While Robyn Kass, Big Brother casting director, announced in mid-February that online applications would begin being accepted, this weekend’s debut of the open-call events will be the first of nineteen audition opportunities for potential HouseGuests to meet the casting team in person. Kassting has been releasing new dates and locations this month with additional events potentially added considering last year’s nearly thirty auditions.
Applicants are reminded not to bring any paperwork or applications with them to the in-person events unlike past seasons prior to the arrival of the online system. Kass also suggests auditioners wear comfortable clothes, avoid rehearsing answers, and to come later in the event’s time to avoid long lines.
Big Brother 15 hopefuls unable to locate an open-call event near them are encouraged to audition online and are reminded it is unnecessary to audition both in person and by an online application as all are reviewed by the same team.
Best of luck to all applicants! We can’t wait to see you in the Big Brother house this summer when the season returns two weeks early with a June 26, 2013 premiere!
Source: Twitter & Big Brother Casting
Any guests will be better than the poor looking Big Brother Canada. What a disaster from the host to the awful house to the poor players.
The BBCAN HGs have been great. It’s been a nice change to have all newbies in a BB house.
Sounds like you think everything is a disaster. Eeyore much?
I LIKE all “newbies”, am actually getting really tired of Survivor (& others) bringing back repeat players…give new people a shot! We’ve already seen the old peeps – we WANT to meet NEW players! :)
The all-newb is definitely a great aspect of BBCAN. Makes me long for a return to that on BBUS.
“Ian was one of only three applicants added to the show this season (Frank and Jodi were the others), as everyone else was a recruit.” Good Luck with that
I’m getting tired of the recruitment deal. Sure, on occasion they pick a winner but i think the fans could choose a much more entertaining group. Maybe they should post the top 50 applicants online and let us vote….top 14 get a house key. The powers that be might be a bit surprised at what the fans really want in a hg.
I’ll be going to the open casting call in Charleston, WV this Sat. I know its a long shot but it’ll be a fun road trip if nothing else.