It’s spoiler time for Big Brother 15 and we’ve got your nomination spoilers from the Live Feeds. The Feeds are on and we’re able to listen in and see who has been nominated and who is going to compete for the Veto. This would be an ideal time to sign-up so you can try out the Feeds and see what other fans are watching everyday inside the house.
Despite all the chaos and drama last night thanks to Amanda being on the warpath, the new HoH was able to plan for tonight’s nominations. Today we learned there’d be little variance from that plan so here we are. Read on to find out who is on the block.
Big Brother 15 Week 6 Nominations:
- Candice
- Jessie
Candice is currently the main target, but she dodged that bullet last week. Can she do it again? Jessie is more of a pawn and was the option GM went with instead of Spencer. Time to see how these ladies handle their time on the block together.
The third nominee will be revealed tomorrow before the Veto competition. Remember that if America votes for one of the nominated HGs or the HoH then it’ll go to the next in line. According to the votes in this week’s poll (unofficial, non-CBS results) we might get a chance to have Amanda on the block two weeks in a row. Oh the drama. Oh the fun!
That Veto competition will be held very soon, probably on Saturday, so stay close and keep checking in for those spoilers. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and get our free email updates to find out as soon as the Veto results are in.
Stupid! Get Amanda and Helen the hell out of there! Have some balls and make a move!
Add Andy to that list too.
Why screw those playing a good game?
Helen is the only one actually playing BB…why does everyone want her out??…
RIght?!?!? people are getting mad at the people that are actually playing the game! Everyone should keep there votes on Aaryn who does not deserve to be there. Do these people really think this game would be fun and intense if Helen and Amanda are gone?
Helen, Amanda and Judd are all coddling Aaryn! Now, it makes it even harder to evict Aaryn for that reason! That is why I am using my MVP votes to nominate Aaryn, Helen and Judd! The votes of the Aaryn coddlers need to be stripped to even give a chance to Aaryn being evicted!
I’m sorry, why should Aaryn not be there? Because she’s a “racist”? Newsflash, racist people claim to be racist. She’s just stupid. Also, 2 HoHs. Guess what, she knows Helen is running the house and she got on her good side.
Looks like she deserves to be there to me.
She only got the first HOH because of Je remy and because they cheated. And I hate to tell you but racists people don’t always advertise they are racists. She is a racists and I do agree that she is ignorant.
They didn’t cheat… With all the strife she caused CBS this year. If they have actually cheated Production would have called them out.
They did cheat. was clearly shown in the live feeds but production didn’t penalize then for it. You don’t think production help manipulate this game? They turned a blind eye because it made for an interesting HOH for the week.
PLUS they admitted to cheating on the live feeds.
I agree Diana!
Not me! I want Helen to stay…as Diana said…Helen is one of the few actually playing BB this year.
I love Helen!
There are different reasons why people hate Helen. I liked her before but, hated her for coddling Aaryn! She has ruined the game because now, it has become very hard to evict Aaryn with her, Amanda and Judd all coddling Aaryn! That is 3 sure votes against anyone on the block with Aaryn! How is that fair? People were complaining about Elissa getting MVP for 3 weeks but, this is worst because it gives Aaryn an unfair advantage over the other players in the game! Aaryn can literally float, week after week without being seriously threatened of eviction even if she winds up on the block! So, that is the reason I hate Helen and hope she gets backdoored by someone in her alliance!
I agree that Helen is actually playing the game. But I believe that Amanda is, also. Just in a different way.
All Amanda is doing is riding people’s coat tails. What has she won? All she is doing is using her lady charm on poor unsuspecting McCrea
I think McCrae sees exactly who she is. You can’t hide who you are in that house, especially not from someone you’re attached to at the hip 24/7.
Has anyone heard anything about a double eviction this week
Yes. There will be a double eviction this week.
we got football on our channels Thursday
Football is over rated.
Watch online…
having other people do the dirty work isnt “playing the game” Amanda hasnt won anyting. All she does is ride coat tails. She needs to go. And if these houseguests want to win the game, they need to get Helen out next. Otherwise, shes the next BB winner.
Having other people do your dirty work is one of the most effective strategies. You get what you want done, yet no one knows it was you. That is how many people win this game. Manipulation, creating false perceptions, getting people to do your dirty. These are all part of BB.
Also, big brother is not about winning competitions. Its all about the mind game.
If people like GM and Judd are allowing themselves to be manipulated then kudos to Amanda and Helen. The best this season imo.
I get that and thats all the more reason why they need to get her out. I would rather someone else win. Someone like helen. But if these people are smart howard said it best, they need to get helen and amanda out if any of them want to win.
For sure. From what i’ve seen, Amanda’s behaviour has gotten a little out of hand. Helen does everything with a smile on her face. This lady really must be good at her job ! haha. I still can’t believe Aaryn is there. As much as I think it was a good strategy to work with her because Aaryn knew she was done for, I just want her gone soooooo bad. She just so mean spirited. Amanda kinda blew up at a boiling point, Aaryn is just mean all day everyday.
Amanda’s behavior got a little out of hand? I would say a lot out of hand. Helen with a smile on her face? All she does is cry and fake crying most of the time.
I want Amanda gone because she is a nasty vile disgusting person. Playing the game is one thing, even name calling but wishing bodily harm is another.
And the object of the game is taking out the strong players and win that $500,000. In Survivor, the players take out the strongest players on day 1! In Big Brother, they float till the end where one player, finally decides they want the $500,000 over everyone else! Last year, Ian atleast, deserved it—-he played the game! This is the worst bunch of players who don’t even try!
Um, every single person is “trying” except Jessie. Seven of the remaining HGs have won at least one comp. Andy is constantly in talks about who to nominate and vote for, keeping check on his alliances, and sharing information. Candice has been trying to flip the vote, though she is failing.
Hate this cast because they are colossal jerks, but to say they “don’t even try” to play the game is just ignorant.
Even Jessie tried by trying to help flip the house along with Howard, Candace, Spencer and they thought they might have GM and then hoped Aaryn might break the tie.
Candice blasted Spencer who was trying to save her and Howard. Jessie is non-existent, so with Elissa. Andy tattle tailing, okay I will call that playing the game. McCrae is just floating. Aaryn is floating after the coddling she got from Helen, Amanda and Judd. Judd is also pretty much floating and just going along with everyone else! Only Helen and Amanda has played this game. Gina Marie just gave up her HOH for another week of safety if you call that playing. You are entitled to your opinion but, none of these house guests outside of Helen or Amanda have done anything remotely close to playing the game!
I do it all the time. :-)
The problem with that Chris is everyone does know that it is them. If they were manipulating by keeping it a secret then I agree the strategy is good. They are in so many alliances together who doesn’t know? Then the ones who weren’t included in their alliances figured it out anyway and got the boot for it or are now on the block. They all gather in one big group talking and discussing everything. So again who doesn’t know?
Wrong. Helen is more snesky. Amanda more threatening, but this is a big boy/girl game folks so if you dont like it give em tyr boot
Amanda IS the coat tails. Everyone does what she wants.
Amanda is doing a lot of background work like suggesting things to people that affects the choices they make. I also give her credit for talking to Aaryn about how she is being viewed with her racist comments. So even if she is not head of household she is still playing and influencing the game.
She needs to take her own advice, she is not viewed so well either. She has said some really nasty racist and other things.
They need to vote off Andy! He does absolutely nothing in this game!
All the more reason for them to keep him. Anyone would probably win against him. Besides jesse of course!
Ok point made! I’m just tried of his game play or lack there of.
Maintaining two different alliances (Helen/Elissa/Candice on one side, Amanda/McCrae/Aaryn on the other), constantly talking with HGs about where the vote stands and who to nominate, and sharing information about deals and strategy is your idea of “nothing”?
Helen is actually playing the game. As is Amanda but her bully personality and derogatory comments are what put me off. She’s a female Jeremy but I even think Jeremy is nicer than she is. Aaryn should go up as the MVP nom. She doesn’t deserve to be in the house.
Most of you are clearly just jealous of Aaryn because she is sexy and beautiful. Im sorry that you think this world if full of rainbows and butterflies. Newsflash: blacks and minorities commit over 85% off all violent crime. That stat goes up to 90% if you only count murders and robberies. I should know, I’m in law school at one of the most prestigious Universities in the country. Why don’t you stop watching Big Brother and writing about it, if you hate it so much. Maybe people would stop being racist if minorities would stop raping, robbing and murdering the good white people of our country. They need to remember that it was the white man that brought them to our country to begin with. Even if they were slaves, we still brought them to the US, otherwise they would be rotting in Africa or Nigeria, infected with Aids and HIV and have herds of little monkeys running around them. They should be thanking the white people, instead of complaining and asking for handouts. Aaryn just had the guts to speak the truth!
Wow. White people commit crimes too. you’re mindset is way ot there. Ill be praying for you.
I absolutely agree that white people commit crimes too. I stated the true % that is in every criminal law book from the last 10 years. Whites commit between 10 and 20% of all violent crimes. Black and miniorities commit between 80 and 90%. The facts don’t lie. Im sorry the facts offend you. But the killing of innocent white women and children at the hands of mongrels offends me.
While what your saying is true to a point. The point being how much of those statistics are black on white. Because the high crime rate you are speaking of is black on black so how does that effect the white. I lived in one of those cities for 50 years. While it was a high crime rate when it was broken down it was black on black. Seems the racist would be pleased with that.
Thank god someone on here actually has some intelligence. I agree with everything you just said. Your right, most is black on black or black on hispanic. But if you also compare white on black crime against black on white crime, there is a huge difference. Im sorry that people are clearly so sheltered that they have never heard the words that have been spoken on Big Brother this season. If people want racism to stop, then black fathers need to stop walking out on their kids. They need to stop dropping out of school and selling/ doing drugs. And they need to stop blaming white people for stuff that happened hundreds of years ago. I dont owe them a handout because people I dont even know, inslaved them. No one should be a slave. But its been a long time. Get over it and stop using it as an excuse to be poor, uneducated and a criminal.
First, I’m a black man & I have never walked out on my kids. Get your facts straight. Let’s get real. You said people like myself and those of my race are uneducated and poor. I don’t sell drugs or cause trouble. If want to talk about oppression and prosecution of people in our society, blame Ronald Reagan. and cronies. He conspired to allow free drug trades, the Iran Contraband, the HIV epidemic and other civil issues that still haunt us till this day. Every day its hard to be a black man in this country. People make assumptions like this fag right here and think that we are all the same. I’m just grateful I’m and the rest of us on here are not a scumbag like you. If you want to talk to me off of here, be my guest. The hollow points in my .45 have your blasphemous name on it. Try me. Say something else recklessly or frivolously…
LOL for like 2 seconds I thought U might not actually belong in a zoo or prison. That was until your last sentence. Where can I find u?? Let me guess on the corner of MLK blvd. Im so sick of all ur peoples sob stories. Get over it. If it wasnt for the white man bringing u to this country as slaves you would still be in Africa dying with all those HIV infected, starving, losers. Why dont you say thank you, for my ancestors bringing you to our country and letting you stay. Do yourself a favor and read or google “The Turner Diaries”. because in a matter of years thats the world you will be living in.
Extreme idiocy… This is the reaction people of color have received for the plus 200 years of this country. Took over the native Americans land but they should be greatful. Brought and kept slaves here but we should be thanking you.
There are actually more whites on drugs, in poverty and on welfare in this country than blacks. And as for crime the biggest difference, which I as systematic problem, is that the conviction rate for people of color is much higher that of whites. Of course most white conservatives what to believe that racism no longer exists unless its people of color being the racists. When the fact is that it does exist across the board. People of color don’t want a hand out, but would like there to be some equality. And no, just because this country elected a black president does not mean racism is extinct.
Bravo xnbafan!
You are truly an ignorant person, and should be ashamed of the things you have said. At least get your facts straight about whose land this is, because last I checked your so called “people” stole this land from the Native Americans.
Yeah People Wake UP! Go to law school at one of the most prestigious Universities in the country, and learn how to steal money legally!
Jimmy McVeigh you are a douche-bag.
…..someone from production must’ve gave Aaryn a laptop with wifi
That, or it’s someone from her PR team.
She never read aloud her (2) HoH letters from home, did she?
LOL. Even I will give u props for that one.
What are you talking about? Are you related to Timothy McVeigh?
It’s actually Aaryns brother from another mother.
Yes Timothy McVeigh is my hero. He is a true patriot. Look up what our government did to the children in waco, texas and then maybe you will understand why Timothy McVeigh blew up that building
Oh your hero?…..ok!
Do have a split personality??? U call James McVeigh a troll but u claim Tim McVeigh is ur hero?? AND I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND THE SENSELESS KILLING OF CHILDREN BY ANY PERSON.
A lot of times you have to refresh it to get the right name. It is the same militant guy James McVeigh who responded to me.
Thank u for clearing that up.. I owe Johnaya an apology. .Am ss I will delete the post if possible
Fly, You are okay, I don’t think she got that message. I believe it went to the right person, even though the name was wrong.
you need help!! your insane! not so proud of your views that you would put a pic up are you???
One of my best friends lost her FATHER in that bombing, you PSYCHO!!!
Saturn, don’t get too upset. This person is a troll…..not worth the energy.
Thanks, Lee. I’ll try to keep that in mind. It’s just that my friend is the sister I never had, and that really tore her up. But you’re right, he’s just not worth it.
Some sad, pathetic people are stuck in their world and for some reason feel the need to share it with us. It’s unfortunate for your friend’s father & family & I feel for them. So sorry. Unfortunately there are people posting here with the mental capacity of a newborn that don’t give a crap about reality.
Im sorry for their loss. Blame the FBI and ATF for killing David Koresh and the children in Waco, Texas. Had Clinton and Janet Reno not ordered the killing and inceneration of over 20 children and 70 adults, then Timothy McVeigh wouldn’t have had to fight back agaist the government.
Please go away.
You really do occupy another plane of reality, don’t you? You disgust me, but you have my sympathies, too.
If we were face to face, you would not be saying bulls$%& like this cause the barrel would be in your mouth
LOL typical black response. Maybe if you all stopped killing each other and went to school, you would be able to respond in an educated way. Or maybe if ur daddy’s stopped running out on u all, maybe u all wouldnt be out in the street selling crack and shooting and robbing. Or maybe if u stopped blaming white people for all your problems, u would move on and learn how to be functioning memebers of society, instead of just filling up our prisons and cashing your welfare checks with all ur baby mama’s!!
Or maybe James if you vented your frustrations elsewhere you might get the response you want.
LOL I just read some of your old comments. You are 1 of the most “racist” people on this site. wow if that aint the pot calling the kettle black. No pun intended
It would appear (from reading ur post) that u are running for election as the Grand Wizard or Imperial Wizard of the KKK. Best of luck to ya… Aaryn will be seeking employment when she leaves the BB House … Maybe u could hire her as “ur” PR person as she knows exactly how ur organization is run….
LOL..I was holding my tongue from saying those…but thank you Flyonthewall
No, this person is a law student at one of the most prestigious universities in the country……KKK School of Law.
Lol you are seriously the worst troll ever….as if white people don’t kill, rape, or commit crimes. (no offense to the white people on this site)…..the alledged prestigious law school you attend seriously made a mistake but letting an idiot like you in.
most if not all notorious serial killers have been white!
FYI- DC snipers were black or muslim. The nightstalker richard ramirez is hispanic. Your statement is actually wrong. 60% are white. 40% are minority
well u a douche with that attitude it is people like you that will have their kids grow up to think racism is the right thing!!! Maybe your university should kick your ass to the curb for your nasty comments. you racist pig!
Another Republican heard from … LOL
Far from it. I’m a libertarian who believes in the Constitution. Especially my 1st amendment right to say whatever the hell I want.
Just trying to get a rise. Dummy
This in reply to James McVeigh since I can’t respond to his comment directly due to it not being active, sorry Kim I’m using your post to get to his but I had to say something.
WOW! Tell us how you really feel! 1st of all I am female & in no way, shape or form jealous of Aaryn. My world IS full of rainbows & butterflies because that is how I choose to live it. Law school, shmaw school don’t care where you go crimes are crimes regardless of color. Not everyone who watches BB hates it so much they have to come here to comment about it. AIDS, HIV & herds of little monkeys have nothing to do with BB. As for Aaryn she is not painting a pretty picture of herself to America, her truth is delusional to normal people. Have a great night.
this is the worst mob mentality I have ever seen dumb dumber and dumbest
Who would you like to see as the MVP nom, then?
Who’s the HOH??
While people on these spoiler sites all seem to want Amanda gone, we’re gonna have to see what the show-only viewers do with their votes. Amanda’s been getting a great edit so far – her diary room sessions are absolutely hysterical! – so chances are those folks are more likely to vote for Aaryn then they are for Amanda. Especially since the polls will have long closed before the blowup between her and Jessie airs on Sunday.
Good observations Saturn! :)
If only those people knew the real Amanda she wouldn’t be looking so funny to them.
Well to be fair, the ‘real’ Amanda isn’t what we see either Jillith. We see what the live feeds let us see of a contestant on a reality show in conditions that are meant to provoke people into emotional outbursts.
True dat! :-)
Hey, no one even mentions Andy! He runs around to everyone and gets the scoop and then runs back and delivers the scoop to anyone..He is running under the rador…people!!
That’s just smart game play on his part…
Yet everyone wears his shirts!
Big Bully Amanda needs to go! She is a perpetrator and when someone gets back at her, like Spencer did, she turns into a victim! That’s a set-up no one can get around.
I just don’t understand the logic of Jessie & Candice. They are no threat what so ever. People say that Helen and Amanda are the only ones “playing” the game and that may be true. But, isn’t part of the game getting threats out when you have the opportunity? Going on 7 weeks in and I still don’t have a favorite player – pitiful…
And, you will probably never have a favorite. This season is a total waste. I’m for sure that I’m not going to watch to the end. I just want to see a few hgs get evicted. If this doesn’t happen soon, I’m throwing in the towel. I’m too embarrassed to even let people know that I’m watching this mess. I, most certainly, will not tell anyone that it is my favorite program. I’m a BB fan, I have watched for 15 years/seasons. Hope next season is better.
I came out of the BB closet this year…
hahahahaha! I may need your help coming out!
It a high school popularity game ! They are not actually playing Big Brother . Production has a huge FAIL on their hands!
Andy has to go hw is the biggest floater he has a deal with everyone and does nothing at all but wander into conversations!!! They are all so freaking boring!!!
How is he a floater? There is no such thing in this game. There is one big group of people and then there is a little group of people. Andy has been with the big group the entire game.
He is the definition of a floater
Floaters a defined as going back and forth between two groups and not picking a side. Andy has picked a side how is he a floater?
Even when the little group gets into power…. GM/Aaryn…. They just do what the big group tells them. There is not even a chance to float in this game.
Psht, lame
Helen should have been a nominee. Now she’ll probably the game.
Can Spencer win and take Jessie off and have Mccrae replace her? That’d be really nice; Mccrae and Amanda on the block together.
If that ever happened, which I doubt; the dumbasses would just vote out Candice.
lol… of course they would.
If this does happen, GM will be forced to put up another person. I would love to see who she chooses and the drama that it will cause.
I can’t stand Amanda!!! I watch BBAD everynight and it makes me want to puke watching McCrae and Amanda laying on each all the time. House full of idiots!!! voting the wrong people out!
This is one of the worst BBs in history. I don’t blame CBS as they could not predict this outcome. Going forward, CBS has to do a better job of setting parameters to guard against bullying and racism.
Stop using the word bullying. That word has no place on reality tv. It belongs in classrooms where kids kill themselves because of it. Stop using it to describe gameplay and personality clashes.
Most of you are clearly just jealous of Aaryn because she is sexy and beautiful. Im sorry that you think this world if full of rainbows and butterflies. Newsflash: blacks and minorities commit over 85% off all violent crime. That stat goes up to 90% if you only count murders and robberies. I should know, I’m in law school at one of the most prestigious Universities in the country. Why don’t you stop watching Big Brother and writing about it, if you hate it so much. Maybe people would stop being racist if minorities would stop raping, robbing and murdering the good white people of our country. They need to remember that it was the white man that brought them to our country to begin with. Even if they were slaves, we still brought them to the US, otherwise they would be rotting in Africa or Nigeria, infected with Aids and HIV and have herds of little monkeys running around them. They should be thanking the white people, instead of complaining and asking for handouts. Aaryn just had the guts to speak the truth!
I hope your post gets removed. What you’re talking about is not relevant to Big Brother. You’re like a broken record. YOU LIVE IN A BUBBLE !
Yes a nice safe, white bubble. FYI My original post was about the ignorant fools saying Aaryn is a racist. Racist are like the people that beat Rodney King, or killed MLK. Not some white model on a reality show.
Whether she is a person on TV or killed King Jr., a racist is a racist. It’s a wild Friday night on here.
Let me guess, Aaryn’s publicist in disguise! I guess they are paying you a lot to troll on this blog. Like it changes anything about Aaryn or how people see her! She is a racist and will always be a racist! LOL
Who cares let her voice her own freedom of speech evem if you dislike her opinions.
You’re a douche
Anyone with the name shawtyloe4life has no room to call anyone a douche. Mayeb what I wrote caused u to look in the mirror and see what I wrote was right.
Don’t let the name fool you. I was referring my comment to James and not you. Mind your damn business. Worry about your own diction and issues.
Got Spellcheck?
Sad individuals are all among us. Stop responding to what you clearly don’t understand!
Didn’t this comment get remove earlier on this board?
sadly it was posted twice… only one of them got removed
I tried to respond to the other one. Maybe I will paste it again here. Some people’s kids I tell ya!
lol. Well said.
If it offends you so much then stop watching it! Everyone has an opinion if their opinion comes off “racist” then so be it. The racism is blown far out of proportion!!
I will continue watching BB as I have since its existence. Knowing what I know, I believe something’s should not be tolerated! The sweet part is when everyone on the show gets an opportunity to experience the backlash once the show ends. I’m not shy to state the obvious.
Every season it’s something. This year is racism, last season was swearing on the bible. It’s BB, you never know what you’re going to get.
These season is one of the worst, second next to the debacle of the couple season. The twist screwed it all up, not allowing the power swings we are used to seeing.
I know. I don’t get these players at all.
Well if we break it down, it makes sense for some of the players to keep doing what they’re doing (e.g. Helen, Elissa…etc) They are in a powerful position with very little threat against them because they are well guarded by others. I think we’re just used to seeing those type of players being used by the ”strong” players (the Howard’s, the Nick’s, the…etc).
Um, how exactly has it done that? In the past two weeks when the MVP nomination was given directly to the viewers, the HGs that went on the block because of it didn’t receive a single vote. It has created ridiculous paranoia and accusations based on total falsehood, but in terms of who actually gets evicted, it has had no impact.
If America didn’t have power to vote as MVP people would be complaining about it & wanting it. BB is a now win situation when you are on the outside.
these people r like sheep. they will follow anyone or any lie told. this has got to be the worst bb ever. there is not one stand out in the bunch….sheep i tell u, sheep!!!!
joyce foulk jones
this is the worst ever cast on Big Brother I really don’t care who wins in this Oh yell I will take that back lol Amanda AARYN and Amanda OH YELL gINA mARIE WITCH DOESN’T HAVE A JOB
also McCrag would have been great if he didn’t get with AMANDA
Evil Dick would have never won if the viewers had this power I guess. The idea was to get FLOATERS out not power players. We want drama in the house not boring people swinging in a hammock all day
What power? The power to nominate house guests on the block? The viewers cannot evict a single house guest and even when we put house guests on the block—-did Aaryn get evicted? All this does it put the house guests on the block and maybe, encourage them to play the game! It has not happened yet! CBS should give the viewing public the actual eviction vote on a double eviction night among those on the block!
Now, that would be real power and a good twist to this game!
Will would have been the nominee every week had America been given a vote about it.
As long as Helen, Amanda, and Aaryn stay I’m good! They are the onlt ones actually playing Aaryn has won 2 HOH’s and in my opinion thag makes her the best competitor.
These are the worst players ever!!!! The last threee HOH were all pawns doing the bidding of others. In 3-4 weeks they will all be gone not knowing what happened b/c they wouldn’t make big moves now!!!!
GM is laying telling HGs who won what in the BBQ contest now
People are hating the game players this season and wanting floaters to stay, how stupid! If Amanda, or Aaryn leave Ill quit watching this BS. Cause all the other strong players are gone!!
If Howard, Spencer, and McCrae would have been loyal, The Moving Company would have allowed there to be a power flex between them Amanda, Elissa, Helen, and Aaryn. That would have made this season more interesting throughout.
And McCrae could have potentially played both sides by sticking in the middle of the two alliances.
I kinda find it funny when people say the season stinks, but at the same time they feel they have the ‘best’ idea for what people should do inside the house. Really? I mean why would Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Elissa, Judd or Andy ever want to change their situation and make a move? Aren’t they virtually guaranteed a final 6 spot (and then they will turn on each other)? Aaryn although very disliked by me and many others has done a great job of worming her way back into an alliance, so why would she want to ruin that? GM believes she is secure enough for now because nobody has targeted her, so why would she change things up? That really only leaves Spencer, Jessie & Candice on the outside and nobody seems to want to make allies out of those 3… So I’m afraid we’ve got at least 2 or 3 more weeks of this type of non-big move gameplay. But after 2 or 3 more weeks, things will get interesting once the alliance starts to fight within itself…
Definitely agrer with that entire statement. The game hasn’t been boring and most people are sitting in great shape. The liars are on the outs because they can’t be trusted. That is their own fault. Big moves have been made so far, and the alliances from the houseguests stand point do make a lot of sense. It is easy to say you’d do certain things from the outside looking in however being in that position would change your viewpoint.
The only thing I give Helen is she lies n manipulates with class , Amanda doesn’t care what she says or who sge hurts doing it ! And she’s every bit as racist as Arryn , maybe even worse ! I just pray if it is double eviction. Arryn n Armanda goes home ! The outside world will educate them really fast if they r really just that ignorant !!!
The racism is blown far out of proportion. It is ridiculous! They have the right to voice their own opinion. It is freedom of speech and individuality. That is how America is! Who cares about that? They play the game, and do well at it. They drserve to be there more than most of the people remaining!
Easy there Yep. Although I agree there is an inordinate amount of focus on racism in the house (particularly by Aaryn), that is not the same as it is being blown out of proportion. When you (or somebody you love) becomes the victim of racism you start to see how ugly it really is and why we need to act fast and strong against such forms of hate. I’ve sadly been a victim, and yet I cannot claim that I’ve seen the worst of it even though my experiences have wounded me and my community in a deep way.
Unfortunately we live in a world where racism is only blown out of proportion if you’re a “minority” but when the situation is reversed which it was when Candice made the comment about Aaryn being a “red neck honk y white girl from Texas saying saddle up” bet that doesn’t make tomorrow’s news! See when “majorities” are discriminated against nonone cares. Everyone choses to turn their heads and it goes unnoticed. If you cannot exercise freedom of speech and opinions then we might as well re-write the constitution and start all over!
So I have been holding this back for weeks….there was a day Candice was in the pool and called Andy & Spencer Gingers to their face. Does that land in the racist category too? To me that term is referring to somebody based on the way they look. Just saying.
In my own personal opinion, yes it is a form of discrimination towards another person and to me it is equally the same as what Aaryn did!
I heard that as well and why I say every single person has said something this season.
Yep, thank god someone else on this site, speaks the truth. Im so sick of all these politically correct phonies, who constantly say everyone is a racist or bully. They bash BB for putting these people on etc. Dont they know that the point of BB is to put a bunch of different personalities together like a social experiment, to see exactly what we are seeing. People act like they have never heard these words before. I know many people who aren’t racist, but use many of the words that have been deemed racist or controversial on this show. Thank you for having the guts to speak your mind on here, in the face of all these sheep.
Exactly. Thr show wouldn’t be the same without the conflicting personalitirs. The media just blows it all out of proportion. People who are offended by the behavior of the cast on the show should quit watching it. The uneducated people of America consider certain actions to be bullying and certain words to be racist, for the simple reason of they take things too personally anf are too ignorant to find another adjective to describe those things. Unfortunately the media does the same thing and people only feed off of it. It is ridiculous.
Amen sister (or brother). You are dead on about the media. Most are very liberal and it shows in the way they report. Im not a democrat or republican but its obvious when the media goes on these racism blitzes that they lean left. People keep bashing this season, but the reason we are all talking about these people is because its a pretty decent season and cast. At least they have us talking. Of course some annoy me, but its better than having all politically correct robots in there. Just wanted to give you props on what you wrote, cuz not many people on here are willing to descent from the majority.
Everyone turns their heads? Have you not read my posts? I’ve been the one person on here who consistently tells people (like you) to be careful with what you say because whether you’re black, white, asian or other, you can never imagine what it’s like to experience the reality from the other side. The only thing that stops racism is when we choose to stop the hate (but for some reason people still think they can battle hate with hate and somehow win)…
Racism is hatred. No one in this shoe has displayed form of hatred towards another. Yes people tend to have a poor selection of words that will never change. No one has been “racist” on this show though. A racist person hates other races. No one has been treated poorly due to their race. Yes comments have been nade, comments will never stop being made. But unless hatred and unfair cruelty is shown, it is not racism learn the deffinition. Same as bullying unless unfair cruel behavior is shown towards someone it is not bullying people on BB can nake their own choices however they chose not tonin order to stay safe in the game. That is howbit works!
If you truly consider name calling a racial act then you are the most ignorant person I have ever had the unfortunate pleasure of encountering because “a racial slur” is no different than calling someone a douche or a poopyhead. That is not racism, racism is an act of hatred or unfavoritism of poor or cruel acts towards an opposing race. I hope you will be able to use this information and apply it so you will never confuse the two again. Also name calling isn’t bullying. Bullying is treating other inferior to yourself throught cruel acts. Name calling is only as personal as one takes it. Basically it is the figment of an imagination assuming words mean more than they actually do. And if name calling or any form of negative word pohrasing offends you whether it be about race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or anything else somekne can come up with to comment negatively about someone in a verbal way offends you then get a helmet life gets a lot tougher once you finally complete preschool.
Matt well said and I totally agree. What shocks me is when I see people make comments about the racist remarks that have been said on this Reality TV Show by contestants like it is brand new to them. I see it on a daily basis on any article written about our President that has a comment section. I don’t care if a person is for him or against him because everyone is allowed to vote for or like who they want, but the comments written by so many people are so uncalled for and even more disgusting than what some of these HGs have said. He is the President of the United States and whether you voted for him or not I believe the office alone demands respect. Why aren’t people more up in arms over that? My heart breaks when I read some of the comments that I do. I love what you said about the only way to stop racism is to stop the hate. It would be a wonderful world if all would take that advice and live by it.
Thanks Jacee. I think it’s unfortunate that people like Yep (probably a teen who’s just looking for attention) grow into adults who actually teach these values to children. I do agree with him/her about one thing though – it isn’t ok when people from minority communities do it, and we do need to address the hate that comes from all communities (not just wasp communities). Our response to people like this is actually what counts. Too many people who have been victims of hate go off and seek vengence by spreading hate themselves, and thus the cycle continues… Even people like Yep need to be accepted and not retaliated against because our hate won’t cure his/her hate.
Your welcome Matt and again agree with what you said here. We need more people in this world like you. You sound like a great person and you are a wonderful writer. :)
lol. I definitely won’t turn down the compliment – thanks! :) In truth, I believe it’s whether I can live up to this challenge that really matters at the end of the day. I struggle just like everyone else, but my hope is that I will at least be aware of my areas of weakness.
You need to quit assuming stuff Matt. I am 26 years old, I have no racial hate your facts are wrong and you’re to blinded by your own ignorance to see it. The BB hg’s don’t gave hate either they have opinions you moron learn the difference!
Obviously the US hasn’t had racial hate in over 100 years. Open your eyes man, look at the President, if there was racial hate in this country groups like the KKK would be trying to reform and become active again. You’re living in the past dude. Educate yourself or don’t speak. The HG’s have all made thwir share of comments but there hasn’t been any racism on the show no one has been treated badly due to their race. Only lunatics have racial hate these days most people are generally accepted by society just look around and oay attention when you watch tv. It speaks for itself!
Don’t know what you are talking about. You are expressing your views as well as Aaryn or Gina Marie with their racist rants! Nobody has stopped them or censored them have they? I agree racism is wrong as practised by anyone.
I have experienced racial discrimination by other races and I know it happens more often which is why we all have to respect each other! That is the only way to stop the hate! Aaryn and Gina Marie continuing with their racial rants certainly does not help it!
I would also like to add that Candice’s comment was meant in a racist way, due to the way she said it. It was uncalled for. But I guess when it’s on the other foot racism then becomes okay right? HA. NO!
Wow, your response makes me think you didn’t read my response at all Yep. But no worries… I’m going to assume that as you get a bit older and wiser you’ll understand what I’m talking about. My prayer for you is that you not learn this lesson the way many of us have (by experience).
Really ? Who cares about racism ?? People with a heart !!!!!
GM reminds me of a Saturday Night Live character. Gotta love it at times.
True if only she would quit clapping her hands when she laugh s! Lol
Aaryn and Amanda are disliked by many viewers however Elissa isn’t? Blows my dang mind! She is awful. Worse than Rachel was for sure!
All of them are guilty of various forms of nasty behaviour which makes them unlikeable!
I agree Matt every single HG has done or said something this season. Nobody is innocent.
Is it wrong I want to send aaryn some longer shorts to help her look a little better?
lol Jillith no it’s not wrong and I have thought the same thing about a few of them this season. I wasn’t sure if what Amanda was wearing (they were bright yellow) last week were shorts or her underwear. Not sure if you remember me from last season. Hint – both of us started out rooting for Frank.
Girl I totally remember you! I didn’t see you for a while on here & was wondering what was going on, maybe I just missed your comments. Glad to see you back & it seems we are on the same page again. :-)
I was looking for you and then I finally saw a comment by you, and wrote something, but it was 1 1/2 days later. Since then I seem to be posting at different times until tonight. Glad we finally caught up and glad we are on the same page again this season. :)
I feel like I am behind the posting time living on the west coast. By the time I get in here there’s only a few people chatting & all the big events have been covered. Taking advantage of Friday night at home now!
Some of us on the East coast stay up and check later on though… ;)
I’m on the east coast as well. I hate to admit it, but I have been staying up watching feeds until 4 or 5 am. By then I am so tired I don’t come back to comment. That’s why I have been missing Jillith’s comments and why my sleep pattern is so messed up.
Oh my…sorry for your broken sleep pattern! That comment is so ironic based on where I work in the medical field. I’d say more but I came out to my co-workers that I’m addicted to BB. I want to be anonymous to them if they are here! As for the 4&5 am…flashback!
Some of that watching is on flashback because I end up sleeping late and never seem to get caught up. I know what you mean about staying anonymous. It was funny last night on the local news one of my previous co-workers and friend before she was transferred won some contest by our local tv show. She was busted big time as her name was flashed on tv. I never knew. lol
If you haven’t seen it make sure you flashback to the HOH bedroom this morning when McCrae had to take care of his nose problem and after he did that threw it on the floor. Eww Then GM comes in her room later and makes the bed. McCrae and Amanda come back and jump back in her bed again. She eventually gave them a check out time. lol
I feel like I need my puke bag based on the flashback info you gave me. Ick! Ew! I can only imagine the grossness he could leave, and then GM coming along to make the bed. Honestly some of the things she has done made me want to puke too. One time I saw her laying on the main bathroom floor “working out”…how gross. The germs that must be crawling in that house! EW! I would NEVER let people in my HOH bed to do the nasty…or the bed I have now! Ew! BTW if i’m inspired what time was that?
Sorry Jillith just saw this now. Will see if I can find the time and post it for you. They all got up earlier than normal because of noms so I want to say it was shortly after the HGs were given their wake up call. Yes, that house is pretty dirty and I am amazed by some of the lack of hygiene I witness. Ew is right!!!
Love it Jillith!!! Our favorite word last season. :)
I wish Frank was Pandora’s Box this season & he got to play for a full week & stay depending on the outcome.
That would be “Preesh” for both of us. :) I have a feeling that it is going to be Rachel at some point. I watch After Buzz TV and she let something slip that led me to believe that. Maybe they will have two.
The only things that Rachel can offer are: “Floater grab a life vest” or “Nobody comes between ME & MY man!”
This is by far my least favorite season of Big Brother since watching since the first season. Still have no favorite and may end this season with none. With this MVP twist and now America having the power to nominate I wish BB would tell them that it is us that are voting for these people. Maybe if they knew how we felt about certain players it would make them play differently. Amanda and Helen have had the power and they decide who has wronged them in their minds and who goes home. Amanda was put on the block by us and If she or others knew perhaps things would have played out differently and she would have gone. Instead Amanda decided various people were MVP and blamed them. I personally feel that Amanda is given a great edit for the live show and people who just watch that, are not live feeders, and don’t belong to any site are not getting a true picture of her. I had originally hoped that McCrae might emerge as a favorite, but Amanda ruined that for me, then I had hopes for Judd, but I am beginning to give up. I was at the point that I thought maybe GM may come through and start to play after winning HOH this week. Are these people just willing to play for jury and will settle for that? The few people who have figured out what is going on and wanted to make a move are being picked off one by one. Everyone runs right back to tell either Amanda or Helen what is going on. Some may call that great game play by Amanda and Helen, but doesn’t anyone else want to win for themselves? I see it more as Amanda and Helen being lucky enough to have people run back to them and let them in on every little secret. If these people would wake up and realize if they kept these secrets from them they would be playing a better game for themselves and would be taking the power away from Amanda and Helen. IMO there is too much manipulation by Production. I have had live feeds for the last 3 years and have never seen so many fish as I did last night. If I wanted that many fish I would have bought some.
Just don’t buy goldfish I hear they die fast :-) I see the same show that you do, Amanda & Helen running the house big time. That’s one reason I’d like to see Amanda out. Just to see what the rest of the house would do. Plus her and McCrae laying/lying around all day makes me want to vomit.
On another note, how’s the leg healing?
Hi Jillith the leg is finally better. Thanks so much for asking. Was a long haul and added some more hardware to my already huge collection. You do have a great memory! :)
Almost forgot yes we feel the same this season as well. Amanda/McCrae make me want to vomit as well. Not just their laying around, but what they do while laying around. lol Did you see this morning and the McCrae nose issue?
Well at least you are back, sorry for more hardware but I know how that goes. Have a feeling I’m in for more myself. Good times! Glad you haven’t given up on this season yet :-) For me this is a tough cast to find my favorite. What do you think?
Oh no sorry to hear that you may be in for some more yourself. No, I have watched so long I just can’t get it out of my system. Once you are addicted to BB you just hang in there. As far as a favorite I have none and at this point I am even hoping for GM to change things. lol She does seem like a character from Saturday Night Live (great description). I’m not going to hold her accountable for things she said because every single HG has said something at this point. She lost her job already and will be hurt enough by that. I just want to see someone turn the tables around and play to win for themselves.
Turn the table for sure! I want to see the McRanda table totally turned and flipped like a Housewife of Jersey show! I need those 2 to split up as much as the HG’s need them too.
We are waiting for the same thing. Please somebody do it!!!
Why would they tell the players America has the power? Isn’t that defeating the purpose? Amanda and Helen are brilliant. They are controlling minds of eight people. Which is much harder to do tham you’d think. They are masterminds, and it is incredible to see how far they can take it each week!
I guess it’s a matter of opinion. Like I said I don’t see it as brilliant play. Spencer, Jessie, Candace and Howard figured it out, but the other players had to run back and tell on them. I see it as the rest of the players can’t keep a secret or are just grateful they are still in the game and will go along with them. By BB telling them America is nominating them Amanda would realize how unpopular she has become with America. Don’t know if you ever go in chat on the live feeds, but I would say Helen is the next least popular by live feeders. Might give both of them a wakeup call that their not all that they think they are. The ones that are in alliance with them already know they are holding the power and if smart will turn on them if they want to win.
Why isn’t there a player rankings for this week??
I think that BB15 is being played racist, Aryn should have been evicted for what she is pulling….. If I was Howard and Candice, I would sue the producers of BB,,,,,
Candice is still in the house. We’ll see what she does when she gets out.
U clearly dont know what racism is. Look up rodney king, those police officers were racist. Aaryn is a southern sheltered young girl. Black people talk about whites the same way, just with different terms (ie- cracker). U throw around the word racism like the word bullying. You clearly aren’t educated enough to know what racism truly is, if u think Aaryn or anyone on BB is one.
100% agree. Candice also made discriminations towards Aaryn for being from Texas and saying saddle up! To me it is equally the same.
Where did u get your so called education ? Because the majority of the viewers must have attended a different school ! FYI its not all about nkacks n whites ! Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to have a little common sense! Just saying……*blacks* not nkacks!
amanda is a loose cannon i will not be surprised at all if she does something REALLY stupid and gets herself ejected from the game
Mean girls have turned into Helen’s bi**h girls
A racial slur is not racism nor does it make the person who said iy racist. Just as telling someone to do something isn’t bullying. It is being bossy. People throw around those terms too loosely nowadays tlfor their own self pitty. Being a bully or being racist is more violent acts on a physical or emotional level than name calling or bossing someone around. These HG’s have all madr choices to listen to Helen and Amanda do not fault them for the actions of others. Just as Aaryn is faultrd for being racists she plainly said she did not mean it in a racists way. She has not treated any other race interior at any point in this game therefore she has not displayed actions of racism. The things she said is no different than America calling her a mean girl for it. If anything she is being discriminated against by America cause most people who watch the show have treated her differently and inferior to the other HG’s!
(cough cough)horseshit(cough)(cough)
Cause that is a mature comment.
This year is a case of Dumb, Dumber and dumbest lol!!! It’s like they need to be told who to Nominate and who to go after in the week ahead…and Helen go cry me a river I hope her husband realizes how conniving she is and a liar..Amanda she is mean and a racist as Aaryn …I really hope Amanda goes on Thursday and then Helen
The way to get Amanda out of the house with the least trouble is whoever gets HOH for the 2nd eviction…put her up and then get her out. She won’t have time to go on the warpath.
Also…how far is it till outed HGs get put up on the jury? I would think getting Amanda out before the jury would be ideal. You know that she’ll be bossy in the jury house as well…trying to sway all the lemmings in the house’s votes.
It’s really been bugging me, but I’ve finally figured out who Gina Marie reminds me of….. a younger version of ‘Tan Mom’ !!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Candice WIN THAT POV, I would love to see who gm would put up in her place. AND CANDICE, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE win the next HOH comp this Thursday coming up, can you imagine the BUTT KISSING that would come from Aaryn, Helen, Jessie (if she’s still there), Amanda (if she’s still there) and Andy of course. I don’t think gm would say or do that much seeing that she put Candice on the block this week. And if Candice were to win HOH, Helen would be on her like glue. Don’t you think?
Also meant to say, If Candice were to win, I wonder if aaryn would try and make the same deal that she made with Helen….Huuummmmmm!
Candice is capable of einning anything! She isn’t smart enough or physically conditioned enough. The only muscles that can help her is her mouth, however it hurta her game more than it helps it.
She’d put up Spencer in Candice’s place. That is a given.
i want elissa to win