If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear I wasn’t about to recap Live Feed highlights the night before a Big Brother 15 eviction. I say that because everyone and everything was that mild. Well, aside from the sexual talk. That was anything but mild.
Read about those moments and others on our Live Feeds highlights below. And remember that you can check out any of these moments by using the Live Feeds flashback/archive feature.
Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, July 24/Thursday, July 25, 2013
5:39 PM BBT – Kaitlin says that she’s given up. She’s not even going to try to stay anymore.
6:31 PM BBT – Kaitlin and Howard are talking about the vote. Howard tells her he’s not sure how it will go. She says if she stays and wins Head of Household she’s going after Amanda.
6:37 PM BBT – Kaitlin tells GinaMarie to be nice to Candice because she’s going to be working with them.
7:40 PM BBT – Helen asks Judd if Howard and Spencer know they’re sending Kaitlin home. He says he will tell them tonight.
7:41 PM BBT – Kaitlin is counting votes. She thinks she’s set to stay.
8:40 PM BBT – Indoor lockdown is over. They are outside practicing for tonight’s Head of Household competition. It’s not the full competition set-up, but it’s enough to practice.
9:00 PM BBT – Judd is looking through Howard’s stuff for some sort of proof that he has a secret power or MVP.
9:36 PM BBT – Helen asks Amanda if they should let Kaitlin know she’s going home. Amanda says no.
9:38 PM BBT – Indoor lockdown. Production is working on the Head of Household set-up.
9:47 PM BBT – Helen and Elissa are talking in the storage room. Candice comes in and seems to agree with them about evicting Kaitlin and keeping Aaryn. She doesn’t want Aaryn to stay, but understands the point they’re making. They’re afraid that Kaitlin will be harder to get out later.
10:40 PM BBT – Andy lies to Kaitlin and tells her she’s safe.
10:45 PM BBT – Graphic sexual discussion in the Head of Household room.
11:15 PM BBT – Helen and Elissa are talking about getting Amanda and McCrae out once they’re at final 7.
11:35 PM BBT – After six long days, Jessie finally gets called to the DR. Spencer jokes about showing her the way.
11:55 PM BBT – Judd & Elissa discussing plan to evict Kaitlin & keep Aaryn. Elissa doesn’t like it, but she agrees.
12:50 AM BBT – Andy talking with McC & Amanda. Andy thinks Judd made up the 5-person alliance to target Kaitlin. He’s afraid to ask though.
1:15 AM BBT – Candice agrees to go along with voting out Kaitlin over Aaryn, but she doesn’t like it.
1:49 AM BBT – Howard talking with Elissa. Elissa pushing for an Aaryn eviction. Earlier she agreed to voting out Kaitlin…
2:45 AM BBT – HoH crew debating who to vote out. Amanda & McC pushing for Kaitlin since she’s targeting Amanda. Candice wants Aaryn out. McC promises she’d go the following week.
3:15 AM BBT – HoH discussion continues and it sounds like they’re all agreeing to vote out Kaitlin.
So as you can see, Kaitlin is out and Aaryn is safe. Unless something absolutely crazy happens sometime today, that’s what’s happening. Here’s to hoping we get another power shift in the house so we get our existing Live Feeds back!
You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
Hoping for some great power play once another side of the house (a.k.a. Howard’s side) takes control as HOH. Or better yet Amanda as HOH so we can see how her lust for power will eventually bite her in the arse afterwards. :D
I like the idea of really having her as HOH and seeing what she is made of..
Agreed. So far she’s been all talk but nothing significant yet as far as getting some legit power in her hands and not someone else’s.
The ability to consistently hijack other peoples’ power is a sign of having power, yourself
I know, but getting a legit power in HOH, MVP and veto can at the least help leave a mark on your season. But I get what you mean. :)
well Elissa can’t play in the veto this week so we will see. hoping the house is all shook up this week!
The way things have gone on this week….
you have already seen what Amanda is made up of. She and McCrae owned the HOH room all week! Too bad Judd has no balls!
Agreed it will be great power play if ( Howard’s side) takes control as HOH. Amanda with HOH you already know Howard is up, since she has some weird vendetta/obsession with putting him up. Agreed she has a lust for power. The thing is she is working everyone and her agenda, is being done. She probably is not going to try for the HOH, (in a way, sort of reminds me of Evil Dan)( he had mist and Danielle do the work, she pits ppl against each other, with conspiracy mind melt, and McCrea or whoevers ear she is in to do her bidding) NOTE: she will NEVER be the player Evil Dan was and is.
Amanda is already coming off as annoying to many, far from the mist-ifying prowess demonstrated by Evil Dan and his deadly Mist. People are already talking about taking her out hehehe.
I really get why Elissa wants Aaryn out, but at some point you have to let it go because it’s not about doing the right thing but making the $500,000 and Elissa shouldn’t lose sight of that.
i’m certain Elissa will get Americas vote and win that chunk of money. I agree though and hope she doesn’t lose sight of the money
Elissa is not going to last that long. My guess is she is gone within 3 weeks. She is a loose cannon and obsessed with evicting Aaryn. I’d like to see what Elissa is like after Aaryn is gone but the way she is playing this game, I can see Elissa going first.
I really think Elissa is so over this game and ready to go home to her family. I would love to see her win HOH and get rid of Amanda.
You can have both but, the problem is members of her alliance have decided that they will take Aaryn to the very end, Final 2 when there are 12 people left in the house! Good luck with that! Amanda and Helen will get evicted long before they reach Final 2 because of this dumb move of theirs. Aaryn just won the lottery because she will get her allowance every week and earn more monies than Helen or Amanda because she will outlast them!
No Kaitlin to stay please >:l
I just want to see Kaitlin go after Amanda.
I agree I would prefer Kaitlin to go and Aaryn out this week. Aaryn is the one who should be going. I guess they forgot or don’t care what she has said in the past that hurt them so bad. I believe she is acting and will turn on them in a second. Why is Kaitlin this big threat when she won 1 POV and came close in a couple of HOH comps.?
I don’t think they’ve forgotten what she said. She’s just a conveinent pawn. One that can be used without getting blood on their hands. The only problem with that is she might actually win HOH. And the prey becomes the predator once again.
So true and with this upcoming comp. I personally think anyone can win. More of a who has the luck over skill.
I’m hoping someone like howard or andy or even Jesse gets HOH and they really make a big move. Huge move like getting Amanda out. no more showmances
I wonder if Andy’s allegiance is real solid towards Mcranda. It seems like he’s reporting stuff more to them than to Mom Squad, Judd and Candice/Howard.
I think Andy is reporting anything to anyone as long as he isn’t the target. I like Andy but his game play is a little dangerous. The worse thing he could do right now is win HOH, because he is the furthest thing from a target.
Sneaky little snake that little man is. SsSsssss… (with matching snake-like hand movement).
As for his gameplay, yes he is in dangerous waters with what he is doing. Smart but is vulnerable to being called out if he can’t cover his bases with caution. He’s best described as this season’s house butterfly.
I call Andy the house ninja. He seems to be in all the conversations. It’s spooky. But being a fly on everyone’s wall is actually good game play.
You have one chance (Howard) of winning HOH with them three and it’s a very small chance. They don’t want Amanda’s blood on their hands
What about the Howard/Candice showmance
I dont like showmances in the BB house. it takes away from the overall gameplay
I don’t care who win HOH, as long as the Arian Princess goes back on the block.
I am still for evicting Aaryn, Gina Marie and Spencer after tonight. It is just that much harder because the house guests are the worst I have ever seen. No sensible strategy. Everyone looking at a Final 2 when there are 12 people left even after tonight’s eviction!
Will wait for the HOH before I cast my vote for MVP this time out!
If they put Amanda up then she has a chance to play veto where they put someone else up and then backdoor Amanda then she can gt voted out.
It is so funny that none of the house guests knew that America is the new MVP this week . Sad to say but they are oblivious
Andy has figured it out, but no one really agrees with him.
Andy actually seems to have figured the whole thing out
And he kept on insisting about it but the others continue to shut him down. Helen on Wednesday’s show also figured out the mechanics on how America choose the third nominee but later shrugged it off as well.
That speaks of the intelligence of the house guests. Kaitlyn thinks Elissa put herself up deliberately. Does that even make sense when you could get booted out if you do not win POV? And why waste the nomination in the first place? Andy might slip thru the cracks the way the rest of the house is playing.
Apparently they all think Elissa is really that stupid.
The problem is nobody can figure out why America picked Elissa as the nominee for eviction. Nobody has figured out that her bonehead fans thought they were voting for her to be MVP and got her nom’d for eviction instead..
I cannot wait for tonight. So sick of the McCranda Show. She is really a very disgusting person. The more she feels control of other people the more of herself she exposes. And it’s ugly and rotten. Being a mom I would hate for my son to get stuck to this vixen. Wake up McCrae you have lost track of the game. I would love for Elissa to win HOH this week because she is the only person that would not let McCranda control their decisions to save her showmance or have sex on her HOH sheets (YUCK). Everytime I see someone in Judd’s bed I cringe. Except for Spencer he is creepy.
I am also for Elissa winning HOH because now she is the target of Amanda and Helen in addition to being the target of Aaryn, Gina Marie and Spencer. If she wins, I will also give her MVP so, hopefully, she gets Aaryn out the door this week. The window for getting Aaryn out is fast closing because now you have some
house guests thinking of taking her to Final 2. Dumb move this early in the game but, nevertheless, will keep Aaryn safe week after week without even lifting her little pinkie! Even if majority of viewers nominate her, it would not be enough to evict her!
Elissa is mentally unstable and a pathological liar, although a very poor one.
I would like to see Candice get it. She will put up Aaryn and Elissa will be her best buddy!
I hope Aaryn wins HOH and the houseguests kick themselves for keeping her. At this rate, they might as well hand her over the winner’s money. I also hope she kicks out Amanda next week, that bish thinks she’s running the house.
Agreed. I really don’t like Aaryn and think she’s a sad young lady. But it would be good to see her get power and put up Amanda. Just to see Amanda cuss and fuss and see who is really aligned with her. Although that would seal McCrae’s fate in the game because he would probably cry more than GM. It would be sickening to watch him being peeled off that twisted vixen as she walks out the door cussing at everyone. I sure hope they do not end up in the jury house. If the live feeds show her arse one more time in a string bikini I’m goign to puke.
It would be poetic justice if Aaryn does win HOH and evicts Amanda or Helen because those two are not using their heads. Thinking too far ahead of taking Aaryn to Final 2 instead of focusing on taking the racists and bullies out of the Big Brother House! As it stands, Aaryn stands a very good chance of getting deep in the game with Helen, Amanda and Elissa all booted out before her! Add to that Spencer and Gina Marie and they have just rewarded the racists for who they are!
Aaryn’s deal is she will throw HOH, or if she wins it the others get to pick the noms.
The sad truth is Howards side will probably never take power and once their all gone ( Howard Elissa Candice Spencer) there is nobody left strong enough to rid of Amanda or mccre the people who was capable of that is gone ( David nick Jeremy) the only way Amanda leaves is if their is a coup d ta and we give it to someone targeting Amanda if Amanda makes final 2 she wins she has played the best game hands down she has ran through the house w/o winning a sing comp
If Elissa wins HOH, who will take her place in the Veto Comp since she can’t play?
They play with 5 players.
That’s why it would be good for Candice to win. She would put up Aaryn and hopefully Amanda. She doesn’t trust her. She was really concentrating on that practice last nite.
I see this season as the season of alliances and the season of blindsides. Every week it has been the same. I still have no favorite and am surprised that instead of voting Aaryn out that some of the people that she hurt the worst are willing to let her stay because they think she will be an easy out later or they will be able to win against her in the end. Saying Kaitlin is a major threat when she has only won one POV and came close in a couple of HOH comps. imo is not a major threat. It says to me that in the end all that was said or done to them by Aaryn is okay because their chance of winning the money means more to them. I realize winning money is the object of the game, but they could have still gotten Aaryn out this week. For all they know Aaryn may be better at comps. then she has shown so far. They saw what the next comp. was going to be which I believe is a anyone can win type of comp. I know most of America and CBS wanted Aaryn out the most, but I think she will end up staying in this game until F2. Kaitlin was going to go after Amanda and if Helen and Elissa would have stayed with the plan to evict Aaryn she would have been gone. Instead Helen is not thinking for herself and believed Judd when he said Kaitlin was going after her. She was so hurt by Aaryn when the rice remarks were made and now is willing to overlook that and instead is going after Kaitlin based on what she was told by someone else. I don’t see any intelligent game play by any of these people. Amanda is in the driver’s seat right now and unless they go after her and get her out she will win the game imo. Andy has figured out a lot of stuff, but he has to know that he is not number one in any of these alliances he is in. No one wants to get any blood on their hands, because they figure they will be on the block the next week. Just my two cents.
I think the biggest reason why they are keeping her is so the remaining house can stack Jury. They want certain people gone before Jury and Aaryn is not a considerable threat to anyone’s game (except for Elissa). I don’t think any of the HGs want Aaryn in jury. She is also willing to vote with the house now out of desperation to stay. A’s behavior shouldn’t be rewarded but there are ultimately bigger fish to fry within the game as she dug her own grave a long time ago.
This season the super fans all have a plan of who to get out and when, it’s seizing the right opportunity to evict that is key. Aaryn is the perfect pawn to place on the block every week until the pawn goes home. Even if she leaves “accidentally” it’s still a desirable outcome for the house.
I really want to see Aryan leave soon just so I can see her crash and burn (finding out all the consequences from her ridiculous behavior). I would PAY to see that.
Have you seen GM eat!?!
lol I sure have. I wonder what Nick is thinking if he has seen it?
On BBAD, I heard her say that Nick and her, had already set a date for October. Some sort of show or festival, not too sure, the sound is so bad on TVGN.
I heard on the live feeds that it was a truck monster rally. Unless it was more than one thing they had planned.
So the sound is better on the live feed. God, I missed Showtime.
I don’t even get TVGN, but have Showtime and miss the fact it isn’t on there any longer. The live feeds sound is good, but the camera angles are not as good imo as when we had Super Pass.
Wonder if they still have it on Slice in Canada. And if they do, I wonder if they just pick up the feed from TVGN or if they get their feed from CBS and do not censor it.
Sorry had to leave for an appt. I don’t know anything about how Canada works. I didn’t TVGN was censored.
And this segment is brought to you by GinaMarie’s Dried Mangoes…MMMmmmmm good! Now available at the nearest convenience store near you. :D
Makes me want to vomit. You ever see her talk? Breathe? Blink? All hideous and disgusting beyond belief.
Judd Logic: Howard goes around amking alliances with everyone= shady f**k. Judd diggs through howards stuff when he’s not there = completely legitimate.
That boy Judd is an egotistical bushwacking S.O.B.
If the houseguest were smart they would have kicked out Amanda first! She the sneakiest, most under-handed person in the house.
Look at her set up – she keeps Macray in her right pocket. Every HOH (expect for Aaryn) she the first one to climb into the bed! She constantly pressures the HOH to put up who she thinks is best for her game. Stupid Macray should know that she has no long term intentions for him. She’s a realtor from Boca! What on earth would she do with Macray?
Everyone should gun for Amanda and get her out stat!
Thank you, for your post I have see and think exactly just like you! Here are some of the names I have called Amanda: McCrea’s other appendage, his Succubus… a Preying Mantas that will eat McCrea’s head off in a hot second if they are on the block together. Also, questioned if she castrated McCrea. Then thought if she goes before him, maybe he will find his lost jewels in the house. Last, even both set of parents are confused about their showmance, did you see the parents interviewed? It was obvious game play that Amanda attached herself to a likeable goofy guy, who she knew would go far. Especially, when she was enamored with the fact he is smart and well versed in the game.
I think you are accurate in your descriptions of Amanda. I think she will win unless she is taken out. I believe she will take Aaryn to F2 with her over McCrae. You are so right about her being in the HOH bed. She lives there and I think she has spent more time in that bed than Judd. When McCrae won and she got right into the HOH bed with him I don’t remember very many of the other HGs even being there that much.
Agreed. She would take Aaryn to F2. Totally, would be her game play. (Barf)to have to pick between the too of them. Argh. My worst nightmare.
Yep. She’s dangerous and a bitch!
I saw that the families reacted to the showmance but I have to confess I did not pay particular attention.
I did note that Amanda’s mother said she “hoped Macray was a secret millionaire” or some crap to that extent. So typical! I could see where Amanda got her social graces.
That psychopath is staying because CBS is trying to send a message to the masses to eliminate the black brothers and sisters.