Big Brother 15 Eviction Episode 19 Tonight: How The Double Eviction Will Work

Big Brother 15 - Julie Chen

Get ready for a very exciting episode of Big Brother tonight on CBS at 9/8c when the first and possibly the only Double Eviction event hits the season. The HGs are expecting it, but there’s no way to prepare for the chaos of what’s about to happen.

If you’re new to Double Evictions then here’s how it’ll work. After the first eviction the HGs will rush out to the backyard and compete for HoH. The HoH will have just a few mins to decide on the nominees before announcing them at the Nomination Ceremony. Next up would normally be the MVP, but I’m guessing that just won’t be part of the rapid cycle of events. In that case there would only be two nominees plus four other HGs competing for the Veto. Once the Veto Comp and Ceremony are over the HGs will hold a second eviction vote and out that HG will go through the front door to meet Julie Chen.

I’m speculating we won’t see the MVP twist in the second cycle of events due to logistics. For one thing we haven’t had a vote and two it would likely make it obvious that the MVP voting was not coming from inside the house or if a HG was called to the DR. The easiest solution would be to simply skip over it for the round.

Of course there’s the whole “Reset button” teased to us by Julie Chen yesterday so anything could happen tonight and we’re excited to see how things turn out!

Last week the “live eviction” was allegedly pre-recorded over fears of backlash from viewers watching Aaryn lead Howard’s eviction as HoH. Considering we’re right back to facing a similar situation with GinaMarie rallying the HGs for Candice’s eviction I’m very curious to see if we get Trivia all afternoon again. (Hmm, Trivia started at 10:13AM BBT.)

Once tonight’s show is over we’ll get our Live Feeds back and we should be watching a house without a new HoH. That second Head of Household competition of the night will likely be played later but we probably won’t get to watch it if it’s like past seasons. The competition could end up being what the HGs practiced if it isn’t in tonight’s show.

If you don’t have your subscription yet for the Big Brother Feed then this is the time to try it out. Sign-up now for the live feeds and get the free 2-day trial to watch all the action!

I’ll be here live blogging tonight’s show and any live competition results as they happen, so stick with us if you’re blacked-out or have NFL preseason in your area. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, by Email updates, and even our free apps to get all the latest news.



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  1. Does anybody know how the HG found out it was going to be a double eviction night? Was anything said on the live feeds that I missed? I thought they were not told about double evictions on passed seasons but I could be wrong. lol

    I am anxious to see what the reset is all about so it should be a very interesting show tonight.

  2. So the live feeds on trivia already. More than likely the show will be tape.
    Me think the reset will be right at the start. If they reset, first eviction will be scratch.

    • Sorry just checked and live feeds are up. Candice still there and apparently Amanda had another meltdown at somebody, think Judd.

      • Unless the HoH on the 2nd elimination is Demanda, MeCrea should run right to the winner & suggest they put Amanda up. She is not only sinking herself, she is taking him down too.

  3. I’ll be quite upset if Amanda gets evicted then the reset button sends her back in the house considering that shes friends with the producers.

    • Whether this story about Demanda & a producer being friends is true, or not … I think they will be very careful about showing her any special treatment, or giving her and obvious break in the game.

  4. I think they are taping now with cbs employees since live feeds have trivia. No other reason to have trivia this early.

  5. Thank goodness for these game details because I’m missing too many BB moments.

    Question: Is anyone else having trouble getting to see any the recent highlights online?

    I’m a subscriber to the live feeds. For the past three days, each time I click on one of the highlights, I only get a black screen with the ‘loading…’ sign… only several minutes pass & it never loads. Let’s face it, watching some of the live feeds is tantamount to watching paint dry. At least with the highlights something almost interesting happens

    The question remains: why am I unable to watch any highlights???

    Better question: Why am I paying for a service I’m only half getting? CBS? That is *not* a rhetorical question.

    • I’m getting the same crap. It takes 20min for a 5min conversation. Lose my train of thought trying to watch with all the loading. This is my first and last time to buy live feeds. From what I got this afternoon they have figured out it’s a double and are planning on trying to get Jesse. What JU double D hasn’t figured out is he is after Jesse. This according to Helen. They are talking w/McRae and all think Judd is MVP so he’s gotta go.

  6. Seriously?! How the he** is CBS going to tape a live show like that? I mean really what’s the point of the show if its going to be rigged. Very very disappointed don’t think they will have many viewers next season…

    • The show has been a joke for a couple years now. The producers cheat so they get who they want to win. Look at Rachel. She had probably 5-6 lives in the house. Amanda is pals with the producers and all of her racist comments, most worse than Aaryn’s, weren’t aired on the TV episodes. The worst is when they let evicted house guests re-enter the house. How is that fair? If Amanda is evicted tonight and goes back in the house with the reset, I will not watch the rest of the season.

      • They aired her comment to Candice when she called her Shaniqua (not sure of the spelling). I think the veto episode made Amanda look about as bad as anybody has been in the house.

  7. Feeds has been up. The plan is to backdoor Judd. Of course, depending on how the reset will affect their game and who the next HOH is, this could change. For now Judd is the target.

  8. How do you go to specific time/date on live feeds? I wish they would all wake up and get rid of Amanda now! Then Aaryn. I would pity Candice being alone in jury house with Amanda.

  9. I would not mind sending them all home and starting over. Overall this group of houseguest have not really impressed me with their game play.

  10. I’m hoping you will be giving live updates. The CBS affiliate has decided to show a football game instead of Big Brother. So I’m missing the first double eviction.

  11. I hope it’s not Amanda and Candice in there together. Hopefully BB would stop Amanda from treating her bad. I would be afraid. Geez, she’s flipped out.

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