Later today in the Big Brother 15 house we’ll be treated to another round of the Veto saga with this week’s Veto Ceremony. The winner of the PoV will get to decide whether or not to change one of the HoH’s nominees or the MVP nom and force a renom. While the event is still hours away, we have a good idea of what’s going to happen. Read on for the Big Brother 15 spoilers so you know what to expect.
GinaMarie is the current HoH, but Jessie holds the big power today as the Veto winner and as one of the three nominees you know she’ll be saving herself.
When Jessie comes down off the block GinaMarie will have to name a renom. The plan has long been for Spencer to go up, as in immediately after the Veto comp GM announced this was her intent. Then briefly last night that looked to be in question.
GM became upset as word spread of a movement to evict Amanda which caught her off guard. GM angrily proclaimed that she didn’t know anything about it and no one had brought this information to her for approval. GM has a funny way of thinking.
GinaMarie told Aaryn that she would call up HGs and apply the heat to make sure they were still voting out Candice or they would go up on the block as the renom. She started with Judd, which upset Aaryn since Judd was the one who told Aaryn about the evict-Amanda plan that he wasn’t supporting. Judd had a brief, mini-panic over the possibility that he’d go up as the renom, but it was short lived.
As of now, it still looks like GinaMarie will renom Spencer later today at the Veto Ceremony when Jessie saves herself from possible eviction. That means either Spencer, Candice, or Amanda as the MVP nom will be going home this week.
Who do you think GM should put up as the renom if not Spencer?
It’s EEEEEEEEEEEElisa and she has done nothing to deserve the renom.Obviously,you don’t watch the live feeds.
Elissa is a bully. Obviously you don’t watch the prime time shows. Or are you still using the “bad edit” crutch?
Elissa is a bully? That’s a new one. The rest of the world says she just goes along with Helen, which is an accusation I can understand. But I don’t get the bully part.
As for the edits, that would be on the prime time shows. After Dark and I assume the live feeds are not edited so how people look on those shows is probably more accurate than how they look on the prime time show.
Elissa is the only nice person in the house beside candice
There is Jessie too. I like Jessie and she is working hard to get Amanda evicted! Now, if the others will only vote with her!
Get over your hatred of Rachel it’s been 2 years, now. Rachel is better than you at life cause she can get over things not hold on to her anger. Like Leesta said it’s Elissssssaaaaa.
Dang, all these comments and she ONLY put one person’s name. Calm down people lol
It will still be Spencer. GM and Aaryn are too dumb to remeber that it was Helen/Elissa/Amanda/McC that conspired to take out their entire alliance. Nick/Jeremy/Kaitlin/David.
Pretty much the reason I stopped watching and just check the feeds…… This season has been a complete waist of tv time and a lot of bad choices from BB casting.
Actually, Aaryn and GM were discussing this last night, but you don;t last long in this game holding a grudge like that for 5 weeks. They realize they need to move on or become targets themselves. right now, the alliance that took out David and Nick is still to bog and too strong and if attacked by Aaryn and GM, they will defend their own to maintain their numbers.
Amanda needs to go! I’m so tired of her drama and trying to control the house
I aree
I feel GM should’nt renom anyone. I feel its “Game change” time. Let her think she has it all figured out her renom in mind and then BAM!!!!……..
Jessie should be called to the DR 3-5 minutes before ceremony….and BB instruct her the SHE in fact would be nominating the renom. No time for players to campaign etc….then at the Ceremony the spin would come in with her video of her Renom selection.
Come on BB we need one big shake up!!
In my perfect world the double eviction would be the puppet master Amanda & her puppet McCrae….. The rules say, BB can change rules at anytime RIGHT….EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED….
That’d be really awesome, Jessie will put Andy or McCrae as replacement nominee. And bubey Amanda. but I’m pretty sure 100% that wouldn’t happen.
That is a great idea or the second eviction in the double eviction be who America vote for and is on the block
I WISH, and Im not alone
GinaMarie is dumb, She won’t make any good move. She think she’s in power
GinaMarie looks at this HOH reign as a fashion show. She doesn’t care about making any game moves, she just wants to be center of attention.
She even said several times during the hoh comp that she didn’t care about being hoh she just wanted her air dye
Dumb would be taking on the alliance in the house becuase it would put GM and Aaryn on an island. If Aaryn doesn’t win HOH next week her and GM would be on the block and one of them would be going home. Amanda and Helen have been smart enough to realize they need to keep the numbers in their favor and as long as they do, they control the house.
I really think they ought to use their heads and get Helen out of there with the double-eviction. Amanda then…BANG…Helen. Next to go, Aaryn. Jesse is nothing…neither is Candice and GM is a waffler and cant make a decision without a general consensus. Elysa…nothing there either unless BB decides to turn the MVP nomination over to an America’s Choice houseguest, in which case Rachel’s fans will stink up the show again. Judd will be in F2. Andy is out of there…maybe may get as far as F4. Spencer…strong contender and has been using his head and observing. McCrae… puhLEEEZE! He’ll be cannon fodder in a few weeks unless he loses his love interest and starts growing a pair that are not being controlled by Amanda.
Jessie is playing and the only one lobbying hard for votes to get out Amanda! I hope she wins HOH next!
Remind me what spencer has won to make him a strong contender?
He won a veto and a trip to the Bahamas
Really all that?
Or how about this twist, allow the viewers to vote out one of the three nominees on the block for the first eviction! Amanda will get the overwhelming eviction—-bye, Amanda! What? America is the MVP after Julie tells her in the exit interview. And they voted you out too! Shocker!!!
That would be an incredibly bad idea and would ruin the show for good. Part of the Big Brother allure is the way people connive, deceive and deal. If America votes out the person nominated, how would the players deal with America to avoid eviction? Plus, through the live feed and hidden mics we get to see and hear a lot more than the other house guests. Let the house guests do the wheeling and dealing and evicting.
McRae! So that they can get rid of AMANDA!!
Helen or Amanda
Evict Helen and Spencer.
Put helen…. vote out amanda…. the biatchhhhh!!!
….and bring back David !
If by some chance Amanda goes this week please I hope Aaryn gets the MVP spot on the block! I can’t wait till she is gone…………………………………
I understand why people don;t like Amanda but why they prefer Aaryn to Amanda is a huge mystery to me. Aaryn is just such a difficult person to like. At least Amanda has a sense of humor at times.
hating amanda is sad because she wanted howard out. Amanda is the only one that knows how to play the game. Helen is the plants seeds all day and blames it on other people. At least Amanda is up front person in the house.
So what you are saying is that Helen is being smart about it and Amanda is not?
Amanda isthe super biatch… she needs to go… or america wont stop voting her
I don’t like Amanda because she wanted Howard out; I don’t like her because she’s a bully. She doesn’t know how to play, McCrae pointed that out to her. You can’t go around bullying people like she does. She wanted Jeremy out because he was a bully, she needs to look at the way she acts. She warns Aaryn about being viewed as a racists. Again she needs to take a look at herself. Some of the things she’s done and said are right on par with Aaryn.
She’s a disgusting vile excuse of a human being.
I sure would not be buying any house not even a shack from her let a lone million dollar homes wake up Florida she is a vile pig
Amanda is a scum bag, she said she took 4 Porto Rican baths and that that meant she hadent had any. And it gets worse
Personally, I think taking Amanda off the block would only be ideal for the purpose that would leave the new nomination up to whomever America voted for….. which would probably be Aaryn. Not that Aaryn would necessarily go home but she’s sitting too pretty right now. Someone in this house needs to grow a pair. This is the most predictable (boring) season I’ve ever watched. I don’t understand why everyone is soooo afraid of Amanda. I also can’t stand the fact that when someone wins HOH they put up who the house wants. Be damned if I let other people tell who to put up.. They have to know that when the show ends and it’s down to someone else and Amanda and McCrea, they are not taking that other person. Get them out!!!
Why not put Helen up as a renom? She has been a bully and controlling the house as well.
To take amanda out, she need to nominate Andy Aaryn, or Judd, because McCrae being on the block will make him a bigger target. But honestly I’m okay with McCrae out. Amanda will be weakened and bcoz it’s double eviction Amanda will follow.