It was Veto Ceremony day in the Big Brother 15 house, so we now know the three final nominees for eviction. So the new nominee and the other two are getting to work securing their votes. And it’s starting to look like one of them is more out of luck than the others.
Read about those moments and others on our Live Feeds highlights below. And remember that you can check out any of these moments by using the Live Feeds flashback/archive feature.
Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, July 22, 2013
9:12 AM BBT – Wake-up time.
9:23 AM BBT – Candice says she’s talked about Amanda’s nipples, thongs and personality in the Diary Room.
9:57 AM BBT – Judd tells Elissa to not put a target on her back with  her veto ceremony speech. Tells her to choose her words wisely.
10:25 AM BBT – Helen and Andy say that Kaitlin and Howard need to go before Aaryn does. They think those two might be working with Kaitlin now.
10:32 AM BBT – Jessie tells Aaryn she doesn’t have much to worry about and probably won’t be evicted this week.
10:35 AM BBT – Feeds cut, Veto Ceremony time.
11:25 AM BBT – Feeds return. GinaMarie is the replacement nominee. She says the three prettiest girls are up and she’s convinced that Elissa put her up. She also says that it’s a compliment because that means she’s looked at as a threat. Seriously.
11:40 AM BBT – Judd tells GinaMarie not to worry that she isn’t going anywhere. He can tell she’s a live wire so he tells her not to make any waves and to just lay low.
11:45 AM BBT – McCrae, Amanda and Andy are planning to vote out Kaitlin. They are trying to figure how to get Elissa to vote with them even though Elissa really wants Aaryn out.
11:52 AM BBT – Helen thinks GinaMarie will win America’s Favorite Player. Hahahahaha.
12:15 PM BBT – Howard and Spencer are talking about their new alliance. Let’s see if this one is more successful than the moving company.
12:27 PM BBT – Now McCrae is assuring GinaMarie she’s safe this week. He tells her he’s so sure of it that if she goes home he’ll give her the $5,000 he won in the veto competition.
2:00 PM BBT – Game talk has stalled. Everyone is lounging by the pool or just hanging out.
2:41 PM BBT – Helen and Elissa talking about voting together. Helen wants Kaitlin out over Aaryn, so maybe Elissa will vote with the majority and get Kaitlin out.
So right now it’s starting to sound like Kaitlin will be heading home before Aaryn. But Kaitlin does have Howard and Spencer working to pull her into their alliance and keep her this week. Anything could and probably will happen this week. Things should get really interesting.
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Aaaarrrrgggghhhh !!!!!!! This is crazy.
lol..I know Captain, you are disappointed with the new development. To be honest, strategically, Kaitlin is more of a threat than Aaryn.
I know.
Aaryn is repugnant but is mostly a non player. She is very non threatening as far as her game play goes. She would lose against everyone in a final two. She keeps the drama high. CBS probably wants to keep her around. The players probably feel they have bigger fish to fry at this time. She may well end up staying in the house for a while.
Too bad Amanda didn’t end up on the block instead of GM. GM is also a non issue as far as competition goes. It would have been interesting to see Amanda try to worm her way out of the hole she has dug for herself.
Why would CBS want a racial bigot on their network?
Drama. As long as they have their little disclaimer, they think they’re safe.
The disclaimer irritates me too. CBS is only stating the oblivious. I say duh every time.
Because they have Spencer and Amanda and GM and a few others so what’s one more.
Lets see what CBS was thinking hmmm one racist, two racist, three racist, nah four sounds good. It should be called the racist/bigot Brotherhood House. And for kicks hey misogyny. Now, it is a toxic mix and stir…
Let’s not forget some rampant homophobia too! Heck we’ve even got an elitist (in Amanda) who’s in for a rude awakening when she sees McCrae can’t afford her next boob job.
Yeah how’d I skip that. CBS did make a toxic mixture and stir.
Drama and controversy brings in viewers. Viewers increase ratings and ad revenue.
Like the HGs, CBS will always put money before character, CBS will sit there hypocritically and talk about how racialism,homophobia, and bullying is bad, but do nothing as long as it brings in revenue.
I would have loved to see Amanda squirm had America voted her as MVP this week. HAH!!
I agree, Amanda on the block would be priceless.
BB Network: You are AWESOME! I’ve been dying to know who the 3rd nominee was!!! Well, it looks like Jeremy will have his main squeeze soooooooooooon. So remind us again, why do they want Kaitlin out now? Was it due to her calling out Howard yesterday at the pool table or just crap previous? Or wait .. she’s a better competitor than Miss Lazy A?
You are very welcome. Thank you for being a reader! So it seems like they’re more worried about Kaitlin as a competitor. Plus it probably helps Aaryn that everyone dislikes her and knows she’d be easy to beat at the end.
The same 15 or so people post on this board every few hours. For more varied, interesting and impartial comments see some other BB sites like EW, Jokers, Mortys. Matthew and Brandon do a good job of posting spoilers but this network needs many more posters.
There really was no need to post this. You’re being nasty for no good reason. You’re here, hiding under the name of “guest”. Troll.
What are you doing on this site if you don’t like it???
We got everything here. You go there and stay there.
Um somebody is grumpy. Then be are “guest” or not. We are waiting for your varied, interesting, and impartial comments/please grace us few….LOL
I think we’ve just been insulted… Meh, oh well – what’s the next topic we can be boring, lacking in variety, and partial towards? ;) No, but seriously ”guest”, I’m assuming you’re affiliated with friends of the other sites and are trying your best to be ”impartial” about it all, but if you took the time to read through some of our debates, you’d find some insightful comments by my fellow commentators. :)
That’s a little insecure trying to advertise another site on this one.
Perhaps we are on this one since it’s the best out of the lot.
And who complains about the number of posters? That sounds like a GM IQ idea.
They will probably change their mind at LEAST 3 times before Thursday. These HGs change their mind more, talk more and make more alliances in one day than 3 seasons put together. They’re a bit wishy washy. And easily swayed.
Agreed, I still see big potential for Aaryn to go, but Kaitlin makes sense more at this point.
Your right because now they’re all talking about voting Aaryn out. Elissa keeps on insisting to vote Aaryn and they are telling her to not play personal and she said she’s not. HAHAHA She’s pyscho!!!
I want Aaryn out, too, but I applaud the houseguests for being smart. The only things Aaryn has won was when she had help. Kaitlin is a much bigger threat. I don’t get why Helen thinks GM would win favorite player… Not the girl who won MVP the last three weeks by popular vote? Okay… Plus, GM in a creepy stalker.Then again, I suppose Helen is intelligent enough to know Elissa did not out herself up (unlike GM). I wonder if the MVP will continue to be America ’til jury.
I like Big Brother giving the MVP to the viewers. That is a positive because it keeps the house guests guessing because the viewing public will not blab to them that we have the MVP power. Also, gives us the power to insert more game play with paranoia sure to be pretty high because the house guests will be on their toes because of this twist! Hopefully, they give that power to the viewers until the very end of the season!
I like it, too. But, the twist usually ends about half-way. Maybe it’ll come back for a week via pandora’s box like the duo twist did.
I agree that Kaitlyn is the bigger threat but Aaryn was the last girl left in the first HoH comp so I think she is far more competitive than GM…except for swallowing comps.
GM has a great shot in the HOH comp, she’s good at eating froyo, farting, and Nick trivia.
Too funny!
Production will keep Elissa in the house till the very end. Allison Grodner said ratings would go through the roof if another Reilly sister wins the game.
Any source?
Actually, I think that would not be to BB’s benefit. They like throwing in a relative, but expect that it’ll cause friction and that person will get voted out early. If a relative lasted a long time, viewers would start really getting on about a BB fix.
I understand that Kaitlyn is stronger then Aaryn and it would be good game play to get her out now, but for the love of God, I really can’t wait to see Aaryn eliminated.
will they tell Aaryn she has lost her job during the exit interview ?
Doubt it.
Well, if America gets to vote again, I probably will vote for Andy. For some reason, I hate looking at him. He is just to conniving for me. He is what I would call an “innocent snake.”
IMO America wasted a vote on Gina Marie… enough said
It sure was wasted. I would of liked to see Amanda and the look on her and McCrae’s face. I hope America gets MVP again and CBS does not let them know. That was the best part of the MVP them not knowing.
Depending on the result you wanted. I wanted one of Aaryn, Gina Marie and Kaitlyn evicted this week with a preference for Aaryn so, am pretty happy about it. Also, the 3 racist girls on the block will make them campaign and tear each other up for the right to stay in the Big Brother House. Good for some drama atleast1
From what I have been reading Gina “Thug Life” Marie is an even bigger racist than Aryan. I believe Aryan has stopped her racist acts, but Thug Life has continued. Unfortunately, Thug Life isn’t getting the same kind of publicity that Aryan is getting.
Exactly…GM was spewing all kinds of racist remarks today. She is always talking that way and nobody calls her out. Come on CBS.
That’s because no one understands a word she says. Half the words aren’t even English.
Lol that’s so true.
I’m from New York and I can’t understand her. It’s like she’s from Jersey or something.
I think no one focuses on her because they wrote her off a long time ago as being “touched.”
Also what I’ve been sayin’ all along but far too many people who need to repeat what the show has trained them to –> ”Down with Aaryn, she’s the worst of the worst!” (which simply isn’t true…she’s definitely disturbed, racist, and sheltered, but she’s only ONE of the worst).
GM’s speech….”Yo I coulda been a contender”…
I coulda been somebody…
never heard Brando say it sooo well lol
She would actually say, “I cooda ben a colander.”
I have watched BB since the very first season and I cannot recall a season so screwed up as this one. First I usually have a favorite that I root for by week one and at the latest week 2. Still don’t have a favorite. Also I have never seen so many alliances and alliances within alliances and showmances and people telling everyone everything. I’m so confused. CALGON take me away.
according to the Big Brother Wiki, there were 4 showmances in the house (5 if you add Candice/Howard) so that means either 8 or 10 of 16 people were in a showmance. that isnt counting Jessie stalking Nick.
Yeah it’s way too much ”reality” (sarcastic tone) for many of us…
I am scratching my head. Because I did pick a favorite cause it is a game I play with my friends called pick your pony on the first episode. I chose McCrea cause no one friended him and he seemed awkward. Didn’t see a showmance happening for the kid. There are no do over in my game I play with my friends. So I and stuck with McCrea and his appendage Amanda. Argh! Fake ring and wedding on the live feed barf.
I was rooting for Nick originally cause he seemed like he had Dan potential, but that didn’t last too long.
I have no idea who to root for anymore; maybe Candace, or McCrea if Amanda gets booted soon.
Scary thought with all the showmances, hooking up like rabbits…curious if someone gets pregnant in the house. I am already scared of what Jeremy and Kaitlin would conceive. Please have condoms!
Elissa’s irrational obsession with Aaryn parallels her sister’s irrational obsession with Kristin a few years ago. Such behavior belies an insecurity which overshadows savvy gameplay.
it’s not so much of an obsession as it is protecting herself….Elissa has tried a couple of times to talk to Aaryn but Aaryn twisted Elissa’s words and lied about what was said and then there was the racist/bigoted behavior. Elissa just wants to keep her distance and feels it best that she not talk to Aaryn. In the BB 15 house u are constantly being thrown under the bus and that goes for everybody.
It’s part of Elissa’s insecurity. She wants to be friends with everyone, wants to be included. Aaryn doesn’t give her the time of day, so Elissa fears her.
Aaryn has wanted to talk to Elissa, Aaryn. Elissa, refused said she wasn’t ready to and Aaryn whined about immature Elissa was being. Elissa isn’t insecure about Aaryn, she doesn’t trust the girl. It’s like someone said with the Jeremy and the others you knew what you were getting; with Aaryn you don’t.
I do agree that it’s sounding more and more like Elissa’s gone off the deep end, but I don’t believe this fixation with Aaryn has anything to do with insecurity and more to do with game and personal feelings. Aaryn has tried to “give” Elissa the time of day Elissa is the one who didn’t want it.
I like what the house is doing now. Getting rid of Kaitlyn, even though she is a more likeable person than Aaryn makes sense. Kaitlyn can win competitions and that is what the house has to worry about.
With Kaitlyn out, the most likely winners of HOH are all on the side of the Knockouts. Once Kaitlyn is gone, they need to go after Howard and Spencer next. Those two are threatening the Knockout alliance. Aaryn just wants to string along a long as possible.
Where did everybody hear that Aaryns family hired a PR team? I doubt they can do anything to undo the damage she’s already done.
It was first publish in an article in the LA Times. Go back to article on this site from last wednesday, there a link to that article in LA Times.
Captain is correct. Here is the article:
Poor Andy…he’s been a have not for most of the game. I feel bad for him. He’s looking so thin. Jessie looks like she’s put on some poundage. Just noticing…
Arryn does remine me of danile she was a nasty piece of work as well
Amanda Now this women is horrible I cant stomach her, I dislike her more then arryn (classless) discusing pig of a girl