Reality TV. My god, so much confusion.
Amanda IMO a sociopath.
You have a point there, she would fit well as Dexter in a skirt.
Yep. But I seriously want Amanda too stay covered up. It seems the only time she is, when under the covers being a sloth with McCrae. Geez My sees hurt.
Me, I’ll go watch something that at least has some redeeming value. I recorded a “Hot in Cleveland” Marathon on TVLAnd. LOL
This one is even better, “White Collar” on Netflix, Seasons 1 to 3 (16 episodes each season) is free if you are a Netflix subscriber. It may be on cable tv too!
It is on regular TV to MyTV Channel 13 in Los Angeles. It may be available on regular channel too in other states. Netfilix is better because you get all the episodes for Seasons 1 to 3! This is an awesome series, you will probably like it!
We get MYTV also in the northest. But that show is also on USA Network. Caught it a few time.
Ugh. You better be kidding or your TV privileges will be revoked.
What, you can’t love Betty White. ?
Hot in Cleveland is funny, Don’t let them tell you different.
Good I’m not alone. They always have great guess star.
I love Betty White. That’s why I’m going to tune in to re-runs of The Mary Tyler Moore show right now. Loved her as Sue Ann
Nothing personal against Betty White. You may as well watch Betty White’s off their rocker TV Show. It is kinda funny.
You mean Survivor where there is actually game play. I wish…sigh
I guess that’s his middle name…
Jessie probably expects it. After all, she has been on the block for 3 straight weeks now. She also knows that Amanda wants her out and that Helen stabbed her in the back when she was lobbying to evict Amanda so, she probably knows she is done barring any last minute backdoor move.
it would be poor for Helen Elissa, and Aaryns game to evict Jessie and keep Spencer. Its about time the houseguest take the house back and vote individually
Never, ever gonna happen. Unfortunately!
Totally agree with you. They will be able to persuade Jessie a lot more then Spencer. That will weaken Andy and McManda. Probably is too many people trust Andy at this point.
They could use either one they need to drop Helen for GM. IT sickens me that they would go with the house because you should be playing your game not the house’s. The house has f’d up everyone’s game except mccranda.
Exactly, the house can’t win, only one of them can. Jessie seems to be the only one to understand that right now.
Andy is not playing good. he just wants too keep McManda safe because he doesn’t want them after him which was good strategy early in the game, but the time was NOW I think to try to get rid of the couple…Andy is playing for them, then they will cut him first once it got down to 4..
That’s the way I see it evict either Amanda or McCrae and the one that stays has the power of just that ONE which we all know doesn’t get you anywhere in the BB house. Then it would be easy to bring the other one around to your side. Once in the jury house with people who hate her Amanda would have little to no say in who wins because she will be only one vote.
It’s got to be McCrae. He goes, Amanda flips completely and will NEVER get to finals. If McCrae stays and Amanda goes…well he is likeable (to the HG’s) and will go all the way.
About time someone did something. Andy is screwing himself. I hope e gets evicted soon.
Can you please do a “Who’s your favourite houseguest?” poll?:) It would be much appreciated!:)
As long as you put a choice at the bottom: “None of the above”.
The no blood on their hands strategy being played by all. One big mexican stand off
Rumor has it that McCrae gave Helen the go ahead to make a move to evict Amanda…anybody know any information to confirm or deny this?
He did, I think Friday on live feeds. He won’t vote for her though. He wouldn’t go after anybody that did it.
Correction, I think it was Wed night McRae and Helen talked and Thu during day Amanda told McRae it was time to take out Helen. What’s a McR to do????
Interesting…it is well past time for a big move, but which one will happen first? and a better question…WHEN?
I can’t wait for Helen to leave!!!!!!
She is sooooooo annoying.
Amanda is so much annoying er then Helen I hate bossy people. Amanda talked Helen into talking Arayn into geting JUDD out because of the MVP thing
Getting ready with my Red Bull, No-Doze and a triple espresso for tonight’s episode…ZZzzzzz
LOL will need it. Central time will be 8 min late starting because of golf.
As if golf isn’t enough of a snooze-fest! I think CBS is trying to put the whole country to sleep.
I think Andy should be focusing on getting Amanda out!! I think she has more power then Helen. She has McCrae and nobody is going to be able to split them up as they get closer to the end. They will end up being in the final 3.
They will dump Andy before then, especially if he wins anymore comps.
If they put off breaking them up they will and who ever is in the winning seat will chose Amanda as the final 2 hands down Amanda can win based on game play. She rallied for evictions without being HOH and was successful.
It is funny that they want Pandora’s Box to shake things up when they could simply do it themselves by actually playing the game.
BB Production always used Pandora’s box, to spice up boring week and nudge the game in a more interresting direction.
Perfect time to back door Helen and her sneaky ass
It was Amanda that talk Helen into talking Arayn into puting JUDD up becasue got everyone to belive that JUDD was the MVP so Amanda need to go becasue she can get anyone to do want she wants to happen
I admire your distain and convection to get Amanda out of the BB game.
Bigslam – I agree with you. What is with her thinking her opinion is so valuable…first to Aaryn she says she is just like Janelle (not in her wildest dream!) and then to that slut Amanda she tells her that she (Amanda) runs the entire house without getting any blood on her hands. What is this? These House Guests are the lamest group of players yet. To be honest, I would not want one of them to win…except for maybe Elissa who was originally being voted off and has managed to stay. She may be playing a better game than we know. Amanda is disgusting, absolutely gross. Who cries because they “never win”. Step up your game and make more of an effort…but to cry? Evil Dick is needed back in the house. He would let them all know what terrible players they are.
I was hoping Julie would have let the HouseGuests know that America has voted for the 3rd eviction for the past 3 weeks. That certainly would have put Amanda in her place. Then, Aaryn and GinaMarie need to be confronted on television about their terrible behavior and racist remarks. GM saying “at least my mother wanted me” was beneath low class. She is so low I do not think there is even a word for it. It will be fun seeing her reaction and that of Aaryn when they are told they are unemployed.
Yesterday when Amanda compared herself and McCrea to Jeff and Jordan and Brandon and Rachel. . . well, that was beyond sad. There is no comparison at all. Those were couples who had game play, who worked on strategy. I was not a fan of Rachel and Brandon but there is no denying they game. I can only presume Amanda thought if she hooked (literally) with a guy, she could make a similar name for herself. That did not happen. The name she made for herself is an embarrassing one.
I think the Jury House is going to be interesting if they let us tune in on it.
They need to put both Amanda and McCrea on the block together to break them up. If one of them wins veto, the other goes home anyway. Then they need to boot Helen as she’s the mastermind regardless how convincing she is when they confronted her and she denies it.
When it comes down to it, Aaryn has been the one winning the comps. Andy needs to grow some balls and stop running to whichever side seems stronger.
By far the worst big brother I have ever watched. Everyone is so scared to make a big move. Because they are so stupid does Andy truly believe Amanda or McRae is going to take him to the end or Helen and Elissa or GM and aryn. Now should have been the time for Andy Jessie and spencer to make an alliance and get rid of Amanda or McRae and shake the game up because sorry to say Andy once Jessie and spencer are gone you are next in line for low man on the totem pole. Look at what happened to Judd when he was to scared to make a big move as hoh he was out the door the next week.
If this season continues as it has so far, it is in GREAT danger of not being renewed next season.
Except, that the ratings are high, real high. I read they are higher than last years.
I have never seen so many idiots all in one place I said it before I wish I could see their faces when the consequences of their actions bites them in the ass
“OK, if that’s what you want”
OMG, I’m going to be sick.
do u need a bucket?
Already have one handy, thanks anyway.
great cause I think I do not have one big enough
Heard 3 people say that phrase when they were in the airplane room.
A big banana and a big cherry are the tools for the competition…WHY do they always have to make everything about Amanda and McRea?!
only mcrea is the cherry and Amanda the banana
Flag as inappropriate
only mcrea is the cherry and Amanda the banana
why is Andy telling Jesse she’s safe? Wouldnt that just make her sour in jury? Does he not have an end game strategy?
No, he keeps on thinking that by trying to please people, he has a shot at 500k which will not be the case if the jury feel betrayed by Andy and he’ll end up for second or most depressingly third or fourth.
OMG! The **** just keeps regurgitating out of Helen’s mouth. Politics is the perfect profession for her.
She completely delusional. She worry about Amanda, she had 2 perfect chance to get rid of her and she didn’t take them. That will be her downfall.
True that!
This is so disappointing are they not thinking about who they send to the jury? Dumb move people! Did Helen not here her speech to Amanda “you are winning without getting your hands dirty”, Helen get your life and get your head in the game how could you not want Amanda and mccrae gone too little too late. Instead of them candice and judd are gone when you had the numbers and neither had to know who flipped. Good luck with that plan you’re w
This is so disappointing are they not thinking about who they send to the jury? Dumb move people! Did Helen not here her speech to Amanda “you are winning without getting your hands dirty”, Helen get your life and get your head in the game how could you not want Amanda and mccrae gone too little too late. Instead of them candice and judd are gone when you had the numbers and neither had to know who flipped. Good luck with that plan you’re likely be gone before they will.
Why did McCrea called Aaryn, Opie ?
I wondered the same thing…
I think (not positive) but in the past she has called Andy – Opie, so maybe it was a slur.
Who knows with this bunch.
Makes sense, Thanks!
Well Opie make sense for Andy. Opie is he character that Ron Howard was playing in The Andy Griffith Show.
Right, kinda looks and acts like a 10 year old Opie.
I just want to know if Andy brought any regular clothes with him. Those colorful short are not cute and they look like something a 10 year old child should be wearing. And, he wants people to believe that he is a professor…what a joke.
And nothing matches…come on, red shorts with a green shirt?! But then again, his mommie isn’t there to help him. :*(
Andy might have been thinking of the game red light green light with that out fit? what is with McCrae feed to a dog or I am a pirate frayed black shorts?
I thought he called her poopy.
I rewinded it and listen again, he said Opie.
Probably has something to do with her being from the south.
I thought he said boopie
It is boopie, or maybe poopie?
Amanda is nuts. I believe Jeff let Jordan win when they were the only two left standing. I believe the same rings true for when Brendon let Rachel win. Please, go cry me a river.
Not very mature for a 38 years old. Ooopss, a 28 years old. Look what you made do flyonthewall.
Lol is read the earlier posts about her age, and more lies. Priceless. Oh, and married too a production guy.
Awhile back I read Amanda had an abortion right before the show n she supposingly confided in elissa because she’s a mother n thought she would understand !!??
She can pass for 38.
Probably what started the Rumor.
And…she did, she really did! She needed some cheese to go with that whine…aanndd-ba doo boom…LOL I’m here all week folks!
Two drink minimum. Bah dah boom bah dah bing! Oh, and the baby naming thing was beyond annoying, it was creepy! I was scared that they would actually procreate?. Why did no one suggest the first name Satan? Satan Zuckerman-Olsen. You know she would hyphenate or it would have Zuckerman as the last name. My name it Thing or IT or Hell yen or Spawn or baby Ewww.
Would they make her leave the house if she got pregnant? Wait! I finally have something to root for!! Hot damn!!
Jesus christ people, shut the hell up about how much you hate this season. If you hate it so much, don’t watch it.
You’re not. It’s just make believe.
I smell something burning :)
Jesus Christ and shut the hell up in the smell sentence….wow.
I guess he was really serious about that comment! He needs a good laugh…
I should have tried harder, all I had was a snarky WWJD comment. I did find the post as funny with reference to Jesus Christ an Hell mashed together.
Double yikes!
I hate all the season, but I watched them all.
It’s a free country last I checked, with freedom of speech. You can have an opinion. Hmm WWJD?
He would turn the tv off at the first F word.
If u don’t like reading how much we hate it get the hell off this page !!
Do they not know or am I in the not know is Candice in the jury house I thought she is but they way they are talking no one know or remembers this
Oh they know because they have been talking about voting out Elissa so if America votes a person in they think she will get it and they won’t have Candice or Judd coming back.
I thought I heard that but the way they were talking I thought I did not hear right
The dragon lady strikes again. Helen is the most revolting person in the house. She lies the way people breathe. The look on her face when she is evicted will be priceless.
Helen is getting played by Amanda just like everyone else. If you watch the live feeds it showed Amanda talking to Helen about geting ride of Judd because she know that Judd was MVP. So it was not Helen that got Judd out it was Amanda
Also Mcare said to Helen that it is time to get Amanda out of the house and he said that he won’t vote for Amanda to leave but he also won’t go after anybody that voted her out
Yep, I saw that too. But also saw about 12 hours later Amanda telling McRae they needed to get rid of Helen. Who will win this battle Helen or Amanda?
Clash of the Titans!!!!
It was Amanda that talk Helen into talking Aryan into puting JUDD up
becasue Amanda got everyone to believe that JUDD was the MVP. So Amanda need to
go becasue she can get anyone to do want she wants to happen.
Ok…Please take a breath. Agreed.
Yes, everyone buys into what Amanda is selling, and that is paranoia.
LMAO Emma!
Well, I respect the post and they were fired up. But, it got to Yikes! We all know I am always campaigning to get Amanda out. I don’t see that coming to light. So, I hope Amanda’s 500k gets forfeited because she is a fraud.
I do too. But I don’t see that happening because BB vets the contestants. They would have caught it. But here’s to hoping!
If Amanda, Aaryn, Andy, GM, Spencer, or Helen win this season, I am never ever ever going to watch Big Brother again ever. At it seems that way for many others. This may be the last season, guys. It was fun while it lasted.
Who does that leave? Elissa? Boorrring!
So the target is Jessie…….oh boy…..idiots all of them! Getting out people that are not a threat what so ever.
for once i think helen was smart to suggest amanda and mccrae to go on the block but of course Andy has no spine. No surprises with his choices. This is the worst year for BB i have ever seen and pretty predictable. Glad i didn’t waste my money on live feed but its nice somebody did to keep us in the loop and i thank you for that. Now i don’t even care if i miss the show because it is so predictable when you find out who HOH is.
a good idea for next season would be to put well known people in it if they could stand it that long. Bet we would at least get some surprises.
If Helen wins next HOH,Amanda will go up,If Amanda wins
her first comp Helen will go up.These two know were the
power is and act on it.I believe if Amanda wins she’ll also
put up Ellise to eliminate a vote.Andy will do as told
either way.Real question is How does BB wanna play this?
Power/brain comp,do they want to chance a floater to
throw a wrench into play or let the ruling forces continue
to dominate the roost?