Big Brother 15 Twist: Julie Confirms Evicted HG Returning To The Game

Julie Chen - Big Brother 15 episode 22

Last week host Julie Chen revealed a twist was heading our way that would keep the Big Brother 15 Jury members in the game. She then also cryptically told the evicted HGs that it was a long summer and that this was “goodbye for now.” None of them seemed to take notice, but we sure did!

Based on Julie’s comments I detailed out why I thought a HG was returning to the game and last night our suspicions were confirmed. Some thought the Jury might be involved in eviction votes or nominations somehow, but nope, we knew better and that’s why you visit us for BB info!

At the end of last night’s live show Julie announced “for the first time in Big Brother history, a Juror will return to the game. Candice, Judd, Jessie, and the HG evicted next week will compete to see who gets a second shot at the half-million dollars.”

McCrae has been suspicious that something like this could happen and has even advocated evicting Elissa in case it’s America’s Vote as he suspects she’d be the one voted back in. According to Julie it won’t be a vote and will instead be a live competition on next Thursday’s show. Branden gave a few joke ideas for the competition:


Returning player comp ideas for next week: 1. frog gigging. 2. Translating an episode of Honey Boo Boo. 3. Wearing bear shirts. #BB15

— BRANDEN! (@branden628) August 16, 2013

So what do you think of having an evicted HG come back? Does that negatively impact the game or give someone an unfair advantage? Vote in our poll below and share your thoughts on which evicted HG you’d like to see return to the game.



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  1. This has been a pretty boring season. The last 3 out of 4 evictions were pretty lame ass evicting the non-threats in the game! Someone has to go back in and stir the pot! I will be rooting for Jessie because she has the cojones to stand up to Amanda and Helen. None of the other house guests have stood up for themselves or think for themselves so far! Jessie deserves another shot at it!

  2. Candice NEEDS to come back. Or Jessie. They will stir up so much trouble if they come back!!!

    I am really rooting for Candice. It would be so poetic for her to come back and nominate GM and Amanda. When she was evicted she smiled and said “perfect”, that would add soooo much meaning to it!

    • I think Candice should come back with the entire cast of The Real Housewives of Atlanta ladies. Good God those ladies would chew up and spit out Aaryn, GinaMarie and Amanda for breakfast. Now that would be sweet justice!!

      • Bring the Mob Wives, Denise, Carla, Drita, Karen and Ramona. None of them take crap from anyone let them play for that $500,000! Let Amanda, Aaryn, Gina Marie, Helen, Spencer, Eliss, Andy and McCrae earn it then!

  3. I’m ok with this twist since it will be competition based for all the evicted HGs and no America’s Vote involved at all. Semi-kudos to CBS and BB for not totally trying to manipulate the outcome (at least not yet)

  4. CBS/Big Brother/Chenbot (who looked very lovely last night BTW) never specified if the jurors were all in the same house or sequestered in separate locations
    If they ARE in the same house, I find that unfair, just as unfair in BBCan1 when Gary came back
    If they are all in the same house, they are obviously going to share/compare notes, giving the returning person an unfair advantage towards the remaining houseguests
    However, if they are sequestered in separate locations, then I don’t see why not :)

    • I doubt that they are together. We haven’t been shown their arrival at the jury house along with the DVD of how things went down.

    • I thought Julie did say something to Jessie about seeing Candice and Judd in the jury house. Perhaps she meant at a later date but it sounded like right away. Also, how can the 4 evicted players have a contest without being in contact with each other. There is almost no way for them to compete and not exchange thoughts about the house. I think they are going to have at least a small chance of pumping up whoever wins the competition to go back in the house.

      • Usually, Big Brother sequesters all the houseguests eligible to return to the game into separate housing with no access to each other.
        The thing is that, if they are in the jury house TOGETHER, they’re going to talk to each other, which is a problem because they can share information with each other. :)

    • They should get a diamond POV for a one time use. That would nullify their nomination if the do not win HOH or POV and get off the block and make their own nomination. That would turn over the apple cart. They should also allow the house guest to use the diamond POV to be used the next week if the house guest wins HOH or POV. That way, you give the house guest two weeks safety to stir the pot and create havoc inside the Big Brother House!

  5. Judd coming back makes no sense unless the HGs are told that he was never MVP. He will be sent right back out. Jessie would be a waste. If Helen goes this week and then comes right back in, she might actually make the big move that she has been pretending not to want to make. But, haven’t evicted HGs returned before? I am confused.

    • Helen had her chances to evict Amanda twice, same with Judd. Jessie deserves to go back in more than Judd or Helen because they both do not have the cojones to get the job done! Judd and Helen are both dummies too! Judd for not being able to figure out that Aaryn put her on the block and the 7-0 vote means his alliance voted him out! Instead, he blames Jessie and Elissa for his eviction! Helen moved to evict her former allies Candice and Jessie. How is evicting your allies helpful to your game? One more dumbass!

  6. Julie implied that Candice, Judd and Jessie will be together in the jury house, didn’t she? If that is so, then Judd will get a full update from Jessie about the treachery of Amanda, Andy and Helen. And if there is a competition to see who comes back, assuming Elissa is evicted this week, I think Judd will win and come back. If he is smart he will pretend to align with Amanda again while attempting to turn Spencer, GM and Aaryn was from Andy, McCrae and Amanda. But I don’t think anyone who comes back will be able to make any big moves or change the game in any way. I will just be one more predictable eviction for Amanda to deal with on her way to the final 4.

    • Unless they win HOH or POV, the returning house guest will be evicted shortly! They need to give the winning house guest a diamond POV to ensure he or she stays atleast, two weeks. If he or she wins HOH or POV, the diamond POV should be good the following week too if it is not used this coming week. Then, the game play will get better because some of the strong players will get evicted!

      • that’s unfair to the others that didnt get evicted. you want to make sure the season is a complete failure? give the guy who got voted out an unearned advantageous power.

  7. If Judd doesnt make it back theres no one worthy of getting the money! Terrible people are left in the house.I’m gonna try out and hope to get the chance to win 500, 00.

  8. If I were to pick any of the 3 evicted jury members, I would go for Jessie or Judd, but mostly Judd. If they make it so whoever comes back in automatically becomes HOH then I’ll be fine with Judd coming back.

    • If Helen gets voted out this week i hope she goes back next week so amanda has a meltdown

  9. All I know is that when Elissa goes up on the block today, she is going to freak out. Helen, who will also be on the block, will throw her under the bus to save herself. I have a feeling, this week will get particularly ugly in the BB house. Then again, that’s all that is left in the house so what else should we expect.

  10. Lets go judd!!!!!! Anyone who thinks they have been in a jury house together needs to stop speculating, theres no way even big brother would make that mistake

    • Then why did Julie ask Jessie on her exit Interview if it would be awkward being in the jury house with Judd?

      • Because julie isnt exactly the sharpest thinking on her feet, either that or the guy making the questions wasnt thinking.

        You do realize shr never told the hgs directly yhat theyd have a shot to come back in? Cant make it too obvious by not asking her about the one kinda and im using kinda very lightly, interesting stroyline on thr show

  11. They need to be given some power so they can not get evicted right away. An automatic HOH win would be very useful, it’s not as powerful as coup d’etat or diamond power of veto. Or maybe just at least give them advantage in the next HOH competition. they’ve all been voted out with unanimous vote so everyone will unanimously want to get rid of him/her so yeah i hope it’s not just a elongated week of BB.

  12. It’d be tough to come back since everyone’s alliances will have been pretty much locked in by then. You’d have to work pretty much on your own, and the only way to stay would be to win the comps.

  13. I hope Candice wins it!! I have a feeling Helen will win if she is evicted but I really hope Candice can get in and win HOH! She deserves it!! She looks so amazing when she was evicted and I love how she cussed GM!

  14. I really hope they don’t bring anyone back, they’ll probably end up being evicted the following week.

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