Tonight on Big Brother 15 another houseguest will be evicted and it looks pretty set on who will be going home.
Here’s your chance to contribute your own prediction along with those from other great Big Brother sites. Cast your vote in our poll for tonight’s eviction and then share your thoughts on who will be sent packing.
We’ll be interviewing tonight’s evicted Big Brother 15 HG tomorrow morning so feel free to share any questions you might have.
Big Brother 15 Week 3 Eviction Predictions – Aaryn, Jeremy, or Spencer:
I’m sure Kaitlin will handle Jeremy’s leaving better than GM did Nick’s.
She had the week to get use to it.
True, true.
Stay tune. With a PR in the picture, I wouldn’t be surprise that Aaryn’s family pull her out of the game. Too risky now. She say one more thing and she dig her grave deeper and deeper.
I really am surprised that they didn’t cite an undisclosed family emergency and pull her out of the game weeks ago.
You’re right. But OTOH everybody would have known better.
Well then they need to pull half of the other people out too. JMO
I am surprised too that she wasn’t sent packing from the show. She has no right to be there with her horrible racist attitude.
I hope the evictions go like this:
Jeremy > Aaryn > Kaitlin > Gina Marie > Spencer
Then we get to jury, and the majority will have to turn on each other, and the game will get REALLY good!
I really don’t care if it’s Jeremy or Aaryn. I don’t care for either one. I just don’t want him Aayon, GinaMarie, or Katlin to win. We don’t need people like on television. The sooner they are gone the better. I’m sorry include Spencer in that group.
You are so right. Maybe they should do a little better job at screening these people before they are put on the show. A little more background info. A few tough questions could give more insight on who these people really are. She definately would have given off some nasty vibes.
I wish it was Spencer going but I know that’s not happening so I guess I’ll settle for the next best Jeremy.
I would rather Aaryn leave tonight as she deserves to go. She is a horrible BB player, her social game is awful and last but not least she is a racist. With Jeremy staying, it will become a fierce game and will make the game interesting, especially for the floaters like Andy, Jessie, GM and Judd. I am a Howard fan.
Bye Jer Jer. I would love for Elissa to win the next HOH so she’s safe for another week.
With anyone other than Elissa, it might be a concern that she make it another week.
Howard wouldn’t put Elissa on the block. He would put Aaryn again along with either Kaitlyn or GM.
My question to Jerkokee? Could you be a bigger ahole?
But seriously, did he ever watch the show before?
It always goes bad unless you have the brains to pull it off like Evil Dick, to play the mean bully.
Was that you plan all along? Would you have tried a nice guy strategy? Or is that just not in your nature? I’m guessing that would be his answer.
He seems like overbearing, insulting & misogyny are part of his DNA.