The online casting process is being carried forward for next season so you’ll luckily be spared from submitting a lengthy paper application through the mail. This new system really does seem so much better. If you’re more interested in the in-person casting calls then those will begin taking place around March 2013.
You can submit your application online right now. The deadline for submissions is May 11, 2013 at 12AM PT, but there’s no reason to wait. Make your video and submit it now!
A couple of basic eligibility requirements to highlight: you must be 21 years of age at the time of applying and you must be a US citizen living in the United States at the time. Our Canadian friends interested in playing should apply to Big Brother Canada! Check out the full detailed explanation of eligibility requirements for more information.
Kassting Inc. also points out that if you’ve applied to past seasons then you’ll need to apply again for Big Brother 15 as all past applications and videos are archived.
Best of luck to everyone applies. We can’t wait to meet the next cast of Houseguests!
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Can you do both the online application and in person casting call?
Yes, but according to Kassting Inc. there’s no need to do both. I suspect the same groups review both.
i am to appy its my dream to be on the show sorry guys am going to win the game
Good luck!
Im gonna do whatever it takes to get on. I do want to both an online application and a open casting call. Tho alot of BB alumni recomend you dont so both and just go to casting call. But Ill do both to hopefully further my chances.
So now CBS is plugging Dan’s book? So sad.
Errr. We’re not CBS. This is a fan site.
Matt. do you think next season will be Legends vs. All-Stars or another All-Stars season? Or will they have a brand new cast?
I hope they do it with all new people, but I thought for sure they would this year and look where that got us. I’ll hope for the best (all newbs) but expect the worst (Vets).
*sighs* I have to wait 3 more years to apply -____- I wish they would lower the age to 18 like Survivor did and so did the Real World
My friends and I can’t get interested in Survivor. They’re all so old.
Sorry Matt, I know this is off topic, but a few days ago you posted a link to you Survivor page. Can you post again, thanks!
No problem! Here’s the link to our Survivor site:
Thanks, this site is so easy to read and navigate, unlike some others! Thanks!
please no more dumbielles
Matt you should make an article on who you think will be on the next All-Stars season!!
HELL NO, we don’t want an allstars season, the old players are just a bunch of boring hacks…..
Please please please don’t bring back old players. Save them for all stars. I also want to see more diverse players like nerds, jocks, jerks, freaks, weirdos and any other sucker willing to go on reality television. :)
damn i miss big brother already :'(
same, i had fun watching it this season. Primarily because of Dan
Dan was an overbearing idiot that I never want to see again.. this season was a complete FAIL when it came to returning players and the whole coach thingy…. please, please, please CBS, never ever again bring back returning players (especially Dan the bible swearing LIAR)
I think the contestants are more to blame for being so dumb. They were all so gullible.
btw, you’re still commenting on the show?
Dan was awesome! He’s a great player
He did what he had to do to get him to the final 2 and yes, he lied but he did it for a reason. Dan and his wife are still together and doing great.
Dito, dude!!!
Ian won,but he’s no all-star.
How about an entire cast of hot chicks?
I’m just sayin.
I would guess that more women watch Big Brother than men. So that would hurt their ratings. Survivor last season eliminated all the men fairly early in the season and their ratings were hurt by it. So while that might please you, it probably wouldn’t be the best for the series.
How about an cast made up of horny sluts who would do anything to stay, half horny sluts and the other half nerds
I seriously hope that they do not bring back old players, it really taints the game in my opinion. If seasons 13 and 14 had been full of all new people, I’d want an All-Stars season now. However, I am currently so tired of seeing the same people from past seasons. 15 is one of my lucky numbers so I have somewhat high hopes for this season…yes I am lame.
I think #15 needs to change the rules. They should give those voted out to address the house for a few minutes. That way if someone is screwed over they can make it known, expose the Dan’s of the game. It would keep the game a little more ethical. A little deception is OK, but to make a hard promise one day, and breaking it the next crosses the line. The evicted one should be allowed to have his last meal so to speak. It would make the game more interesting.
No one really forces them out so I think if the HG stood his/her ground and talked for 2 more mins they could get away with it. So many of them run out of the house probably somewhat embarrassed or upset I guess.
WOW, I came across the legal contract to be on Big Brother, on line. It is 36 pages long and you basically sign away almost every right you have for $750 dollars a week. I am not sure how they get anyone to agree to those terms. I would never agree to it. You can find it on line just search Big Brother Contract, it was the first result for me on google.
Yeah, people always think there’s a lot of money even if you don’t win (like Survivor does), but they don’t get much at all.
The contract can be read over at
$750???? Wow it used to be way much more!! I wonder why the change.
I work in a factory and i make 1500 a week… CBS is soooooo cheap…. just like the $100,000 prize for the coach disappeared… it should have been added to the winner’s prize but NOOOO CBS is cheap, cheap,cheap…. they make MILLIONS off of advertising alone for this show let alone the ripoff pay to text your vote americadumbasses….. sheesh … shout out to Frank…. preesh for the great season you provided!
Bring back Chilltown <3
Why not just bring back all the previous winners and let them battle it out? I must say this does sound like a pretty bad idea.
I’d rather gouge my eyes out than have to watch Maggie for another season.
Every keeps saying they want a all star season , have the last 3 season’s not been sorta all star seasons ? I want a all fresh batch in 2013 !
Would love to see Evil Dick and Ian Terry in the same house. ED would squash him like a bug.
I would go if I could be the old guy in Ian’s alliance.
Please let next season be a brand new cast! I want everyone in the house to not know what’s going on, it makes it so much more exciting!!!
I cant for the new season this summer. I hope they have all newbies this yr. Tired of the same old recycled players.
Wanna see smarter faster better black people lol nothing racial just geeze give them a fighting chancw
Even if you didn’t like Dans tactics last year, at least he gave the fans something to buzz about. Most years fans agree on who is “bad” and who is “good”. More diverse personalities would ramp up the excitement level. While we may not agree with those that are willing to cross the “moral” line, it’s interesting to see where each fans, as well as HG, moral line begins and ends.
We really didn’t watch very often last year because the dynamics of the game, bringing in coaches who were former players was a stupid concept & gave them an unfair advantage. It’s like watching a professional baseball player playing against someone in Little League – no competition, no fun to watch. Get back to the original game with all new players, same rules & no stupid surprises. They’re trying too hard to switch it up. Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke.
I would like to be a bbhg..
Travis. Clossin
Step 1: Stop using all-caps.
Step 2: Remember that we don’t cast. This is a fan site.
Step 3: Try uploading your video to YouTube to have it compress the video for you then use another service to save the video back to your computer.
Good luck.
I have been auditioning for a years now and have come to realize the “normal” people will never get cast. The “normal” people they actually do cast have something weird or famuos about them. Just saying….
“Normal” people get cast all the time. Thousands and thousands apply, so just because your three entries weren’t picked doesn’t mean “normal” isn’t cast.
It really shouldn’t be surprising that casting looks for something unique and interesting though.
I will no longer be watching big brother. Not only is it censored on after dark it is also censored on the live feeds. There must be a huge delay so how is this called live feeds? Still some adult language is getting through… Call your cable provider and complain about the bad language on regular cable. Maybe they will drop tvgn. Also go to four chan and ask them to help hold CBS accountable