Big Brother 14 Winner Ian Terry Interview

Big Brother 14 winner Ian Terry

A big congratulations goes out to Ian Terry on his Big Brother 14 win. Making it to the end is no easy feat nor is beating a previous winner and season long mastermind. Pulling off both of those put an extra $500,000 in his pocket as he heads back to school. I had the chance to chat with Ian and ask him about the season and his plans for the future.

Big Brother Network (BBN): You said some rough things about Dan last night in the backyard interviews. Now that you’ve had a little time to decompress, do you still feel the same way about Dan?

Ian Terry: No. At the end of the day it is a game show. Was I disappointed in the cross thing? Had he voted me out if he won that final HoH? Or the fact that he dangled the $50K in my face? Yeah, it was definitely disappointing, but at the end of the day it is a game show. I’m over it.

BBN: You had a few moments of your own where you were backstabbing and betraying your own team with Boogie and Frank. How did that compare and why are you more okay with how you did it than what Dan did?

Ian Terry: When the game reset I had never actually made any sort of promise to Boogie or Frank that late in to the game. I think they just assumed they had me and I knew full well from things I heard in earshot that I was expendable to them the whole time.

BBN: Even when you told Boogie you’d vote to keep him?

Ian Terry: Yeah, that was hard but I mean they really just assumed they had me wrapped around their finger. It hurt. I cried like hell.

BBN: As a superfan, did you ever feel starstruck by the coaches and did that effect your gameplay?

Ian Terry: Yeah, I would definitely say I was starstruck by all four of them. It’s really crazy to play with some of the legends. Fortunately by the time they entered the game I was sort of used to them. So I really treated them like they were just any other player. I didn’t see them as coaches. I saw them as other players.

BBN: Now that you know the Quack Pack was formed differently than you thought, has your perception of that alliance changed?

Ian Terry: No, I still adore the Quack Pack. I think are a great group of people, especially Britney. I think she’s going to be a friend for a long time outside of this house. I’m really, really happy about it.

BBN: Did you agree to throw the first round of the final HoH comp, or did you actually fall off and just tell Dan you threw it?

Ian Terry: I did throw it. Though I don’t completely trust Dan at times, he’s kind of a shady character, I kind of owed him at least that. It wasn’t an entire competition, just part 1, and he did just save me from certain death so I owed him that in my mind.

BBN: Lots of fans want to know, will you be taking the hammock back home with you?

Ian Terry: I didn’t request it. I think I will be getting a hammock for my own house. I really enjoyed having it this summer and it was a really great way to relieve stress for me.

BBN: Would you come back for an All-Stars?

Ian Terry: I would like to finish my degree, but I would come back for an All-Stars, if asked. I would say quite likely, yeah.

BBN: Thanks, Ian. Congratulations on your win.

A couple of other interesting moments from the call included Ian’s plans for the first thing he’ll buy with all his winnings. He’s going to buy thirty pairs of colored sunglasses. As for another big moment of drama at the finale, when it came to Dan’s gold cross, Ian believes that won him the game or at least got him a few more votes. As we heard from the Jury members over the past day it seems unlikely that they were still deciding on how to vote or were swayed by this. Dan had already lost at that point, but Ian’s view does explain why he pushed that so hard during the show.

I also asked Ian if he appreciated the irony of railing against Dan’s “scumbagging,” as he called it, considering that behavior is what kept him in the game and sent Shane home. Without Dan’s “scumbagging” Ian would have been evicted and it’d have likely been either Shane or Danielle winning instead. He said he did get it, but then started talking percentages about Dan’s chances. I’m not sure he really got that he was slamming a game play that while it nearly cost him it ultimately pushed him to the win.

It was nice to see a superfan do so well in the game as they’re typically not so successful, or if they do make it far they flub it in the end. Hopefully he’ll inspire more longtime fans to get out there and get in the game.

Take a walk down memory lane with Ian Terry’s Big Brother 14 preseason interview:



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  1. Ian, thirty pairs of colored sunglasses!?! That’s is just an….

    AWESOME idea! Styling and profiling like a winner!

      • Exactly, these jury members emotionally voted Dan out. It’s a game and thats how they ended the game with their emotions- it’s their call.

    • Dan’s flaw was not realizing how his game play would affect the final vote. I wouldn’t have played that way, but I don’t have a problem with or judge Dan for leaving his morals on the door step. He stated and he is right that his game play was probably the only way he stood any chance of making to the final two. Plus Dan won the second most money of all the house guests. I wanted Ian to win, thrilled that he did. Dan played really hard, Danielle was pretty clueless and floated on Dan’s coattails. Every person on this game did what they thought was best for their game and I salute everyone of them. Thanks for an entertaining season.

  2. Morals shmorals. It’s a game for goodness sakes. No one here was complaining when ED won and his actions were about as low as you can get.

    • Um, there were people who were upset when ED won. The difference was not the jury, it was that ED came straight at you, didn’t hide. If he wanted you out, he told you to your face, and not in a nice way. So did Rachel. Dan went behind people’s backs and hide behind the HOH. Big difference.

  3. I don’t think we will ever see the “coaches” scam again. New players will understand that they WILL enter the game. It was a “scumbag” move by production to do this to the newbies.

    • from WAH WAH to HA HA! Dan laid from spot to spot. He may as well floated to the end, then woke up just to stomp out of there with $500.thou at the end well not if Ian had anything to do with it .Ian played the game from the beginning, slop, have not, dog. Swimming in both ends of the pool, I tip my hat, from boy to man in just 78 days!!!

    • IAN–IAN—IS IT REALLY YOU!!!!!! YOU WERE GREAT –YOU DESERVED TO WIN MY FRIEND,,,ENJOY THAT MONEY –YOU EARNED IT FAIR & HONEST–we live in PA,, very close to you–please if you can send a auto-pic of yourself –or contact me on facebook an I will get one –my granddaughter sarah ,,who is 12–we watched all the shows taped them so we could go back an scream at danelle—an yes ,,Ian we even watched you on BBAD–when it was just the 3 of you playing cards -an you all were saying –yous were to boring that no-one will be watching —well you were wrong—you my friend -with your wonderful stories -could never be boring—so if this is really the real–IAN TERRY—please message me on facebook –my sarah & I will be waiting—-take care of yourself an wishing you all the best,xoxo

  4. Good for Ian, based on the jury backyard interviews Dan would have lost no matter who he was up against, so I guess Ian is much deserving than Dani or Shane in that aspect, I’m happy for him. But after last night results it make me wonder if from here on out will there only be “nice” or “clean” game plays? And if so that is a disappointment, I don’t care how you play as along the player that wins plays the best, and ultimiately that is what should matter. Why is a dirty game play any different than cleaner one? They both used what methods get them to the final 2. What should be taken in consideration is who played the best.

    • You are absolutely correct. So, the end result is with the Jury and people are emotional. It depends on what type of personalities are in the House. Perhaps before being selected each candidate should be asked how they would play the game – not going to happen. They are all humans some good, some bad some ugly…

      • saranmichign i think if the coach would not have been in the game i think danielle would have been a great player she won 4 comps had a great social game just ok in game play would have been better if dan was not there

      • Are u DANIELL’S father brother lover teacher doctor veterinarian preacher therapist gymnastic’s coach chinese teacher cancer specialist hairdresser modeling coach personal trainer dentist yoga instructor or weight watchers coach ??? The list could go on and on..Get it through ur head Daniell was a liar ..Daniell was a backstabber..Daniell was delusional..Daniell was used and then cast aside by Dan. Daniell was stupid..Ur constant post about her being the victim is getting old..ur constant post of claiming that her lame ass actoins were all because of DAN is stupid..Daniell played the game of BB for somebody else and lost..If u are so enamored with her go to her fan site (if she has one) go to her twitter page and tell her how great she is..She came in 3rd she got nothing not even Fan Favorite…

  5. Losing A LOT of respect for BBN with these interviews. It’s quite obvious by your questions that you are bitter and butt hurt by Ian winning. Piss poor journalism. How about some objectivity?

    • I didn’t get that at all…only one or two questions seemed centered around seeing how Ian would compare his behavior to Dan/whether he acknowledged that Dan’s actions saved him, most had nothing to do with it. Both of which were fair questions, considering Ian was strongly bashing Dan that night for actions that saved him in the end, and considering Ian did his share of shady things as well (though not necessarily as bad as Dan).

      Had the entirety of the interview questions been about Dan I’d agree with you, but…

    • Journalism? Objectivity? You know this is a fan site, right?

      Considering, per our poll, that roughly 60% of the readers here felt Dan should have won it was representative of a lot of viewers to ask questions on both sides of the fence.

      You’re welcome to disagree with me as much as you’d like and I promise not to lose “A LOT of respect” for you.

  6. wow…pretty clear you were trying to burst Ian’s bubble in this interview since its obvious you think Dan should have won! what a crappy interview with no objectivity…poor journalism at its best. winning over the jury is part of the game and Dan should have known better…no one to blame but himself.

    • Dan does blame himself and says it was on him to convince the jury, which he admits he didn’t do.

      This is a fan site so of course we’ll have opinions here. We welcome you to share yours too and even promise not to criticize you for it.

      • “Without Dan’s “scumbagging” Ian would have been evicted and it’d have likely been either Shane or Danielle winning instead” Dan voted Shane out for the benifit of his game not Ian’s. And it wasn’t the first time Ian survived, during one of the fast forwards Dan was going to vote out Ian if he hadnt won the veto. And last, I think Dan’s biggest disgusting move was swearing on the bible/wife/grandfather. Lying is fine in BB, but that is a line that should never be crossed. Lie, lie, lie , but keep God out of it. Have some respect. I wonder what Dan wouldnt do for money.

  7. I love the pic of Julie doing the quack pack with Ian!!! She turns the quack pack looking gangsta! xo

  8. wow, frank and shane looked like big babies. wah wah wah. you played dirty, you played dirty. wah wah wah. shane was sharing a brain cell with danielle and frank just got played. neither one deserved to win. dan was easily the smartest player this season and got robbed by a couple of sore losers in frank and shane. it’s a game people leave your values at the door. play to win, not to make life long friends. grow up guys.

  9. during the season I bounced around on who I wanted to win, as time went down I held my breath for Ian, He knew the game but I was afraid he would be star struck by the vet players. (wow now Ian is a vet) but in the end he did what he should have, why anyone would say Dan was the best player, they forget people play different, and Ian won when he needed to, for Dan to send Shane out the door and keep Ian it was Dans play because Shane was with Dani, no chance of someone pulling Dan to the end. Ian you did a great job, Glad you won!!

  10. After reading some of the comments here I must say my peace just a little. Ian deserved the win. Some have commented that Ian wouldn’t have made it to the final without Dan’s scumbag play, well If it was ok for Dan to play the kind of game he played, then it was most intelligent of Ian to pound it home in the finale. Turn about is fair play. Some have commented that it was a hollow victory for Ian, well when the season started we saw a very awkward Ian. Ian had trouble speaking to anyone, and when he did, more often then not he ended up raising suspicion then helping his game. He got over that. We got to watch mature from a socially awkward nerd, to a young man with the confidence to speak to a pretty girl and not be intimidated. We got to see him develop the ability to stand up to someone as physically intimidating as Frank. We got to see him develop the confidence in himself to stand up and evict Danielle even though he thought that it could cost him 500k. Ian is the only one who truly deserved to win. He is the one who came the farthest, railed against the odds, (I mean how many of you really expected to see Ian in the finale in July) and won the game. Bravo Ian, thanks for making this season must see T.V. I was glad that someone new won this game, and to overcome the odds in his way, just made it even better.

    • Ian was the only person that deserved to win just because he overcame sociall awkwardness??? Yeah you’re not biased at all. :p

      • No not just because he overcame social awkwardness, but because he overcame it, he played his own game, he didn’t compromise his integrity, and he lived with his choices. He didn’t blame others, he came in for the experience, and as I pointed out, did you think on week one that Ian would have even made jury, let alone go to the finals? enough said

    • GREAT WORDS DAVID,,,could not of said it better—Ian is everything you said–an I too enjoyed watching him grow to a respectable MAN–I hope to see him back & maybe even on amazing race –WE LOVE YOU IAN,, IN HANOVER PA,,,,sure hope we can get a signed auto-pic –my granddaughter sarah an I just love you,,,

  11. DANS VOTES WENT OUT THE WINDOW when Daniell ask Ian if he knew about her final 2 deal with DAN…Dan had a final 2 deal with Ian Jenn Daniell and Frank ( did I miss anybody?) When Daniell ask the question all the jurors finally realized and admitted to being duped by Dan… even Jenn knew she had been played…Daniell unintentionally took Dans win away from him..

    • No she didn’t didn’t u hear they wouldn’t have voted for him regardless or who he was up against.

  12. Matt, as always thanks for all your work. I understand you assuming that Ian was out the door if Dan did not scumbag Shane, but how confident are you that Shane would not have pulled the trigger on Dan if Dani did not use the veto? Also, it would be an interesting write up if someone actually pointed out the obvious flaw in Dans game “never take a page out of a Russell Hantz book” any survivor fan has already seen a great player mastermind a whole season backstabbing everyone along the way and not take home the “W”. Ask any seasoned BB or Survivor fan they will tell you it became obvious by all the backstabbing of the jury members that Dan was only playing for 2nd. Dan Aka the BB Russell Hantz played a very entertaining game and made BB14 a huge success and it was the classic Good vs Evil in the end Good prevailed, congrats to Ian for winning BB14.

  13. I really don’t like when people say Ian didn’t deserve to win because Dan had a better game play than Ian. Yes, Dan did play one of the best games BB have ever seen, but with strategy comes a good social game with the other contestants. If he have not burned the jury members so badly, he would’ve been a 2x winner. He kind of screwed himself over on this season, playing dirty doesn’t get you the $500,000. In MY opinion, he should’ve taken it easy because as he went on absolutely masterminding every plan he had to evict practically all of the jury members, he got a little carried away. Just think, Dan is the only contestant to make it to the finale twice. So all of you upset Dan fans out there, just think of that!

    • The jury just didn’t want him to win another $500,000. It had nothing to do with his game. Pure and simple jealousy.

  14. My oh my, this really seemed like a bitter (“I have to do, but didn’t want to do”) interview. Your questions came across as feeling bitter about Ian being declared the winner and not who you feel deserved it. You kind of seemed on the attack and was trying to make him feel undeserving of the win. Then when you asked him if he was taking the hammock with him – IMO you were making fun of him in a way…I say this b/c of posts you made regarding it all summer. The whole interview was an attempt for you to embarrass and belittle him/his game play. Not even one question about how it feels to be the winner or compliment about what he did right (there were many – #1, not pissing off jury members) to win it all. Shame on you. Being a reporter of the show should have you more neutral.

    • KInd of agree. As per my comments, I wasn’t a Dan fan, but I do think Ian should have got a fairer interview. The kid is 21, he did a heck of a job standing up against a 28 year old returning player. He was so excited and proud and never was questioned about any of that.

  15. I didn’t like any of the final 3, but out of those I wanted Ian to win.
    As for Ian returning as an all-star,that’s just stupid! The Kid lucked out plain and simple.

  16. I don’t mind Ian winning even if Dan played the best game. I would have liked to see in the interviews Ian and Daneille acknowledge that the only reason they made it to the final 3 was because of the game Dan played. Every decsion he made was was not only to move himself forward but was to move them forward as well.. regardless of his reasons. The jury can trash Dan because he sent them home but NOT Ian and Danielle

  17. I did not like these questions in this interview….. anyways,
    I have disliked many winners like Jordan, Evil Dick and Rachel but oh well, I continued to watch and I am so happy that I did because I got to see Ian win, finally someone I was going for since the begining won!!!!
    Although obviously most of the fans on this site are Dan lovers and the creator seems to be one as well because of the questions asked, I still enjoyed Ian’s answers not the questions but the answers. All polls are subjective because there is more that one fansite to view so no real represenative sample can be taken. There are plenty of other sites that are more Ian friendly. For example there is a lot of Frank hate on this site but on others that is not the case at all. Oh well.
    Days later and I am still happy for IAN!!!

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