Big Brother 15 House Pics & Tour Video

Big Brother 15 house

CBS has revealed the Big Brother 15 house in an interview with ET! Here are your pictures plus guided tour by none other than Julie Chen herself. The best part of Julie’s tour? She’s dropping hints and reveals all over the place.

Before we get to the hints, the BB15 house theme is a mid-century modern “Mad Men” inspired creation. It actually looks pretty awesome.

First up? The nomination chairs are missing! Julie explains this is part of the twist.

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Then there’s the memory wall featuring, wait for it, 16 spots since the Big Brother 15 season starts early and runs longer this year.

Now back to that twist. Later in the tour Julie explains America’s role on BB15 will be much bigger this year because it will affect the nominations “every week.” Yikes! Well that’s no good.

“America’s role is so big this summer, that even before we start the game, America will be asked to do something and it will affect the nominations,” says Julie Chen on the Big Brother 15 twist.

And one last thing to leave us with, Julie says that this summer we’ll see “16 new houseguests.” We told you so six weeks ago, didn’t we? Yep. She does add there will be one familiar face, but since he/she will be a new HG that means it’s probably a crossover from another CBS show.’

What do you think of the new Big Brother 15 house and the latest twists and spoilers?

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Big Brother 15 House tour video:

Update: Additional tour of the BB15 house with Julie Chen from THR.



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  1. Omg this is breaking news. Thank you so much for the regular updates by the way. I want to sign up for live feeds via you guys now… What link do I go to?!

  2. Very impressive. Love the new look – especially the bathroom. But those missing nom chairs will take a bit of getting used to. The couch they replaced them with looks big enough for 3. hmmm

    • I think this is an awful idea.All of the people in that family are nothing but trouble.Fighting would totally ruin the show.

  3. Only really like the Kitchen and HOH room :/ Gonna take time to get used to the dark lighting after last season which I loved.

    But maybe there will be 3 noms? And imo it’s gonna be a Survivor player for sure.

    • I wouldn’t mind seeing three up fro eviction.

      How about a Survivor format with everyone but the immunity or HOH being safe for the week? Or just the Have NOT’s up for eviction?

  4. Big Brother to a Survivor style format with all but the HOH up for eviction? That would be an interesting twist for a future season of Big Brother.

    • Yeah I think that could be the twist than the POV winner along with the HoH will be safe from eviction. But again it kinda will take the fun out of BB because I love watching backdoors happend. But there will be blindsides

      My gut tells me this twist is America votes for 1 person to be nominated while the other 2 are put up by the HoH.

      • I think you might be on to something with America’s vote and the nominations, BB wants fans to get involved weekly, so why not nominate somebody each week. That exposes the floaters and puts them on the chopping block. Could be fun to watch especially when you don’t know what the fans are going to do.

      • That way also the houseguests will start to get a feel for who America likes and doesn’t like. Someone could be thinking they’ve got it made with the every one in the house but the rest of America hates them, like Danielle.

  5. The twist clues that have been thrown out so far are:
    -No floater summer
    -America will play a big role and will effect nominations
    -Long nomination couch
    -16 Houseguests / Longer Summer (I’m guessing this is independent of the twist.)
    -1 Familiar Face (Probably past Survivor, again independent of twist)
    -Stand up Have-Not Room. (Really, Grodner? This is Big Brother, not Survivor. Just let the houseguests be comfortable and stop using these gimmicks that just distract from the game.)

    Putting these together, we all know that we’re going to have three nominees (it can’t be 1 nominee named by the HOH and one by America because then the traditional two nomination chairs would still work.) The three nominee idea was floating around long before now, and this just confirms it.

    The question in my mind is how this is going to effect the veto. I’m guessing the number of players is going to have to increase to eight (the HOH, the nominees, and each of them will pull a ping pong ball, totaling eight players.) I think this will be it just because they have enough of a twist going on elsewhere to screw with the veto, but who knows.

    With “no floaters” and America in the game, I’m guessing America is going to name a third nominee to go up every week in addition to the two named by the HOH. This would make sense in the “no floater” context because the houseguests that aren’t popular in the beginning of the game are the floaters, thus the houseguests that America will put in the third nomination chair (while the disliked houseguests later in the game aren’t usually the floaters, every twist since season 11 has gone away by around week 4 or 5. The twists just get the game rolling and get hype up for the beginning of the season, and then go away once things actually get started. I can’t imagine it will be anything different here.)

    Engineering student on lunch break from doing research in the lab, sorry if I got too technical. (Not Ian.)

  6. Love the house!!! but I’m disappointed that only 16 players are in the house! We’ve had 16 before and this season is supposed to be bigger!! Hopefully more HG’s show up!!!

  7. Julie claims that 80+ countries watch their show, but it’s still America’s Player / Vote / Choice, etc.

  8. Look on the up stairs wall, the world globe of Amazing Race. Some one is coming on the show that has been on that show.

  9. Gotta say… the only rooms that don’t look tacky or like the furniture is really cheap are the HOH room and the REALLY nice bathroom. I’m curious to see the Have-Not room though… All in all, BB Canada’s house was better!

  10. I think the cast will be revealed tomorrow. Last season the cast of BB14 was shown a week before the premire. Next Wednesday is the premire so…

  11. I’m new to watching this season, so please forgive my dumb question, but do people share beds in the “Haves” bedrooms?

    • Yes. There’s at least two types of beds there, single beds and large beds that can fit at least two people.

      I don’t think the thing with “not enough beds for everyone” on the first day still exist in recent seasons, especially with the Have-Not room around.

      BTW, speaking of Have-Not room, methinks the HG’s who are sent there will have hanging beds that look more like cocoons hanging from the ceiling (or to fit the theme of mid-century chic ala “Mad Men”, pocket protectors hweheehehe!).

      Based on Julie Chen’s commentaries during her house tour, that could/might probably be the case. :D

  12. Looks like its gonna be great but I am really upset that BB is switching from showtime toTVG Network. I cant get this thru cablevision and have been a loyal fan since season 1 ! Not fair guys………

  13. My only concern with America effecting the game is whether it will really be our votes or it will just be what the producers think would spice up the show a little more. The house guests shouldn’t have to worry about us/the producers voting them out/keeping them in.

  14. Sooo there is going to be 3 people on the block instead of 2… and America gets to vote for an MVP each week who ends up with special powers… 16 hg’s this season… sounds like we have a winning season!!! Yay!!

4 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. ‘Big Brother 15′ Twist Revealed: America Votes For Weekly Big Brother MVP | Big Brother Network
  2. Big Brother 15 Spoilers – HoH Will Nominate Three HGs In New Twist | Big Brother Network
  3. More In-Depth Big Brother 15 House Photos – Take Another Tour | Big Brother Network
  4. Big Brother 15 Cast – Houseguest Bios, Pics, & Interviews | Big Brother Network

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