Big Brother 15: Top 10 Moments – Part 2

Picking up where we left off yesterday we’ve got the second half of the Big Brother 15 Top 10 moments from the season. If you missed events 10 through 6 then jump back here first and get caught up. Now on to the rest of the list.

#5: Fight Night – “Whatcha Gonna Do Girl?”

Big Brother 15 - GM & Candice fight

We saw some wild arguments and fights this season but none come close to the impact of what happened back on July 12th following Nick’s eviction in Week 2. Candice and Aaryn had already been butting heads over Aaryn’s hat and adding in a dose of a very emotional GinaMarie pushed things over the edge. Of course, having the Mean Girls alliance on the ropes with Helen’s HoH win didn’t help the situation.

Aaryn came in to the back bedroom and flipped Howard & Candice’s bed up against the wall. When Candice confronted Aaryn over it the Mean Girls attacked together, each calling out hateful, racial remarks at Candice. GinaMarie even got up in Candice’s face before she had to be carried out of the room by Howard who wanted to avoid the fight.

Howard and Candice faced a long night of tears and frustration over the treatment they received. It wasn’t the first we had seen of terrible, racially-driven attacks from GinaMarie and Aaryn, but it sure kept the landslide moving.

#4: Double Eviction blindsides

Big Brothe 15 Double Eviction

On a much more entertaining note, the Double Eviction blindsides didn’t disappoint this year. We got not one, but two high-intensity nights this season and while the first was personally disappointing for me both delivered on the drama.

First up we saw Candice head out and no one was surprised, but when Aaryn won HoH followed by the Veto most were surprised to see Judd in the hot seat. Helen worked her angles and got what she wanted: Judd’s eviction. HGs were left in tears and Judd was left in shock.

Round two of the DE’s was way bigger. Leading in to the eviction night both nominees were promised safety but when the time came Andy flipped his vote and Amanda went out the door. She wouldn’t be the only big target that night though when McCrae managed to secure his own safety and force the Exterminators to shift their plans and eliminate Elissa. Both ladies were two of the biggest players this year for the attention and support they received. Their departure was a loss for dynamics of the game, but at least they went out in grand fashion.

#3: Amanda runs the house and then gets run out

Amanda as Bubby the Granny

I’m not sure we’ve seen someone with so much control and so little actual power in years. Amanda jumped in to the HoH bed in Week 1 and never looked back. She intimated HGs and manipulated HoHs like nobody’s business. The only thing she couldn’t do was pull off a win of her own. Sure, she eventually got one, but it only delayed the inevitable at that point.

Somehow, even when Amanda was most vulnerable as America nominated her twice in a row she managed to escape eviction. “Not this week” was the preferred line when the idea was floated of sending her home. Everyone was so afraid of her they were even too afraid to vote her out!

Eventually the task fell to GinaMarie but it was really just a matter of being in the right place at the right time as any of the Exterminators would have made that move. But credit where it’s due, when the nominations were over GM didn’t back down and she didn’t cower before Amanda’s outrage. The Exterminators stuck together and voted Amanda out just a few rounds shy of the finish line.

Yes, Amanda was abrasive, obnoxious, and couldn’t stand up against half the attacks she aimed at others, but she gave us something to talk about each week.

#2: Floating finish to a “No Floater” summer

Big Brother 15 - Spencer

During the BB15 preseason host Julie Chen promised us a season free of floaters. It’d be a “No Floater Summer” we were told. Ahh yes, how’d that work out? We’re now looking at a Final Three consisting of Andy, GinaMarie, and Spencer.

From the last 3 HGs it’s hard to pick who was the biggest floater. I’d usually qualify that on a HG moving from power to power, but who ever really took Spencer in? No one. He was just used as a pawn over and over and managed to survive. You really couldn’t call him much of a player though because try to name one move he made.

Then you’ve got GinaMarie who was a bit of a victim of her Blondentourage alliance being demolished and her floating off in to Big Brother space to drift aimlessly. She did usually manage to become buddy-buddy with whoever had power, but she tended to be friendly with everyone else at the same time.

Last, there’s Andy, everyone’s “closest ally.” He worked with Helen, then he worked with McCranda, then he worked against Helen, then he… who knows where Andy really stood, but he sure moved around alot.

It wasn’t until the very end that these three formed a new alliance together, but I don’t think that really “exterminates” their past behavior in the house. Keeping your head down and going with the group turned out to be the best move you could make all season and it’s going to net someone a half-million dollars.

#1: Season of Hate

Big Brother 15 disclaimer

There’s just no way around this one. We were just days in to the BB15 season when Aaryn Gries and GinaMarie Zimmerman began unleashing their racial hate. Amanda and Spencer soon starting using homophobic slurs when talking to Andy. Guy after guy began using degrading comments against women inside and out of the house. Then there were even attacks on HGs’ children. It was simply the most bizarre, “what are they thinking and what the heck is wrong with them?” season of behavior.

While it seemed like HGs were warned to knock it off they soon started it up again and it never really went away. Back home Aaryn and GinaMarie lost contracts and jobs. Spencer received a “we don’t agree with him” disclaimer from his employer. Eventually CBS had to start flashing a disclaimer in front of the Feeds and every broadcast show.

One of the most frustrating aspects of all this hate was that it made it practically impossible to root for so many of the HGs. Aaryn turned in to a competition beast and was pulling out wins with her back against the wall, but how do you root for someone like that? Their behavior managed to suck the fun out of too many events and shift the focus from the game to whatever awfulness they were up to that day.

It was a sad and disappointing result with much of the HGs. And since CBS has confirmed that yes, there will be another season, I think we can expect a return of former HGs that are known quantities or older, more closely screened cast members. I imagine this season will be remembered for many things, but it won’t be for great game moves.

So there’s my list. I’m sorry to have ended it on that note, but there it is. Honestly, it wasn’t nearly as easy to write this top ten list as it has been in the past. Yes, I still love the Big Brother game and yes, I do believe CBS can get BB back to its glory days. At this point I’m just ready to move on and wait for a new season.

What makes up your Top 10 list for Big Brother 15?



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  1. I have to say your #1, 2 & 3 are spot on!!!!!
    Never before has there been this type of HG, or so many floaters. There were others who I suspect would have been floaters but they didn’t make it that far. I really, really hope BB does go back to what it had in the beginning and screen HG better. Thanks Matthew and Branden for a well informed season. Have really enjoyed debating with people on here. It was the only saving grace to this season. I also am so excited about Survivor starting tomorrow night. See all there starting at 7 and back here 8:30 central time of course.

    • Mostly agree with you Brenda. And yes, thank you ”Big Brother Network” for all your hard work and for managing probably the toughest season of comment boards.

  2. I am just ready for this season to end. Alot of things just irked me about the season and the fact that the winner of BB 15 will either be.
    A vile hateful person, A disgusting mysogynistic pedophile, or A mean floating rat…. smh
    I hope these HG watch the season and learn about themselves.

      • No Spencer is the LAST person I want to see win. Aside from his terrible gameplay his personality is disgusting. He constantly bash people for no reason, calling girls cunts and talking bad about them. If Spencer wins it’s a disgrace to BB

  3. Season of Hate. Aptly named. I have a really sad feeling deep in the pit of my stomach because I watched a compilation of the hate on thewrap. Sickening! They all need to be isolated on an island! While I’m on the subject, I am not happy that Candice was shown crying in the DR because her tears were about her poor treatment and covering her face with her hands was clearly a sign of shame, though the shame was never hers. It belongs to those who would project it on them because of their negative feeling about themselves. Sad season.

    • BB is a game about more that phsyical comps, its all about mental stamina. Candice was weak mentally and obviously not prepared for the mental aspect of this game. She should have just taken the higher road and held her head high and refuted the other s poor behavior with well thought out come-backs and put them in their place…. she didn’t do well defending herself though and sufffered for it. Weak players finish last.

      • Are you so sure you (or anyone) could’ve withstood and remained impartial when faced with that much hatred being aimed at you?

      • Candice is strong because had that been me, There is a 65% chance I would have went home for breaking their jaws

  4. All things considered, it was a great season. Lots of real people with real issues. Always something new or controversial every week. The casting may have been poor but production dropped the ball on controlling their inexcuseable behavior. Production was very weak in its response to the slurs spoken by some hg’s and should have nipped it in the bud early on with severe penalties or expulsion. Still, a way better season than if we had to watch returning players, that would have been BORING and a complete FAIL. Please, no returning houseguests, there are millions who want to play just pick a better variety of players.

    • Yes if there is ANYTHING positive about this season, I’d say at least they didn’t have returning house guests, which is refreshing.

  5. This season started a century ago and it’s finally ending and I am not one bit sad. I got over big brother ending about 2 weeks ago mainly because that’s the time frame (after 75 days) when it ends so i’m overspent.

  6. After reading this top 5, all I can say is, after tomorrow night, I’m going to work real hard at forgetting eveything about BB 15.

  7. CBS had to have known going into this season what to expect. They cast people who the younger demographic is going to watch, and what you end up with is a bunch of immature people who cause tons of drama. This season was more about the fights/drama than it was good game play.

    But, when you cast people who are there to have a good time, this is what happens. It seemed like most of these house guests were there for the experience, rather than to win 500k. All I heard was how everyone wanted to get to jury house, and if they did, it would be considered a success. That’s just not good enough. I’m not interested in players whose goal is to make jury. I want CBS to cast people who are there to play the best game possible.

    Again, that’s why Dan is awesome. He’s not there to make friends or “soak it all up”. He’s there to kick butt and do whatever it takes to make it to Final 2. No offense to like Candice or Jessie. But really, what did they see in those two that made them think “oh this house guest will be awesome”.

    Sad season.

    • Was right there with you until you mentioned Candice & Jessie… but yes overall I’d say you’re right. You reap what you sow. Young frat party house guests reap ”Jersey Shore” results.

      • That is why you need a mix of people like they did when BB had Dan on with he Col and Renny. The older generation provides authority in the house (like parents are there and the Ah do not act up.

      • Yup that was my biggest rant on here for the firs 1/2 of the season. I get the fact that TnA sells (so you want as many young hot bodies on there), but seriously, do we need another show like that? Big Brother should’ve stuck with what it was good at – putting a diverse group of people (ages, cultures, religions, regions) together and watch how they plot or ally themselves.

    • The cast wasn’t the problem this season, it was the lack of control and enforcement of rules by production. They didn’t stop the rude behavior and didn’t rule on the cheating in the comps… They have lost the main aspect of “big brother”…. total control over the houseguests… this production team had NO control.

      • No it was the cast that made this the worst season. Out of the 16 HG this season, I only liked 6 of them. The rest their personality is tragic. Bashing somebody due to their race, gender, lifestyle,and family is disgusting.

        Gameplay wise, these group of HG dont have any. They dont have a mind of their own. The “lets vote with the house” strategy is sad. Also the fact that only floaters are left in the game just a disgrace. Add that with the unlikability of the remaining 3 HG, in my opinion makes this the worst season.

      • Which 6 would you want back? I’d invite: Jessie, McCrae, Candice, Nick, Judd & Helen. The rest were complete train wrecks in my opinion.

      • For All Stars? I would invite back, Helen, Elissa, Amanda (even thought I cant stand her)

        For returning players its the same 3 people I picked for All stars… plus Judd and MAYBE McCrae… and MAYBE Aaryn for redemption because she played a good game.

        For the 6 people I liked its: Candice, Jessie, Helen, Elissa, Howard, and Judd.. and Nick just a little bit.

      • Production shouldn’t need to enforce rules because a good group of house guests wouldn’t feel the need to break em.

  8. The only way that that CBS can make up for this, is if they do an all-stars season that will last 100+ days! Can you imagine that, if Dani, Dick, Brendon, Rachel, Elissa, Helen, Frank, Dan, Ian, and I’m sorry to say it Amanda and McCrae and many others all came back to play an all-stars season. EPIC!!!!

    • Any season with returning players (all stars : i doubt it) would really really suck bad. I am sick of Dani, Dick , Brendon and Rachel, sick of Elissa already, can’t stand helen…. liked frank though… Hated Dan the liar and backstabber, thought Ian was extremely annoying to watch with his constant rocking in the hammock etc etc… all stars season EPIC FAIL in my opinion.

  9. Thank you, guys, for the recaps on a terrible season. You did the best you could with the crappy hand you were dealt! I’ve only been watching a few seasons, so I’m unaware of all the rules. When Amanda & GM chest bumped, shouldn’t they have gotten in trouble for that? Were the murder threats ok because no physical harm was done? Last, but not least, is there a site like this for Survivor?!

  10. There were lots of fights this year and none were surprising. I expected Aaryn to be a bitch along with Kaitlyn, and GM is more of a follower in my opinion. The bed incident was ridiculous. The fact that no one stepped in at any point made me lose respect for BB production. Especially when Jeremy took Elissa’s property and rubbed it on his anus. Disgusting HG’s in my opinion. BB production dropped the ball this year when not keeping their HG’s under control.

    The DE’s were lame. I had no problem with Judd going. He was a dud, especially following McCranda around like Andy did. Telling them everything. In my opinion he was sucky at game play, especially when he came back for the second time. I was quite taken aback by McCrae voting out Elissa. He KNEW Andy was the culprit and he still went along with the house. If McCrae would have played a smarter game he would still be there.

    Amanda was so obnoxious. I disliked her more and more as time went on. She was such a vile person. Her hate went beyond gay bashing. She talked about slitting HG throats, raping them with objects, and the list goes on. People who didn’t have live feeds didn’t get to see the real Amanda. I don’t care if she manipulated people, had 0 wins and still managed to be a scary player in the game, her attitude and mouth were disgusting. If she wasn’t like that, I think I could like Amanda alittle even if she was abrasive. GM nominating her did not impress me. GM gets no props from me. GM could have nominated her the first time she was HOH, GM had “no balls” and was scared herself. She was in a good position to get Amanda out, because any Lamexterminator was going to put Amanda and McCrae up anyways. Besides who couldn’t have won the chicken coop comp?

    The year of the floater is correct. Spencer is absolutely useless. His one HOH win was worthless considering everyone else was useless. GM was NO beast at comps. The comps were not difficult and weren’t mentally or physically draining. GM also happened to face a bunch of weak ass people with no game. GM’s first HOH was lame. She got Candice out, which was a personal move. Andy was a rat. I don’t mind rats, but he was carried through the whole game. He tried to take credit for everyone’s departure, especially the likes of Helen and Aaryn.

    The season of the racists and bullies. BB production lacked rules and not stepping in when necessary. There were so many nasty things being said in the house, the hate was growing and growing. You had Aaryn with her racist remarks and gay slurs. David added things as well. Kaitlyn said hateful things. Jeremy was hateful and a bully and did nasty things to anothers personal property. GM with her racist remarks and her even going as far as saying disgusting things about Elissa’s kid. Spencer with his racist remarks, gay bashing and woman hating. Andy was even lending his word or two with hate bashing. Lets not forget Amanda. Such a vile person. Goodness, the list goes on and on with these people. Nearly every single one was mean and nasty. They were not playing a game, they were nasty and aimed everything personal this year.

    Thank you, BBN for all the updates. You were amazing. Hopefully BB is better next year. This is the first time I couldn’t wait for a season to be over with. Someone undeserving is going to win, and that’s why the win is unimportant and lame.

    • I couldn’t agree more. When I first heard of the MVP twist I figured “man this is gonna be one awesome season!” Sadly that wasn’t the case.

      Starting from the very first week I was disgusted with half of the things the houseguests said/did. I figured it was just the infamous “first week of Big Brother” kicking in. Nope. It was the whole season that was very disheartening.

      The only thing I enjoyed the most about this season was when Julie Chen called out Aaryn on all the racist remarks that she said. I laughed when Aaryn tried to explain why she said those racist things. Sorry Aaryn but you can’t fool everyone with your fake apology.

      Now onto the floaters. I think one of Rachel Riley’s comments on Twitter said it best. These houseguests don’t need life vests. They need a freaking life raft. It’s sad to think one of these three are going to win Big Brother.

      I could go on for hours about how terrible I thought this season was but I’m sure all of you here already know how bad it was. Here’s to hoping that the next season of Big Brother is a million times better.

      I would like to thank BBN as well for the constant updates they’ve provided. Not everyone has the live feeds and I greatly appreciate the dedication and effort that went into all of the information you provided us. I can say with a smile on my face that I would check this site usually three-four times a day for any new updates. You guys have yet to disappoint me. Continue to do the awesome job you guys do :).

  11. I hate to say this but….production couldn’t step in when all the racist stuff was said and other mean things due to “freedom of speech.” If they had kicked out Aaryn or Spencer for what they said you can bet people who think like Aaryn would be helping her sue CBS because our constitution allows her to hate and speak hate. I don’t agree with any of the horrible things said this season and yes BB didn’t do a very good job with casting but they didn’t know that until the season started. Unfortunately they had to make due with what they could. For as much as we hate what was said by the hgs this summer there are people out there who agree with it and cbs knew it. It was a sad season for sure.

    • Actually you are incorrect about the Freedom Of Speech useage. In fact, there are several places where a moderate expectation (or Code Of Conduct) supercedes the Freedom Of Speech… Think about your workplace for example, or your school, or your public library, or…etc at none of these places can you say and act however you want. You are expected to abide by the codes of conduct to those places. The problem Big Brother has, is that their Code Of Conduct (far as we know) only includes very broad general guidelines about physical & verbal assault (so much of it is at the whim of the producers to enact). The reason so many of us are upset with Big Brother this season is that no such implementation was given to discipline the house guests even though a broad code of conduct is in place… Many people compared it to the Canadian version of Big Brother (where some of the house guests were penalized for behaviour that violated the conduct)… Mind you it’s a different cultural context, and the Canadian version isn’t as focussed on ratings as it was on political correctness.

  12. “At this point, I’m just ready to move on and wait for next season.” My thoughts exactly!

  13. Thank you Matthew for your synopsis of the season. I know it’s been a real task trying to remain unbiased with all the insanity in that house.

    I’m not sure if others see this point of view but watching this season made me realize they were keeping in line with so many other reality shows on television. It seems producers actually encourage bad behavior in order to get “ratings”. It has always floored me to see grown adults exhibiting such bad behavior on television. I don’t get watching shows like the housewives shows, jersey shore, etc… I find it such a waste of time. That’s why I was really disappointed with this season of BB. There’s usually someone who acts badly each season but to have SO MANY of them act that way was heartbreaking for me. I’ve always loved BB but if they continue down this road I’ll be tuning out for good.

  14. they need to stop getting people in their early to mid twenties and get people in their early to mid thirties. hopefully that will stop some of the horrible behavior.. but ya never know.

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