Big Brother 15 – Poolside Bikinis & Bods Revealed – More Pics Added

Big Brother 15 bikinis

Ahh, it’s that time of the Big Brother preseason again. The BB15 poolside pic has been released along with some close-ups showing off their best angles or in some cases, their best cover-up shirts.

CBS has released a group photo showing all the HGs together. Keep in mind that by the time this photo was taken last year, one HG, poor Jodi, was already evicted. Does anyone look a little irked in this photo as though they had to return the next day and pose with a group that they were no longer part of? Hmm. That might not have happened this year, but take a look and see what you think.

Zap2It has a set of close-ups for each houseguest so check those out. Later when they are wide-released we’ll post them up as well right here on this post.

So which Big Brother 15 Houseguest do you think is pulling off the best poolside look? Any favorites so far? Get ready to watch them on your Live Feeds (Early Bird sale)!

Update – CBS has also released a FOTH shot as the HGs prepared to enter.

Update 2 – LOTS more pics released by CBS.

click image to see full-size



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  1. The girl in the back in the blue is missing part of her bottom left leg. She’s also got a white halo effect around her body.

  2. Elissa looks like she’s just being inserted in the picture or the lighting behind her during the shoot is making a cut-out like glow behind her.


    • She’s also the only one that while in all the group photos has the exact same pose. My bet is she’s the first evicteee

      • Fingers crossed. Hopefully Rachel’s campaign to have people vote for her sister as MVP won’t come into fruition.

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