Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Live Feed Leak Confirms Vet HG Rumors

Big Brother 14 cast FOTH

Our first Big Brother 14 spoilers of the season are here! Late last night the Live Feeds leaked out some footage from the in-house cameras and now we can confirm to you the four returning veteran HGs. This season is going to be awesome!

If you want to keep Thursday night’s premiere a complete surprise then stop reading now. But if you’d rather find out which veterans have been brought in to mentor the Big Brother 14 newbies and who they may be paired up with then read on.

I’ll keep going through the pictures, scroll down to see all of the leaked Feed pics so far, and see if we can determine which newbies of the Big Brother 14 cast are with which vets, but these groupings may not confirm that.

First up is what looks like the Big Brother Have-Nots room with the swirly background and slim beddings. Oh the humanity to find out it’s possibly Janelle and her team as the Have-Nots, but other Vets are seen in there later, so it may not prove anything.

We can see Dan in the lounge room talking with Kara and possibly Danielle at another point. You’ve got Boogie hanging out in the Have-Not later on, so maybe it’s his team. Hmm. Last but not least, is that Britney on the lounger in the Big Brother 14 HoH room?

Do NOT forget. Today (Wednesday) is the very last day you can get your Live Feeds at the preseason Early Bird sale price. Tonight at 10PM PT the sale ends and the price goes up 33%. Get your Feeds now and be ready to watch this all summer!

Big Brother Live Feed - Early Bird Discount

click images to see full-size

Huge kudos to @BigBrotherBuddy & @Clio_The_Lio for these caps of the Live Feeds.



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      • Matt one quick question I want to buy the live feeds but two seasons ago I did and could not get them on I phone then I was charged for 16 months at 10.00 a month thru super pass. Will this happen again? Do you have to cancel after the season is over to not be charged money every month?

      • @0c621c069fe0517a895bcfafc61d0536:disqus : The Live Feeds are definitely available this year on you iPhone at no extra cost.  So you’ll be all ready to go there.

        Yes, SuperPass is a year round service that does way more than just Big Brother so it’ll autorenew at the end of the 3-month period unless you update your account to say otherwise. This year you’ll be able to manage your account online so there’s no need to call anyone when you decide you want to stop.

  1. I don’t know why they insist that Boogie is a fan favorite.    He’s one of the most disliked players ever.

    • Could be the same sort of reason they bring back Jessie over and over. Love-to-hate sort of thing. They know you need a “oh I hate him/her” each season. Love fests aren’t much fun, though Ashley would probably be excited about that.

    • I have to disagree I love Boogie and hope that Janelle or Boogie takes their team far.

  2. Excited about Janelle, she may not have won like Dan and Boogie but I must say she is one of the best players EVER! I would love for her to win this time. Why is Britney there? she is not an epic player. Period, maybe she will prove me wrong since she may have won HOH, unless she is just hanging out in there, I hope.

      • Agreed, Matthew. Britney was Diary Room gold, and perhaps the most likable personality from her season. On the feeds she was kind of catty, but then again I think she was only 22 at the time so maybe she’s matured a little bit in the past two years. I would have rather seen her on a future All-Stars season, but from what I’m hearing there probably isn’t going to be another one of those since the trend has been leaning towards casts of a mixture of newbies and returnees the past couple of years.

      • Dee, most likeable is debatable! I did not have the feeds and know she is a brat just from the show itself. They would eat her for breakfast on All Stars. She is good in the DR, I’ll give her that, but hopefully Janelle takes her down early since I know the other vets must know she is not on there level.

      • @72442d75705e61e8e0bf2cc7d927f7f6:disqus : Britney did win America’s Favorite player for BB12, so I’d say she was the most liked HG that season. You’re right that it doesn’t mean everyone liked her the most, but the majority of viewers and voters did by the end of the season.

      • Yeah, Sophia I get what you’re saying about Britney. I guess what I meant was that she won the America’s Vote for favorite HG on BB12. Personally, I liked Matt the most from that season, everyone else was kind of meh. And I agree that all Brit was good for was her DR’s, she’s not an “epic” player by any stretch of the imagination.

      • I agree Matt. They pretty much said it’s either winners or fan favorites. Dan & Boogie are winners and Janelle & Britney are fan favorites.

  3. According to the big brother website, Danielle is not returning, she’s greyed out… I’d love to see her back, but going by that, I don’t think that is Danielle.

  4. I honestly don’t get all of the Dan hate. He’s the only winner in the history of BB to win by a unanimous jury vote. I think he’s underrated and I’m looking forward to seeing him play again.

    I love Janelle too, but what the hell is with BB bringing her and Boogie back for a 3rd season? It just screams of a Grodner rig-fest where Janelle is going to be portrayed as some kind of underdog that will finally get her chance to win, a la Boston Rob from Survivor.

    As far as Britney goes, loved her on her season but I honestly cannot justify CBS’ description of her being one of the most “epic” players in BB history. I’m thinking more or less that she was a last-minute call-back/replacement for someone else, Danielle Reyes maybe? I would have LOVED to see her back.

    Boogie and his STD’s can just go straight to hell, though.

    • I too don’t understand all the hate toward Dan. Like his personality or not, no one can argue his incredible gameplay. He made some of the most calculated moves I have ever witnessed in the BB house, and it paid off for him in the end. In my opinion, he’s a textbook case for how the game should be played. Just sayin’!

      • “ring, ring, ring”….Will, r u there?…”ring, ring, ring”…where r u Will?….oh well, Boogie gotta think of another DR this time, lol….☺….Chill Town will Live 4Ever….☺…..

  5. Is there something I’m missing here?  How can the live feeds be on when they are “available” till 10pm on January 12th?  Been paid up for weeks and still no access? 

  6. Brittney ROCKS….her diary room comments were priceless and all truth that no one else would actually say out loud!  I love her, she makes me laugh out loud! I could do without Jannelle and Boogie though…had enough of them already.  Dan is pretty cool though, should be an intersting summer!

      • after 2 summers with rachael in the house then they put her on the amazing race please let her 5 minutes of fame go away

    • I agree hated Brit her edit on the show made her likable but the live feeds showed her for what she really is a Mean Girl !!! Would have loved to have seen her face when Racheal won last year! Hopefully she won’t have anyone to spew her vile comments with like another regan in the house….

    • Brittany was a mean cold hearted B—h.  There are much better ways to play a game then the filthy way she did

  7. So glad to see Dan back. In my opinion he played the most complete start to finish game in the shows history. Just crushed it in every aspect. Think Britney got picked as a mentor because she’s the best game player of the southern/midwest blondes. Winssome comps, great working knowledge of game, good social game, hilarious in DR. Plus I’m sure they wanted 2 pre-allstar players and 2 post-allstar players

    • i agree Dan is a great player i wish it was him and Memphis they were great together

  8. Can’t believe that Boogie is in there. If it wasn’t for Dr. Will Boogie would never have made it very far. I think the others will be great.

  9. @ AfterDark2, you are so right…Boogie had no game with out Dr. Will!  I wish Dr. Will had come back, that was some of the best TV ever!

  10. Big boobed blonde check
    Nerdy guy check
    Ghetto girl check
    Gay guy check
    Punk person check
    looks like this might just be another boring predictable year. YEAH!

  11. Has anyone been able to watch videos from SUPERPASS on their IPhone?  I keep getting a this device does not support adobe flash player when I try to watch the preseason videos of the HG.  :(

      • Yeah, and Maggie won BB6. Doesn’t mean I ever ever want to have to watch her again. :) But I agree, Rachel wasn’t that bad in my opinion. However, boy did she know how to get some viewers to be fed up with her.

    • I’m with you on that one, thank the big brother gods (producers) for not letting Rachel on again.

    • Well, in the Leaked Caps…we saw Willie laying on the HOH bed with a girl hg next to him and we had Brit, Frank and Joe sitting with them in the HOH room so one of them is the HOH…..but no confirmation yet….☺…..

  12. I believe DR Will has a thriving medical practice….which why you won’t see him.     Afterdark and Becky…..I totally agree with both you guys….Boogie had no game…he puppy dogged behind Will…….

  13. Did anyone notice that Brendon and Rachel will be airing at the same time as BB14?  HGTV is premiering a new show at the same time that BB14 premiers, called Natural Born Sellers and Brenchel will be on the show.
    How’s that for timing?

  14. Off topic, but you know what would be the best season ever.  Get all the cattiest women in show history and throw them in the house with Evil D, Jesse and a eye candy guy for the women.  So have like Rachel, Kesha, Jameka, Chima, Amber, Jen and some others.  And throw in Janelle and Danielle as competitors that will win competitions when the catty women get mad and want to send them home.  Add Brit for comic relief and top it off with a gay geeky superfan who will float back and forth and lie to everybody.  And have the houseguests vote for who gets to be a have not and have a pandora’s box once a week. 

  15. Who are the four returning HG’s? There are 5 people listed: Janelle, Dan, Danielle, Boogie and Brittany. I know math has changed again since I was in school but I’m pretty sure that still adds up to 5.

    • Danielle as in “Danielle Murphee”

      Did people forget there was a newbie named Danielle?

    • Where it says “Dan talking in the lounge room with Kara and possibly Danielle,” the Danielle being referred to is new houseguest is 
      Danielle Murphree. 

  16. I’m pretty happy with the returning house guests. I do have to say that Dan was one of my all time favourite house guests! Him winning was the first time in my history of watching reality tv that the person I picked to root for at the beginning of the season didn’t make any really stupid moves or turn out to be a complete jackass. I also LOVE Britney, she was hilarious and yeah she may have been “catty” sometimes, but let’s be serious, she was living in a house with Rachel! I don’t think I could have lasted a day in a house with her! I also like Boogie and Janelle! They may have both played twice already, but since one of them isn’t  Jessie or Rachel, I couldn’t be happier! 

  17. Janelle- She was hilarious in season 6 and 7, plus she’s hot and athletic.
    Dan- never watched season 10
    Britney- How was she “epic”? She was stupid in big brother 12, plus she was kind of a bitch.
    Mike- No Dr. Will? It’s no Chill Town without Will, but I’m curious to see how he’ll play the game without him.

  18. I’m happy with Dan being back i thought we would never see him again since he was not a fan favorite! and i like some of the new cast and Ian might be on the block becuase there is a pitcher leaked of him looking sad holding a teddy bear.

    • Yeah…loved Dan and his Renegades with Memphis……btw, Ian is sad cause he’s in the Have-Not room and prolly on Slop for the week, lol…☺…

  19. Britney is back!!! I am sooooo excited. She is by far the best houseguest to get diary room footage from so I cannot wait for her to rip these people apart in the diary room!!!

  20. So glad Dan and boogie are back!! And are you sure it’s brittney?? Cuz I just wanna know for sure cuz I can’t really see haha

  21. Why are you always bringing back people who have already done this.  Are you not gettting any interesting people applying to be on the show.  It is like watching repeats.  New season…New people.

  22. did anyone else see that drew from BB% got arrested for domestic violence…. against some dude even……

  23. I was telling friends yesterday that I agree with Mike, Dan & Janelle as being epic players. I however do NOT think “Bratney” is an epic player unless you use the criteria of Epic is being a pawn & used right out of the game. The others I believe will be great mentors but I personally think Bratney is a huge mistake as a mentor. Her group will already start with a handy cap. I feel sorry for that group of newbies because just being cute doesn’t make you an epic player. CBS dropped the ball on this one. Out of all of the previous house guests they definitely could of found someone better to be a mentor.

    • I totally agree with you Kristi. I have no idea why they would even consider bringing her back, especially as a labeled “epic” player. She was the biggest brat on her season and I found her not to be funny but just mean.

  24. I loved it when they got wine to drink. That was too funny.. Everything spelled out of their mouth, then they start crying… What a hot mess…. Wish I had the live feeds. Never had it.

  25. Ok, I’m seeing Dan & Janelle clearly, but I don’t the other two everyone’s thinking…Mike “Boogie” and Britney. Where are they in the pictures and what are they wearing?

  26. Big brother fan here :) as I do like to see the past house guests, I do think it is unfair to the new house guests. But they could bring them back as the host readers for the up coming games like Jeff and jordan did last year. Let the games begin <3. Have fun watching

  27. Why do all the coaches hate Dan so much? I can see what they are doing and Boogie is orchestrating it all. They are trying to eliminate all of Dan’s players. I thought that Dan won his season with straight up integrity and some awesome moves. I feel that they are jealous of him.

  28. Hey everybody, Happy Big Brother season is underway, and screw live feed Showtime 2 is just fine by me. So far so good except I don’t like that Jodi was the first to get put out, Dan sucks………….

  29. If you ask me the sooner Brittney goes the happier the audience would be!! She,s a joke Why in the heck is she there??? Be nice if Frank stays & somehow boogie gets Shane on his team & goodbye Brittney!!! This season isn,t that great so far!! All the same players if they wanted coaches at least they could have brought evil dick,back or some other players that didn,t win & came in second!!! See ya brittney janelle will find a way for you to go!!!

  30. Way to go Frank now listen to what Boogie said & don,t trust Ian or Brittney you got your hands full this week & next week you will probably be on the block again!!!Good luck to you & may your evictions picks be right!!!!

6 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 14 Twist Rumors: Veteran Houseguests & More | Big Brother 14
  2. Big Brother 14 Cast: Houseguests Revealed With Our Interviews | Big Brother 14
  3. CBS Big Brother 14 Bringing Mike Boogie,Janelle & More Back For Mysterious Mentor Twist | Hollywood Hills
  4. Big Brother 14 Premieres Tonight On CBS | Big Brother 14
  5. Big Brother 14 Twist Explained Plus First Episode Pics | Big Brother 14
  6. Big Brother 14: Episode 1 Results | Big Brother 14

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