Big Brother 15 Final HoH: Round 1 Down, Two More To Go – What’s Next?

Spencer falls in the HoH comp

Last night in the Big Brother house the remaining three houseguests competed in the first of a three-part Head of Household competition to decide which HG is guaranteed a seat at the final two and gets to pick which HG is the last to be evicted. This multi-part battle is a critical race to the finish line for the season.

Now that the first round is over we can discuss what’s left to go in the countdown as we prepare to crown the season winner in just a few more days.

There should be little surprise that GinaMarie pulled out the win last night in the endurance competition. Had it been an older style “sit still and keep your hand on the button/key/etc” then I think that comp could have lasted a lot, lot longer. Instead the HGs were on skates and were dragged around in a circle until they fell one by one.

GinaMarie has a strong track record in physical endurance comps and this was right up her alley. Had McCrae survived the eviction and Spencer or Andy somehow left instead then I think we could have seen this one really drag out instead of ending in probably less than 30 mins. (We don’t know the exact time the comp started, but we watched for about 17 mins before it ended.)

With Round 1 out of the way there are two more to go. Round 2 will be held this weekend, probably on Saturday. Round 3 will be live on Wednesday’s season finale starting at 9:30PM ET/PT.

When Round 2 arrives we will not be able to watch it on the Live Feeds, but we will soon discover who won when it’s over. Spencer and Andy will face off in a skill based challenge. In the past these have physical competitions and are rarely “easy.” I don’t see a huge advantage for either of these HGs as neither have been a physical dominator.

Whichever HG wins Round 2 will then move on to Round 3. The loser in Round 2 will have to sit on the couch and watch his fate decided by the other two players. Whoever wins Round 3 next Wednesday will have the choice to evict one of the other two HGs and then those two will face the Jury together on.

Who do you hope to win Round 2? Andy or Spencer? Be sure to join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email updates so you can get the final spoilers of BB15 sent to you!



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  1. Hope Spencer wins round 2 cause Andy would beat GM at questions in round 3. Having Andy go out 3rd is all there is left to root for. This is the worst final 3 ever…….

    • I agree. This has been the worst bb in the last couple weeks than i can ever remember in the last 14 bbs. I want GM to win. Andy has been nasty behind everyones back he has more blood on his hands than anyone even knows. And Spemcer has been a lazy floater all along and if u watch bbad then u might realize he is a pervert…

  2. Watching Spencer and Andy do a giant fail at roller skating was truly a joy to watch. Sums up the whole season.

  3. Glad to know CBS likes to support ppl w/ these standards to win their money. LowLifes all around I say.

    • Come on man it’s a game and they’re making it this far. It’s not production’s fault that they’ve managed to slip this far past all the drama. All houseguest (accept maybe Howard, Candice, and Nick) have said somthing offensive. Oh, and what has Andy said? Nothing racist/homophobic.

      • No Andy never said a homophobic, because he is a nasty Lot Lizard. He makes a disgrace of the whole gay community. He makes me sick!

      • ndy not homophobic…ha ha he is one! Racist…comes in many forms…many of the remarks and implied things he said about GM, Elissa, Candace and even Amanda were definitely racist and him with a college education!

      • Hey hey now.. I’m a grad student and I could easily take a leave of absence for 4 months if needed. In fact, it’s encouraged to take some personal time because grad school gets very stressful. Not saying the BB house is personal time, just saying that many people can take a couple months off if they have a secure job or supportive university.

  4. I simply want the season to be over and if there is a season 16 I can hope that CBS/Allison Grodner have learned that taking extra steps in pre screening contestants would be worth the time money and effort.

    • I’m with you. This is the first year I truly disliked watching the HG. I have said before lying and bkstabing part of game. You can play it without these disgusting people. Did you see the bedrooms? As much as I dislike them the room Andy and GM are in looks like a clean motel room compared to the pig sty McCrae and Spencer had.

    • yes hopefully next year will be better this year for the first time I did not could not watch all the shows

    • Also, I hope that CBS has learned that they have a responsibility to making sure that contestants follow rules and do not encourage deviant behavior by supplying a condom drawer, too much booer and by making sure contestants families are off limits!

    • I don’t like racism period, which is why I can never get behind GM, despite being the last woman standing. Also dislike Andy, but I can put up with sniveling over racism.

      • Andy has said a few things too, which was surprising as they made gay jokes at him (mostly Amanda), but he encouraged it several times by laughing and making little comments to egg them on. All 3 left DO NOT deserve to win but one of them will so because she fought so hard I hope she wins over the other 2.

      • So right Brenda…he even made fun of his own culture and egged on the racist behavior toward Candace

    • At least Andy played the game. It’s not always about winning comps. it’s about staying in the game week after week. Not his fault he was in there with a bunch of gullible dopes who fell for his deceptions.

      • I agree. Spencers game play was all of, “yeah, I will be your pawn, im safe right?” Gm, well she took things to a personal level, and, until she was needed as a number, didnt really have a gameplan. Andy, not the strongest, but played socially very well. Even when ppl knew he was lying (McCrae) were still on his side. He kept ppl around him until he didnt find then useful anymore, then conspired to dump them, convinced both sides of the house to do it.

        In short, Andy played. GM insulted, and Spencer just wasted space.

        Go Andy

      • You must have missed Spence being investigated back home since he’s been in the BB house??? During one of their discussions Spencer was telling McCrae how he was into kiddie prn in extensive detail >_< he had also made remarks about how he thought Hitler was a "great" speaker, and he called Andy Kermit the F*g. (In Spencer's hometown the police were investigating him / and his computer with Chris Hansen.. *I wish) And his CP were setting up to let his behind go.

  5. The college that Andy works (ed) finaalll ymade a statement about his appearance on BB. I guess all those complaints via e mail/phone woke them up.

      • I got it on the tweeter feeds off of live feeds. Did not say alot but they did say that Andy Herren is ” not” employed by the college. And they don’t condone his actions words or views that he has expressed on BB.

      • CBS needs to step up and say due to the year of disgustingness, we have decided that the 3 of you have violated the morals clause of humanity and we are going to donate the $500,000 to charity!

      • Ok I looked up the college all proffs are listed there entered Andy’s name in their proffs search and it came back Your search didn’t return any results for professors at this school.

      • Adjuncts are contracted each semester. Obviously, Andy couldn’t teach this semester because of BB. He ceased to be an employee of the college on the last day of Spring Semester. If the college wants to offer him a contract for Spring 2014, it is their option to do so or not. He was not fired, but he may not be offered a new contract.

      • yes the statement is on their facebook page

        Andy Herren has formerly worked for College of DuPage as a part-time instructor. He does not currently work for the College. Any behavior or language he uses on the CBS reality show “Big Brother” does not represent the opinions or values of College of DuPage.
        Thanks fly

      • Good. “Another one bites the dust”. I really don’t wish bad things on people, but they must understand there are consequences to their actions. Karma is a bitch!

      • I am like u I don’t wish bad things either but the law of physics says “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” and Gods law says “what goes around comes around”

      • A “part-time instructor” is HARDLY a “professor.” SO, the RAT even LIED when he applied for Big Brother. The best thing that could happen IMO is that it’s GM and Spencer as the final two!

  6. feeds are up and Andy is pissed he is saying very little if anything..First time all season the slug has kept his mouth shut..

    • It would be ironic and satisfying that after he wanted maccranda out not to be third he still ends up third

  7. Please please please get some HGs with some brains for BB16. Please screen them instead of finding them at bars!

  8. Loving the prospect of Andy being 3rd… As if no matter which of these schmucks ended up in the final three – he gets 3rd… Wah…Wah..Wah……

    • Since GM and Spencer have both lost their jobs because of unbecoming behaviour.. I don’t think they should win…

      • if the employers do not want these people as employees any longer, then why would we want them to win !!!!

      • Kinda my thought. But more leaning towards what kind of message this will send out… such as act like a fool and win some $$?? Really?? Heaven help us if this is going to be the new norm of the show…

      • A) Andy has not lost his job. He is adjunct; part time temporary each semester. His employer may hire him for Spring 2014, but doubtful. B) Spencer is a union employee for Union Pacific Railroad. UPR has to honor the collective bargaining agreement set forth and signed by the union. His union will defend him.

      • A) I never said anything about Andy.
        B) Spencer’s union shouldn’t have a reason to defend his actions, and why should they?
        C) ALL three are vile people.( I’m not talking about the way Andy has chosen to play the game)

      • You are behind in the info philly…unions have some class to, watch them drag there feet to defend

      • Out of the three of them you kind of have to. He’s the only one who has really played. Both Andy and GM’s “big moves” were the brainchildren of Spencer. Plus he has the nomination record thing going for him

      • They have the same amount of competition wins, he formed the alliance that brought her to the end, he’s the one who convinced her to put up McCrae and Amanda, and he’s got the whole nomination record going for him.

      • While the child porn thing was an odd joke to make, it was just a joke. And it doesn’t dispute the fact he played the best game

  9. This was the first year in the history of BB that I am not excited about who wins. I really do not care who wins. I didn’t watch BBAD at all because with all the bleeps the censors used to cover the bad language it was too hard to understand. I hope next year will be better.

  10. This is the strangest season of gutless wonders ever. Mcy screwed himself so bad when he voted out ell. he knew better but went with the ginger bitch, He would have won , any of them since ell was true, but gm and ell are the two that did stand by people they trusted, if you think about no one went out on a limb and voted the way the wanted in the start of the game, not once did all three noms have a vote it was always two or just one. sad, gutless wonders. even though I am not to happy with the results , I still cant wait until next year. The three remaining Gm and Spencer should be the final two. the ginger bitch should go. even though spencer is one of the biggest floaters at least he broke a record for the most .nom. HA HA, gM does deserve to win she started out bad but stuck true to her alliance and to herself. And she did one of the biggest game moves ever , It just goes to show floaters are more dangerous than anyone. since they only can win when the true competetors are gone.
    Did you hear helen and how she was so proud of the ginger for lieing and being sneaky. look who she helped in politics they used the same nasy methods. tell untruths about others and mislead people. Just to elect someone. I was so glad when she was gone , she should have been the first.

  11. overall I think it was a very interesting season, I have to admit that although I don’t like what it has come down to, I have consistently watched to see what would happen next.

  12. I hope that spencer wins the 2nd round .cause then I know gm will beat spencer at the last round don’t u think

  13. I would love to see Spencer win Round 2, and then GinaMarie win Round 3, and then kick Andy the Rat out the door.

  14. What are the odds of the next round being the picture mash-up? They usually do one of those per season.

  15. I’ve thought about it and I wouldn’t mind seeing GM take the money with Andy in second. To me they are the only two out of the three who have played the game.

    This game is all about backstabbing and lying. Honestly, Andy has done pretty good job of doing so. He has lasted so far doing exactly that. So you have to respect him for that. He played the game.

    As for GM, yes she did say some ignorant things and they are exactly that ignorant. That means she didn’t know any better and I am sure she will learn from this experience in the fallout. I wouldn’t brand her a racist. I like the game she has played thus far in the latter part of the season. I be perfectly fine seeing her take the money.

  16. Andy will face Spencer in Round 2 today and I have a feeling that Andy will win Round 2 today by eliminating Spencer from the Final HOH Competition

  17. My prediction is Andy will Face GinaMarie in the Final Round of this Wednesday’s Final HOH Competition during Finale Night

  18. None truly deserve to win. Andy is horrible but very effective. His lies and deceit worked cause he is in the final 3! GM says horrible things but has been good entertainment. Spencer has won prizes and has done nothing but have a vile mouth and zero respect towards women.
    I hope the final two are Spencer and GM and GM wins. I do believe she has a good heart and just got influenced by other HGs in to becoming much more ugly spirited.
    GM and Elissa made huge moves and played their own games.
    Elissa for America’s favorite because she played an honest game,is a woman with high integrity and is genuine. She never faltered from this.
    Pam K

  19. I’m hoping next season is about mature rather than pretty. Youth doesn’t mean intelligence it rarely does.CBS needs to mix it up with a more diverse crowd. I stopped watching when the personal bashing started and have checked in here to see what was happening. The open outrage and anger over these useless hg’s make me laugh. That being said BB may be done. They seem to be going to the route of trash t.v. I miss Will, Janelle , Lisa and any who played with Style and Class and some fun. These lowlifes just seemed enamored with fame….Look at me I’m on T.V.!!!!!

  20. Did anyone catch the bbad where they were playing checkers and they started talking about shooting and Andy said something about shooting Elissa in the head and made the motion with his hand on Pervert Spencers head as if he had a gun and pulled the trigger…. I think that was to much for sure .crossed the line in my books this has beem bbb big brother bully season and its disgusting, i hope they make changes to what has been said and done next season if its picked up again after this..

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