Big Brother 15: Week 7 Tuesday Night Highlights


It was quite an eventful night in the Big Brother 15 house. Amanda and McCrae tied the knot Big Brother style and Jessie remembered that she’s on the block and decided to do some damage control after all the fights she’s gotten herself into the past two days.

Read about those moments and others on our Live Feed highlights below. And remember to sign-up now for the Big Brother Feeds so you can watch any of these moments by using the Flashback archive feature.

Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights –  Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2013

5:45 PM BBT – Jessie tells GinaMarie she is having a hard time right now. She says she’s really depressed and really bored. She’s sick of doing the same thing every day.

6:02 PM BBT – McCrae and Amanda are looking ahead to next week. They say Helen says the target will be Spencer. Amanda tells him they have two weeks to backdoor Helen.

6:36 PM BBT – Houseguests are starting to prepare for McCrae and Amanda’s “wedding.”

7:15 PM BBT – McCrae says to Andy that he doesn’t want to do the wedding. He’s acting strange about it.

7:24 PM BBT – Helen, Aaryn and Amanda are making food for the wedding.

8:18 PM BBT – Amanda is afraid Jessie will spoil the wedding.

8:37 PM BBT – Helen tells Aaryn she doesn’t miss Candice as much as she thought she would.

8:45 PM BBT – Spencer tells McCrae that he hasn’t washed his bed sheets at all since he’s been there and Helen is wearing them to the wedding. Gross!

8:50 PM BBT – McCrae tells Spencer that Elissa would be good to drag along to the final 2 because no one would vote for her because they don’t respect her and she doesn’t need the money. Spencer says Aaryn in the final two wins the game.

9:05 PM BBT – Girls are doing hair and makeup and making togas for the wedding.

9:45 PM BBT – Amanda is all dressed and in her wedding toga. The others are getting their looks together as well.

10:04 PM BBT – Amanda and Jessie are talking. Jessie wants to apologize. Amanda helps her with how to approach it.

10:15 PM BBT – Amanda yells at Spencer to put on some better clothes for the wedding.

10:16 PM BBT – Aaryn tells Jessie that she’s on her side and has been trying to get people to keep her.

10:18 PM BBT – Jessie and Helen exchange apologies. Jessie then tells Elissa she’s sorry and thinks she’s a great person.

10:20 PM BBT – Amanda screaming for BB to give them more alcohol for the wedding.

10:22 PM BBT – Wedding begins. Helen is serving as mother of the groom. Aaryn, Elissa, Jessie and GM are bridesmaids. Spencer is the best man and Andy is officiating.

10:43 PM BBT – Andy says he will not give them his HOH room for their wedding night.

11:25 PM BBT – Andy and Aaryn are talking alone and confirm their final two deal within their final four with McCranda.

12:30 AM BBT – Jessie working on McCrae for info on why the house would keep Spencer over her. Amanda joins them and says she thought Spencer was going (no, she doesn’t) and that Jessie should talk to Andy. Jessie says Andy said to talk to HGs who are voting. Jessie just wants to know for sure whether or not she’s going.

12:55 AM BBT – HGs discussing how much time they have left in the game. They’re worried about someone from Jury coming back and say that would not be fair to jump ahead like that.

1:55 AM BBT – Jessie tries working Andy for a deal to keep her. He deflects the discussion and says he’ll ask around tomorrow.

2:00 AM BBT – Aaryn and McCrae going over ways to get out Helen and Elissa.

2:24 AM BBT – McCranda fooling around. She gets something out of the drawer. A condom? They go at it for awhile and then it’s sleepy time.

2:33 AM BBT – Amanda flashes her bare butt at the camera while rolling around under the covers.

Jessie might be doing damage control, but the plan is still to evict her this week. Of course they’re all looking at Spencer already for next week, so if Jessie could think of a good move today or tomorrow morning, things could change. But probably not. These people have been very predictable.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. I know Jessie does not play the greatest of game, but I would like to see her hang on for at least another week. But I guess she is toast come Thursday. That is the one thing that I hate the most about this year everyone is so darn predictable.

    • The First Two were good, then starting Jeremy’s eviction everything got stale. I wish Nick stayed though, that way the season would have been a little more exciting!

      • James-I wish Nick stayed too! The Moving Co could have been successful if Spencer didn’t flip. Because then it would have been a tie and Aaryn would have picked Nick to stay. I bet Spencer regrets that decision everyday and basically giving all the floaters and Helen/Amanda all the votes. If Nick stayed, I feel the game would have continued instead of stopping so soon. Most of these house guests (especially the ones who are huge BB fans like Helen) will have to live knowing they were part of one of the most boring seasons of BB to date. I was rooting for Nick because he actually started playing..and then Candice because she was smart. When Helen gets backdoored, shes going to regret ditching Candice and give her some fake heartfelt apology in jury.

      • It was 7-4 , even if Spencer voted, Nick would have left. It was McCrae that switched.

        I think the producers manipulated them becuase their was no way Nick would have left without the producers trying to protect Elissa

  2. They keep planning on evicting each other but, so far. It is still in the planning stage….now is not a good week…next week….now is not a good week….week after that….now is not a good week. Where is production when you need them? Pandora’s Box please and do it quick! This will be the 3rd week out of the last 4 weeks of lame ass nominations! Judd’s eviction was the only respite for this nonsense! Howard, Candice and now Jessie’s eviction was all a huge waste!

    • When they get evicted—-they will! With these lameass players though, it make not be until we reach Final 4 before they move on each other! It seems they keep planning on taking each other out yet, never get to putting the plan in action! Now, is not a good week…next week….now is not a good week….week after that….now is not a good week and still week after that week… is not a good week. You just want to hit them all on the head and put them all out of their misery!

  3. Next year it should be America who votes out ppl. Lease America is a lil smarter then these idiots

    • Isn’t that what happened in the first season of BB? I think it was America that voted out the players…that would certainly add an interesting twist to the game. Maybe it could be a Pandora’s box consequence. You win …oh I don’t know…$10k, but by taking the money you allow America to vote out the next HG.

    • That’s what I think also. Also they need to change the rules & not let the houseguests discuss with one another who they are going to vote out.

  4. The more of these people I watch, the more difficulty I have digesting the fact that one of them is going to win. Even McCrae, who I once considered one of the nicer ones, is getting on my nerves. All he does is lay around all day. When he Andy and Spencer get together to talk about the other HGs, making fun of them in superficial ways, they sound as catty as some of the worst mean girls. I would love to see Jeeie, Elissa or GM stay just long enough to win HOH and put McCrae and Andy up on the block. Then to send one of them home would be justice!

    At this point, I am almost rooting for Aaryn to win. It would be the perfect end to an imperfect season filled with ridiculously horrible house guests. As the worst person in the house, it just makes sense for her to win.

    • So this has been my issue with this season thus far, I don’t want anyone to win the money. It’s a terribly negative space to be in as a viewer when you’re rooting against everyone.

    • You are right about the “boys” that are left in the house. After watching 15 minutes of BBAD last night, I turned off my tv and went to bed (I stayed up until midnight waiting to watch). I’m tired of all the personal attacks, racist comments, sexist comments, gross comments, and etc. Hell, I’m tired of these people period. Why do I continue to watch? I’m invested and I want to see the outcome.

      • Aaryn has to be the worst of the worst. She made racial slurs and you’re already forgetting about that. She’s still mean and very superficial herself. I can’t believe how quickly people forget things.

  5. At this point, I don’t care who stays and who goes. They are all unlikeable people and neither deserve to win. I am so over this season, but I will continue to watch…….that’s my choice.

    • 100% agree. I’ll still watch…for sure…but it’s like watching a car crash…terrible but you can’t look away.

  6. And, Spencer with his funky butt, hasn’t washed his bed sheets since he has been in the house. See, this is why I don’t get in people’s bed. Just nasty!

  7. BB better shake things up a little in the house! All I can say is BORINGGGGG and predictable……….

    • You better hope that Helen wins HOH, because I think she will finally make the move to put up McCranda. If she doesn’t do it first, they will and she will be gone.

  8. Is it just me or does anyone else find it extremely annoying to HEAR the HG’s constantly eating, snacking, crunching, chewing, swallowing, slurping, sniffling, etc etc… I know it might be just me as this is a known phobia or whatever, or do they just have the mic volume up way too loud? Considering its BB, you would think production would control there constant snacking all day as a way to further annoy the HG’s… (as you can tell I have NO sympathy for any of them, as well as NO favorite player this season…. they are all LOSERS).

    • Trust me, you are not alone, I hate hearing the swallowing, smacking, crunching, chewing, and you left out bag rattling when they are opening something. It’s my phobia too.

  9. Finally, proof the BB games outcome is RIGGED. Hailey Jones, who worked for years at CBS in the production crew for BigBrother, claims the winners are pre-chosen and that the twists are used to steer the game towards that end. If you dont believe me, search on youtube for : BB15 – Big Brother 15 – AMANDA JOY ZUCKERMAN – WINNER and see judge for yourself.

  10. Amanda needs to go they need to make a move now because they are going after Elissa and Helen next who deserve it more then her Mcrea needs to cut her loose

  11. OMG, I can’t take it anymore…GinaMarie thinks the disease “fibromyalgia,” had something to do with milk. This girl is dumber than a box of rocks!

  12. When was this wedding thing??? What? I was not expecting this is it for real? It kinda makes me want to gag…

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