Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Week 12 Tuesday Highlights


Well this is our final Big Brother 15 Live Feeds Highlights post and instead of being sad and nostalgic, I’m thrilled! And that’s never happened. But regardless how you feel about this season, the important thing is that we have Big Brother 16 to look forward to!

But anyway, back to the present for a bit. It’s finale eve in the house and the HGs aren’t even acting like it. NO game talk is going on and production doesn’t even have them packing up or cleaning.

Read about those moments and others on our Live Feed highlights below. And remember to sign-up now for the Big Brother Feeds so you can watch any of these moments by using the Flashback archive feature.

Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights –  Tuesday, September 17, 2013

10:33 AM BBT – Feeds cut. Wake-up time.

11:00 AM BBT – Feeds back. GinaMarie, Spencer and Andy are outside laying in the yard. They’re on outdoor lockdown.

11:19 AM BBT – Andy mentions this is the last time they’ll see the backyard until after the finale.

11:36 AM BBT – HGs head inside for an indoor lockdown. They say goodbye to the backyard.

11:40 AM BBT – Andy arrogantly says see ya later and heads back to bed. Maybe they’ve figured out no one wants to see them anymore anyway.

11:50 AM BBT – All HGs are back in bed.

1:38 PM BBT – Feeds had cut and when they returned, all HGs are up. They’re going to be on lockdown in the HOH room.

2:05 PM BBT – Feeds cut to trivia.

2:12 PM BBT – Lockdown over. HGs are going back downstairs. They think they’re messing with them to keep them from going to bed.

2:15 PM BBT – They all go back to bed.

4:30 PM BBT – HGs are finally up for the day. They’re now eating.

5:05 PM BBT – HGs are sitting in the living room. Small talk. Nothing else going on.

5:27 PM BBT – HGs are back on lockdown in the HOH room.

5:28 PM BBT – Andy asks production to play some music. Feeds cut. Presume they’re playing music for them.

6:35 PM BBT – Feeds return.

7:20 PM BBT – HGs in the kitchen talking while GM makes ChexMix.

7:30 PM BBT – HGs are playing cards.

8:05 PM BBT – Card game ends. GM heads off to the bathroom.

8:25 PM BBT – HGs got crafts to paint. They talk a little while painting figurines like dinosaurs.

9:05 PM BBT – Andy decides to have a beer.

10:20 PM BBT – Andy getting a little loopy after just two beers.

10:35 PM BBT – Andy is very nervous that he’ll end up third. He keeps promising Spencer he’s taking him.

11:30 PM BBT – Spencer and Andy chatting away while GM is in the shower. Andy just keeps drinking away.

12:15 AM BBT – HGs sitting around playing cards. Andy is still drinking.

1:15 AM BBT – Andy and Spencer still just hanging out and talking about the game as GM roams in and out. Andy claims no one spoke any game to him until Week 5. Andy says he knows he was portrayed as a floater.

1:53 AM BBT – Spencer puts fake eyes on, looks at the camera, and says, “y’all get some sleep. We got a big show tomorrow.” Lights out.

So that’s that. One of these three lazy jokers is going to walk away with the money tonight. And I’ll see you next summer.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. On BBAD while Andy was busy drinking his beer he was telling Spencer about the gay bars by his house in Chicago. I live in the same neighborhood and I can assure you his take is very inaccurate. He mentioned only a few that tells me a lot about his social circle however, he there were several bars he called “slimy” and other negative comments. If I was one of those bar owners (a few are friends of mine), I would certainly contact CBS or something about it . Why do they allow these establishments to get negative publicity from an idiot like Andy? I know it is his opinion but they do not allow other things to be said or sung on the show. JMO

    • thx bbfan…hope Andy does get into trouble. The whole scene was irritating. It was hard to tell if Andy was recruiting Spencer or if he was trying to run those bars down!! CBS does not seem to care what these people do for some reason…maybe a lawsuit is what it is going to take to get them to realize that they screwed up in allowing these degenerates to stay in the game!

      • PS…thanks Matt for all you did to make sure that the info on here was accurate…I do truly appreciate that!!

  2. Thank you for the wonderful updates..Looking forward to reading them again next year.
    .All I have to say is..Andy is a liar and a snake who has been the first one to break silence in every conversation to pat himself on the back for something he thinks he did right, Spencer is a sloppy nose picking, crotch grabbing sad excuse for a man who did nothing but lay around all season, too bad McCranda didn’t have room in their bed for him, and GinaMarie is a wannabe tough girl with I/3 of normal brain matter who can’t put a sentence together without at least one grammar mistake who thinks shes still model material after eating 24/7 and gaining 20 lbs…See ya next year!! Big Brother <3

  3. Good, maybe Andy will be hung over for the final HOH competition and really will get 3rd place!

  4. I looking forward to the “After The Show” show. Since it will be on the net only, I think the glove are finally going to come off. I can’t see Jeff S. holding off on anything. I think that it is CBS way of giving us what was needed to close this awful season.

    cbs dot com/connect/events/1000053/

  5. Thanks BBN for all your hard work, knowing this season was a rough one to cover. I will say one good thing about BB15, I thought the comps were good. They’ve come a long way from the early years. Tonight should be enteresting to see how the Jury really feels or will they wuss out. Andy will probably cry, Spencer will scratch something and GM will jump on Nick.

    • So true. I can’t stand any of them, but I think that GM will have the hardest time after this of any of them. She seems to really care what people think about her and her life as she knows it is essentially over. Maybe with some of this money she can go to school and learn a few things.

  6. I hate the fact that one of these assh*les is going to win BB 15 but thanks for the web site to vent my frustrations!!

  7. I don’t think I want to see any of these contestants back. Except maybe Amanda. I’d like to see how she’d do against real players.

    • I honestly don’t think ANY of these would have lasted very long against real players. Helen and Amanda would have had the best chance. Helen had to completely change her game when she saw what she was up against. Real players would have gotten rid of Amanda quick or used her as a buffer hiding what they were doing until she was no longer useful.

      • Helen was not that smart or she would have seen through Andy..Elissa told her who the threats were but she ignored her. If Amanda had of gotten up out of bed in the last 3 weeks before her eviction she would have realized that Andy was backstabbing her. Jessee was the smartest out of all 16 players. She had the dirt on everybody cause she listened more than she talked. Jessee could have saved herself if she had of kept up the rants and told ” all ” she

      • Helen’s hubris is what brought her down, to bad Andy’s didn’t (at least not yet). What a girl can hope can’t she. Andy for 3rd!

  8. I think that Big Brother should pay us fans for having to endure the WORST Big Brother season ever !!!!

  9. There is a blog on the Jokers website about possible (slander) lawsuits facing Amanda Andy Spencer & GM after the show. I can believe this might happen. It is entirely possible. I would be safe in saying that CBS can’t be sued because of the disclaimer. But there is nothing to stop a HG or a member of the HGs family from filing a lawsuit. It’s possible that CBS knows that this is a possibility. If so could be why CBS did not call a halt to the demeaning belittling slurs and slanderous remarks. All CBS would be libel for is to release the tapes. Just think if this happens that Andy GM or Spencer wins the money they still lose. It would be justice served..

  10. Brendan,
    Could you please post the link for your Survivor web site? Some people do not know that you have a web site. Thanks

  11. I always want BB to start up again from the moment the finale is over from the last season… I can’t wait til this is over tonight so it will be time to wait for the next cast and I hope that they have a better cast next year- please just give us a decent group of people. This is a big country- it shouldn’t be that hard to find under 20 decent people. I am not sure how these people got through- but I hope that the process is more thorough next year!!!!

  12. Im so bored with this bb15 . I hope next summer is better… Please don’t let Andy win or Spencer they.did nothing the whole show . Give it to GM really who cares. Chat with u all later looking forward to seeing Bb15

  13. A big Thank you for posting all of the highlights for us this year. They were a huge help to many of us.

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