Big Brother 15 Episode 21 Tonight: Week 7 Veto Show

Big Brother 15 - Julie Chen

Tonight “Big Brother 15” is back with another new episode on CBS at 8/7c featuring the latest Power of Veto competition that was hidden, as usual, from the online viewers so we can’t wait to see how that all played out.

Update: Check out the “Blood! Bolts! Bandages!” logo for tonight’s Veto comp. All the HGs got t-shirts during the competition. Click the pic to see the cool design!

If you can’t wait until tonight to find out who won then check out our Big Brother spoilers with all the latest news and events from inside the house.

The house has been pretty active with Jessie looking to tear through the place and expose as many alliances and backroom deals as she can. Since that all took place after Monday’s Veto Ceremony it probably won’t make the cut for tonight’s show.

Instead tonight’s show will pick up right after the nomination ceremony with the fallout from that, on to the Veto comp, and finally the Veto Ceremony to close out the night.

All of Jessie’s fights were fun to watch on the Live Feed and just another reason why you need to sign-up now and watch online and get an unedited view inside the house.

Stay connected to Big Brother 15 with updates by Email, Facebook, & Twitter.

Big Brother 15 Episode 21 Preview:



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  1. I would like to see the full 3 minutes of Judd’s grovling that occurred during the commercial break before his eviction vote.

    • I hope you are joking because that was hard to watch. It was so bad I was hoping they would evict him during the break and just let us know he was gone afterwards. Judd definitely gets the pathetic player of the season award.

  2. yeah everything fun is happening after the veto ceremony sooo, nothing will happened on this episode

  3. Best quote from the season?
    Judd: “I don’t want your hug, Elissa. I don’t want your hug, either, Helen.”

  4. Andys HOH blog is funny..” I’ve worked so damn hard up to this point to remain off the radar while still making game-changing moves behind the scenes, and it astounds me that more people aren’t onto me”

  5. Best move of an HOH . Put Andy and Amanda up if they win veto put up Helen or McCrae.. Cuts their votes either way to 3..

  6. Oh boy, I really really hope Andy chooses to use the veto tonight and puts up McCrae as a sub!

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