Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Week 6 Nominations

Big Brother 14 nominations

This week’s nominations have arrived on Big Brother 14 and this could finally shake things up in the house. After a not-so-surprising endurance competition we were lucky to find out this week’s HoH was entertaining the idea of betraying his own alliance.

Now that the nomination ceremony results are in we know who is on the block and what to expect this week. Read on to find out who is on the chopping block and all the big time drama that broke out in the house following the ceremony. Good times!

Big Brother 14 Week 6 Nominations:

  • Boogie
  • Frank

Sure enough, Shane pulled the proverbial trigger and has turned on his “Silent Six” alliance. Of course everyone in the “Six” but Boogie and Frank knew this was coming so our fun is entirely at their expense. This is going to be a great week of Big Brother!

Frank and Boogie are jumping all over Shane right now. Shane is playing dumb about his decision and they’re worked up. Definitely watch this conversation on Flashback 7:08PM BBT. Watch the Britney, Frank, & Boogie argument at 7:55PM BBT.

The Live Feeds are awesome tonight. Arguments, lying, and betrayals have been non-stop. It looks like Big Brother has finally started. You won’t want to miss this action and you can only watch it play out on the Live Feeds so sign-up & get your Free Trial now!

But wait, what’s this? Pandora’s Box looks like it is on its way back to the house. Earlier tonight the HGs came back inside to find a small plastic cube marked with a “?” in the crane game machine. I’d guess something pretty big is headed the houseguests’ way so get your Live Feeds up and running while we wait for that action to hit.

Pandora's Box on Big Brother 14

Do you think Shane made the right choices? Who would you have nominated?

The Power of Veto competition will be on Saturday, so don’t forget to check in for those spoilers. Heading out this weekend? Stay connected with our free apps or join us on Facebook and Twitter for mini-updates. This season is cranking up so get ready!

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    • Have not seen it happen that way. They could do it like last season where Jordan and Rachel were both on the block. What the Pandora’s Box did when Porsche opened the box was it became a 2fer Veto. If Rachel or Jordan won the veto, both of them got off the block. I believe it was Rachel who got the Veto and both of them got off the block. If that is the same twist then, Frank and Boogie could both get off if one of them wins veto and there
      will be hell to pay for the treachery. LOL

      • andrew9292…….Did you see the HOH competition Shane won this time out? It was the same one last year. And the zingbot veto competition Frank won is the same one a couple of season back. In that one, they had the wife of zingbot and now they made it the son of zingbot! Big deal that is!Yes, they do repeat things they have done in the past. My money is on the 2fer Veto because that would save both Frank and Boogie from eviction!All they would need is one of them to win the Veto like Jordan and Rachel last year!

      • Hopefully, if they do try to make it similar to last season, the other HGs wont let Frankenbooger be a team in that comp.

      • That would never happen. ย Did you see her (Danielle’s) wild eyes on BBAD this morning and sitting on the couch heavily made up scooting closer and closer to Dan. ย Looks like she is about to explode.ย 

        Several sleeping. ย Weird episode. ย Brittney asking Ian how did he feel when he got his first pubic hair and asking Ian if first puller from bag had better chance of whatever and then she disagrees with his answer as does
        ย another dumbo Danielle . ย Sounds like they are trying to put him (Ian) on the spot or picking on him. ย Again Danielle drives me crazy, starts saying something she heard in diary room, doesn’t finish statement and twice says never mind.

    • i wish it do or take boogie off the block and let him(boogie) choose who goes home.

  1. Can you imagine Frank winning the veto, Boogers convinces Frank to use it take him off so that he “can go to work on the floaters for him”, but ultimately stabs him in the proverbial back?

    • I like that and the thing is Boogers could actually talk frank into it and he would do hahahahahah…..

  2. This is so ridiculously infuriating that Shane did this. ย Shane could have been going home if Frank hadn’t worked to be loyal. ย I am so so irritated with this guy.

    • Do you honestly think they wouldn’t have done it. Frank wanted to put dan up last week. Boogie shouldn’t have went for the money and tried for hoh. He’s not playing good at all. I want britney to win and with one of them out that could happen.

    • Please specify. Are you talking about week 2 when Frank targeted him for eviction, but JoJo went home only because Shane won the veto? Or last week when he wouldn’t have had the votes to send any of the silent six out??

      So no Frank has not been loyal out of the kindness of his heart. He didn’t backdoor last week because Boogie knew they couldn’t pull it off, and he tried like h*ll to get Shane out during his first HOH. To me Shane has every right to take out one of them.

    • so u go on
      a show for 50 k and u would leave frank and mike in
      he house bull its not a Bff game its all about $$$$ tell me now what u would do?

  3. Frank and Boogie, Ya right! lmao, shane’s nuts. I hope Boogie wins veto cause if he doesnt, he is going home.ย 

    • If I recall last season correctly, Jordan and Rachel were in a very precarious situation of being booted out of the Big Brother House when Porsche opened the Pandora’s Box and that saved Rachel and Jordan. Now, it will really be funny if Shane opens the Pandora’s Box and it saves both Mike Boogie and Frank. Then, the fun begins as there would be hell to pay! LOL

      • if thats the case then it would be obvious that grodner is rigging the show for boogie’s benefit

      • Latimore…..It is two house guests, Boogie and Frank against Ian, Brittney, Dan, Danielle, Shane, Joe, Jenn and Ashley, eight house guests. This merely evens the odds a bit. If Frank and Boogie get off via veto then, good for them! There would be more drama as they will go after Shane, Dan and Brittney as the gloves are off! Atleast, Frank and Boogie will get to evict some of these backstabbers even if they get evicted in the end!

      • @ Richie: and that leaves the likes of Joe Asley and Jenn toward the back half of the game, giving them numbers. I’d rather see Brit Shane Dan and Dani take it to the end and have to cut each other to win.

        We all know Boogie or Frank will be gone so they have no chance now.

      • Nick……That is the price you pay when you betray your alliance this early in the game. Considering it was 8 against 2 with Ian, Dan, Danielle, Shane, Brittney, Jenn, Joe and Ashley pitted against Frank and Mike Boogie? That is not even a fair fight. If Pandora’s Box saves Frank and Mike Boogie, they can get a couple of the rats, Dan, Brittney and Shane evicted. That would make it a more even game although, Frank and Mike Boogie will be evicted too. Still, it will give everyone a chance to win by playing their game because right now, Ian, Dan, Danielle, Brittney are all floating closer to that $500,000 without working for that $500,000. Shane atleast, has won HOH and veto. Let them earn it if the want it bad enough! Nothing should be handed to anyone!

  4. I have to agree with Ian that Boogie has the be the one to go.ย  Frank is mearly a puppet.ย  I would be curious to see what he would do left to his own devices.ย  So far all he’s done is do everything Boogie has told him to do.ย  Can he stand on his own feet.ย  I’d like to see.

    • I think that Frank would be the bigger threat over Boogie. Frank is capable to win comps and has proved it. Boogie on the other hand sucks at the comps (unless cash is involved) and all he is good at is the mind games. Odds would be better for the rest of the house if Frank goes. With that said, I’d much rather watch Frank stay in the house over Boogie any day!

      • Boogie has proven he can win competitions, he almost won against the coaches (if he hadn’t gotten so cocky and stepped off the railing). Frank won a true or false competition which isn’t exactly a huge accomplishment, and Boogie GAVE Frank the last one so I don’t see why everyone thinks he is so amazing.

  5. As much as I love Frank..He was stupid to allow Boogie to make his choices so far…..Shane or Dan should have been gone already!!!Oh well Frankie Boy—I guess you just might have to go now that Boogie is 10 grand richer!!

    • By the same account that Shane or Dan should have been gone… Frank should have been gone multiple times too. It doesn’t matter what SHOULD have happened. It’s what DID happen.

  6. It is about time…Thank u Shane for having the guts to make a very huge move…Oh somebody needs to tell Frank that he has Boogie to thank for being on the block “again”ย ย  Seriously….Boogie took $10 grand over Frank’s safety…Now do u get it Frank?????

    • NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo chit! ย  love it….and if they do gear toward saving Frank and Boogie somehow I would love to see Britney walk out of the house like she said she would just to prove a point to BB production.

      • ย I too would love to see her go she has complained the whole show fusing about everything turning on tears as if it was a facet so much drama

    • ย Shane didn’t have any guts.. he followed like a Dog Britney and Dan. Shane isn’t even human… he’s like a malfunctioned Zingbot who just isn’t funny.

      • What?ย  Why would you say that?ย  Just to be mean?ย  Shane isn’t human?ย  Wow… Your post isn’t funny.ย 

      • GEE if I could only say SMELL YOU!!!!!!! Shane is Kicking a$$ by being the only one gutsy enough to pull a stunt like this and on a double eviction night I hope he wins veto and sends one home then he or anybody else with BALL$ sends the other one right behind him Boogie HAS to be the first one out!!!!!!

    • Boogie: “I knew I couldn’t win the HOH so I went for the money.”
      Boogie: “I would have gone for HOH if I knew you were going to dissolve the ‘Silent 6.”ย 
      Kicking yourself now, Frank?ย  He would have IF he thought HE was on the block, not much concern over your exposer this week, huh?
      Boogieย really “preeshes” youย doing his dirty work for him before he burns you like trash.

  7. NICE! I bet Boogie is regretting taking that prize money instead of HoH or safety.ย 

    But i think somehow it might be frank going home.

  8. As always soon as something big finally happens something else in the house wants to turn things around. Please Shane dont take the pandoras box and stay away from the crane machine. ahh I hate when they do this just when things are just getting hot in the house.

    • Last season I believe it was a 2fer they did with the veto and both Jordan and Rachel got off the block with one veto win! If Shane opens the Pandora’s box and that is the same surprise, what would happen if either Frank or Boogie wins Veto and both of them goes off with another 2fer Veto.
      That would be so funny and Dan, Shane and Brittney will all be peeing in their pants! LOL

    • I agree. When Porsche won HOH last season, Pandora’s box ruined it, obviously as anย means to keep Rachel and Jordan safe.ย I think as soon as things don’t go the way production wants them to go, they do some kind of last-minute twist that caters to their favorites. And they LOVE to play favorites.

  9. i can’t believe that Shane is blaming britney for the decision –be a man and stand behind your choices!

    • He’s playing a smart game, by acting like Britney’s puppet, frank or boogie will go after her instead of him. If you ask me, that’s a good way to avoid the heat.

      • But now he is basically burning his bridge with Britney. Britney lost trust in Shane when he threw her under the bus like that.

  10. Oh yes!!! Finally a BIG move. Now as soon as they get rid of Frank, Boogie &ย Jenn (who does nothing) I can be happyย with BB14

  11. The production crew must be really pulling for Frank to win. First the reset which saves him from eviction and now Pandora’s Box? What a joke!!

  12. IMO it would be unfair for a PB to keep Frank & Boogie, esp when last ‘twist’ kept Frank safe when he was on the block. I would like to see Boogie go, not Frank…yet.

    • No, it won’t. 0eople need to realize we are on week 6 or 7 now. And they haven’t even started building jury. They are not going to bring people back this season. It isn’t going to happen

  13. I dont care how and who Shane blames as long as he gets Frank or Mike out the door. Ill be happy as a pig in sh*t lol Im

    • neither Frank or Mike are going home, Pandora’s Box will save the two key players for TV Ratings, case closed.

  14. Yes, yes,yes…finally Boogie is getting a little payback. Now watch how he will act like a 2yr old. Oh and production leave these nominations alone. You saved Frank once and that’s enough!!!

  15. Shane is dumb, he has to realize that Dan is just using him to do his dirty work.ย  As soon as Frank’s gone it is going to be the Dan and Boogie show, they are already running things as it is.ย  The newbies are winning all the comps (with Brittany sitting around thinking shes running the show like a fool) while Dan and Boogie use their HOH’s for their own goals in the game.ย  It is hilarious, why didn’t these guys team up on the coaches to start with?ย  As dumb as Willie was, he had it right.

    • ย Agreed.ย  Also, yet ANOTHER reason (there’s a laundry list of them) that shane is stupid is that NO ONE wants to take him to the final 2 because everyone knows he’ll probably win.ย  Therefore, if he had at least one brain cell, he’d know that his “team” of rats are, ultimately, NOT on his side at all.ย  They’ll use him to win comps and get rid of people, and then eventually dump his sorry retarded ass.

      • Eventually everyone has to be eliminated… if they keep him around til near the end he might win enough competitions that they can’t take him out anyway. You can call him dumb and whatever, but until he actually gets taken out he’s still in the game.

  16. So Frank is complaining that he didn’t get to play for safety or the money.

    He should be grateful that the producers saved his butt in week 3 when he should have gone home! He would have been gone..lucky sob

  17. How can so many pick on Shane?ย  Frank cant play his own game either. Did everyone expect Shane to really put anyone else on the block? This is not the first time he try to make a good move in the game.

    • Shane is a brainless jerk. He needs Brittney to tell him what to do each and every week! For that, he does not deserve that $500,000 but, to get evicted this very week!

  18. Pandoras box is probably something to keep boogie and frank from going home!!!! I am getting sick of watching BB…. It use to be the players actually playing a game now it’s the producers making a mess out of it!!

  19. SO pissed. Uggh. Frank and Boogie of course are going to go up on the block and this was foreseen.ย  You can not trust an alliance. People who said it was too early to get out Shane weren’t thinking. It is never too early to get out a physical threat who wins comps all the time and has put you on the block before.ย  Boogie has been smart the entire time until now.. and Frank would have been out the door weeks ago had it not been for Boogie. Golden Rules: Take out super threats when you get HOH and especially POV…and do not trust alliances..especially when the members of that alliance have turned on their own previous alliances. So Frank and Boogie deserve it. I wanna see them fret. Dumbas*ses.

    • Either way they were screwed because Wil is also out to get Boogie and Frank and leaving him in the house would have meant one extra vote and one extra enemy in the house. Face it, Boogie and Frank are in the minority so, they have to scrape by to survive while, the other floating slackers like Dan, Brittney, Danielle and Ian ride their backs to float easily to that $500,000. Hopefully, the Pandora’s box changes that because if Frank and Boogie survives this week, they will evict one of the three rats, Shane, Brittney or Dan. Shane is better and Dan a close 2nd.

      • ย Nope didn’t matter. If wil was in the houseย  and not Shane it upped the chance that Boogie or Mike or Jenn or Ian would win HoH.. for me it’s all about the comp and HoH. Wil could have easily been manipulated.. Wil was also alone.. and being picked off anyways.. Shane however can win comps..easily…and is untrustworthy. So it would have served them immediately well to take out the biggest physical threat. The house would have started sliding further towards Frank who is the second toughest male in the house who is most likely to win physical comps. Britney is only hiding behind Shane.

      • Brownsruth……Keep dreaming. More than likely, it will be a double Vetofor the nominees on the block. That would be so funny if Frank and Boogieboth get off and not get evicted this week! Then, Shane has to put someone else on the block and that will get the newbie floaters who are against Boogie and Frank mad at Shane! Shane cannot play HOH next week and Frank and Boogie can backdoor him or Dan next week and evict his sorry ass! Justice and payback will have been done!

  20. if the pandora box gets both boogie and frank off then i will for sure know this game is fixed for frank or boogie to win and wont watch the rest of season

    • Stfu don’t you lie to me. Stop making empty threats, your pvt will keep recording and you will keep watching.

    • They all say that. You will be here as usual and posting everyday at that!
      Keep it real. You will be here waiting for Boogie and Frank to be evicted and they may well be. However, if they get the three rats, Dan, Shane and Brittney evicted out of the Big Brother House, even if both Frank and Boogie is evicted—-it will be all worth it!

    • Frank told Boogie he palmed the “hG choice coin in the Veto Comp on live feeds and feeds went to the fiksh tank

  21. you talk about Frank being a puppet, Shane’s a bigger puppet, doing everything Brittany tells him

    • You said it. Shane has to consult Brittney for each of his decisions. He deserves to be booted out for not using his head!ย 

    • Shan made this decision..Just saying Britt wanted it this way,because britt is safe this play on Shanes part

      • Shane is not a smart player, if you all talk about Boogie stabbing people in the back, I believe its Shane who lied to Frank before the restart, and now he puts up two alliance members, weather there threats or not, still he has done the backstabbing not Frank or Boogie.ย 

  22. Shane throwing Brit under the bus….lol.ย  Playing the dumb card.ย  If Boogie was smart, he should have hung out with Shane all day….he didn’t and all Shane heard was we need to get them this week.

  23. It seems easy for Shane to blame Britney .WHy not stand up andbe a man about the fact he also wanted these two up?Is he actually scared of Mike Bookie?Seems so…I actually was hoping shane and Ian could go to the end with this and the bothย  could get the help they need .Shane could get out of debt,help his parents and Ian could finish his education.Face up,Shane!You do not have to take jack crap off Boogy.He is not a nice for Frank,Bookie rides Franks “coattail”.. Thelma

  24. FINALLY…the dynamic duo is on the block. I feel bad for Shane. Booger is pissed, big time, and the two of them working Shane. Good job Shane.

  25. Hopefully shane opems pandoras box and it ends up saving frank and boogie that would be so funny..i love boogie my second all time player(dr.will is #1) but he should have gotten HOH or safety -_- instead of the $

    • I agree with Boogie’s greed. Am rooting for the Pandora’s box to be like last year which is a 2fer Veto which saved both Jordan and Rachel. If that is the twist, it will really be fun in the Big Brother House next week when Shane cannot play HOH and if Boogie and Frank are still in the house. Will certainly relish the payback coming to Shane, Dan and Britney and Frank and Boogie can guarantee one of the three rats goes home for sure!

  26. I don’t get why everyone hates frank so much. What has he proven except being loyal? Sure he wanted to back door Dan but ultimately he didn’t. That’s all that matters. Frank isn’t too big a threat… He won the two HoHs that were handed to him…. He lucked out on a guess on the first one, and the second one was given to him as he only had to buzz in on ONE question. Bratney and the rest have manufactured this delusion that he’s going to win the game because he wins so much….well maybe if they had tried calling on him more during the Knock out HoH comp last week instead of waiting til last to call on him, he wouldn’t of won. As far as I’m concerned he has won only one comp and it’s the PoV last week. The HoH comps were luck. Frank is a likeable guy, with Boogie gone maybe people will like him better…he’s just a kid, he’s nice to everyone…. I guess people like Britney are what people like nowadays, a catty person who thinks he crap doesn’t stink… Well I got news for her, it DOES stink, and probably stinks worse than everyone else’s…..

    • I think people are hating on Frank because of Boogie. It’s the whole guilty by association thing.ย 

    • I don’t have a problem with Frank at all on his own, I just think he makes himself a bigger target than he would be otherwise because of his close association with Boogie.ย  I wonder if Shane and Frank as the final two wouldn’t be kind of appropriate because those two in particular seem to be the only ones (besides Boogie, who I hope is gone way before then!) playing the game.

  27. I’m pissed that Boogie and Frank are on the block, but not surprised. If they both go home this week the rest of this season is going to be a big brother retard fest, just like last season -__-

      • Who I really don’t want to see win this year: Danielle, Britney, Shane, Jen, Joe, and Ashley. And I’m still confused as to how Jeff is America’s Favorite Player. smh

  28. Holy throw Brit under the bus batman! Wow Shane….then he tries to tell her he didn’t “totally” throw her under the bus…hahaha not mentioning anyone else……he should have blamed Dan or Danielle….why would you blame your closest ally?

      • Doesn’t change the fact that he blamed the entire thing on her….saying he feels dumb for letting her run his HOH….that’s a big deal for her future in the game….looking beyond this week….why not throw Dan under the bus? Put the target on him…not on your closest ally (thinking about next week when Brit isn’t safe).

      • Yep..That is why Shane is saying Brit’s name…Can’t use her as a replacement nominee….She is safe this week.ย  That actually was smart on Shane’s part.

      • It would be up to SHANE if she would be the replacement nominee….even if she wasn’t safe it would have been up to him anyway….he didn’t have to toss her name out to them…..for Brit & Shane’s game next week….if you want to deflect the blame….don’t put it on the person closest to you….her safety this week has nothing to do with whether it was smart to put her name out there for the future…not to mention it makes her annoyed with you which doesn’t help either….

  29. I think it’s brilliant of Shane to play the dumb card. ย He’s willing to get blood on his hands and that’s not easy to do – he followed through with something difficult. ย Brittany can’t take the heat and DID get Shane to put Frank and Boogie on the block. So why should Shane have to take the backlash by himself? She’s the only one who can openly stand by his side.

    • IAN was the one who actually got it going by relaying messages as to what Frank & Boogie were plotting and planning……They all went into the HOH to talk to Shane….Britney was the spokesperson but they were all in agreement …But Britney is taking the heat…..hmmmm she gonna come out swinging and it ain’t gonna be pretty….

    • Yeah, like Frank or Boogie will not go after him if they win the next HOH?
      Good luck with that! He will be the primary target with Dan a close 2nd!

      • I have to wonder if Shane wouldn’t have more allies than Frank would though, let’s say if Boogie ends up being evicted.ย  Shane’s part of the Quack Pack who control most of the votes, wouldn’t that alliance get rid of everyone outside of it before turning on their own?ย  I see what you mean, though, about the dangers in turning on Boogie and Frank, I’m just glad to see that there’s someone who’s willing to take risks to try to further their own game.

      • Doug Thorsen……Look at it this way, say Mike Boogie is evicted. This is a double eviction week so, Frank competes and wins HOH. The quack pack has the majority votes right? Well, guess what? It does not matter the HOH can evict one of either, Dan, Shane, Brittney. The trick is to nominate Dan and Shane which means they have no votes and put up Brittney as replacement nominee if one of the two wins veto. That guarantees one of the three is evicted! It does not matter that they have the majority votes because the HOH has the power to evict one person if the HOH really wants to! It is just a matter of structuring the nominations and the replacement nominee to ensure that the trap catches and evicts one person. So, while, they may evict either Frank or Boogie. Frank or Boogie depending on who survives can just as easily go after them by winning HOH!

  30. Mike needs to go home. Im so tired of watching him throw comps and take cash because he is so full of himself. He doesnt deserve to win this game. I would never hope for him to win the money when he never tries to win any comp. Mike is just trying to get through this game by riding his way to the end off Frank. I want a someone that won games on his own not by being handed to them.

    • I’m sorry but “heย doesnt deserve to win this game” are you serious? Wasn’t Mike the one who got Janelle evicted? And are you saying throwing comps is a bad thing? Dr Will (best player of all time) never won a single comp. Mike is playing the game through Frank so no one sees that he is the mastermind behind it all. No one handed Mike his win in All-Stars.

      • No one handed him his win on allstars?!!?!?!?!? Did we watch the same season??? He had himself a lazyboy on the back of Dr. Will. That’s how hard he rode those coat tales.

    • That has always been Boogie’s game-play.ย  I don’t know why he’s considered such a great player.ย  I think he’s probably the best liar in the game, perhaps he does it so much in real life that it’s second-nature to him (thus very believable). In his previous seasons, Boogie would have been NOTHING w/o Dr. Will, now he has Frank as his “Dr. Will” (even though Frank IS NO Dr. Will!).ย 

  31. Frank & Boogie need to go! They are so annoying and think they are the best HG’s. Boogie is washed up and needs to go home.

    • Shane was stupid for doing that, he should have let someone else in his alliance win and put up Boogie and Frank. Not only is he good in comps (already a big threat there) he pissed off Frank and Boogie, one of them can win the next HOH and since Shane is the biggest target in the house he would be the next to go.ย 

      • @ Brownsruth: I think that would actually be fair since they took his last HOH away from him last time. Maybe the double eviction should just send mike and frank out. Let Shane have two since Frank should already be out.

  32. Like I said, Boogie should get Pandora’s box and inside, Janelle. Taunting him and saying how he was on the block and annoying him pretty much. Like the Rachael/Jesse one! Haha ;p

    • I would like the Pandora’s Box to be simply Janelle re-entering the game, Boogie would be so ticked off!ย  Perhaps Janelle would have immunity from the next eviction and then be able to play for HOH and hopefully WIN HOH!ย  I would love for Shane to get Frank out, and give Janelle the pleasure in getting Boogie out.

      • they can’t bring any evicted hg back. theirย  eviction interviewsย  again . they all know about the alliances made. julie chen told will about the silient 6. Bringing any1 back give themย  an unfair knowlege.ย  b

  33. I hope Pandoras Box forces Shane to replace one of his noms or do a team veto like last year. I can’t wait to see Brit and Shane on the block together! A little Karma for their alliance betrayal sounds about right!

      • Frank got karma for what.. keeping his word? Haha Shane is the real snake in the grass and I can’t wait for karma to get him BAD.

      • Frank can think about betrayal, but he ultimately kept his promise. He’s not experiencing Karma, he’s getting a stab in the back!

      • Cyril, why do you have it out for Frank? What has he done that is soooo evil that has him deserve such hate? Except that he’s aligned with Boogie…. What, because he farts so much? Who has Frank stabbed in the back? I seriously don’t get all these people that dislike this guy so strongly. He’s a nice guy and likeable…. if its because he’s survived the block so many times then that isn’t his fault, either.

    • It was only a matter of time before Boogie ended up betraying the Silent Six anyway, Frank had wanted to do it already by back-dooring Dan the last time.ย  I wonder if a back-door scenario might not have been better this time, say Dan against either Boogie or Frank, with the understanding that Dan was the real target (a complete lie, of course).ย  With Shane’s history of winning POVs, hopefully he would win the next one and then take Dan off the block and put the remaining person from the Boogie/Frank pair on the block, hopefully evict Boogie, I’m not sure that Frank could really do a lot against Shane because he would be kinda alone in the game – Ian’s ticked off at him, Britney sees him as a threat, Joe will do anything the HOH wants him to do, Dingback Danielle will do whatever Shane says,, Dan certainly wants Frank out – Jenn and Ashley might be the only ones who would ally themselves with Frank and you might as well say that Frank’s alone with “allies” like those two!

  34. After intimidating Shane, now Brit is being attack by Booger and Frank on all sides. These two clown needs to go ASAP.ย  Daaamn..where is Memphis when we need him

    • ย Pandoras Box will save both Frank and Boogie, same as last season with rachael and her cronies

      • That would be awesome because I would like to see Frank and Boogie get revenge against the three rats, Dan, Brittney and Shane. Then, they can both get evicted and it would not matter because the newbies will have to fight it out amongst themselves for that $500,000! Atleast, it will be a free for all and not the Quack Pack floating to that $500,000 without anyone challenging them! Let them earn it as it should be!

  35. Ugh I have a feeling production is going to try saving them. That’s ridiculous. Honestly give Frank or Boogie the money then. Boogie already won a season and Frank dodged 3 bullets! JUST PLEASE GET AT LEAST OF THESE TWO DORKS OUT ย 

  36. Frank is a straight up p****, sorry but it’s true. I mean if you keep those two in longer, eventually their going to go for you and you wont have your quack members anymore! I will literally start punching myself in the balls if Pandora’s Box occurs. Big Brother, just leave the game alone before you loose ratings, Thanks.

  37. There was no trust in this alliance last week at all with Frank thinking about putting up Shane as a pawn or later Frank telling Dan he was thinking about back dooring him, so this bold move by Shane to put up Frank and Mike Boogie doesn’t surprise me at all. I can’t wait to see what fully led to this decission on Sunday night’s nomination show.ย 

    As for do I think the move is a good one? Yes and no. Yes because of Franks actions last week, but no because Mike Boogie was holding to his alliance. In the end, hopefully nothing saves either Frank or Mike Boogie from being evicted this Thursday…of course that depends upon the Pandora’s box (if there is one this week) and the POV tomorrow…Shane must win to get one out the door. They don’t want one or both of these two nominees going to the jury house if possible. This should be fun.

  38. so what you guys thinking…………….I have just gotton back on….Shane is smart….and whew fun week-end

  39. I am so grateful Booger is on the block, not so much Frank. I would have rather seen Danielle be up there with Booger, with Booger going of course, but the anxiety would have killed our Kindergarten teacher, I mean nurse, he he, especially having been put up there by her Fatal Obsession, Shane. ย Oh baby, now THAT’s Betrayal with a capital B. ย I hope Booger goes and Danielle is back doored so they both go, even though I know that will NOT happen. But I do hope our little princess goes next time with Joe to follow soon after, and finally Danny Boy. ย After that, the remaining floaters can fight it out for the half mill. ย At that point, I wouldn’t care who won the money!

    • Danielle isn’t a floater.. She won one of the hardest hoh comps, endurance!! also, she ended up back dooming janelle so I believe she’s been playing the whole time. Whether or not she ACTUALLY loves being with Shane she has used that to her advantage by gaining his trust and him not wanting to ever put her up on the block. The girl is better than we think……

      • Bratney gave her that HOH. Don’t you remember the deal they made on the ship after Ian went out?ย 

      • Yes, she won a hard endurance comp….and i applaud her.ย ย  But as for backdooring Janelle….she only gets partial credit.ย ย  If her jealously of Janelle hadn’t been at an all time high, she would not have fell under Boogies spell and agreed to put Janelle up.ย ย  Her so called gameplay was an act of revenge, fueled by Boogie SUYAย  (otherwise known as smoke up your ass).ย ย ย  It’s easy to make such a move when you have the whole house behind you-minus Joe.ย ย  Shes not been playing the whole time.ย ย ย ย  That’s impossible to do when you’re too busy thinking up the next tall tale to garner sympathy.ย ย  And i think you have it backwards……Shane has been using HER.ย ย  I’m not saying she COULDN’T be a good player.ย ย ย  But she would have to get here head out of her ass long enough to play her own game….not Shanes.

    • Then, put Brittney as the replacement nominee. Absolutely guarantees one of the rats goes home this week! The Quack Pack would have to vote out one of their own! That would be priceless! LOL

    • yes and that would be great if both frank and Boogie got tossed out. Frank does what ver boogie tells him to do and Boogie is to much into himself.

  40. Gee, I wonder if Booger, that piece of crap will finally try to actually WIN something instead of throwing it, I.E…the Veto competition to get HIMSELF off of the block. ย Hope NOT!

  41. BB12 Britney “UI left my fiancee to come to this show”

    BB14 Britney “I left my husband and quit my job to come on this show”

    What a whiny little connivor

      • ย little hard to root for a 4th place finisher with zero wins this season in regard to HOH and POV, until she wins something of significance she is just a coat tail rider

  42. ย For all we know Shane can win POV and use it on one of those two and put Joe back up. Anxiety is through the roof and there’s not even an episode on tonight!

    • ย No matter what goes on from now on Shane is target #1 in the house. After winning yet another Hoh and double crossing his allies, he is burned.

    • ย it is all about TV Ratings, Boogie brings in ratings, Frank is the son of a WWE Wrestling legend and thus brings in a unique viewing audience….ย  it is important for them to keep key players in the game

  43. Thank you Shane, thank you and Pandoras Bos well I am hoping it will be something differnt and not something we have seen ove r and over, a new twist wouldb e great

    • ย shane would have put ashley and joe up, he doesnt have the knowledge to do the backdoor manuever alone

  44. Just when I had started to actually “like” Brittney, after seeing her turn on Shane the way she did, still is; so much of a disappointment! I wondered why she was even considered to enter as a “Epic” Mentor?!
    She says Shane threw HER under the bus? She just plowed right over {Shane} and then backed up and over him again!!

  45. I’m hoping Pandoras Box gives Shane the sole vote to evict.ย ย ย  It would save time and they could get on to the double eviction.

  46. Okay I enjoyed Boogies game play two weeks ago… but now he is just fishing and getting desperate! Whats more annoying is it seems like Shane it listening! Frank/Boogie have got to go! SO ANNOYING

  47. Brittney Dan and Danielle are the three biggest liars in the House ย hands down all three of them need to go

  48. This is a perfect night for some alcohol in the house…I would love to see them get a little buzzed and start fighting!! It’s time for a good fight.

  49. Shane is blaming Brit for HIS decision to put the terrible two on the block.ย ย  So the fracture of the Silent Six has begun.ย ย ย  Shanes finger pointing will lose him the support of Brit.ย ย  And which ever one is left….Boogie or Frank….they will take advantage of the fact that Shane claims to be Brits puppet.ย ย  Although it was a good move to put them up….he shouldn’t have layed the blame at Brits feet.ย ย ย  HE is HOH.ย ย ย  His nightmares are only beginning.

  50. I’d laugh soooooo hard if pandora’s box is opened or some twist happens where the game is reset AGAIN & the coaches are now coaches again & not players & they have to re-pick players again.ย 

    • Waiting on Pandora’s Box to be opened too! Hopefully, the 2fer Veto like last season to give Frank and Boogie both a chance to survive the eviction. Then, I want to see them go after the 3 rats, Dan, Shane and Brittney. It will be all worth it if it happens!

  51. i know this may not go here but i dont have live feeds, only showtime and Joe was giving the recipe for turkey burgers and they kept cutting away on showtime.ย  anyone get the whole thing??

  52. Why are boogie and frank such sissies ohh shane its ok ohh britney its ok we’re not mad we promise wow boogie is so weak where is dr will??????

    • That is part of the game. Let the rats think they are safe. Dan, Shane or Brittney will go home this week as well if Frank or Boogie win the 2nd HOH.
      That you can take to the bank! And nothing the Quack Pack can do to prevent it too!

  53. Go frank and boogie for being the only ones that have been straight up. Shane is a coward and Ian is a spineless jerk. I loved Ian until yesterday. I officially am no longer your fan. And as far as Dan goes, I hope he’s next to go. Frank wanted him gone. Boogie made franks bed by trying to play honest which time and time again people say boogie can’t do. They are all weak!! Weak!!!!!!!!

    • Boogie plays honest? That is so funny. He and Frank are arroganrt big babies who can dish it out but can’t take it. I want to see Frank go first and then I hope Boogie follows him right out the door with the second eviction.

    • It ain’t over yet. There is a 2nd HOH. Hopefully, Frank or Boogie wins and they send home one of the rats, Dan, Shane or Brittney this week. Also, Pandora’s Box might save both Frank and Boogie with a 2fer Veto like last season. That would be awesome because I will relish Frank and Boogie going after the 3 rats, Dan, Shane and Brittney if they both get off the block!

    • Don’t gloat yet. There is a 2nd HOH. If Frank or Boogie wins it, one of the three rats, Dan, Shane or Brittney will be evicted this very week! Double eviction, baby. LOL

  54. wow, what a snake, Danielle talks smack with Dan then goes to Brittany and convinces here i am the only one that has your back.ย  And again these bozo’s are feeding into it and she walks away looking like a princess. No target on her back and feeling like everyone wants to hear her quack. (i mean talk).

  55. awww, poor Danielle upset because she not included in the conversation and not the center of attention my heart is weeping

      • GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOOGIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AND FRANK. shane can kiss my a s s and dan cann suck britney’s hairy balls. and danielle needs to die in a hole

      • I am rooting for Pandora’s Box because I want Boogie and Frank to go after the 3 rats, Shane, Dan and Brittney and send them out of the house. Even if Frank and Boogie get booted out after that, it will have been worth it! Just get the 3 rats out!

  56. Boogie and frank are big babies wasn’t a day a go they said that it was tme for them to put up either dan or shane.

      • So it’s okay for Frank and Boogie to scheme against their “alliance” but it’s not okay when it’s done to them? If Boogie or Frank had done what Shane did some people would be saying how “brilliant” they are. I hope Frank goes first and then Boogie goes in the second eviction.

      • Hopefully, Frank or Boogie wins the 2nd HOH and he can guarantee one of the rats, Dan, Brittney or Shane go home this week as well! That would be awesome!ย 

    • I would LMAO if neither of them won the veto. They’re acting like they already won it and are talking about having Shane put up Dan as a replacement. I cannot stand their arrogance. I want both of them gone.

      • no matter which 1 wins veto the other will go they have the votes
        if frank winsย ย  shane brit dan daniell ian joe for boogie
        if boogie wins shane brit dan daniell ianย  for frank

  57. Mike Boogie is THE most irritating BB house guest ! Seriously ?!! What a fricking douchebag… Cannot wait to see him go home … Cannot watch another week of
    BB . will read comments onlty so I do not have to suffer listening to that annoying sack of excrement.

  58. Wow, BB is going crazy trying to keep frank in the game. When he gets put up again, they decide to put out the Pandora’s box.. craziness.ย 

  59. Watching BBAD, the Brit seems peeved at Shane’s nomination speech. Seems he may have put the onus on her as the one telling him that Frank and Mike are targeting him.

  60. If Pandora’s Box is unleashed, it is going to be a reward and punishment.ย  I doubt they bring a special power like the special veto like season 12, America’s Player, or the saboteurย  returns.ย  More like meeting with family and havoc on the rest of the house, or a Zonk with a past BB house guest and a reward for the rest of the house.

  61. I’m so excited by the possibility of either Frank or Mike Boogie leaving- but I’d be so pissed if Pandora’s Box prevents neither of them from being evicted this week, because you know CBS is pulling strings again.

  62. I think Frank is going home if he can’t win veto on the first eviction, Boogie goes home if Frank wins. 2nd eviction, can they please put up Joe and Jenn? PLEASE!!! Or if you want to make things interesting, Dan and Shane would be awesome nominations.

    • Dan the biggest liar in the bunch ย Shane and Danielle can’t make a move without help and Brittney is just a dummy.The rest floaters…Frank or Boogie deserve the money

      • Frank and Boogie deserve nothing except to get booted out the door. They are the biggest troublemakers and liars in the house. Their arrogance is going to be their downfall.

      • You’re right about Shane and Danielle.ย  They’re relying too much on other people to do the thinking for them.ย ย ย  But it doesn’t really matter who lies, floats, or whateverย the most….as long as it gets you to F2.ย ย  Once you’re there..THEN you can say you deserve the money.ย ย ย  I have to say Boogie and Frank have made some good moves, but if one of them gets evicted then no, they do not deserve the money.ย ย ย  It means they didn’t cover their ass well enough to stay in the game.

  63. brilliant move, Shane!! I hope the box is a ouble eviction and both those noodnicks are kicked out, heehee!!

  64. Frank and Boogie should’ve saw it coming, it’s thier fault. Frank wasted and HOH and now he’s paying the price.

    • “No good deeds goes unpunished”, or “Good guy finish last” or “fool me once shame on you…fool me twice shame on me.”ย  make your choice.

  65. Didn’t Jeff get a veto power when he opened Pandora’s box a few weeks back?

    Now, that would be great if Shane got that.

    Let’s face it. He deserves a reward for having the courage to put up Boogie and Frank.

    And, should one of them win the veto… up goes Dan.

    Hoping the above happens!

  66. oops … meant to say

    Didn’t Jeff get a veto power when he opened Pandora’s box a few seasons back?

  67. I am stunned, and this is the worst move Shane made.ย  Ian keep pushing for the nomination and Boogie out is because he want Boogie, Shane get double evicted when Frank win the next HOH.ย  Then, Dan might start to step his game or Danielle win, whoever win will not matter, Frank will be gone!ย  That’s why Dan has said in the DR about Ian when the Quack Pact first started, he like Ian and want to go with Ian to the final end!ย 

  68. Awwwww, poor little Boogie is mad.ย  Like him or not, this is gonna make for some good viewing this week.ย  He is a great schemer in the BB game, but I think his days are numbered unless production steps in.

    • Too late for that. How many times has Shane betrayed and put Frank on the block when they had alliances. I hope Frank stays in the house, wins the 2nd HOH and sends home Shane this very week right after Boogie! Then, he can go after Dan and the other rat, Brittney!

      • Yep Shane has put a knive in frank’s back so many times its a wonder he’s still standings

  69. Hell yeah, Shane. Remove the cancer from the house and that would be, surprise; Mike.

  70. These guys have been running the house.ย  Of course you put them up.ย  It is the best game move.ย  Could never understand why Chill Town never got put up.

    • Chill Town was the best at their game. Love them or hate them, they were playing the game. All the other house guests were lying, backstabbing and backdooring as well!ย 

  71. Good for Shane, I’m glad someone is getting smarter. I think boogie should go he’s the one ย stringing everyone along. Frank is so stupid.

  72. I am so glad these two are up. ย I cannot STAND “Boogie”, and if Pandora’s box should make an appearance, I hope its to get both Boogie and Frank out. ย I’m tired of the two of them and their antics.ย 

  73. I think Boogie and Dan should go up. Don’t put Frank up. He will come around and will help others. They need to get the coaches out.

  74. This comes as NO surprise!ย  Now, the question will be will Boogie continue to have Frank’s back.ย  Surprising what some real competition will do to a person :)

  75. Annoying squeaky voice puppet master Brittany needs to go home along with her friends Shane whos ego is probably bigger then his manhood and please take Danielles Redneck self too..

  76. OO shocking Pandoras box just when Frank is back on the block….. O yeah production has no say in who stays LOL. Give me a break.

  77. I am so tired of Frank getting free passes from Big Brother.ย  Every time he’s on the block and about to be voted out Big Brother comes up with some way to keep him in the game. Boogie and Frank are huge players who can take this to the end.

  78. Yes! Shane had the balls to go against Boogie! He’s SO manipulative that it is hard to watch. I was beginning to wonder if they were all drinking Boogie Kool-aid.ย 

  79. Frank has not played his own game yet. I would love for Boogie to go and see what kind of game Frank would play without him. Who do you think he would align with….Ashley? lol..

    • I totally agree.ย ย  Frank needs to go solo and show us what he can do without the puppet strings attached.ย ย  As for aligning with Ashley….yep, probably so.ย ย ย  She’s not going to vote out the only action she’s had in months.

    • LOL ย Frank HAS no game. ย He just got lucky when Booger picked him and he became Booger’s little puppet, and then production’s little darling.

  80. Are the people in that house so dumb, They keep going after Frank, but Shane is the strongest player, He going to end up winning it all

    • Shane might be the strongest player competitions wise, but, he is dumb as hell too! Who really burns thru their alliances left and right and lives to survive it? Janelle found out the hard way. The newbie floaters could care less about Shane as they can see he stands in the way of their getting that $500,000 and puts a huge target on his back. And if Frank or Boogie wins HOH, they will put up his ass and evict him. And it will be the week he does not win Veto when he needs it too! Shane will be out soon enough, maybe, this week right after Mike Boogie or Frank!

  81. Its obvious that the producers/network are controlling the results of this game. Every week that the house is ready to evict Frank they add someย  twist that prevents his eviction. Its Franks vault that he keeps getting nominated and he’s not strong enough to win the veto and safe himself. The producers should stop playing favorites and let Frank be voted out.

    • HERE HERE!! ย reminds me of last season when Rachel would NEVER be allowed to get evicted, no matter what. ย In fact…kind of creepy now that i’ve said it….makes me think Frank might win if he is production’s little darling like Rachel was. ย hmmmmmm

  82. I wanted to jump through the TV last night and tell Frank and Boogie that it was Ian who ratted them out to the “quack pack” ย what a stupid name. They are furious at Dan, because they think he is the one that pushed Shane to put them up, Ian told them that Frank and Boogie were thinking of putting them up if ย Boogie had won the HOH on Thursday, Ian is this year’s Shelley, going back and forth relaying information..Dan is ticked that he is the one taking the blame, and he will go ahead and do it, because he doesn’t want Frank and Boogie to find out that Ian is also working with Brit, Dan, Danielle and Shane..I don’t know why he would not tell them, it is going to mess up Dan’s game..whichever one is left in the house, rather it be Frank or Boogie, they told Dan he is their #1 target now. I really hope that they do find out it is Ian, that poor kid would be scared to death of what would happen..he is so nervous anyway! ย 

    • The three rats need to be evicted one by one starting off with Shane and Dan and Brittney too. They have been plotting to stab Boogie and Frankย  the first chance they got! If Ian was able to get away with his lies then,ย  it is because he is way smarter then people give him credit for! Still, the biggest threat in the Big Brother House is Shane, Dan and Brittney. Ian can be evicted later on. Hopefully, Frank or Boogie wins the 2nd HOH and puts up Shane and Dan on the block with Brittney as the replacement nominee. Let the Quack Pack fight amongst themselves. That would destroy the alliance real fast!

  83. PANDORA’S BOX:ย  Bring back Matt from season 12 (he hasn’t commented in over a week).ย  With another real player added and a double-eviction, that will split all the alliances and make Britney whine just that much more.ย  That, and Matt kinda has this history of getting rid of the floaters!!

  84. It was pressure time last night. Frank and Boogie was working hard to drive the four apart. But in the end, Boogers plan to drive a wedge in the Quack Pack was not effective. Thanks to smooth talker Dan. He simply puts it, “The guy that’s saying all these, took 6K for himself and chose 10K when his best friend in the house is vulnerable.”

    • Despite having their backs to the wall, Boogie and Frank has a very large
      bargaining chip which is the 2nd HOH. Sure, you can say that they will not win it but, what if they do? So, the very obvious pitch is offer Shane safety in exchange for a good faith gesture of putting Dan as replacement nominee if either Boogie or Frank win HOH. Then, offer Danielle and Brittney safety too if Frank or Boogie win the 2nd HOH by voting out Dan! If they refuse
      and Frank or Boogie wins 2nd HOH then, go ahead and put Dan and Shane on the block with Brittney as the replacement nominee. That guarantees one of the rats goes home this very week!

      • ย Erratum……putting Dan as replacement nominee if either Boogie or Frank win Veto (I meant Veto but, put in HOH).

  85. Shane simply made the obvious power move. Should Boogie & Frank be upset over that ? Their problem is that they wasted last week’s hoh & just got slapped with the realization of it ! My hope is that Boogie goes this week & Frank plays his own game. He wanted Dan gone but Boogie got in his ear. Wonder where Frank would be now if he had used that veto & went with his gut ?

    • ย He should have followed his gut instincts. He could win the Veto or he could start throwing Boogie under the bus now. I mean, how can you depend on a guy that is not interested on winning HOH comp, when you know there’s a chance you could be put on the block AGAIN?

    • glad to have boogie and frank on thr block. hopimg to see booige go this week then maybe frank the next week

    • Exactly.ย  ย ย  The problem with making alliances is your partner can lead you down the wrong road.ย ย  And Boogie managed to convince Frank to wait for a more convienent time to cut Dan off at the knees.ย ย ย  What did that get them?…..twin chairs.ย ย  They say two heads are better than one…but not if one of them is Boogies.

  86. i hate this season…..these people cant even be loyal for a week. there is no game play and lets see hoh shane, frank, shane, veto winning frank shane frank shane….etc
    ย same thing every week. jen what is doing? ian puppy dog i dont get it

  87. This is so set up .How many times is bb going to save Frank and Boogie when pandoras box gets open?

  88. Finally someone makes a smart move. Usually the bully players stay in the house and win. I’ve been waiting years for this kind if move.

  89. If Frank or Boogie go home the game just gets instant boring. CBS will not lose those ratings. I would be one of them to stop watching.ย  The rest of the house is lame to watch. Do you people really think they are going to let one of them leave???

    • I sure hope Boogie and Dan both go ..All accuations boogie has made of other in the house,are just what he has and is doing hinself..He is riding Franks coat tails to do dirty work for him..knowing Frank could notย play for HOH,he didn’t try to protect him. Greedyย ass went for the $$..Frank is only a puppet on a string to boogie because,if Frank gets booted out the door. Boogie and Dan made a secretย Alliance to go for final 2..

  90. YES, Frank was thinking about backdooring Danย automatic betrayl the alliance was broken then. F&B throw a temper tantrum and of course they call that game playing PUSSY’S

    • Always was one pink shirt and all. Took Guts to put them both up on a double eviction night I hope they get them both out! What a power play that would be. A history making gameplay made by a NEWBEE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

  91. remember what Julie said there is 2 eviction’s this Thursday night…so who knows the pandora’s box might have somethin to do with that??

    • Jeff came for a visit and wondered if he was there to enter the game. I would love that. Pandoras been known to do all kinds of stunts that would be a goodie.

      • NOT!!ย ย ย  Time for all Vets to leave the BBH, and let the newbies fight it out..

  92. Shane did the right thing. frank and boogie has got to go. Mike went right to the money in the comp, feeling awful sure of himself, lol. ย I guess he got a wake up call and a well deserved one. I so hope Shane wins veto and keep everything the same. ย Although, lets hope BB stays the hell out of it. Let the game play out and stop cheating.

  93. i hope shane wns because hes busted his ass in comps more then anyone he has 3 vetos and 2 hohs holy crap 5 comp wins in 6 weeks is that impressive or what

  94. and i hate floaters get them out and by floaters i mean ( joe, ashley, ) lol and i hate how ashley went to frank instead of ian grrrrrrr get frank and boogs out please

  95. ย I like boogie in the game if he wasn’t there it would be boring.Don’t see why everyone wants Frank gone he really isn’t a threat to anyone but his self.I really think this game is rigged and full of it.Shane is playing just like Janelle did and she lost another repeat just a different player.If BB want to have a real good season let us(america) decide on what and how the next season will be.

  96. You all keep talking about “loyalty to the silent six” are you all forgetting that Frank tried to convince Boogie to backdoor Dan last week?! What kind of loyalty is that? And it was only a week into making the alliance in the first place. Just sayin..

  97. You all keep talking about “loyalty to the silent six”, but are we forgetting how hard Frank was trying to convince Boogie to backdoor Dan last week?! And only a week into making the alliance in the first place! Frank admitted to wanting to backdoor Dan, almost seems like a threat! I think Frank made anย excellent decision! Way to shake up the house!ย 


  99. Getting Boogie and Frank out isn’t good for ratings…It would make the show boring…it is not in their interests to get Frank or Boogie out right now…

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  1. Big Brother 14: Week 6 Nominations Bring A Big Night Of Drama | Big Brother 14
  2. Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Week 6 Veto Competition Results | Big Brother 14

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