Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Tuesday Night Highlights


It was Twilight Zone erie in the Big Brother 15 house Tuesday night as the houseguests were all smiles, laughter and group fun. That’s mostly because Amanda is feeling very safe after she and Elissa made a deal that, if it works, would keep Amanda this week and send Spencer to jury.

But don’t expect that to happen. The only other person currently on board with the plan is McCrae. So the numbers aren’t there. But because of Andy, Amanda isn’t aware of that.

Read about those moments and others on our Live Feed highlights below. And remember to sign-up now for the Big Brother Feeds so you can watch any of these moments by using the Flashback archive feature.

Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights –  Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013

4:00 PM BBT – Amanda is already planning what do to when she gets saved this week (she’s not going to get saved). She tells Andy they need to put up GinaMarie and Judd.

4:20 PM BBT – Andy is acting skeptical about the deal Amanda and Elissa made (they traded jewelry earlier as collateral to keep each other safe in the game). Amanda tells Andy she believes Elissa 100 percent.

4:40 PM BBT – Elissa suspects that Andy told people about the deal she made with Amanda (of course he as). Elissa asks Amanda if she thinks he did. Amanda says no. She swears that he is trustworthy.

6:04 PM BBT – Amanda is telling McCrae that she cannot believe Elissa is saving her life after  how cruel Amanda was to her.

6:07 PM BBT – Elissa got mad at Judd for saying she likes Canada better than the U.S.

8:15 PM BBT – Andy gave Amanda one of his shirts to prove his loyalty. OK.

8:18 PM BBT – Elissa and Amanda are having a serious conversation. Amanda is apologizing to Elissa for all the tormenting she’s done to her. She tells her she genuinely regrets how she treated her.

8:25 PM BBT – Amanda reveals to Elissa that when she was harassing her, the Diary Room actually told her to cut it out.

8:35 PM BBT – Elissa and Amanda are still talking. Amanda says she’s embarrassed and is sure her family is embarrassed with the way she’s acted.

8:45 PM BBT – GinaMarie, Spencer and Andy are talking about  how friendly Elissa and Amanda are being now and how obvious they’re being about their plan. They can’t wait for Amanda to now be blindsided Thursday.

8:53 PM BBT – Judd comes out of the Diary Room and seems to be very upset with production.

8:55 PM BBT – HGs have been going to the Diary Room here and there to record goodbye messages.

8:56 PM BBT – GinaMarie plans to tear into Elissa when Amanda leaves. She’s not happy that she’s going behind everyone’s back to try to save Amanda.

9:07 PM BBT – Andy, GM, Spencer and Judd are talking about getting Amanda and Elissa both out during the double eviction. The Exterminators are very upset over Elissa. Judd is also mad at the Diary Room. He knows they convinced Elissa to keep Amanda.

9:35 PM BBT – Amanda talking about how GM is acting weird. Andy tells her it’s because she’s suspicious of her and Elissa now.

10:30 PM BBT – HGs get alcohol, but not everyone wants to drink.

11:00 PM BBT – HGs trying to decide what everyone’s catch phrase is.

11:10 PM BBT – Breaking BB15 news: Spencer has changed his bed sheets. I repeat, Spencer has changed his bed sheets. BB puts all 4 cameras on this historic event.

1:30 AM BBT – McCrae warns Amanda that he doesn’t trust Andy’s vote to keep her.

It might be a good thing things are slightly mild in the house now because after this Thursday’s blindside and (who knows what will happen) double eviction, things are sure to get crazy. Bring it on!

You can watch all of these Big Brother 15 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. In a perfect scenario for Thursday, Amanda goes home, Elissa wins either hoh or pov, Dandyliar is exposed and goes home.

      • No woman in their right mind would bring their true jewelry to a place like this…I believe her real jewels are safe at home and these are extras..

      • Why? It’s not like there are burglars in the BB house. Plus there are cameras going 24/7, so it’s not like they wouldn’t be able to find them if they went missing.

        I could easily see a woman bringing her wedding ring with her. It is probably the best reminder of home they have.

        Now actually trading the wedding ring…that is a little less believable.

      • Elissa has money. I have found her on YouTube and she was on some bridezilla episode of a talk show. And one of her bridesmaids was Kim Zolciak of Housewives of Atlanta. It might cost more then I would pay, but she can afford it!!!!!

      • Well she might not be able to afford it, but her hubby sure can. Did you hear he bought her a hockey arena for her wellness center? Guy must be loaded.

      • I would just like to clarify that real estate prices in Sask. are pretty low and hockey rinks are a dime a dozen. I’m not saying that any regular person could go out and buy a hockey rink, but it was most likely a business transaction and not simply out of his own pocket. Again, not saying the guy isn’t well off, but I don’t think he’s some kind of millionaire savant either.

      • I saw the YouTube clip of Anderson Cooper, but I thought Kim was just a “consultant” type person on the show making her calm down on all her demands and not a bridesmaid. Elissa clearly has some money with all the ways she has changed her face.

  2. I hope Andy is outed before the vote.
    But Andy’s plan to blame Elissa won’t work. First McCrea already suspect Andy. Second, GM will blow it for Andy, because she won’t be able to hold back and throw it in Elissa’s face.

    • I don’t think Andy’s lies will make any deference in the live eviction McRae and Ellisa already know or are very suspicious. If an exterminator wins hoh then McRae and Ellisa are up and even if one wins pov the exterminators still have the numbers. If either Ellisa or McRae wins hoh

      • And noms Andy and another exterminator and the noms don’t change it will still be the exterminators that decide which goes home it might be Andy it might not but Ellisa and McRae have no power in it so Andy’s lies have become irrelevant

  3. If Elissa is dumb enough to make a deal with MCcranda after the way she was treated, then she is dumber then I gave her credit for, and deserves what she gets!

    • You’re not looking at the bigger picture here…. the goal of this show is to get to the end…. Elissa is SMART enough to know that the other four are in an alliance together…. so she had to go find an ALLY somewhere…. she has herself in a better position now than she did earlier in the week…. instead of being everyone’s #1 target, she has McCrae on her side… as he has already been looking to next week about noms being Judd and Andy….. so like it or not she made the only deal that was gonna help her make it through another week. She doesn’t have allies in the exterminators….. if one of them won the second part of the DE her and McCrae were going up anyway. NOW… if McCrae wins, she bought herself another week.

      • you hit the nail on the head. Personally, I cannot stand Amanda and her crazy ways, but Elissa knows that the other four are in an alliance, and she can get farther being #3 in an alliance than #5 in a non-alliance. While we can judge Elissa for forgiving Amanda so easily, I am also judging everyone in the exterminator alliance for putting up with all sorts of disgusting behavior portrayed by the houseguests and NEVER standing up for one another.

      • I still think Elissa and Judd have a final 2 deal so I can’t see him letting her be in a deal with Amanda or her being dumb enough to fall for Amanda being sorry for all of the torment and truly hurtful things that Amanda did to her! I really hope that Judd and Elissa make it to the end and then may the best one win…either one would be fine with me.

      • I agree too Ideweaver…..if this was fixed the producers paying Elissa in some way to keep Amanda for ratings, then I will say goodbye watching BB. I have been a fan since the first season but because BB has kept Aaryn, GM, and Amanda (the three biggest bullies) I am having 2nd thoughts anyway to continue watching the show. These 3 girls are a disgrace to human kindness!!!

    • I think it’s obvious after watching and listening to Judd that production put Elissa up to this. She can’t stand Amanda, I can’t see how in the world she would have come up with this all on her own. I think this has been the season of everyone realizing just how much production really controls this game, and how much it’s really not about the HG and what they want. It’s about what production thinks makes for good T.V.

      • It’s Amanda who propose the plan to Elissa. El accepted after a visit to DR..
        Draw your own conclusion from that.

      • That’s why I say it’s not rigging. If Amanda brings a plan to Elissa, she goes into the DR, and DR asks her every type of question about Amanda’s plan. Do you think she’s serious? Can you trust her? What are the advantages of the plan? Who else do you have on your side? Who’s not on your side? What will happen if you join with Amanda? What happens if you don’t?

        By the time she gets through the questioning, she’s going to know every possible scenario, and she’ll have re-thought everything.

      • I conclude, you’re right, and now they’re working on Why do you think he’s stressed out? lol

      • I think you are right to a point. For example, I think they convinced Elissa to try to back door Amanda and work with Aaryn when Elissa was HOH but that plan was foiled when Amanda won the POV. So perhaps they asked Elissa to work with Aaryn but they did not control who would win the POV comp.

      • I reiterate, If after all the crap that Amanda has done to her, if Elissa is willing to go along, she deserves what she gets.

  4. I sincerely believe the game isn’t rigged like so many want to believe… BUT production is definitely trying to keep Amanda and Elissa for their own tv reasons. At this point, they’re probably the only two they want to put on front of cameras on a media tour, easy on the eyes.

    • if production is telling HG what to do and giving them inside info. than it’s rigged.

      • All reality shows are produced! They will di what it takes to make the show interesting. At least it is not as obvious as another BB. I can not remember which season. But I guessed every move before it happened and knew it was so rigged then.

    • They are the storyline. Even if this plan fails and Amanda is evicted, they’ve now got a new storyline where Elissa and Andy are blaming each other for trying to keep Amanda in against the will of the house. This plan creates more drama whether it succeeds or fails.

  5. Obviously Production made Elissa switch her vote and come up with this plan and when they found out andy wouldn’t go along with it they tried to get Judd to be the third vote.

    Judd was either upset because he’s pissed he has to keep amanda or because he hates production asked him to keep her and he refused to. I would like to know how much control they have, and what the consequence are for disobeying production.

    If amanda goes it will be interesting to see what happens to Judd is he a havenot or he’ll be nominated or evicted.

    • I agree, something seems off. Judd was super upset with production last night. The kind of upset that goes well beyond any annoyance at a constant “Please stop singing.”

      Honestly, while I don’t like Spencer (to say the least) if he goes home & Amanda stays it’s going to be real hard for me to stick out the next two weeks.

    • I think your first paragraph is spot-on. I also would like to know what the incentives/consequences are for listening to production when they tell HGs to do things like this.

  6. I have a strong feeling Elissa is throwing up smoke and mirrors when she made the deal with amandumb. After last weeks torment, sure Elissa can forgive her, but she’s in this game to win and she knows amandumb is not the solution to the final 4 or 3. Amandumb is a two faced liar and had proven that on numerous occasions so that she could manipulate the house into evicting other people. I hope Elissa sees through that and knows she’s not safe from the bully!!!

  7. Idk how I can go from wanting Amanda out more than anybody to wanting Andy out more than anything! It’s probably bc I am an Elissa fan!

    Of course production puts stuff in the HGs’ ears. We have seen it many years. Remember Ian saying “the powers that be won’t like this”, and also how much they pressured Shane with his HOH. It happens every year and I feel like if you are a fan off BB you know this and it shouldn’t surprise you. I don’t understand all of the “I’ll never watch again” talk, shouldn’t you have felt that a LONG time ago. It’s not fair, that’s for sure, but I am NOT surprised.

    • It has been rigged since the second season, why do you think they stopped the viewing fans from voting the guest out. And if you watch survivor real close you will see it is also rigged to a point. Remember when Russel Hanze was on, he walked right to where the idol was hidden even without one clue, give me a break.

      • The show is manipulated, it’s not rigged. Season 1 was changed because America is predictable. It doesn’t like “bad people”. Unlike every other country that airs BB the original way, Americans voted out the drama first, and the rest of the season was dull.

        As for Russell, he looked in the obvious places. It’s not like the were hiding the idols in the ground anymore. They were sticking them in tree trunks. That’s also editing. He was probably out there searching for over an hour. And, he was probably also watching the cameraman to see if he was peeking.

    • To be fair I think the whole “this is a scam” thing was easier to ignore/harder to figure out than it’s been recently (what with the breadth of blogs and the live feeds in recent years, and what with people who should be out suddenly being saved by magic a lot more in recent years).

  8. If you love BB15, you need to check this out on youtube
    Big Brother 15, Episode 10 by Will Heuser

    Absolutely hilarious!

  9. Andy gave Amanda one of his shirts to prove his loyalty! Gee, with so many ugly choices I can’t decide which shirt I hope it is. The blue tank top? Skeleton tee?

    • seriously Andy has the worst wardrobe, that just sets off his pasty white freckled body, Andy, you should never, never wear a tank top.

    • It was his heart donor t-shirt that he wear all the time. He said he didn’t care, that it was just a $20 t-shirt. I think he has more than one.

    • Andy really does dress like a toddler. Those shirts would be really cute on a 3 year old, but on an adult its pretty sad.

  10. Elissa is being smart and trying to get one ally who could play in HOH in the double eviction (Mccrae), but I don’t think it will work. I think Mccrae will believe Andy when he is crying about Amanda leaving. Elissa will be nominated no matter who wins.

    Also Amanda can suck it with her apologies. I love that she is embarrassed when Elissa is helping her, not just in general. So whatever I hope Amanda still leaves.

    Finally if Elissa leaves during the DE there is no one I’d be OK with winning half a million, so I will only check in to see who won AFP

    • McCrea already suspect Andy of duplicity. If the vote flip doesn’t work, I’m convince McCrea will know it’s Andy.

      • I’m convinced too. McCrae and Amanda truly feel that Elissa is not lying because of her wedding rings she gave as collateral. Also, Amanda did say early in the day that Andy better save her after all she’s done for him. So while she still believes Andy I do think she has some doubt after making that statement and that was before McCrae told her he didn’t trust Andy. They all feel something isn’t right because of how others are acting towards them now, so only time will tell. I want Andy exposed so bad.

        Also, Amanda just told Judd while they were up briefly that the reason she started not trusting him is because he would tell her and McCrae things and then would say don’t tell Andy and she said that in an alliance you have to be truthful with all members, so who knows that maybe a red flag for Judd because he knows Andy is lying to Amanda.

      • I doubt Judd is connecting the dots, that has never been a strong suit of his. He has no idea that he is lowest in the extermintor rankings, and boy will be the first one to go if they can’t go after Mccrae or Elissa.

      • I think both Andy and Spencer would like to take GM to the finals. They won’t tell each other that, but she might be the easiest to beat for the two of them.

      • I hope so. I don’t want Mccrae in that house either, but I can wait for him to go until Andy goes to jury.

  11. So this has NOTHING to do with Elissas gameplay. It is COMPLETELY production trying to keep Amanda around. This move really did just ruin the rest of the season. Everyone’s game play is now screwed because of this.
    Thank you production.

    • Everyone’s gameplay was screwed when the MVP was brought in. Then it was screwed again when Judd was brought back into the game. This is nothing new.

      • What’s worse, production suggesting in the DR something that may or may not come to pass, or production pulling someone back into the game who has already lost?

        Production isn’t telling anyone what to do.

  12. I have this horrible vision of the Final 3 coming down to GinaMarie, Spencer & Amanda. Then every belief I’ve ever had about good triumphing over evil will be called into question.

      • I knew weeks ago that this was heading in that direction this year. There will be a winner that most people will object or at least be very disappointed.

      • I agree. And that’s fine. What I can’t stand is fans that think that there’s only one way to win, and any other way makes you a bad person. And that anyone who supports such a person is also a bad person by proxy.

      • It had better not be who I had heard early on who wins! It was said early on that Amanda won and that she is a VERY good friend of a producer of the show…

      • Oh, duh. You’re right. Forgot that if Amanda stays it means Spencer goes. The rest of the sentiment stands though. :)

    • Worse than that would be GM, Spencer and Andy. Amanda is a crappy person, but at least she is playing the game.

  13. Of course production told Elissa to try to keep Amanda. Elissa is the pawn, she’s there to keep the heat off Amanda. Now it’s gonna get her evicted on the double eviction for following orders.

  14. YALL have to admit tho..while we hate Amanda and want her gone there is just the tiniest bit of joy and a smile in knowing that if she doesn’t Spencer will and I’m not gonna say that is he is the lesser of 2 evils. Amanda may stay in eviction 1 but go in the 2nd. I am still hoping that the plan will be outed before eviction and Andy is exposed. Since Elissa Amanda &McCrae all feel that there is a underlying snag in their plan it may be exposed. I CAN HOPE..

    • While I want Spencer gone, I really hope Andy isn’t outed before the eviction. It’s the evil in me that wants to see Amanda’s reaction when she’s blindsided for the second time in one week.

      • But Spencers smug hairy facial expression up hearing he is the chosen one will be priceless. He considers himself to be invincible. Him or Amanda could go & I would enjoy it.

  15. Production is fixing BB15 come on people wake up. Think about it. They promised Elissa something either HOH or POV to change her mind. Then when Andy wouldn’t play ball they called Judd into the diary room and I bet the promised him safety to vote for Amanda either HOH or POV if he doesn’t play ball he will be evicted in the double eviction. They want Elissa and Amanda in a final 2. Watch it unfold. If Amanda is save the fix is in. And Big Brother is done. I like Elissa and want her to win but not this way. This might as well be a wrestling match. CBS pop you head out an fire the production manager before she ruins BB and us fans fire you.

    • No matter what happens, BB isn’t done. Ratings will survive and everyone will be back next year.

      • that is what you think…I saw Julie Chin on the Talk talking anout the show and you could tell that she wans’t happy with the way the show was going this year and that she seemed a little ashamed of it! And with her hubby being the head of CBS, I think that if things don’t shape up the show could disappear from the line up next year if things don’t change!!

      • I saw that interview. I also saw another interview with him. That show is going nowhere until the ratings drop or someone is murdered on the show.

  16. I really want to know what was/is up with Judd! Cant wait until Thursday’s episode and BBAD!

    • Self preservation. If the vote goes to evict Amanda and Andy is outted Mccrae will drop Andy and side with Elissa so that gives her at least one ally to play with cause of the DE. Its a good plan actually but I just hate that Amanda is the one she has to work with. If the plan is outted before eviction McCrae will know that Elissa was trying to be a true ally to him & Amanda. That is one of the reasons that the plan needs to be exposed before the vote. McCrae will help Elissa get farther.

  17. This is good for Elissa. Amanda wont stay, so thats good. But Elissa will gain Mccrae’s trust, now instead of the 5 remaining hg’s against her she’ll actually have someone on her side. Hopefully Elissa or Mccrae wins HOH and we see Andy walk out on Thursday. I cant stand him hes as bad as Shelly from BB13

    • However, Elissa/Mccrae against Judd/Andy/Spencer is still difficult for HOH.
      Then Elissa/Mccrae against Judd/Andy/Spencer/GM for veto.
      I think Elissa or Mccrae are headed out the door.

      • It takes one person to win the HOH its only 2 on 3 and they dont have to worry about veto as long as one of them wins HOH not to mention Mccrae and Elissa have won the most comps

  18. GM said she plans to blast Elissa off when Amanda goes out Hope she does so the for sure Mccrea will know that Andy is a weasel and at this point I do not care who goes home as long as the rat is ratted out

  19. I have a football game being broadcast on Thursday….again, during DE…again, sigh, please keep posting during live show so I know whether to throw a shoe at my TV or not. I really hope Elissa makes it through DE and either Amanda, Spencer, or Andy head to the jury house. Oh, and I hope the Broncos lose for interrupting my Thursday night!!!

  20. I will start by admitting that I have no real clue what these HGs are up to this year. But, I think Elissa has some sneaky little plan of her own by getting on demanda’s “good side” this week. I doubt that demanda will stay either way, but it gives Elissa a little bit of leverage in jury should she make F2 and some trust with McCrae. Before this, neither had no one.. now, they at least have each other. It also helps keep demanda from torturing her another week. It is also going to expose Andy for being the weasel he is. (Although, I cant imagine them not knowing it already)
    And seriously, does anyone really believe that Elissa gave demanda her real wedding rings? She’s coo-coo, but not an idiot.

    • There was mention that Rachel told Elissa not to bring her real wedding ring into the house.

  21. Elissa needs to get judd to vote to keep amanda. The look on andy’s face will be priceless. Then he will tell amanda that he kept her safe and tell gm that he voted to evict. Amanda will be on to him. He is such a rat. I can’t wait for him to leave.

    • I don’t think she can do anything to get Judd’s vote to save Amanda. He knows Amanda has been pushing for his nomination since her returned. He knows he is not safe keeping Amanda in the game. And he is right.

  22. Judd Amanda Elissa and Mccrae need to form and alliance and get out Andy and Spencer they’ve been floating around all season i hate it … I agree with alot of comments I’m an Elissa fan i think she made a good move by trying to make an alliance especially since she knows she can’t trust Andy and the other HGs have the exterminators

    • DAWN people are y stupid or what, bullied all year and u still vote for her(Amanda)MAN wake up,all the year round people are trying to stop bulying all over the world and u still vote for the bullies ….crazy country we live in….Ellisa is stupid if she hoes that way..

  23. “8:56 PM BBT – GinaMarie plans to tear into Elissa when Amanda leaves. She’s not happy that she’s going behind everyone’s back to try to save Amanda.”

    Hey biatch … just like you didn’t want to play others games – neither does Elissa .. she’s trying to save her own butt too – so back off you stupid, obnoxious, racist hypocrite.

  24. I don’t have the feeds, so I can only go off what I read here & other sites. Does anyone think it may be that production asked Elissa to “go along” with this plan so Amanda wouldn’t go completely CRAZY? She was really horrible to Elissa. Maybe production actually feared for Elissa’s safety??

  25. I think the “Andy outing” will be before Thursday nite. The EXTs are all being rude to Elissa & shunning her. McCrae (more so than Amanda) & Amanda have picked up some bad vibes. I just want the fallout to be before Thursday nite. Whether Amanda goes or not I want to see Andy go out the door 2nd eviction. I have had enough of the ratty ass weasels barbs & jibes.

    • Me too!!!! I think things are probably going to blow today (or at least one could hope.) Andy truly needs to be outed; if there was ever a RAT this season it was definitely him. His plan to try to frame Elissa isn’t going to work because McCrae already has his doubts about Andy and Andy is making a target on his back by trying to put thoughts in Amanda’s head that if the votes dont work out then it’s because of Elissa. If I were Amanda I would be saying to myself, why would he even bring that up given the fact that Elissa gave me something precious of hers and he is supposed to be aligned with me. Only time will tell, but I truly hope he gets outed today or at least right before trivia tomorrow.

  26. While the thought of Andy and Spencer in the final 2 makes me hang my head in disgust, I could only imagine the weak reasons they would give for winning this game. Andy could only boast about how big of a tattletale he is and Spencer only has being on the block the most to his credit. If I were on that jury I would sacrifice my stipend and walk out on the live finale.

    • Playing a low-key game doesn’t mean you’re playing a bad game. Sometimes you have to play the cards your dealt. Spencer has done extremely well up to this point. To be dominated 7 times and not get evicted? That’s impressive.

      It reminds me of Dan. Did he want to play a cut throat game? No. But he needed to. Spencer and Andy are doing what they NEED to do to get by. Not everyone can win competitions, and because of that, sometimes you need to lay low and build a rapport with everyone in the house. Spencer has such good relationships in the house he VOLUNTEERED to go up as a replacement this week. Come on. Who does that?

      • They don’t even try to win comps. Every week they talk about throwing every comp. If you want to win the game, your gonna have to play eventually.

      • Because his social game was very good. It takes a special kind of charisma to vote someone out and then get their vote to win in the end. Only a few people can pull that off, I don’t see that in anyone left in the house.

      • Sure, but that doesn’t mean that the only right way to choose a winner is to pick the person who won the most comps. If Rachel and her followers had their way, that’s the only way you could win. Floaters get a lifevest. That’s absurd.

        I agree that often it helps to win a comp when necessary. But often it’s not necessary if you’re getting your way in other respects. Why did Amanda need to win an HoH when everyone she wanted out went out? She didn’t. Her downfall was whining about it rather than just saying who cares, at least I’m getting my way.

      • Dan and Spencer played very different games. Spencer hasn’t made a truly strategic move since the end of the Moving Company, with the possible exception of joining the Exterminators.

        Dan was constantly working the house, turning things to his benefit, whether or not he won comps. Dan’s philosophy is to throw challenges unless absolutely necessary. Spencer doesn’t have a coherent strategy. Sometimes he tries, sometimes he doesn’t.

    • Andy will have a great story for the jury. He’s going to say that the only reason McCranda got as far as they did was because of the information that he gave them. He was doing all of their dirty work for them. He wasn’t their coattail ride. They were his.

      And when they became enough of a target to threaten his game, he switched sides. It’s impressive that he has never been fully caught for his gamesmanship. He is playing a much more difficult game than anyone else in the house, and he’s getting no credit for it. But he can make that case to the jury, and it should be persuasive.

      You say he’s a rat. I say he’s a sophisticated intelligence gatherer. He’s playing a very good game, strategically second only to Amanda; socially, second to none.

      • I think he will tell the jury how much he contributed to McCranda’s reign. And I do think that the “floater” strategy isn’t a bad one in a game like this, but this is the time where that strategy becomes precarious. I also think it will be hard to take credit for the 3am alliance with the 3 other members on the jury. I’m sure if Amanda goes this week, that she will realize that Andy was the one who is responsible and I can see her as a bitter jury member set on anyone else to win but Andy.

      • You’re right. This is the most difficult time of Andy’s game. But if he survives, he’s good a very good case.

        He doesn’t have to take credit for 3 AM’s strategic decisions. He just needs to remind them that if it weren’t for his spying, they wouldn’t have been able to operate.

        I also doubt that Amanda will hold a grudge against anyone except for Elissa, and I’m not sure she would do that, depending on who Elissa would be up against. If it was Elissa vs. GM, I could see her going with Elissa.

      • Do you think the final speeches really have that much impact? Jw, cuz it seems like they probably already know who they will be voting for before they even know who the final two are. I wonder if they have to tell production who they will be voting for when it gets to the final three, like right before the live show. It would be a great story though bc it’s pretty true.

      • It works with some juries, not with others. Some are so bitter, they don’t care what anyone says. I can see that with this jury.

      • I should add that if Amanda is voted out tomorrow, and Andy can successfully convince McCrae that it’s Elissa’s fault, that’s one more point he can use in his argument. If it weren’t for Andy, the Exterminators wouldn’t have been able to get rid of Amanda and wouldn’t have had such an easy time with Elissa.

  27. Has anyone ever heard of a complaint by a former HG that the game was rigged? Or, is there any, or has there been litigation? I imagine that all HG’s have to sign a release barring them from any legal action due to their experience on this program, and I think the constant reminder to not talk about production is due to what they must have signed. I know there are a lot of comments about the show being rigged, so I’m guessing that the HG’s go into this fully knowing the possibilities. Any thoughts?

    • I’ve never thought that they outright tell people what to do. But I do think that even using a certain line of questioning can guide someone in the game. They didn’t have to tell Elissa anything, they could have just asked her repeatedly if she thinks that GM, Judd, Spencer and Andy are working together. Or ask her if she is the biggest threat after Amanda is gone. Both of those questions asked numerous times could create enough doubt for her to save Amanda.

    • One would think if it were rigged Amanda wouldn’t have been crying so much these past few weeks. I would think she would be in on it IF it were rigged. Idk

    • I’ve listened to countless interviews with former HGs. They’re required to remain quiet about production for 1 year after the game. After that, they’re always willing to talk about it, and they all say the same thing (this goes for players that have returned for a second time, as well as bitter players who would never return and would have no problem throwing CBS under the bus). The DR asks them lots of questions that makes them question their gameplans, and if you listen to the questions the right way, you’ll get a sense of how you’re being edited and what the storyline is. Some players are perceptive, others aren’t.

      As far as I know, there haven’t been any lawsuits about rigging the game. The girl who had a knife held up to her throat sued because she felt unsafe. And there was a copyright infringement suit at the beginning. But that seems to be about it, at least what’s out in public.

      I have no doubt, based on what I’ve read, that if the game were truly rigged, the contestants would have ample grounds for a lawsuit. If there was a yoga contest, and you had to hold a pose while standing on a platform, that would obviously benefit Elissa. And that would be fine. But if the platforms of everyone but Elissa were to shake, that’s where you get into rigging. And that’s never happened.

      • Thanks UPB…figured someone would know some history on this. I guess it is merely entertainment, if you can call it that this season. I suppose people like me who like to reward integrity are in for a ruder awakening than normal this time around!

      • I should also add that I’ve heard a former producer say that there’s always a lawyer in the production studio.

  28. What’s sad is that I don’t even see this as the real Big Brother anymore. I’ve been watching Big Brother Australia 2013 and… well that’s what Big Brother is supposed to be like. A bit of fun with a group of actual randomly and diverse people… not all ex-neo nazi sloths. I’m tired of being angry every episode. Who do I want to win? Spencer. Why? Because this season is a joke, and he would be the perfect example of it.

    • The only reason for that is that in the American version, they’re playing to get rid of each other. In other versions, they don’t have any control after nominations. So why would you antagonize people when you know that will get you eliminated by the voters? But in the American game, you might have to do that to get people out of the game.

      And season 1, which is comparable to BBAU, was an epic flop, because Americans inevitably get rid of the dynamic players first and leave the bores in the house.

  29. Will have to go on the internet and run a background check of these people. It is all out there without the lie, no hiding these days.

  30. Personally between Amanda and Spencer Idc who leaves. Spencer’s gross with the things he says. Amanda is mean, so the choice is right or wrong either way. I’ll say if Amanda stays the nicer non vetsion bully of herself, Ill take that over Spencer any day.

  31. It’s hard to tell what’s going to happen at this Thursday’s double eviction. Obviously, Amanda’s going, but after that is up in the air. Double Evictions tend to be one of the few times when the audience can truly “expect the unexpected.” If a member of the Exterminators wins HOH, expect to say goodbye to Elissa. But if either she or McCrae win, I think we might see an Exterminator walk out of the house.

  32. O:K, this is what I want to know. Why is Elissa not addressing the fact that Judd is being so rude to her as is GM? She has to notice that something is really wrong. Also, why is Amanda and McCrae not noticing there’s s a shift in the house as well? Also, why are they not noticing that Andy is not running to them every few minutes telling them things? He’s not giving them information anymore and it’s obvious that there’s something really wrong with Judd and GM. No one is talking. GM should have also gone to Elissa and asked if what Andy was saying is true. Why is every person believing Andy??? Even when Elissa told Judd not to trust Andy, he went to Andy and told him right away. I can’t stand Andy and only pray that he is the one to go on double eviction tomorrow. Can’t stand watching him for even one more day!

  33. Gm is not nice. She has no room to talk about Elissa or Amanda. She called all them cockroaches when nick was evicted. She isn’t playing game. Amanda and Elissa are playing the best game. Everyone else is so gross. Gm is very immature for her age. She’s worse than Amanda ever thought of being. Gm is a bitch and is gross!!

  34. Gm has lost it. I’m watching live feed and she is nasty!! She isn’t playing game she is taking this to a personal level. Grow up gm. U r so immature it’s sickening. This season sucks. It would have been better if Jeremy and nick were still in it and all these floaters weren’t here. None of these people are worthy of winning !!

  35. I think production wants both Amanda and Elissa out now after all the talk about the show being rigged, just to cover their own butts.

  36. Hi all. I have been trying to get bb live feeds. And it keeps asking me for a promotion code..what the heck is it? Does anybody know?

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