Big Brother Houseguests came together this past weekend to attend the wedding of BB15’s Aaryn Gries complete with plenty of pics by bridesmaid GinaMarie Zimmerman and BBCAN’s Liza Stinton who made the long trip for some fun with the extended Big Brother family.
The wedding was held in Montgomery, Texas and included invited guests Jeremy McGuire and Spencer Clawson. There didn’t seem to be an appearance by the third leg of the girls’ trio, Kaitlin Barnaby.
Liza also shared pics of catching up with BB14’s winner Ian Terry and BB15 HG Jessie Kowalski, though neither appeared to be in attendance at the wedding, at least according to the group photos.
Source: BigBrotherAccess.com
Image credit: @GinaMarieZ & Liza Stinton
Did she find a nice racist boy to marry? How nice.
Hmmm …i’ve never seen a Racist Wedding before …Interesting.
but y’all probably the same people to ignore Frankie’s deplorable comments on his season? smh move on
OMG…Fakie wasnt the only HG to say “Deploable Comments” in BB15… how about all the RACIST remarks that Amanda, Gina Marie as well as the WORST Aaryn… i hope she had Asian Rice for her wedding and had her nails done by a Asian…
Im Shaking My Head also… why dont YOU Move On…
You know, i was offended by her comments but after thinking about them, they weren’t THAT bad (as in she’s not a racist, just kinda ignorant) but I truly believe she’s learned from her mistakeโฆPlus, SHE LOOKS SO PRETTY!
Oh no, just what the world needs two more people primed to raise more ignorant Americans! I wonder if Gina Marie ever got her GED?
Gives all new meaning to “White Wedding” haha